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Hot SEALs: Revealing Love

Page 2

by Maryann Jordan

  Leaning forward, he put his head in his hands, elbows on the messy desk.

  “Well, don’t you just look like the happy camper right now?”

  Looking up, he had to smile at Lucy, the administrative assistant providing support to the group of logisticians in the office. “Hello to you too,” he greeted, watching her walk over and settle her neatly dressed girth into the seat opposite of him.

  Patting her gray hair into place, she eyed him suspiciously. “You, my dear, do not appear to have received good news.”

  “Oh, it was just a call from Sabrina.”

  Eyes widening, she quickly responded, “Is everything all right?”

  “Yeah, yeah,” he assured. “She’s got a cousin coming into town and wants me to do the family thing.”

  Lifting one eyebrow, she repeated, “The family thing? Now, Jude, what’s so wrong with that? Other than you act like you’d rather have a root canal than hang with her family.”

  “Maybe I would,” he bantered back, only half joking.

  Lucy leaned forward, her soulful brown eyes holding his gaze. “I know you hate family events. Lord knows, you’ve turned down almost every one of my invites.”

  Chortling, he replied, “Hell, you’ve got five kids, all married, and how many grandkids? About twelve? Throw in your husband and any distant relatives you can dig up, it’s claustrophobic!”

  “Humph,” she huffed, sitting back in her seat, rolling her eyes. “I only have eleven grandchildren. The twelfth is on the way.”

  Now it was his turn to roll his eyes. Then a smile settled on his face as he looked at her indulgently. “I know, Lucy. You’ve always been good to me since I landed this job. You get that my grumpiness is not me, but I don’t know what the hell is me anymore.”

  “I understand,” she said, sadness coating her words.

  From his first days in the office, she had always listened when he would actually talk about what was bothering him. Sometimes, he felt closer to her than he did his own mother.

  “So,” she said briskly, sitting up straight in her chair. “You’ve got a fabulous woman—”

  “Friend,” he interjected. “You know Sabrina is only a friend.”

  “And that’s just because you keep her at arm’s length! That girl has stuck by your side through thick and thin and you’re crazy if you don’t realize that you two belong together.”

  “Lucy,” he warned.

  “Fine,” she huffed. “But you’re just going to have to suck it up and visit with her family. Even if Arlene is getting a little daffy!”

  At this, he could not hold the chuckle back. “Yeah. She’s a nice woman, but in the last year, she’s become so obsessed with trying to speak to her late husband from the great beyond.”

  “Poor woman,” Lucy said, shaking her head sadly.

  “It’s harmless, or so Sabrina has convinced herself, but it’s still unnerving to me.”

  “Well, that could be a good reason for making sure you spend time with her family as often as you can. You can be the balance to some of Arlene’s goofiness and maybe keep her from making choices that wouldn’t be good for her.”

  “I know,” he agreed, standing as she rose from her seat. “Thanks for checking in with me.”

  Watching her walk out of the door, the realization that he hated what he had become washed over him. I was a goddamn SEAL! Not some pussy who whines about his problems to others. Taking a deep, cleansing breath, he began to tackle the mound of work on his desk.

  * * *

  Sabrina sighed heavily, staring at her phone for a moment after disconnecting with Jude. She ached for the man she had fallen in love with—the man she still loved. For over a year it had been agony as she watched him struggle with finding his way after his debilitating injury on his last mission. Rubbing her forehead, she thought back to the months of him pushing her away. Stubborn man! Well, he found out that I’m just as stubborn.

  When things had been at their worst, she turned to her cousin for advice. Chuckling to herself, she thought, that’s a sign of desperation…asking Bart Taggart for love advice! Mr. I’ll Nail Anything with Boobs! But as always, he came through for her. Explaining how the mind of a SEAL works, he encouraged her to not let Jude push her away. “He doesn’t get it now, Cuz, but he needs you. So you gotta be strong. You make him your mission and he’ll come around.”

