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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

Page 18

by Mary Smith

  “You told me before that’s where you learned to knit.” He interjected into the story.

  She smiled, impressed he remembered. “True. An older group of ladies met at the library, and it’s how I fell in love with it.”

  “I’ve always thought you had talent.” Jarvis gave her a side grin.

  “Thank you. My parents never thought so. When I became a teenager, I decided to be myself. Well, I went through the different stages of me. Mother went nuts when I wore all black and dyed my hair.” She shook her head reliving the arguments. The dirty looks and arguments were the only way her parents would even speak to her. “I became an outcast.” Tears crept behind her eyes as flashes of memories and pain hit her.

  Jarvis took her hand into his.

  “Jenessa became the perfect daughter. She had a full ride to college, was beautiful, had all the friends. But even she bucked against their rules and ways. I didn’t go to their parties or events.”

  Seeing a flat large rock, she stopped and sat down. Jarvis still held onto her hand and sat to her left.

  “When Jenessa went to college, she lived on campus, despite being less than twenty minutes away from home, and it felt as if she was on another planet.” Mikayla paused. “Then she met Shade and I became their third wheel.”

  “Did they make you feel that way?” he questioned.

  “Not one time. Jenessa always welcomed me and encouraged my individuality.” She smiled. “She would buy me yarn all the time. Just because she loved me.”

  “Then she went to law school.”

  “Yes,” she confirmed. “I knew I wasn’t going to college. Not because I didn’t think I was smart enough. Just because I wanted to break the mold. I had a waitressing job and a bunch of co-workers had a big house. I moved in with them until I could get my own place.”

  Mikayla stared out in front of her trying to figure out what Jarvis thought about her now.

  But he didn’t know the whole truth yet.

  “When I was drinking one night, I confessed to a guy friend about my fantasies. He told me he actually went through submissive training and he taught me a lot. After Jenessa graduated law school and married Shade, she moved to Maine. I was already bored in New York, so they helped me move to Maine. There I found a sex club and a dominatrix began to train me. Then you know the rest.”

  She stood and moved toward the cabin that was no longer in sight.

  “That’s it?” Jarvis asked, still sitting on the rock.

  “Yep,” Mikayla said, continuing up the path.

  Her heart raced causing her to run away from Jarvis. Her brain yelled at her for having this stupid idea in the first place. She should have never suggested it. Reaching the cabin, Mikayla rushed in and sat on the couch. Keeping her head down, she didn’t even glance in Jarvis’s direction when he walked in and sat beside her. Mikayla remained quiet for several minutes. She couldn’t bear to say all the words spinning around her head, but if she wanted a true relationship then honesty and trust were needed. From both sides.

  “If I tell you the rest, you’re going to hate me.” She couldn’t be sure if the words actually left her mouth.

  “Why would you think that?”

  Mikayla sighed and turned toward him. “Because what I am going to say might change your opinion of me.”

  “I doubt it.” Jarvis mirrored her position. “Tell me.”

  “After my training, I began working there,” she confessed.

  “And?” he questioned and waited for her to go on.

  “And…I fucked a lot of guys and…” She trailed off.

  “Go on, please,” he begged while taking her hands into his.

  “I got paid for it.” She studied his face waiting for him to make the connection.

  Jarvis furrowed his brow.

  “Some consider it prostitution,” she clarified. “When I followed Shade and Jenessa to New Hampshire, I continued at a club here. Shade is the best brother-in-law, but I couldn’t keep taking his money. I started at The Latte Bean and my Etsy store, but it wasn’t enough money. Especially since I wanted to go back to school.”

  “When did you stop?” Jarvis continued to hold her hand.

  “Technically, I haven’t.” She trailed off. “I just go…when I’m called.”

  “When were you last called?”

  She heard the anger and jealousy coming through his tone. “Just before I went to New York City and nothing since. The owner of the club knows I’m with you.”

