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Moondust And Madness

Page 28

by Taylor, Janelle

  Varian didn’t forget there was a spy on his ship who was keeping Ryker better informed on Varian than Varian was informed about Ryker. But the spy aboard his ship could not have known about his secret agents.

  The telecom signaled again. “What is it, Kyle?” Varian asked, having placed the security control chief in charge of all coded messages as a precaution.

  “Jurad Tabriz and his son have arrived on Eire to confer with Kadim Tirol, Draco Procyon, and Segall Garthon. They’ve asked to purchase Jana as Taemin’s bride before the public auction. If not, they’ve requested permission to attend Jana’s auction and to make an offer for her. Jurad is hinting at a new peace treaty if the Council complies with his demand.”

  Exasperated, Varian said, “Can it get any worse!”

  “I’m afraid so, Varian. Moloch just docked his shuttle on Rigel. He’s deposited quite a large sum in the bank, then rented a security box. It seems he wants to make sure we don’t learn how much he’s bringing to the auction. Ryker’s ship is orbiting the planet Karlim in Jurad’s territory, but I would bet my stripes he isn’t on it. I don’t have to tell you, security on Darkar has been stepped up. We are in a crisis situation.”

  * * *

  When Jana hadn’t seen or heard from Varian by early afternoon of the next day, she wondered if she should stay put as ordered. Who could she call for news or instructions? How? What was going on? The entry buzzer sounded. She answered it, to find Martella standing there.

  “Jana, you need to be ready to leave at three for a meeting on Eire with the Supreme Council. This conference is important to Commander Saar; please behave. I need not warn you that first impressions can be critical. As you’ve learned, the Supreme Council makes new laws or changes old ones,” she hinted.

  Jana seized her hands and smiled. “You’ve been a good friend and teacher, Martella. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me and the others. Is Varian around? I would like to speak with him before this meeting.”

  “He’s been on Eire since our arrival at dawn. He won’t be returning to the Wanderlust. You’re on your own.”

  In twenty minutes, Jana was mounting the steps leading to the palatial home of the most powerful leader of this galaxy, Kadim Tirol Trygue. Positioned on a high cliff overlooking the ocean, the white mansion was stunningly beautiful. Lieutenant Commander Nigel Sanger, who was attired in a dashing dress uniform, was her escort. Jana smiled and nervously remarked, “Does it show that I’m scared stiff?”

  “Relax, you look perfect, Dr. Greyson.”

  “Do I use the helpless-victim charade?” Jana probed.

  “Yes,” he replied, then smiled encouragingly.

  Jana prayed that her courage would not fail her. Her behavior during this meeting might be her last chance to forestall her auction and show Varian she could fit into his life.

  There was a great marble-floored entrance hall inside which led to three sets of stairs: the one to her right led to a balustraded balcony which encircled the enormous room to return via the staircase to her left. The balcony overlooked the huge room, and countless doors led from it into numerous rooms. The third flight of steps led down to a large room where a group of men were conferring.

  Jana’s gaze hurriedly passed over the men in the room and picked out the three who were strangers to her. At Nigel’s side, she gracefully descended the central stairway and crossed the highly polished floor. She was keenly aware that all eyes were on her, and all conversations had ceased. No one could have guessed the turmoil which filled the beautiful and elegant Earthling. During the distraction of her entrance, Kadim Tirol Tyrgue, Councilman Draco Procyon, and Varian Saar unobtrusively passed messages…

  Jana’s assessing gaze roamed over the powerful ruler and then scanned the two Council members, Draco Procyon and Segall Garthon, but she avoided even a brief glance at her grinning captor. When the head of the Council smiled in amusement, Jana didn’t react. Clearly the handsome gray-haired Kadim Tirol Trygue was perceptive, intelligent, and goodhumored.

  “She is far more beautiful than her pictures. Welcome to my home, Jana Greyson of Earth. I have been eager to meet the female who captured Commander Saar’s eyes and blinded them to his duty. Now I see why he was so bewitched.” Tirol looked fondly at Varian. “How can I possibly reprimand you for taking an action which even I would have found irresistible. May I have the honor of sharing private words with you?” he asked Jana.

