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The Opposite Attractions (New Hampshire Bears Book 13)

Page 19

by Mary Smith

  “You’re beautiful.” Jarvis smirked when she finally stopped talking.

  “Because I’m some weirdo who has silly hobbies?” She packed up the items into the bags.

  “No, because you’re passionate about your trade. Oh, and you’re the best at it.” He helped her by handing items to her.

  “Not sure about the latter, but I do wish I could build a career with my knitting and jewelry,” she confessed.

  “Well, you have Jean. He loves you, and I’m certain he’s not going to let you go anytime soon.” He moved the bags and placed them into a neat pile.

  “I fixed a lot of the prototypes.” She sighed moving toward the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

  “That’s what he wanted. He has enough yes-men. He needed you. He needs you.” Jarvis hopped up onto the counter.

  “Well, he hasn’t emailed me since I left him last week.” She didn’t want to sound self-conscious about it, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Trust me. He loves you.” He tried to reassure her.

  “Where’s your next shoot?” She changed the topic not wanting to keep the attention on her anymore.

  “When I get back, but it’s local. So, no traveling for a bit.” He jumped down and opened the fridge. “I will say, I miss TV.”

  “So, watch it.” She pointed at the TV over the mantel.

  “What?” Jarvis popped up following her finger.” How did I miss it?” He moved toward it as if it were a beacon. “Where’s the remote?”

  Opening a drawer in the small end table, she tossed it to him. Jarvis hit the button, it turned on, and he saw there was basic cable.

  “Oh, look.” He became comfortable on the couch. “Murderers.”

  “This is Cold Case Files,” she corrected him.

  They curled up together and watched the marathon for hours until their stomachs growled. Mikayla volunteered to make dinner as to not have another episode like that morning and went with tacos. She could eat them every day but would gain one hundred pounds in no time flat. Jarvis tried to help, but he only got in the way. She finally had to kick him out until dinner was completely done. She set up the table as a small buffet. Meat, veggies, cheese, and all the yummy toppings lined up.

  “Dinner,” she called filling their glasses with Hi-C.

  “It smells so good.” Jarvis stared at everything that was laid out in front of him.

  They both dived in, gobbling up the food and hardly speaking. The TV played softly in the background. After they ate, Jarvis cleaned the dishes as Mikayla sat on the couch with another full glass of Hi-C. The marathon of Cold Case Files continued, and she was entranced by each segment. Jarvis joined her again, but soon they both fell asleep on the couch, wrapped around each other.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Come on, slowpoke,” Jarvis yelled over his shoulder while jogging down the trail.

  “You’re trying to kill me,” Mikayla growled several yards behind him.

  “Nope, we’re just getting some exercise,” he corrected, slowing his pace for her to catch up.

  “I got exercise this morning when you fucked me in the shower,” she panted when she reached him.

  His cock twitched thinking of her bent over with the water cascading between them.

  “Ever been fucked in the woods?” He stopped jogging, grabbed her hips, and pushed himself against her.

  “Ew! So, I can get a tick on my hoo-ha? No, thank you.” She pushed him away.

  Jarvis doubled over in laughter, letting it echo through the woods. “Your what?” He wiped the tears from his eyes.

  “Fine. My vagina,” she huffed. “No matter what you call it, it’s not baring itself in the woods.”

  Jarvis continued to laugh, hugging her. The past two days had been a roller coaster of emotions for them both, but he loved everything about it. When she confessed about working in sex clubs, it didn’t deter his feelings for her. Albeit, he didn’t enjoy thinking of her with other men. However, he had been with more sexual partners than he cared to admit. And their past was in the past. He hadn’t lied about marrying her. He’d do it today if she wanted, but he would remember her promise. She’d say yes when he asked.

  “Why are you making me run anyway?” she grumbled, moving from his arms and sipping her water.

  “Because it’s fun.” He took the bottle from her and took a sip.