  Silence fell between them, and Mikayla began to worry he would bolt for the door. Instead, he pulled the back of her hand to his lips and gave it a soft kiss.

  “I love you.” His lips were still pressed against her skin.

  “Jarvis, I like to hit men and I was paid for it. Which word is tripping you up? Because you should be running away.” Part of her wanted to pull away from him and a larger part wanted to curl up against his hard chest.

  “And I’m a guy who likes to get hit by hot, beautiful women. Plus, if you don’t think I’ve paid for it, then you’re wrong. Because that’s why guys like me pay a lot of money for those memberships. We want the best and baby, you’re the best.”

  His words caused her eyes to well up with tears. He didn’t look at her as if she was a monster of sorts. It was love coming from him.

  “Most of my life. I’ve felt ashamed of who I truly am. Which is one reason why I’m a not full dominatrix. Then again, I don’t know if I could do it every single minute or every single day.”

  “Hey, you don’t think dominatrix’s have self-doubt?” Jarvis countered.

  “I’m like you in a lot of ways. When you say you don’t need it all the time, well I’m the same way. Then there are times…” Her voice trailed off again.

  “You crave it,” he finished for her. “I get it. I get it better than anyone.”

  “Maybe I’m just fucked up in the head?” A single tear rolled gently down her cheek.

  “You’re not fucked up any more than the next.” Jarvis’s strong hands cupped her face. “I love you and that’s something I don’t say to just anyone. You’re my world, Mikayla. Your flaws, or what you think are flaws, just highlight what an incredible person you are.”

  She never had someone say such profound words to her. Jenessa loved her but always kept her true feeling hoarded. Her parents treated her like shit, so she never had their support. The one way she felt normal—as generic as the definition was—was when she had an apparatus in her hand. The irrational side of her brain called her crazy for just the mere thought. Her irrational side cheered thinking of striking Jarvis again.

  “I’m strange,” she confessed.

  “And I’m not.” He scoffed. “We’re the opposite on every level, but our attraction…our love…our messed up fantasies…they are real. It’s what makes us the perfect couple.”

  A sob escaped her. Mikayla couldn’t help it. She covered her mouth. Then the tears began to fall. The pain from Jenessa not speaking to her. The pain of her parents shunning her. The happiness that the man she loved, loved her back—even with all her flaws.

  Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

  Jarvis held her as she cried in his arms. He was strong, constantly kissing the top of her head, loving her as every second passed between them.

  “Sorry,” she managed to say, pulling away from him after several minutes.

  “Please don’t apologize. I’m here for you. We’re together. Thick and thin.” His serious tone meant everything to her.

  “No one would ever believe you’re so sensitive.” She smirked.

  “Don’t let anyone know. It would ruin everything I built.” He chuckled.

  “I promise.” She cupped his face then fully kissed his lips.

  As they parted, a crackle of lust busted between them. It had been a while since they had sex together. Mikayla hadn’t even masturbated. She was certain he had. Jarvis wouldn’t be able to survive if he didn’t masturbate every day.

  Her bo
dy hummed as if she were metal, and he was a magnet. Their lips slammed together, and they began tugging at each other’s clothes. Mikayla struggled to get out of hers, but they finally managed to get naked. Mikayla straddled his hips, grasping his shaft. She lined him up with her opening. Thrusting down, they both gasped at the connection. She waited for a second until she began to rock her hips back and forth.

  “Fuck me, Mikayla.” Jarvis dug his nails deep into her hips, guiding her speed.

  She moaned and rocked harder and harder. Her body told her this wasn’t going to last long. Jarvis grunted, and she knew he felt the same.

  “Ja…Jarvis.” Her breathing became more erratic as her body began to tighten.

  “Fuck,” he groaned again. “I’m coming.”

  “Me too,” she confirmed.

  The release hit her, and she yelled out his name.

  “Mikay—” Jarvis couldn’t complete her name as she felt him release inside her.

  Her body collapsed onto his chest, and she tried to catch her breath. Jarvis held her close. She did the same.