  Going from his girlfriend and lover to being relegated to friend status hurt, but if it was the only way to stay close, then she took it.

  Pulling her long hair back into a twist at the back of her head, she leaned over the fabric board she was working on. Her boss was thrilled that she brought a lot of business to the agency, but she knew Nonnie sent most of her friends over. Never one to ignore a gift, she could not help but wonder what it would be like to have her own business…away from Virginia Beach. A place where I’m not known as Arlene’s granddaughter, but just as Sabrina Taggart, Interior Designer. Allowing her mind to wander, she smiled. Sabrina Stedson also has a nice ring to it!

  Sobering, she heaved another sigh. I’ll never hear that unless Jude decides to take me off of the friend list. She glanced out of the office window for a moment, battling the sting behind her eyes. Fighting the tears threatening, she closed her eyes. Please God, help him. The same prayer she had prayed for a year.

  * * *

  In the gym near his apartment, Jude worked his legs, continuing to strengthen them. The surgeries had given him a new knee, but also took away some of the damaged muscles in his calf. There was nothing he could do about the loss of muscle in his left leg, but he was determined to be as strong as possible.

  The clink of the weight bars resounded through the almost empty room, but lent comfort as he moved his legs over and over. At least I’m doing something. He refused to attend a popular chain of gyms where he found most people were more concerned with what they were wearing than really working their bodies. The older building was used during the daytime by boxers and those training for MMA. Usually right after Jude got off of work, the gym was less crowded and he could work out without having to talk to anyone.

  “You look fuckin’ good with that,” Zane Alexander said, coming into the gym. A former SEAL also, Zane retired early to work in security. Their paths had crossed numerous times in the Navy, but lately Jude had seen him in the gym. He had also seen him occasionally at one of Sabrina’s grandmother’s parties since Zane’s father-in-law was Senator Greenwood, a friend of Arlene.

  “Thanks, man,” Jude replied, giving his legs a rest. “It’s coming.”

  The two men settled in a companionable silence for a few minutes while each continued their workouts.

  “How’s the security business?” Jude asked.

  “It’s great. Keeps us busy and we’re always looking for new people to bring on board,” Zane replied. He let the weights fall back and pinned Jude with a stare. “Look, man. I know you hate your job. Jon’s always said there’s a place for you at GAPS if you’re interested.” Jon Rudnick, a former SEAL, ran Guardian Angel Protection Services.

  Jude leaned his head against the worn, padded bench, heaving a sigh. Finally nodding, he said, “I appreciate it. Honestly, I really do. To think that you, Jon, and the others think I would be an asset means a lot.”

  “So what’s holding you back? Surely it’s not the paycheck or the pension.”

  “Nah. Truthfully?” Jude said, holding Zane’s penetrating stare. “I always told myself that I’d get back to being a SEAL. If I worked harder, pushed myself just a little more, then I’d be able to keep my commission and my place with the team.” Giving a rude snort, he continued, “I know to everyone else, it was a false hope, but it’s what kept me going all those months when I forced myself to get out of the wheelchair, use the walker, then graduate to the crutches and then finally a cane.”

  “Nothing wrong with having that goal, bro,” Zane replied. “If that’s what it took to get you outta the hospital bed and on your feet, then there’
s nothing wrong with that.”

  Jude nodded slowly, the reality washing over him once more. “I know. And I accept the reality now. But gotta tell you that for months, my mind was SEALs or die.” Heaving another sigh, he said, “Sabrina helped me realize that I have a lot to live for besides the team, but that was not an easy lesson to learn.”

  “You’re one lucky fuck, you know? I can’t tell you how many of our brothers came back home, injured or not, to girls that left them high and dry. Sabrina’s a sweetheart.”

  “I know, believe me, I know,” Jude responded, not willing to discuss the friends-only policy he had adopted with Sabrina. “I’ll probably see you at some function her grandmother puts on. I’m sure your father-in-law will be invited.”