  Jana politely replied, “I am honored to meet the prestigious and powerful ruler of the Maffei Galaxy. As I am the prisoner of your illustrious starship commander, perhaps your request should be directed to him.”

  Varian chuckled and remarked, “I told you she had plenty of spunk. Permission granted.”

  Jana still didn’t look at Varian as she placed her hand in Tirol’s outstretched one. He led her to a lovely solarium and seated her. For a few moments nothing was said between them. Jana wondered why this male looked vaguely familiar, for she had not viewed any pictures of him. His hair was sandy with streaks of gray; his eyes were as pale and shiny as rare blue diamonds. Just reaching six feet, he was sturdy for an older man.

  “I feel I should apologize for Commander Saar’s outrageous behavior, even though it is most abnormal conduct for him. I must confess I was distressed when I heard the news. Now that I’ve had the opportunity to study your files and to meet you, his impulsive action is understandable. Still, I fear it has given you a bitter introduction to our world.”

  Jana opened her mouth to speak, but didn’t. Warring emotions flooded her eyes. Kadim Tirol comprehended her dilemma: she wanted to defend Varian, but she was trying to obey Varian’s commands to play the vulnerable, misused captive. Clearly it dismayed her to have Varian’s image tarnished in his ruler’s eyes. Tirol was impressed by her gentility, her honesty. He advised, “There is no need to worry, my dear. Given time, I hope you find my world and people acceptable.”

  Jana said, “Despite my abduction, I have not been abused by Commander Saar or his staff. They went to great trouble to train us to fit into your world.” Correctly reading his empathy for her, she decided to speak freely. “But isn’t it time to cease this cruel process? Surely your men can choose mates in a better way? You appear far too gentle to continue such a barbarous practice.”

  “This is our law, Jana. But I am a perceptive man. Despite your bitter words, you and Varian are wise to keep your true relationship a secret. He is a man with many enemies. He is carefree and adventurous, little Earthling. For your sake, I pray you never forget that.”

  Jana berated the crimson flush which splashed across her cheeks, but found the wisdom to avoid protesting further. “Thank you for your honesty, sir. Was this your idea or Commander Saar’s?”

  Kadim Tirol replied, “Mine alone. Varian is like a son to me, Jana; he has been since his father’s death. Although he finds your auction disagreeable, he will proceed with it. Afterward, he will be away for many months. While he’s gone, he hopes you will find peace. It would be best for all concerned if you could find the courage to accept your new destiny. A distracted mind can get a man killed, Jana. If you love him, let him go.”

  “I don’t intend to make Varian suffer because of the laws of his world. I realize only too well all connections between us will end with my auction, but I would appreciate your keeping this talk private between us. I don’t need his pity. I just want a few more days with him. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I do. You are very brave. Go, meet the other guests. For both your sakes, try to embrace your destiny. I will make certain your owner learns of my respect for you.”

  Masking her deep disappointment, Jana was introduced to Councilman Draco Procyon. To her surprise she found him utterly charming and fascinating. He owned a private planetoid named Karnak which orbited the capital planet, Rigel. The amber-eyed widower of thirty-eight was involved in many businesses, all lucrative ones. His hair was such a dark blond that it almost looked light brown at a quick glance. H
is features were as symmetrical as those on ancient Greek statues. He wasn’t handsome like Varian, but he was very appealing. He had a warm and enchanting smile. A decidedly likable person who invited admiration, he made her want to study him closer. Draco exuded a quiet strength, a keen intelligence, and a strong sense of justice. Draco had only one disadvantage as her possible owner: he and Varian were very good friends, and friends shared visits.

  Time passed slowly. She tried not to think about Tirol’s words or Varian’s behavior. Since her arrival, he hadn’t approached her. She sighed wearily from the strain of this demandingly long performance. Draco smiled and excused himself when Councilman Segall Garthon came forward to meet her. Jana sipped a glass of wine as she gingerly conversed with the man who was the father of the ravishing redhead who had visually seared her with her flaming eyes at their last stop, the woman she had discovered was the “Cass” whom Varian and Tristan had mentioned in the library that day while she was hiding. She wished she had been introduced to the beautiful Maffeian female, but either Varian or Canissia had prevented it. Perhaps Canissia had felt Jana was beneath her.

