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Scion's Redemption

Page 4

by Traci Douglass

  Thana looked up at him again and caught him staring at her chest. Check one in the straight column. Or perhaps bi. She frowned. Overanalyzing things again. Just because he was good looking and not interested in her didn’t mean he was gay or involved in a relationship, or any of those things that she wanted him to be, so she would feel better about his rejection.

  He just didn’t find her attractive.

  He’d said it plainly enough. Stay away.

  Time to take his advice.

  Thana picked up her handbag then hesitated. Unwilling to give up so easily, she fixed him with a hard stare until he looked at her again. Her heart pounded under his intense scrutiny, but she held her ground. She had to know why he’d pulled away, if he didn’t want her of if it was truly because he didn’t think he was good for her, as he’d said. “Is something wrong?”

  Luther blinked at her a few times, his white shirt all but glowing in the darkness, illuminating his face and chasing the shadows away. His expression shifted to something that wasn’t quite warm but wasn’t cold either. “Why?”

  “You… out of sorts.”

  He gave her an odd look. She didn’t know him well, but there was a lingering melancholy about him and she couldn’t help wondering why. The few times she’d seen him before last night, he always seemed to maintain a distance between himself and everyone else in their building. He had to have a reason for keeping everyone away and not letting anyone in. Maybe he was like her, afraid to care too much, to let relationships get too deep in case the ended and he’d be hurt. Unfortunately, living alone wasn’t a solution either. Lord knew she’d tried to stay unattached, stay independent, but loneliness made her want to share her life with someone.

  For a brief moment, she’d thought maybe Luther was the man for job, but then him telling her to stay away had put a quick kibosh on those ideas. Her Mr. Right would never say those words. Not that she could blame him. Her reputation proceeded her in their building and any of the neighbors could’ve told him that her poor judgment and miserable love life weren’t good risks.

  Her phone buzzed, and Thana jumped. Luther frowned, his gaze darting to it. She wanted to ignore the call, knowing it was probably Mike, calling to make her feel wretched for the rest of the weekend, but the ring was so loud people around her were staring. Instead of answering, she picked dumped the stupid thing back into her handbag, muffling the annoying ringtone.

  “Why didn’t you take the call?” Luther stared at her bag. Thana tapped the table, cringing and wishing the annoying buzzing sound would stop.

  “It’s my ex.”

  Luther surprised her by reaching across the table, fishing the phone out of her handbag, and tapping the screen to answer. Thana could only stare as he brought the phone to his ear, his face set in grim dark lines, and glared at the table as though he wanted to kill it.

  “I thought I told you to leave her alone?” He paused, his expression darkening as a muscle ticked near his tense jaw. Thana’s heart pounded, and blood rushed so loud in her ears she could barely hear a thing. Luther looked closed to breaking something. Anger pulsed off him waves and everyone stared as he barked into the phone, “Stay away from her. If you don’t, I won’t let you walk away again. Understand?”

  Her hands and limbs trembled as Luther ended the call then dropped it back into her purse. He’d defended her again, right after convincing her he wanted nothing to do with her. when she had been convinced that he wanted nothing to do with her.

  “I won’t let him near you, Thana. You have my word. I’ll keep you safe.”

  Deep in her heart she felt the truth of his words. She believed him.

  She just wasn’t sure what to make of him.

  He was an enigma, yet her instincts told her and to heed his words and stay away, because if he really was another black knight and broke her heart, she might not survive this time.

  “I, uh… I need to go.” Thana gathered her things and stood, hesitating only long enough to catch the confusion surfacing in Luther’s eyes before making a swift exit.


  No doubt about it. He’d messed up.

  Everything had been going well yesterday until Thana had taken hold of his hand and he’d quickly withdrawn. Then, rather than making an excuse as planned, he’d warned her away.

  Instinct had made him say that.

  He had no desire to get any closer than was necessary.

  Luther scrubbed a hand over his head and stared into the distance.

  He wasn’t fooling anyone, least of all himself.

  Her touch had reignited a spark of desire, bringing his simmering hunger to caress her to full boil. Warmth had spread from where her fingers had held his throughout his entire body, a sure sign of attraction. He paced the rooftop of his apartment building, scouring the horizon for an answer to his troubles. Gaining Thana’s trust had been accomplished, until he’d warned her off.

  His instinct to protect her ran deep, but he’d never suspected it would be necessary to protect her from himself. She’d had her share of pain and suffering, more than she deserved, and he couldn’t bring himself to add to it. When his mission was over, he’d leave this realm and return to his heavenly quarters, leaving Earth and Thana behind him for good. He’d still watch over her—as his Seal’s host, he would be her sworn guardian for life—but he would do it from a safe distance. If he used her desire against her now, her heart would break when he left. She’d never understand. She’d blame herself, just as she did each time one of the vile men she dated turned their backs on her.

  He couldn’t be like them.

  Thana deserved better.