  “You’re strange because this isn’t fun. I’m going back to the cabin.” She spun on her heels and began to walk away.

  “I’m going to go some more,” he hollered.

  “Don’t break an ankle.” She waved her hand in the air not looking back at him.

  He chuckled jogging on the trail. They’d only gone about a mile and he wanted to go several more. He’d eaten a lot of carbs and grease the past week. He wouldn’t be in any shape but round if this kept up. Then again, he’d be whatever shape Mikayla wanted him to be as long as they were together.

  As he reached another mile, his mind went to Joy. The FBI hadn’t had any new information. The news outlets had picked up the buzz and had reported it for the public to be aware of the situation. The FBI couldn’t say much because they only had DNA. No face. It made it harder for people to be on the lookout. It killed every part of him that he couldn’t protect her. Whenever he got his hands on this guy, he would finish him. Make him feel all the pain Joy felt every day thereafter.

  He slowed his run trying to catch his breath, sipping some of the water Mikayla left him. He leaned against a tree, taking in the fresh air. Birds sang throughout the woods, and he felt calm. Calmer than he had in a long time. Short of Joy’s life, which he needed to figure out, things were finally going right in his life. Being in love had put everything right in his life for the first time.

  He lightly jogged back to the cabin. Walking in, Mikayla was stretched out on the couch, knitting something and watching another crime show. This time an older gentleman narrated crimes he solved during his career in Colorado Springs. Engrossed in the program, she hadn’t glanced over at him.

  “If I were naked, would you notice?” he questioned.

  “Not unless you can tell me who murder this family,” she answered deadpan, not even blinking.

  Jarvis smiled at her comment because she was always amazing and had some great comebacks. Any other woman would have been on her knees when he walked through the door. This truly meant they were soulmates.

  “I’m going to shower. Again.” He kissed the top of her head. “Want to join?”

  She gave him a glare. “Do you know who the murderer is?”

  “I’ll just shower alone.” He kissed her forehead this time before leaving the room.

  After his cool shower and getting into fresh clothes, he came back into the living room where Mikayla still remained on the couch. He finally realized she was working on a blanket…or maybe a large scarf…he really didn’t have a clue what it would become when she finished. He took a seat in the middle of the couch since her legs were tucked under her. She immediately stretched out her legs over his thighs. Jarvis ran his hands up and down her legs.

  “What is it?” he asked when a commercial came on.

  “Pardon?” She continued to knit but looked over at him.

  “What is it about these shows that you love so much?”

  “A couple of things. One, I can’t figure out, which boggles my mind how a loving, caring person can one day just snap. I know there’s something wrong with them but some just lose it without any warning. And the second thing is, the bad guys get caught. Obviously, some don’t actually get caught but most do.”

  “A hero?”

  “I like heroes.” She smirked and went back to her knitting.

  He watched her for several seconds as her fingers twitched and moved in a rhythm he couldn’t understand yet continued to create a masterpiece.

  He loved her.

  He wanted to do this every day and every night. He didn’t want to go to clubs or events or anything where cameras were in
his face. He wanted true crime TV and staring at the love of his life knitting or working on her jewelry sketches. He’d give up the entire world just to do this.

  Jarvis couldn’t remember a day he ever just laid on a couch, vegging out to TV and doing nothing. He didn’t even miss his cell phone, social media, or people. As far as he was concerned this was his life now.

  After spending all afternoon and most of the evening on the couch eating junk food, Mikayla decided to make chili. Although it was warm out, it sounded delicious. Again he tried to help, but quickly learned she needed no help. He tried to make a simple breakfast and almost set the place on fire. He had learned his lesson—the kitchen wasn’t a place for him to be in.

  “Are you ready to go back to Manchester?” he asked as he set the table.

  “Yes and no,” she answered, moving the pot to the middle of the table.


  “Yes, because I miss Netflix, Hulu, and iHeart Radio. Of course, I miss work and Elexis. No, because…” She trailed off.