  “I love you, Mikayla,” Jarvis whispered.

  “I love you.”

  They spent the rest of the day and most of the evening in bed. They had sex, talked about goals, life, and everything in between. They just enjoyed being with each other.

  For dinner, they made homemade pizza and discussed their favorite movies and TV programs. Surprisingly, Jarvis didn’t seem freaked out by her obsession with true crime documentaries and podcasts.

  As the stars shined brightly in the sky, they fell asleep in each other’s arms into a dreamful sleep.

  Mikayla woke up to the sounds of someone banging around in the kitchen. Obviously, it was Jarvis since he wasn’t in bed, and his soft cussing traveled throughout the cabin.

  Stretching her tired muscles, she grabbed his T-shirt and slipped it over her head then strolled toward the kitchen. Smiling, she spied on him, trying to cook breakfast and clearly failing at it. Smoke rose from the overcooked bacon and the smell of burnt eggs made her nose turn up.

  “What are you doing?” Mikayla questioned coming into the kitchen, turning off the burners.

  “Cooking,” he answered in a rush as he spun around several times in a frenzy looking for something.

  “Need help?” She tried to hide her laughter behind her hand.

  “Nope. Nope.” He fanned the smoke over the bacon. “I’m cooking you a delicious breakfast.”

  Just as he finished his sentence, the fire alarm went off. Mikayla couldn’t hold her laughter for another second. Jarvis dropped his head briefly and quickly got a chair. He stood on it and using the towel, he fanned the air around the alarm. After several moments, it finally stopped its loud screeching.

  Jarvis jumped down and huffed in frustration. “I was trying to make a romantic breakfast.” He tossed the towel on the counter.

  “Thank you.” She kissed him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

  “I didn’t finish it.” He points at the disaster around them.

  “It’s the thought that counts.” She kissed him again.

  “How about we get dressed and go to town?” he suggested.

  “There wasn’t anything there,” she reminded him.

  “True, but the town over is bigger. We can grab some food, and maybe do some shopping?” He smiled, proud of his idea.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  They quickly got ready and were driving toward town a short while later. Jarvis was correct. The town was large and in the downtown area, there were several small shops, a farmers market, and a popular diner based on the crowd inside.

  After waiting for a booth, they were both very hungry. Jarvis ordered a large breakfast, and Mikayla did the same. All the sex yesterday caught up with her, and her stomach needed to be replenished.

  “Could you live here?” Mikayla questioned after the waitress poured their coffee.

  “In a small town?” he clarified.

  She nodded.


  “What would draw you to it?”

  “After we got married and you were pregnant. Our child would have somewhere to safely ride his or her bike and play in the yard.”

  His words made her choke on the hot coffee. “Excuse me?” she managed to say.

  “Are you saying you never thought about it?” He smirked as if he had cornered her into answering.

  “Well, no, I’ve had some—very tiny—thoughts,” she admitted. “Are you asking me?”

  “As much as I want to say yes, I’d rather surprise you in a much different setting.”

  Mikayla gasped. She hadn’t expected him to tell her the truth. “You’ve thought about how you’d propose? To me?”

  “Yes.” Again, he spoke clearly and honestly.

  Her heart raced wondering when and how he had imagined his proposal.

  “Someday,” he vowed. “When you feel completely connected to me.”

  She smiled. “I promise to say yes.”

  “I know you will,” he teased in a dry tone as the corners of his mouth pulled into a smile.

  “You’re certain I’d say yes?” she teased back.

  “How could you pass up all of this?” He held out his arms, showcasing his muscular body.

  Mikayla’s laughter caused a few patrons to turn and stare. “You’re so sure of yourself.”

  “With you? Yes.”

  She felt the blood rushing to every part of her body but would never admit the truth. She loved him and someday they would marry. Their food came and they inhaled all the deliciousness in front of them. When they finished, Jarvis complained of how much he’d have to work out when he gets back to Manchester.

