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Scion's Redemption

Page 3

by Traci Douglass

  Despite his wishes, Luther found his gaze following the line of that strap down her slender shoulder to the thin cream ribbons of material holding up her flimsy white sundress. It was hard enough coping with the odd feelings last night’s plum slip had stirred within him. Seeing her now in more revealing clothing damned near did him in.

  Silence stretched between them until Thana cleared her throat and his light green gaze drifted back to her face. The flush on her cheeks had darkened to a dusky rose and she yawned, covering her mouth with her hand. “I’m going to buy a coffee. C’mon. I’ll get you one two. It’s the least I can do for my rescuer, right?”

  Luther raised a brow at her confident, teasing tone. That was more like the Thana he knew, though the underlying quaver in her voice gave away her nerves as much as the rapid pulse fluttering at the base of her throat. Perhaps Xander was correct. Thana liked him.

  Not that he would use that to gain her trust. That would be wrong and considered bad behavior for a Scion.

  She pointed toward a small café a few doors down from their building. A few couples sat outside at the tables lining the sidewalk, shaded by large umbrellas.

  He considered declining her offer but found himself nodding before he could refuse.

  Her smile brightened, and her eyes sparkled, and his heart thudded against his chest.

  Thana breezed past him and his gaze followed her, slowly taking in her slender curves and the luscious sway of her hips as she walked. She looked like an angel.

  Or perhaps a demon in disguise for tempting him so easily.

  Unable to resist her siren’s call, Luther followed. She looked back at him over her shoulder as she reached the entrance to the café, and it struck him she’d never looked more beautiful. Happiness seemed to flow from her to him in waves, warming him too and making him smile. Thana had been through a lot in life since leaving her home at eighteen. A string of bad relationships, poor luck with employment, then losing her mother three years ago.

  Luther had felt her grief as his own, had desired to offer her the comfort her family had denied. Still, around them, she’d put on a brave face, playing the strong daughter, offering solace to others while taking none for herself.

  She deserved so much better than the life fate had given to her.

  If he was able to make her smile, make her happy, then he was glad.

  He’d never cared much for mortals.

  But he was beginning to care for her.

  Not that it could ever go beyond this point. They were from two separate worlds and he firmly believed that how things should remain. And yes, some of his other Scion brothers had recently fallen for their Seal hosts and chosen to leave the heavenly realms to be with them here on earth, but that wasn’t something Luther wanted to do. His Scion duty was his reason for living. He had been created to serve Divinity. He would never turn his back on such a gift. Watching over Thana was part of that duty, another mission in a line of missions that stretched back for eternity. He’d spent years observing her. It was natural to feel some sort of connection, that’s all this was. Compassion born of duty.

  He cared about Thana because he cared about his mission.

  She crooked her finger and Luther obeyed, following her inside the colorful café. The scent of coffee filled his senses, rich and strong. A long glass display case was filled with all sorts of decadent treats, most of them containing chocolate. While the substance wasn’t forbidden for Scion, did have curious effects on their systems—their libidos in particular.

  No. He couldn’t.

  He wouldn’t dabble in such substances.

  Not again.

  “What can I get you?” Thana asked as he stood beside her at the counter, staring up at the black board menus. As any good Scion would, he’d studied the mortal realm before coming to earth for this mission and knew what everyday inventions were. The pools of Heaven that recorded human history were most informative about languages and foods. In fact, he knew most of Thana’s favorite snacks and drinks, and all the technology she used on a regular basis.

  In his time on Earth, he had learned how to use such modern items too and had indulged in tasting a lot of human delicacies and drinks. Food was a necessity here in this realm. In Heaven, they existed on the glory of Divinity alone. Down here on Earth, the Scion used vast amounts of energy to maintain their strength. His stomach growled as if in agreement.

  “We can have a snack too. The baked goods here are amazing,” Thana said.

  The couple in front of them at the counter ordered. The female opted for a latte and the male for a cappuccino. Luther searched for those items on the menu then turned to Thana.

  “Just a latte is fine. I’m not really into sweets.”

  “Oh, well. Okay then.” Her gaze narrowed. “You’re one of those health nuts, aren’t you?”

  He frowned. “I am in excellent health, yes. And I enjoy nuts.”

  She snickered and shook her head, turning away to place their order with the barista. She ordered an expresso, her usual drink. And a chocolate filled croissant. He should have expected that, since he’d learned well over the past thirty years that she was addicted to the stuff.

  Thana paid, and they moved down the line to wait for their order.

  Fans in the ceiling swirled a light breeze around the place, ruffling the white linen of his shirt. He’d dressed for comfort and coolness today, leaving his shirt untucked over his faded jeans, and flip flops on his feet. Hopefully, things would cool down now that the sun had set.

  Thana looked around the coffee shop. There were a few tables free, both inside and out.

  “Why don’t we sit outside?” he suggested. “I’ll wait here for our order while you find a table.”

  She nodded and smiled as she walked away, the brilliance of her making his breath catch. At this rate, he wouldn’t need any chocolate to embarrass himself. Something about Thana’s smile make him want to run his fingers through her silky black hair, to feel her velvet of her skin beneath his hands. If he closed his eyes, he could still remember the warmth of her touch from the night before, the smell of her spicy, sweet perfume, the sound of her soft breaths.