  Far better than him, that was for sure.

  One day, she would meet the man who would become her world and who’d treat her right and make her happy.

  Remembering her smile from yesterday made his chest squeeze tight.

  He’d done that. Made her smile with happiness and warmth.

  Then her expression had slowly shifted to a wounded, hunted look as she walked away from the café, leaving him alone to ponder his behavior. Divinity help him, why had he said such things to her? Why had he intervened once more in her destructive relationship with her ex-lover?


  Not the entire truth, but not a lie either.

  He did do these things because it was his sworn Scion duty but keeping her at bay was also his shield and he would not cast it aside.

  The last rays of the setting sun warmed his skin, the lingering heat cocooning him in a soft breeze that stirred his soul. It was growing late. Time had passed quickly while he had been lost in his thoughts, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of New Orleans below, and he still hadn’t found the answers to the questions that plagued him. In fact, the questions had only multiplied—about his mission, about Thana, about her feelings for him.

  He’d never had a beautiful mortal female gaze upon him with such desire.

  Luther looked down at his hands, turning them palm up. His hands had killed many in the line of duty, battled in many human wars, returning the guilty to stand judgment before Divinity. In times past, when wars had been frequent, he’d razed battlefields and cities alike in the name of Heaven, following orders to the letter, never once feeling remorse over his actions.

  Until now.

  He’d told her to keep away from him.

  She deserved better than a man who’d killed so many of her kind without flinching.

  A role he’d gladly resume once his current mission had come to an end.

  He was no better than those men who’d hurt her.

  If anything, he was worse.

  For all their noise and disgraceful behavior, none of them had ever taken another life. Thana believed him good and kind, thought him different to the men she’d previously dated, but she would never be so accepting of him if she knew the things he’d done in his past, in the time before he’d become her guardian.

  In his Scion past, he’d led a different life. Wars had becom
e less frequent and the archangels no longer required outside assistance from the Scion. His kind, the Seal guardians, had returned to their normal duties, watching over their mortals, for eternity.

  He’d never seen the oracle pool which held the future. Only a few of the Scion had ventured to Hades where it was located, and those warriors had kept their silence, relaying what they’d seen only to Divinity, who in turn relayed necessary information on critical events to Xander.

  Which led Luther to believe his commander was aware of what fate awaited Thana.

  Warm summer air teased his senses, and he basked in the sunlight, absorbing the heat and allowing it to relax him and chase away his troubled thoughts.

  He was a soldier.

  Soldiers followed their orders.

  He didn’t have to think. He just had to follow orders and his mission would be over.

  Luther opened his eyes and looked at the infinite sky. The pale blue dome turned to green and then hues of orange near the horizon, scattered with ribbons of cloud that burned gold and pink. The evening was beautiful, at least until a vortex opened behind him and he found himself hurtling through time and space again on yet another summons.

  He blinked his eyes open to find himself back in the heavenly realms again, surrounding by blank white walls. Luther strode forward until he faced Xander and the archangels again.

  “There’s been a development.” Xan sat at the table closest to Luther, his midnight dark hair gleaming in the brightness.

  “What?” Luther made no effort to hide his displeasure at having his evening ruined. “Does this mean my mission will end soon?”

  “Your final task approaches,” Xan said. “You’ve been patient in your duty and Divinity appreciates your faithful service. Once this final task is been completed, you are free to return to Heaven.”

  Forcing his tense shoulders to relax, Luther nodded. Relief swept through him. This was good news. Still, there was something about Xander’s expression that put him on edge.

  “What’s my final task?”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” His commander leaned back in his chair. “In the meantime, you must continue to protect your Seal host. We have word the Nephilim may be planning something new.”

  The Nephilim. The Scion’s archenemy. This was new information. He’d heard of previous attempts by the half-breed bastards on other Seal hosts, but he’d thought them thwarted and done by now. “You believe they mean to harm her?”

  “You must not allow the Nephilim or the demons near her.”

  Luther stared at Xan wide-eyed. “Demons?”

  “Yes. You must keep your host safe until the event Divinity witnessed comes to pass.”

  “What event?”

  “It’s not necessary for you to know right now, Luther. You need to focus on your mission. It’s critical that you gain her trust. You must get closer to her by any means necessary. Understand?”

  “I’m not sure I want to.” He frowned at his commander.

  “The female is attracted to you. Use that attraction to gain her trust.”

  His heart raced, anger curling through his body. This was a sick joke. Had to be. Xander’s expression remained cold and fixed as he stared back at him. Luther reined in his outrage, unwilling to give away how much he despised the thought of manipulating Thana.

  Yet that’s exactly what he was being ordered to do.

  “Why is having her trust so important?” he demanded. He had no love for mortals as a whole, but he had principles. He was a Scion, created to protect humanity, not manipulate them.

  He glared at his commander, barely restraining his fury and desire to argue. Using Thana’s feelings in such a way went against everything he stood for, all of his principles and his honor. It was callous and cruel. He had no desire to hurt her.

