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Hot SEALs: Revealing Love

Page 3

by Maryann Jordan

  Jude grinned, the feeling of hope pounding in his chest for the first time in a long time. “Will do.”

  “Hey guys,” Sabrina greeted before turning to hug her cousin.

  “Cuz,” Bart said, returning the hug. “You’re just as gorgeous as ever.”

  Jude introduced Jack to Sabrina and in turn was introduced to the other woman, Jack’s wife, Bethany.

  “I hate to break up your little party out here,” Sabrina said, “but Nonnie wants to introduce us to someone.”

  Standing, Jude threw his arm around her shoulder. “Then lead on. We don’t want to keep her waiting.”

  Jack and Bethany stayed on the patio as Bart, Sabrina, and Jude headed back through the French doors and over to Arlene. Her silver hair was perfectly coiffed and a pale yellow, silk afternoon dress spoke of elegance. As soon as her eyes landed on Sabrina and Jude, she smiled widely, moving toward them with her arms outstretched.

  “My darlings, here you are! I want you to meet one of my dearest friends, Ruth Sewell.” Arlene linked arms with a beautiful, elderly woman, smiling intently at them. She was smaller than Arlene but just as immaculately coiffed.

  Sabrina moved in to shake her hand, but Ruth pulled her into a gentle hug. Sabrina moved back so Bart could greet his grandmother’s friend.

  “Oh, you are a big boy, aren’t you?” Ruth said with a smile. “My husband was a big man too, God rest his soul.”

  Bart towered over the women, giving off his affable grin, as he shook her hand. She turned and Jude was introduced to her as well.

  “Oh, you are the dear man here with Sabrina. I know Arlene is hoping for a wedding to plan, so you must get to that.”

  Sabrina blushed as Jude stumbled over his words, finally just saying, “Yes, ma’am,” for lack of coming up with something better to say.

  “You two lovebirds shouldn’t waste time. You never know how long you might have with each other,” Ruth continued. “Life just isn’t the same without my dear, late husband. I sometimes don’t know what to do without him.”

  Arlene moved back in to wrap her arm around Ruth’s shoulders. “Well, that’s why I’m introducing you to my new friend, Cecil Nastelli. If anyone can contact him, it is Cecil.”

  Sabrina quickly jerked her elbow into Bart’s stomach to keep him from exploding. The others stood around in awkward silence as the two older women blissfully smiled at each other.

  Arlene then turned to Sabrina, saying, “You should meet with him too. You will soon come into your trust and Cecil will help you to know what your grandfather would want you to do with the money.”

  Sabrina’s grandfather arranged for a trust to come to her when she turned twenty-five years old, which was only a month away. She planned to open her own interior design business with the money. “Nonnie, I know what I’m going to do with the trust,” she said.

  “Oh, but my dear, I so wish you had your grandfather still with us. He was so wise with his money.”

  Glancing down at Sabrina, Jude could feel her apprehension. Pulling her a little closer, she looked up at him and gave a little appreciative smile. It’s the least I can do, baby.

  * * *

  “You know I love you, but I’ll be damned if I stand around and let some phony take you for a ride and drag Sabrina along with you!”

  The tone of Bart’s voice was unmistakable in its anger. Jack and Bethany had left when the party disbanded, and now just the members of the family were ensconced in the comfortable family room of Arlene’s home.

  “Bartholomew!” Arlene spoke sharply. “I will not allow you to talk about Mr. Nastelli like that. He’s a very good friend.”

  “Friend?” he sputtered.

  “Yes, a friend. He comforts me.”

  Sabrina stepped in between her cousin and her grandmother, mediating as usual. “Nonnie, it’s okay. Bart didn’t mean to imply that Mr. Nastelli isn’t a friend. We just want to make sure you’re all right.”

  “Humph. Of course, I’m all right,” Arlene defended herself.

  Bart sat heavily on the sofa, where Jude had already taken a seat. The two men passed a look of sympathy between them, as Bart ran his hand through his hair causing the ends to stick up.

  Sabrina continued, “We’re just concerned about what he’s telling you about granddad.”