  Jana found little of interest about Segall Garthon. Besides being plain in appearance, he was boring. She wondered how this male had won a seat on the all-powerful three-man Supreme Council. Evidently he was not the same man he had been years ago! Noticeably, he held great love and pride for his only daughter, for he talked about Canissia incessantly. Jana wouldn’t have minded if Segall hadn’t made it sound as if Canissia and Varian had been sweethearts since the age of ten! Worse, he had made it sound as if those two were fated to marry one day soon. Jana quivered inside. Was the supreme councilman’s daughter the real barrier between them?

  At last, Draco Procyon came to rescue Jana. The two rulers chatted briefly. Draco smiled and suggested that Jana go freshen up, as the hour was nearing for her departure. Jana sensed the kind man was helping her escape from Segall’s depressing attention. She smiled and left. When she returned, only two people remained: Varian and Tirol. It was obvious the two men were talking privately, so Jana sat down and waited across the room. Suddenly she felt nervous around her lover and the powerful ruler!

  Before meeting Jana, Varian had not realized how lonely he was. A man in his position was viewed differently than the average man. Responsibilities had prevented him from expressing his emotions. Since his parents’ deaths, he had been wary and cynical. Jana had taught him to feel again. Once this mission was over, and the fate of Earth was resolved and matters were settled, if necessary he would beg his grandfather to do everything in his great power to change the charl laws so he could marry Jana Greyson!

  Varian talked gravely with Tirol. “I’m in a terrible trap, Grandfather. She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved, the first one I’ve wanted to share my life with. It’s ripping me up inside to know I can’t have her, that I have to be the one to sell her to another man. She’ll never understand or forgive me. Why should she? This practice is cruel.”

  When Tirol asked if Varian wanted to purchase Jana, Varian lowered his head and inhaled wearily. He hadn’t planned to unload such burdens on his grandfather tonight. It was in fact illegal to have Draco purchase Jana only to hold her for him. Obviously, Varian didn’t want to involve his grandfather. After things were settled, he would confess the truth.

  When Varian responded, his voice was filled with the turmoil which ate at him. “You know why I can’t publicly claim her, Grandfather. A real man doesn’t destroy something or someone he loves and wants more than his own life.” Glancing at Jana’s back from across the immense room, he motioned to the space between them as he vowed sadly, “As long as my half brother craves my life and name, there will be a distance separating us larger than this one. Please, help me do whatever is necessary to protect her, even if it means losing her,” he beseeched gravely. “I can exist without Jana in my arms easier than I can survive with her lifeblood on my hands.”

  Tirol grasped Varian by the shoulders and stared deeply into his sapphire eyes. What Tirol read there distressed him greatly, for he empathized with his grandson. “You love her this much, Varian?” the Kadim asked softly.

  “Yes, Grandfather, I do. Yet, with all my power and wealth, I can’t have her because I might be unable to protect her,” he replied honestly. “There is no place where I could leave her during my assignments which wouldn’t endanger her and those keeping her. I have no choice but to pretend she was merely a conquest whose sale means little to me.” “I assigned Martella Karsh to handle the charl process during your mission because I knew how difficult you would find it even though it was a necessary cover tactic. She sent me several messages during your return voyage which I’ve already taken actions on.”

  Shocked, Varian listened closely to Tirol’s words. When he finished his revelations, Varian inquired, “Why did you ask Martella to spy on me? What was the point of sending pictures of me and Jana to Ryker?”

  “You confuse me, son. Clarify yourself.”

  Varian related his meeting with Ryker and his discovery of the spy. Tirol appeared alarmed by that news. When he told Varian that was not part of Martella’s assignment, the two men deliberated on the identity of the traitor.

  “How do you plan to check out those officers without arousing their suspicions?” Tirol inquired after they had hit on three possibilities.