  “Because, why?” He pushed wanting to know her thoughts.

  “Because when we leave here, we have to face the real world again.” She sat across from him. Sadness appeared on her face.

  “We can come back. Or go somewhere else? Whatever you want,” he suggested, ladling chili into the bowl.

  She nodded but remained quiet.

  “What is it, Mikayla? Tell me.” He put his spoon down and waited for her to open up.

  “Do you love me because of our sexual compatibility?”

  This question took him aback. “No. No, not at all. I love you because of your intelligence, your kindness, your bluntness…just all of you,” he said it firmly, hoping she’d understand he meant every word. “Why do you love me?”

  “Cause you’re an asshole.” She tried to hide her smile but failed.

  “It’s part of my DNA.” He scooped up some of the chili and let her avoid the question.

  “I believe you’re telling me the truth. And I love you for all the same reasons.” She smiled.

  They ate several bites in silence, but Jarvis had to tell her what was on his mind.

  “Mikayla, I enjoy—and love—our sex life. The simple parts and the complex ones. I always have since our first time. Was I childish? Yes. Was I immature because I was an asshole toward you and your feelings? Yes. But I promise you, I’m different. I love you. I want our future to be long and everlasting.”

  Saying nothing in response to him, he watched her eyes fill with tears. “I love you too.”

  They went back to eating until Jarvis felt as if he were going to explode. Mikayla seemed to be the same way.

  “Let’s lay down before we pop.” She dragged him with her to the bedroom and they laid together.

  Laying on their back, with their hands together, they stared at the ceiling. Jarvis moaned when he rolled over to his side to face her, and she did the same.

  “I really didn’t want to fall asleep on our last night here without sex,” Mikayla groaned.

  “It’s not like we’ll never have sex again. The chili was damn good, and I couldn’t stop eating it.” Jarvis brushed her hair away from her cheek.

  “I feel better telling you about everything even though I’m still a bit embarrassed and feel very exposed,” she confessed.

  “I’ve told you stuff no one else in this world knows. I trust you with my deepest secrets.” He knew she’d never betray him, even if they had no future. But she was going nowhere.

  Jarvis packed the car, but a tug at his heart kept him glancing back at the cabin. She was right. They’d have to face the real world again. Going back inside, Mikayla had cleaned everything and made sure it looked as when they arrived.


  She nodded with a sad smile. “I wished I owned this place. I could come every time I needed to get away.”

  He grinned. “We’ll come back. I promise.”

  “I know.” She sighed, washing her hands one more time before they locked the cabin.

  As they hit the highway, they listened to music and discussed particular artists and songs. Jarvis couldn’t understand her love of country music. However, Shade was the same way, and he blamed him for it.

  When they reached her house, he saw sadness on her face. Getting out of the car, he opened the trunk and took out her bags. Strolling into the house, Elexis’s squeal came from the back. She rushed toward Mikayla hugging her. Mikayla returned it with the same enthusiasm.

  “Sorry, Jarvis.” Elexis giggled and stepped back from Mikayla. “Did you two have a good time?”

  “The best,” she answered.

  “I’ll leave you be. I was just overly excited to see you.” Elexis apologized again and left them alone.

  “She missed you,” Jarvis commented as he set the bags down.

  “I love you and thank you.” Mikayla hugged him tightly.

  “I’m going to see you later. Hell, I’ll even come back tonight—”

  “Go be with Joy for a while.” Mikayla pulled back and kissed him. “She missed you.”

  “I’ll call you later.” He kissed her again before leaving.

  As Jarvis drove home, every part of him commanded him to turn around and go back to her. He absolutely hated to be away from her.

  Walking into his condo he did feel at home, but he missed Mikayla. He called for Joy and she came rushing out of her room and ran into his arms. When she slammed into him, he almost lost his balance.