  “I can appreciate that, my dear,” Arlene said, patting Sabrina’s arm. “So far, he’s only made contact with John twice. And both times, he said he needs a little more time to understand what John is directing him to do. Cecil’s so wise in these matters.”

  Sabrina shot a look of confusion at her grandmother first and then over to Jude, before asking, “Wise in what matters?”

  “Well, he thinks John is trying to communicate with me.”

  At that, Sabrina’s mouth open and closed several times but no words came out. Bart stood quickly again, this time walking over to kneel in front of his grandmother’s seat.

  “Nonnie, you know granddad has been…gone now for five years?” he questioned her gently.

  “Yes, of course, I know. I’m not daffy!”

  “Then how can he be telling you what you should do?” Sabrina finally found her voice.

  “Mr. Nastelli can call John’s spirit to be here. You just have to believe in him, my dear. He reveals everything,” Arlene explained patiently as though talking to recalcitrant children.

  “Well, as long as it makes you happy…” Sabrina’s voice trailed off as Bart’s angry expression silenced her.

  After a few more conciliatory assurances from Arlene, the others left Arlene’s mansion and headed to the restaurant where they were going to meet Jack and Bethany for drinks.

  Walking into the lively restaurant, they quickly saw their friends in a large booth near the back. Bart caught the eye of the waitress, winking at her as he pointed toward the table. She hurried over to take their beer orders, trying without success to grab Bart’s continued attention.

  Once settled in the booth, Bart rounded on his cousin. “What the hell was that, Sabrina? You just allow Nonnie to feed into that shit.”

  “Not cool, bro,” Jude interjected rapidly. “Don’t take your frustrations about your grandmother out on Sabrina.”

  Sabrina smiled up at him, leaning in a little more as she rested her back into his side.

  “What’s going on?” Bethany asked, unable to keep the curiosity to herself.

  Before Bart could explode his explanation, Sabrina hurried to say, “My grandmother has been looking for mediums for the past several years that will allow her to talk to my grandfather, ever since he died.”

  “Voices from the great beyond,” Bart whispered, his voice sounding like a B-horror movie narrator. The searing look from Sabrina shut him up, but not before he managed another eye roll toward her.

  Bethany said, “But if he’s not causing any harm and if the diversion makes your grandmother happy—”

  “Exactly!” Sabrina agreed, turning to her cousin. “It hurts no one for her to find this little way to make her happy.”

  Bart lifted an eyebrow and said, “Yeah, but what about what he may be telling her?”

  At that, Sabrina deflated a little, sinking more into Jude’s warm embrace. She twisted around to look into his face. “Am I doing the wrong thing, Jude? I trust your opinion.”

  “Sabrina, I’m coming into this kind of blind,” Jude admitted. “I honestly don’t get a good vibe about him, but I’ve got nothing to base that on other than my gut.”

  Jack, who had been silent up to this point, commented, “It may seem innocent, but if this guy is some kind of a con-artist…”

  “That’s what I think,” Bart agreed, lifting his hand for the waitress to send him another beer, ignoring the lustful look she bestowed on him.

  Jude, now on alert, said, “I’ll be damned if I’ll let someone take advantage of Sabrina or Arlene. Is there something we can do?”

  Jack nodded, his dark eyes ever alert, adding, “I’ll have one of my men d
o a quick background check.”

  “Luke?” Bart asked, knowing Luke was Jack’s best man for computer searches. Receiving a nod, Bart added, “He finds anything, I’ll be paying a visit to the good Mr. Nastelli.”

  “And I’ll be going with you,” Jude said, feeling the spark that used to accompany the beginning of a mission. He allowed his mind to begin calculating possibilities, something that had been dormant since the accident. After a moment, he added, “No. We need to go slow. If it does turn out to be something then we shouldn’t go in with guns blazing.”

  Bart looked at him incredulously, but before he could say anything, Jack was already nodding his agreement.

  Jude sat up straighter, saying, “Look, if this guy is actually doing harm, I want to know exactly what he’s doing and who all he’s doing it to. And there’s no way a con artist is going to talk to anyone who looks like us.”

  Bethany laughed. “Oh yeah. You guys definitely look intimidating and there’s no way you can pull off trying to look innocent!”