  Zane chuckled at the thought of Arlene Taggart. “Yeah, the Senator gets a hoot out of Mrs. Taggart. You never know what’s gonna come outta her mouth. I mean she’s really intelligent, but she’s also kind of…”

  “Flakey?” Jude interjected. “At least that’s what Sabrina calls her.”

  The two men laughed as they continued their workout. After several minutes, Zane asked, “So, what now? You’re in a job you hate and we’ve got work you could do. I know for a fact Jon and the others would love to have you.”

  Before he could answer, they were interrupted by a mutual friend walking into the gym. “Hell, yeah, Jon would love to have you,” said Rick Mann. Another medically retired SEAL, Rick had been stuck working security in a nuclear plant in Virginia until he went to work for Jon’s company. “Best decision I ever made.”

  Nodding slowly once more, Jude replied, “I’ll think about it. I really will, ‘cause I need to get out of what I’m doing now.”

  With that, the three men continued their workout, the heavy conversation replaced with witty banter and camaraderie.

  Chapter 3

  Jude moved toward the corner of the room, nearest the windows overlooking the perfectly manicured lawn. God, I hate these parties. It was not that he hated Arlene, but she always overdid things. His gaze moved around the packed room full of politicians, CEOs, and the local society high-brows. And while he could not hear their individual conversations, he knew what they were about. Stocks, bonds, investments. The newest up-and-coming politicians. The companies that were in trouble and which companies were merging. He closed his eyes for a moment wishing he could drown out the sounds just as easily.

  Opening his eyes, he took a sip of the punch Arlene had provided. Jesus, I just want a beer. Sighing, his eyes found Sabrina, in another part of the room, trapped in a conversation with a matronly woman animatedly discussing…who the fuck knows?

  Always beautiful, this time she was dressed in a mid-calf, light blue dress that swirled around her legs and ass when she walked. And the front certainly showed her assets off to perfection. He could not help but look around to see other men’s eyes following her wherever she went.

  Just as he started to rescue her, another woman approached and Sabrina appeared to be glad for the diversion. Turning back to stare out of the window again, he saw a large man walking toward him. A quick glance at the tall, blond, well-built man with an affable smile and Jude knew he was Sabrina’s cousin, Bart.

  Throwing his hand out for a shake, he acknowledged, “Bart, right? Good to see you again.”

  Bart’s smile widened as he shook Jude’s hand. “Good to see you, too. Sabrina talks a lot about you.”

  A tall, dark-haired man with a steely-eyed expression walked up and Bart made the introductions. “Jude, I’d like you to meet my boss, Jack Bryant.”

  After the initial handshakes and pleasantries, the three men stood awkwardly with the hubbub of the party swirling around them.

  Bart looked at the patio just on the other side of the French doors and said, “Gentlemen, care to bust out of this joint? Love my grandmother, but her parties can really set my teeth on edge.”

  Jack and Jude chuckled and followed Bart out onto the patio, drinks in hand. Bart walked over to an outdoor refrigerator built into a stone bar at the edge of the patio. Grabbing three beers, he looked over with a smile. “Anyone want a beer?”

  “God, yes,” Jude answered, dumping his punch into a planter.

  Away from the noise and boring conversations, the three men settled into the chairs and leaned back, instantly more at ease.

  “Your grandmother’s quite a lady,” Jack commented, a grin on his face.

  Bart snorted, “You don’t have to be polite to me. She is a great lady, that’s for sure, but it seems the older she gets, the battier she becomes.” Bart looked over at Jude, saying, “I know you’ve been around her a lot more lately. Am I wrong?”

  Jude deflected the question politely. “She’s been very supportive of Sabrina. I know she’s sent some of her friends to the design company Sabrina works for.” He looked over to see the lifted eyebrow of Bart and then nodded his agreement. “Yeah, I have to say that in the last few months, she’s been…um…” giving a shrug, “preoccupied.”

  “Preoccupied?” Jack asked, his curiosity piqued.