  “Thana!” a barista behind the counter yelled. The guy shoved two white cups his way. One looked frothy with a sprinkling of chocolate on top and the other was dark as midnight. Definitely their drinks. Luther took the drinks and wove through the patrons in the café, heading for Thana at a table outside.

  Twilight had settled, and the streetlights were flickering on, casting a warm orangish glow over everything. The light highlighted her soft features and shattered the momentary control he’d gained over his emotions. Frustrated, Luther placed the coffees down on the round metal table and took the seat opposite her, doing his best to pay attention to their conversation and not how stunning she looked. But it was harder than he imagined, especially with his knuckles throbbing from the memory of her icing them for him. She’d been so gentle.

  He picked off the chocolate shavings as best he could, but a few had already melted into his coffee. Oh well. He was a grown man. He could handle the effects of a bit of chocolate now and again, right? Besides he had bigger issues to deal with at the moment.

  Namely the woman across from him and all the delicious, crazy things she made him feel.

  Perhaps it was those interactions that had caused all the strange heat simmering inside him tonight. After all, before last night, they’d never touched, had barely spoken a word to each other beyond pleasantries in the hallway outside their apartments.

  She’d rarely looked at him in the past.

  Now, though, her dark gaze bored into him with such intensity he couldn’t look away. Luther found himself transfixed. Mesmerized. Bewitched.

  Three words that sounded so innocent yet felt so dangerous.

  No. He couldn’t allow things to go there, yet he felt powerless to stop them.

  Luther sipped his latte, making appropriate responses when he should and enjoying the sigh
t of her savoring her chocolate croissant. Watching her lick her lips created a slight buzzing tingle in all the good places.

  Thana was animated, but a bit of her previous shyness still lingered, betraying the fact that inside her tough exterior beat a vulnerable and kind and generous heart.

  Drinking coffee with her seemed innocent enough. He wasn’t seducing her or using her feelings against her. He was merely being friendly, attempting to forge a stronger bond between them to aid in his mission. Every minute that passed, each sip of coffee she took and smile she flashed, she was growing more confident and more at ease around him.

  Pale moonlight broke through the clouds above, glistening off the smooth skin of her bare arms. Thana continued to talk about small things such as their neighbors, work and the weather. Idle conversation. He’d had plenty of practice in small talk when he’d lived in the heavenly realms and had been forced to dine with the boringly mundane archangels who insisted on discussing what they considered their superior accomplishments whenever possible. One learned to nod and smile and tune them out at every opportunity.

  However, tonight’s conversation with Thana was different.

  If anything, Luther felt hyperaware of her on every level. Her words. The way her eyes glittered when she smiled. The way warmth and life and glorious grace seemed to flow off of her.

  So enthralled was he that Luther forgot his coffee and simply studied her, stealing this moment, unable to believe after all these millennia he was finally seeing her as more than a mere mortal, more than just her protector. It was a strange experience and he found the workings of her mind fascinating. She bounced around subjects so quickly he could hardly track it, but whenever he fell behind, she smiled kindly and apologized.

  Another thing he had never noticed about her before last night.

  He had never seen her say she was sorry so many times.

  She paused in the middle of her conversation about the latest celebrity news. “Are you sure last night didn’t wreck your sleep?”

  Thana leaned across the table, affording him a view down her cream dress.

  Luther battled his urge to look and instead chugged more coffee. “Maybe a little. Have I been… spacing out again?”

  The modern slang sounded weird to his ancient ears and he hoped he’d used it right.

  “No, you’re fine. I’ve just been hogging the conversation.” Thana reached across the table and place her hand over his, her touch jolting him wide awake. His gaze remained locked on her fingers as her thumb caressed his bruised knuckles before slipping underneath to trace light circles on his palm. The lust simmering inside him from the night before rolled to full boil. His pulse raced, and his breath quickened.

  This couldn’t be desire. It couldn’t.

  But even as he stared at their joined hands he couldn’t form a denial.

  He inhaled sharply, catching her sweet fragrance on the dusty warm air. Blood pounded in his temples and his skin tingled from her gentle touch. Images of her flashed through his mind, dressed in that plum satin slip or in the summer dress she wore tonight, her hands pressed against his chest, her lips parted in invitation.


  He had never cared about anyone.

  Had never desired a female.

  He couldn’t start now.


  Luther pulled away and Thana sat back in her seat, toying with her phone to distract herself. He seemed genuinely disturbed that she’d touched him, and he wouldn’t stop glaring at her. Disconcerted, she set her phone aside and sipped her coffee, feeling incredibly foolish. Ugh. Nothing was going right for her today. No. A few things had gone okay. She hadn’t imagined the way Luther’s gave had lingered on her body, or how quickly he returned her smiles. There was a light in those beautiful green eyes of his that couldn’t be faked. Her instincts told her liked her and wasn’t just being polite.

  Something had changed between them last night.