  At that, Sabrina smiled. “I hadn’t thought about it, but that’s right. Just one look at you all and the image screams I’m gonna kick your ass!”

  The group chuckled just as the waitress, once more trying to catch Bart’s eye, brought his beer. Ignoring her again, she stomped away, eliciting more laughs from the group.

  He glared, saying, “What? Ya’ll act like I never say ‘no’.”

  With a raised eyebrow, Sabrina replied, “That’s because you never do!”

  His natural grin returned as he agreed. “Yeah, well, I may have to make it up to her on the way out.”

  Bringing the conversation back to Arlene, Jack interjected, “You can bet your grandmother isn’t the only one taken in with this guy.” Looking at Bart and then swinging his appraising eye toward Jude, he continued, “I’ll let you know what Luke finds and then you can plan how you want to handle it.”

  Sabrina watched the play of emotions cross Jude’s face and smiled. She had not seen this level of interest in him in a long time. Jude, if you would just open your eyes to all the possibilities. Careers out there that you would love to do. And me…right in front of you, wanting nothing more than to love you.

  * * *

  “Revealed? Fuckin’ revealed?” Bart’s voice exploded over the phone.

  “That’s what he said to Arlene. That your grandfather would speak to him and then, in turn, he will let your grandmother and Sabrina know how to invest their money.”

  A week had passed before Jude and Sabrina met with her grandmother once again, trying to gain more information on what Nastelli’s angle, and now they knew. Cecil was aiming to coerce Arlene with her investments.

  “I gotta get back to Virginia Beach to talk to Nonnie, but I’m in the middle of an investigation that has me tied up. Let me talk to Jack and see if I can get some time off.”

  “Listen, Bart,” Jude said. “Right now, if you come here blowing up at Arlene and Cecil, then you’re just going to upset her and maybe make him go into hiding until he moves on to his next mark. Why don’t you let me work the problem from here?”

  Silence met his suggestion, but Jude knew Bart was smart and methodical. Finally, he heard a sigh on the other end of the phone.

  “You’re right. I know you’re right. I just want to pound this guy into the ground and sitting back goes against my nature.”

  “Think of your SEAL training, just like you told me. We plan the mission. We execute the mission. That’s the best way to not only get him away from your family, but take him down for good.” For the first time, Jude was using his SEAL experience in the civilian world and it was not causing the twinge of familiar pain. Instead, it feels fuckin’ good!

  “Got one more thing to talk over with you,” Jude said. “It has to do with Sabrina.”

  “Thank fuck,” Bart responded quickly. “It’s about time you got your head outta your ass and went after her.”


  “Isn’t that what you were going to say? That the two of you stopped dancing around each other and finally decided to become a couple?”

  “No,” Jude said regretfully.

  Before he could say anything else, Bart jumped in. “Why the fuck not? She’s been in love with you for over a year. What’s wrong with her that you don’t want her too?”

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Jude bit out.

  “No?” Bart shot back. “I know you’re in love with her and SEALs don’t pussy out, man.”

  “I’m not a SEAL anymore, remember?”

  “Fuck that. I got out, but once a SEAL, always a SEAL.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, Jude said, “I do love her.” Letting out the breath slowly, he continued, “But until I can be the man I think she deserves, then we’re just friends.”

  Silence reached across the airwaves for a moment before Bart said, “I get that. I do and I even respect that. But what you gotta realize is that she loves you, not any label you put on yourself. And even though I think she’ll wait…you better make a move before someone else does.”

  A white-hot bolt of jealousy ripped through Jude at the thought of Sabrina in another man’s arms, but he pushed the image down, focusing on the matter at hand. “Any chance you could get Jack to let me use Luke for some more computer digging? I’ve got a bad feeling about this Nastelli and Sabrina. Arlene’s mentioned Sabrina’s trust and I’m afraid she’s going to try to get this guy working on Sabrina as well.”

  “Absolutely. In fact, Jack’s already said he wants in on this,” Bart answered immediately.

  “Perfect.” The idea of working with Jack’s team on this investigation lifted Jude’s spirits. The desire to protect Sabrina and her family was strong and with Saints Protection & Investigation at his back, he just might be able to do it.