  After he paid, they walked hand-in-hand toward the shops. The town was quaint, and Mikayla thought it to be something from the sixties but with a modern flare. They first strolled into a retail store. They didn’t have high-end names like Jarvis normally wore, however, they had great quality items. Mikayla liked that. Skimming through the racks she found a few items. She thought they would look nice on her. She never really worried about what others thought of her outfits. However, she wanted to dress up for Jarvis. On the back wall was a massive collection of shoes. Mikayla did enjoy her footwear but not these gigantic heels.

  Jarvis took the hangers holding the clothes draped over her arm and went toward the counter. Mikayla still browsed the racks as a familiar giggle carried through the store. All females knew that sound. The sound of a fangirl seeing her celebrity crush. She couldn’t help but eavesdrop.

  “What are you doing in our little town?” the young female asked.

  “My girlfriend and I are here getting away from the hustle and bustle of city life.”

  Mikayla froze next to the rack. He told a fan he had a girlfriend. She couldn’t believe it. Sure, he’d been linked to many females but never admitted to having a girlfriend.

  “Your girlfriend?” Her shock was clear from her tone of voice. Mikayla could only imagine her expression but didn’t turn to look over her shoulder.

  “Yes,” Jarvis confirmed.

  Mikayla began making her way to the counter. The beautiful blonde’s eyes landed on her as Mikayla gave her an overly sweet smile. She knew what the blonde was thinking. She couldn’t believe, nor understand, how someone like Jarvis Richter could be with someone like her.

  The blonde recovered from the brief stare down and told Jarvis his total. He handed over his credit card without even blinking at the amount as she carefully bagged their items. She gave Jarvis a smile and handed him the receipt to sign. Her eyes kept darting to Mikayla but only for the briefest of seconds. Once he finished, she gave his card back and the bag. They both thanked her as they left the store.

  “You told her I was your girlfriend,” Mikayla commented.

  “Why wouldn’t I?” He furrowed his brow.

  “I guess we’re public now.” She grinned, lacing their fingers together.

  “We are.” He tug
ged on her arm, stopping her stride. “I’ll have my PR team put out a press release if you want.”

  Mikayla laughed. “No, I’m fine…just merely making an observation.” She rose onto her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “But thank you for the kind gesture.”

  “I love you. I’ll tell the world, I don’t care.” He held her close.

  “Same, but first…” She stepped back. “I need to hit that hobby store.” She pointed to the shop they currently stood in front of.

  “Let’s go.”

  As she walked in, she immediately became mesmerized by the rows upon rows of yarn, fabric, jewelry making items, and everything in between. Jarvis pushed a cart behind her as she continually tossed items into it. When they made it to the counter reality hit. She might have been way over budget. Did her credit limit even go this high? Jarvis began to unload the items as the older cashier rang them up. When they finished, she tried to hand the cashier her card praying there was enough on it, but Jarvis was faster.

  “You don’t have to pay for everything,” Mikayla said as they walked outside, silently grateful but at the same time upset because he did it.

  “I know.” He adjusted the now numerous bags on his arms and blew her a kiss.

  She jokingly rolled her eyes but strolled beside him to the next shop.

  Going down one way and up the other, they’d hit every shop on both sides. Jarvis purchased a dress for Joy, and Mikayla found one for Elexis and a shirt for Shade. She saw several things for Jenessa but bought none of it since they still weren’t talking, and she didn’t know if they ever would again.

  When they finally reached the cabin, it took two trips to get everything inside. In the living room, they laid everything out. She almost wanted to roll around in all the yarn she now had laid out on the floor. Without even thinking, she began to tell Jarvis all about the different types of yarn and colors she purchased. Well, he purchased for her.

  “Why did you get four different reds?” He sat down on the floor with her.

  “They’re different shades,” she corrected him before moving onto the jewelry. She showcased the gems and what she planned to do with them, not able to hold back any of her excitement.


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