  Jude noticed Bart leaned forward as well. Not knowing Bart well, he felt uncomfortable discussing the man’s grandmother, but added, “She talks a lot about wanting to contact her late husband.”

  “Goddamnit!” Bart growled. “Who’s she got working on it now?”

  Jude shook his head. “I don’t know any specifics. Sabrina has mentioned it several times.” Wanting to turn the conversation to a more congenial topic, he looked over at Jack. The man was well-built, physically fit…definitely former military, even with the longer hair and beard. “Jack, were you prior service?”

  Jack smiled and nodded. “Absolutely. Army. Special Forces. I had the good fortune to be in a top-notch squad. I understand you were a SEAL?”

  “Yeah, until my last mission when this leg got in the way of enemy fire,” he grimaced, absently rubbing his left thigh. “New knee, but no more SEALs.” Jesus, I hate the way I sound so pathetic.

  “And now?” Jack asked.

  Sucking in a deep breath before letting it out slowly, he pierced Jack with a steady stare. “I work at the Naval base here. Requisitions and logistics.”

  The men were quiet for a moment before Bart broke the silence. “And you hate your job, don’t you?”

  Jude looked over sharply. Sabrina would never discuss my feelings with anyone. Am I so easy to read?

  Before he had a chance to speak, Bart jumped in again, “No offense, man. And Sabrina’s said nothing. But it’s just written all over you.”

  The noise of the party in the background filled the silence before he spoke. “Yeah. Honest to God…I hate it.” He gave a rude snort and added, “But it’s a job with a pension.”

  It did not escape his notice that Jack and Bart shared a glance before Jack spoke. “Sometimes it’s hard to be in such a specialized military field and then try to find what the fuck you want to do when you leave. I have a buddy that was my Captain in the Special Forces. When he got out, he started a security company and has hired three other of our squad members along with others. They do security installations, provide security at functions, and have helped the police department in some of their investigations.”

  Jude, his attention piqued, nodded. “I’ve got some friends that are doing the same thing here. Former SEALs, most of them out and a few still in but helping on the side. They also take contracts that are…rather risky. And completely covert.”

  He felt the unasked question from both men and continued, “They’ve asked me to join them.”

  Bart, unable to imagine anyone wanting a desk job, cocked his head as he stared at Jude. “And you don’t want to?”

  Rubbing his hand over his face, Jude felt exposed. How the hell did I end up talking about this to two men I don’t even know? Deciding he had nothing to lose, he continued. “Considering it. But to be honest, I’ve also considered moving somewhere else. This area…” he waved his hand around, “is full of good memories, but also
a constant reminder of what I no longer can have.”

  He saw the expression on Bart’s face and knew the other man was wondering about his cousin. Knowing Sabrina wanted more than friendship, her cousin had to be wondering about his abandoning her. In fact, he had to admit to himself the idea of moving away without her hurt almost as much the thought of her being with someone else.

  Jack scratched his beard and said, “Told you what my former squad leader’s business was, but I’m doing something similar. I started my own company. Saints Protection and Investigations. We do some security installs but mostly we investigate the crimes other agencies can’t crack, don’t have time for. Or just get bogged down in red-tape.”

  Jude, a spark of interest ignited, asked, “Is that what you do, Bart?”

  Bart grinned, “Hell, yeah. I left the SEALs and did a year in Border Patrol. Got tired of the bureaucracy keeping us from doing our jobs and heard about Jack’s business from a friend.”

  Shifting in his chair, Jack added, “My last Special Forces mission involved a multi-agency task force. I was doubtful it could work, but we clicked and I saw the benefit of working with a group of others with a variety of backgrounds and skills. So when I got out, I replicated that.”

  Just then the patio doors opened and out walked Sabrina and the beautiful woman she had been talking to. Before the women made their way over to them, Jack said, “Talk to Bart. If you really are interested, we can meet. You could be an asset to my team and it sounds like we may be what you’re looking for.”


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