  “Can you be ready for a conference call later this afternoon? I’ll get things set up on our end and then call you in about two hours.”

  Tossing his cell phone onto the table, Jude could feel the energy begin a slow burn through his veins. Being active, planning, doing something…anything…besides sitting at his desk shoving papers from one side to the other, felt good.

  He glanced around at his first-floor apartment, the one he rented when he was in a wheelchair. No view. Nothing special. And now, staring at the handicapped-accessible kitchen off to the side, he began to long for a different place to live. But the next place I live, I want Sabrina there with me.

  Then his mind slid to Bart’s warning about Sabrina. She loves you. She’ll probably wait for you. Don’t miss your chance. Heaving a heavy sigh, he wondered what to do. Tell her I love her now or wait until I can be a better man?

  Chapter 4

  Cecil sat at the only table in his condo, tapping furiously on his laptop. He pulled up searches on Arlene and John Taggart, as well as Ruth Sewell and a few others. Making sure his printer had enough paper, he began printing out articles he found. The wealthy always managed to get in the newspaper society pages, as well as the business sections. He smiled to himself as he found fodder for his deception. Photographs. Articles. Even the obituaries provided what he needed. This will be so simple. Hell, forget taking candy from a baby, nothing’s as easy as fooling a rich, old woman!

  Cecil’s training had started early. “It’s in your blood, boy,” dad used to say. “It’s all about emotion. Tap into someone’s emotion and you can get rich!”

  He remembered as a small boy, his father would put them in the family car, park on the side of the road and get passing motorists to give him money to buy gasoline after telling them their car ran out of gas.

  He thought back to his mother, the perfect organization’s fundraiser. Except she never worked for any organization…other than his father’s will. She would go door to door, dressed immaculately, with her literature for cancer funds, children’s homes, even the local police annual fund drive. Ringing doorbells, she presented the perfect picture for trusting individuals, many who
would give her an inordinate amount of cash.

  His parents had probably tried—and succeeded—at hundreds of cons. Or at least, they stayed one step ahead of the law. Land schemes, selling counterfeit watches, telemarketing frauds, even selling false cemetery plots.

  “Son, the rich will never miss the money we take. Hell, they think they’re doing a good deed, so they don’t care. And you think anyone rich got that way legally? They’re just bigger crooks, that’s all.”

  His parents had died years earlier, but Cecil smiled as he continued their legacy. There’s no reason I can’t have the good life too!

  The smile left his face as he checked his email, seeing another reminder about the money he owed. Running his hand through his hair, he growled. The crippling interest on the money he borrowed threatened his livelihood. Glancing around at his bare, expensive living quarters, he grimaced once more. The location was purely for show, in case someone checked on where he lived, but the cost was taking most of what he earned on the last gig after making a payment on what he owed.

  Fuck! I should have never borrowed the money, he chastised himself. His last mark had spooked at the last minute and Cecil had to leave North Carolina quickly. Arriving in the Virginia Beach area, he needed the ready cash to start over. I’ve got this, I know I do. No way is old lady Taggart going to back out of finding what her precious John wants her to do. He knew this latest score had to hit. And hit huge in order for him to pay back the loan. Another piece of his dad’s advice was coming back to bite him in the ass. “Don’t try to scam another scammer. You could lose big.”

  Sucking in a huge breath, he once again turned his attention to the articles, determined to learn everything he could about his next marks.

  * * *

  Jude sat outside of the tall, glass and brick condo building in downtown Virginia Beach, waiting to catch a glimpse of Cecil. How the hell does he afford to live in a place this fancy? It was not easy to locate his home and Jude could not have done it on his own. Since Luke had determined Cecil Nastelli did not actually exist with a birth certificate, he was able to locate his residence based on the cell phone information he managed to finagle from Arlene on the pretext that he needed to talk to Cecil. Armed with that info, Jude had been sitting in his car for three hours waiting to follow the man as soon as he showed himself. Even the tedious exercise still gave him more of a burst of enthusiasm than his job. I need to think about quitting if I’m serious about moving and possibly working for Jack. Taking another sip of his now-cold coffee, and I’ve got to talk to Sabrina. I don’t want to go without her. But will she want to go?


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