  Varian revealed his cunning strategy. “I plan to share a different secret with each one, let him have a one-day shore leave on Rigel, then see which of the three lies is acted upon by Ryker. But are you sure you want to know about this matter with Draco? I didn’t know Martella would relate that idea to you too.”

  Tirol embraced his grandson and heir. “Surely you don’t begrudge an old man a little share of the excitement and romance? I’m glad you found a woman like Jana Greyson, and you should keep her. You do me proud, son. Now take your moonbeam to your ship while I do some serious planning. We have to make certain Draco’s bid is the highest.”

  When Varian ended the conversation with Tirol and headed her way, Jana hurriedly composed herself. During all her travels and stops in his world, no one had mentioned the relationship between Varian Saar and Tirol Trygue. They were obviously old friends, she decided.

  “Ready to go, moonbeam? I’m sure you’re exhausted from your conquests tonight. The next time you get me so riled up watching you entice bachelors, I just might grab your hand, take you into the nearest room, and who knows what will happen,” he threatened, a grin on his lips.

  “I was only being polite, and Nigel is our friend. Surely you’re not jealous?” she teased boldly.

  “Presently, you’re private property, and everyone keeps forgetting and ignoring that fact, including you.”

  Jana shrugged nonchalantly. Varian backed her against a pillar and pinned her body to it with his. He grasped her wrists and imprisoned her hands over her head with one of his, then tickled her wildly with the free one. Jana squirmed and giggled. “Stop, Varian,” she squealed. “This isn’t fair; you’re stronger than I am. Have mercy,” she cried out between peals of laughter.

  He replied huskily, “I shall show none.”

  “Varian!” she shrieked as he tickled her again. “Uncle! Uncle!”

  Chuckling uncontrollably, he questioned, “What kind of language is that?”

  “Earth slang. It means ‘I yield; I give up,” she said, panting.

  Varian’s hands released her to capture her upturned face between them. Lowering his face very close to hers, he demanded, “Do you yield all, woman?”

  Jana scowled as she accused, “Rogue! Tyrant!”

  “Then I shall take my prize of war home with me this very moment. Come along, moonbeam; I wish to examine my trophy inch by inch.” Varian took her hand and guided her up the stairs and out the door to his waiting shuttle.

  Tirol leaned against the wall in the alcove and smiled. How like Galen and Amaya they were. He was pleased for them.

  When Varian and Jana reached h
is quarters in the Wanderlust, Jana was out of her clothes and into bed before Varian completed his routine checks with his officers before turning in for the night. When he entered his bedroom, Jana pretended to be asleep just to tease him.

  Varian had keen senses, and he knew the creature beside his naked body wasn’t asleep. He stretched out on his back and closed his eyes, without drawing up the cover. He patiently awaited Jana’s reaction.

  Jana slightly parted her eyelids and observed the situation. So he wanted to play games tonight, did he? Jana rolled to her side and began to nibble at Varian’s left ear as her fingertips softly grazed his torso. When Varian feigned deep sleep, nothing could have pleased Jana more. Her hand daringly headed down his chest to halt temptingly at his flat and taut belly. As her nails gently teased circles around it, Jana’s lips worked their way down his throat. She murmured as if to herself, “Sleep on, space demon, for I shall pleasure myself tonight since your veins course with ice water and mine throb with molten lava.”

  Her tongue danced over and around the tips on his hard chest. He twitched. Her hand provocatively slipped down his body and carefully grasped his manhood. With leisurely strokes, she tantalized him until his manhood was thick and firm. “Sleep while I play, space demon, but I shall instill respect and passion in you before I sate my hungers.” Jana shifted her body as her lips seductively and stirringly followed the same path which her hand had just traveled.

  When Varian realized he couldn’t master his emotions very much longer, he seized Jana and rolled her onto her back. He drove his fiery shaft into her eager body. He held out as long as possible, then poured his love and sated passion into her.

  When he could speak, Varian gazed down at her and apologized. “I’m sorry, love, but I couldn’t hold out a moment longer. You nearly drove me wild. I wasn’t prepared to use so much self-control tonight. Sorry to leave you hanging.”

  Jana grinned and quipped, “But you didn’t, love. Molten blood, remember?”


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