  “I guess you missed me.” He joked but felt a wetness on his neck and realized Joy was crying. “Hey, Joy, it’s okay. I’m here.” He held her tightly.

  “I know.” She sniffled then released him.

  Jarvis’s heart broke seeing his sister’s tears. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” She lied as she wiped the tears away. “Just happy to see you.”

  “Tell me the truth.” He led her to the couch. He knew a lot weighed on her mind.

  “I just missed you,” she told him again.

  “I believe that part, but there’s more. I’d much rather you tell me, so I won’t have to drag it out of you.” As much as he wanted her to take her time, he knew she’d just lie.

  “I haven’t left the condo,” she confessed.

  “What?” He had a hundred thoughts as to why she would make such a statement.

  “I can’t leave.” Tears streamed down her cheeks. “I tried to go out to my appointment with Frankie, but I ended up having an actual panic attack. Right there.” She pointed to the front door. “I touched the doorknob and all I could think about was him.” A sob escaped her.

  Jarvis sat silently, holding her hand.

  “He’s out there. What if he’s waiting for me? I know it’s unlikely and that’s what my head says, but every part of my body couldn’t move. I felt paralyzed.” She cried loudly, and he hugged her to him.

  He didn’t know what to do. So, he just held her. After a moment, she calmed a bit and sat up again.

  “I ordered food but left instructions for them to leave it outside. I figured he could be a delivery man. How would I know? I have no fucking clue who he is.”

  He continued to let her talk without inputting his opinion, but he knew he had to say something.

  “What does Frankie say?” Jarvis knew she liked and respected her therapist.

  “She said she’d come here.” Joy sniffled again.

  Jarvis wanted to argue and tell her she couldn’t keep herself locked in the condo, but he kept his mouth shut. The last thing he needed was for them to fight. Or upset her anymore. They may argue but never to the point they didn’t speak. He knew if he pushed the issue today, she’d shut down. It wouldn’t be good for either of them.

  “What if I went with you?” he offered. “Wherever you want to go, I’ll be by your side. You know I’ll protect you.”

  Joy shook her head. “No, you have too much going on. I can’t be your burden.”

  “Stop calling yourself a burden.
You’re not. You’re a smart woman, who had something horrific happen to you. None of which is your fault. And if I have to walk off the edge of this earth in order to protect you, then I will.”

  “I know.” His words made her cry again. “You’re the best big bro.”

  “You’re the best lil sis.” Jarvis hugged her again.

  “I need some water.” She stood and went toward the kitchen.

  He pulled out his phone and texted Mikayla.

  Jarvis: Joy is having a really bad day. She’s not leaving the condo.

  Mikayla: I’m on my way.

  He was going to text her back to tell her not to come, but he knew it would be pointless. Mikayla and Joy had been close before Joy’s rape and then they were tighter than ever. Jarvis didn’t know why they drifted apart, he never asked. However, he was happy they were getting close again. Joy never had many friends.

  “Are you hungry?” Joy came back into the room a bit calmer.

  “No, Mikayla cooked breakfast earlier this morning,” he told her.

  “But it’s almost six.”

  “I’m fine.” In truth, his stomach was in knots with worry for Joy.

  “Jarvis, you can’t go with me everywhere,” Joy said.

  “Then we’ll hire security,” Jarvis countered. “I know a group that’s good. I’ve used them before.”

  “So, now I have to have some big dude by my side twenty-four hours a day.” Joy sighed.

  “Will it help you leave the condo?”

  “No,” she exclaimed. “Because he’d still be out there.”

  He realized the real problem. No matter how many trained professionals he hired, the fact remained, she was still scared.

  “I’m going to rest.” Joy slammed her glass down on the coffee table.

  He let her go. He wanted to go after her, but she needed to be alone. Rubbing his hands over his face, he tried to figure out what he was going to do.

  After several minutes his bell rang. When he opened the door, he wasn’t shocked to see Mikayla.

  “You made it in record time.” He smirked.


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