  She wasn’t a woman who stood by and let men fight her battles for her, but she’d appreciated his intervention. While most men would’ve steered clear of an altercation with Mike, Luther had come to her rescue and it made her view him from a fresh perspective. Considering how handsome he was, she’d of course noticed Luther the moment he’d moved in next door, but she’d never really taken the time to get to know him further. As she gazed at him now, she regretted that decision. The man had a body that put models to shame and she couldn’t help wondering what he did for a living.

  Thana stared at his injured hand her heart beating hard in her throat. He had large palms, made for cupping and holding, or fighting. He’d knocked out Mike with one blow, and for a brief moment she’d feared her ex wasn’t going to get back up. She’d almost gone to him, before remembering Mike had been intent on fighting Luther. He must’ve been drunk. Only an idiot would pick a fight with a guy bigger and stronger than them if they were sober, and Mike wasn’t that stupid. He should have known he didn’t stand a chance.

  With his lithe muscles and cut physique, Luther oozed strength and raw masculinity.

  Last night, it had been difficult not to stare at his bare chest and torso. The few times that she had managed to look away from his body and found the courage to meet his eyes, he’d stared back at her, his pupils dilated, a sure sign of desire.

  None of that explained why he’d pulled away from her just now though.

  In truth, she should be happy. Men were trouble. Mike had hammered that home all too well and this time, she’d gotten the message. Romance was something she could live without. Life would be easier alone, and a lot less painful too.

  Her gaze strayed back to Luther. He’d tilted his head back now to look up at the starry Pale moonlight defined his chiseled jaw and sensual, full lips. Her pulse quickened at the thought of what it would be like to kiss him. He lowered his head and their eyes met, held for a brief second. Then he looked away, his expression irritated.

  Touching him didn’t explain it. She’d taken his hand last night when icing his knuckles and he hadn’t reacted this way. If anything, the desire in his eyes had increased. She could’ve sworn she’d read the signals right. Luther liked her. So why freeze her out now?

  After he’d left last night, she’d lain awake, tension tying her in knots. She’d never been backward about being forward before but something about Luther made her hesitate. This wasn’t a rebound thing either. Nope. It was because he seemed like a genuinely nice guy, gorgeous to boot, and she didn’t want to screw things up again. He’d been on her mind all day and she’d tried to concoct a way to bump into him and get to know him better. When she’d spotted him outside their building tonight, it had felt like fate. Her nerve had failed, though, at the sight of him. He hadn’t heard her at first. It had taken three attempts before he’d noticed her, and by then her confidence had been shattered.

  In reality, the poor guy was probably sleep-deprived thanks to her terrible choice in men, unable to function with only a few hours of sleep. She hadn’t heard a peep from his apartment until after six the next morning. She hadn’t slept herself. Fear had kept her awake and she’d watched one movie after another, attempting to push Mike’s assault to the back of her mind. Today, she’d been running on empty, half asleep, feeling as though last night had been a dream turned into a nightmare.

  Leaning one elbow on the table, Thana watched Luther through her lashes, while he studied the people passing by. For all she knew, he was already taken. It wouldn’t surprise her. He was handsome, brave, chivalrous and smart.

  Someone else was probably already keeping him.

  Maybe that was why he had taken his hand back so quickly.

  Luther glanced at her and Thana shivered from the iciness in his eyes. He seemed impatient now, as though he didn’t want to sit there anymore, detached and distant. Then again, she didn’t really know him. Maybe he was like that with everyone.

  “I wouldn’t be any good for you,” he said, his deep voice devoid of feeling. “You’re better off a
way from me.”

  “Okay. Sure.” Her heart ached, and her cheeks heated as she fumbled for words. “Uh, did I thank you for last night?”

  He nodded.

  An awkward silence descended, but she refused to be deterred. Once they were back on steady ground, she’d make her excuses and leave. Hopefully they wouldn’t run into each other often in the hallways of their apartment building.

  “How was your coffee?” Thana asked, peering into his cup. From the looks of things, he’d barely touched it. In fact, he hadn’t done or said much at all since sitting down with her. He really didn’t want to be here.

  Luther shrugged, the graceful movement of his broad shoulders reminding her of how good he’d looked in those sweat pants and nothing else last night. She tried to keep her focus on their present situation and failed. The pants had done nothing to hide the shape of his muscular thighs and as they’d ridden lower on his hips, they’d revealed that delectable V line that stirred all sorts of naughty thoughts in her head. Then there was the treasure trail of dark hair leading from his belly button down to disappear beneath his waistband, all but begging her to follow it with her fingers and her lips. Even when he’d been fighting Mike, his movements had been elegant and efficient, fascinating her. The way his muscles shifted and moved, tensing or stretching beneath his brown skin was mesmerizing. So much so that she hadn’t even realized Mike had been knocked on his ass until it was all over.

  Later, as she’d iced Luther’s knuckles, she’d done her best to commit every inch of his luscious body to memory, including the intriguing tattoo on his lower abdomen—all swirled and woven lines, twined in a circle. She’d wanted to ask him about it then—it looked slightly tribal, but with a nearly feminine touch—but she hadn’t been able to find her voice. Asking him now was out of the question. Still, for such a tough guy to have such a delicate tattoo was strange.

  Unless he was gay.


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