  “Follow your orders.”

  Luther went to speak but a vortex engulfed him again. When it faded, he was standing outside the café where he had shared coffee with Thana. She walked past him moments later,

  heavy white plastic grocery bags hanging from her arms. He rushed after her, determined to reach her before she reached the elevators. The silver doors were just opening as he reached the lobby and he raced forward. “Hey!”

  “Hey,” Thana said, not looking at him. The journey up to their floor passed in uncomfortable silence and it was only when they were stepping out of the lift that inspiration struck Luther.

  He couldn’t disobey his orders to gain her trust but that didn’t mean he had to hurt her. He could be her friend and hopefully this time he wouldn’t mess it up. Rather than using her attraction towards him, he would do something he’d never done. He’d lower his guard and let her close, gaining her trust that way. No deception. Never mind she had no idea what he really was and why he had been living next door to her for the last month. “Thana.”

  She stopped at her door and turned to face him. Her beauty stopped him in his tracks and made his breath catch. He hesitated before walking over to her, summoning all the courage he could muster given the unfamiliar situation. “I apologize for how I acted last night at the café. Can I make it up to you somehow?”

  She smiled. “Dinner would be good.”

  Like a date? That didn’t sound good at all. That sounded suspiciously close to what Xander had wanted him to do. He shuffled his feet, battling the traitorous part of him that suggested perhaps it wouldn’t be so bad to seduce her. She was gorgeous, and he was finding it increasingly difficult to get Thana out of his head and his dreams.

  “How about dinner at my place?” The words escaped him before he could stop them, and her grin was all the answer he needed. Cooking would avoid the perception this was anything more than platonic, right?

  He frowned.

  Or was an invitation to his apartment more intimate than dining in a restaurant.

  “Great. I’ll be over in half an hour.” With that, Thana entered her place and closed the door behind her, leaving him standing in the hallway trying to figure out what he’d offered her.

  Perhaps he should call for assistance. Wyck was his closest Scion brother, in Atlanta. Then there was Kagan in Chicago and Chago in Montana. They were all in relationships with their Seal hosts and were all qualified to answer his questions.

  Luther went into his apartment with the intent of calling Wyck first and interrogating him about mortal females and whether he’d just offered something more than he’d anticipated but halted halfway to the telephone. His living quarters were a mess.

  He had never really paid much attention, but it certainly didn’t look like the sort of place a man should invite a woman. He swapped calling Wyck for tidying his apartment, using his supernatural speed to toss all his dirty clothes into the laundry basket in his bathroom, straighten furniture, dusting and running the vacuum before Thana knocked on his door. If there was any time left on the clock, he’d phone his brother for advice, but it wasn’t looking promising. The bathroom was a mess too and so was the kitchen, and she was likely to visit both of those places.

  Dinner in a restaurant suddenly looked more appealing.

  Luther opened his fridge to find nothing but a block of old cheese and a half-eaten melon that had seen better days. No need to inspect the cabinets. cupboards. They were barren as well.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  He spun to glance at the clock in the living room. She was ten minutes early. He cursed. No time to get food or call Wyck. He scanned the apartment on his way to the door. At least it was clean now. His greeting fled the moment he set eyes on her.

  Thana had changed into a rather alluring little red dress that left him speechless.

  “You look…” The expectant shine to her eyes and the tentative smile curving the corners of her cherry red lips had him grasping for words. “Stunning.”

  “You don’t look half bad yourself.” She held up a bottle in front of her and he froze. “I only had rosé. I know it’s a bit girly, but it would’ve been rude to bri
ng nothing.”

  He reached for it, but she drew it back to her chest, eyeing him closely.

  “Uh oh,” she said with a small frown. “You’re a beer drinker., aren’t you?”

  “No.” He snatched the bottle, the backs of his fingers accidentally brushing her cleavage at the same time. Awareness zinged over his skin from the brief contact and the blush on Thana’s cheeks said it all. He had practically groped her. Considering he’d wanted this evening to be little more than opening up to her and gaining her trust through friendship, he was sending out the wrong sorts of signals. His heart raced, and his palms sweated. He was a stranger to physical intimacy but had witnessed enough carnal matters over his years watching his Seal hosts to know the sordid, endless variety of things humans did between the sheets. It hadn’t interested him in the past, but the more he stared at Thana’s chest, the more physical interaction with her appealed.


  The object of tonight’s mission wasn’t seduction. It was forming a friendship.

  She stared at him as an awkward silence fell between them.

  “Uh, the wine’s fine… thanks, but I just don’t really drink.” He hoped she’d let it go and not pursue the subject. It wasn’t a complete lie. He’d didn’t drink often because he liked to keep his Scion skills sharp in case of danger. But he did enjoy a good ale or shot of bourbon after a long day as much as the next person. Dulling his senses tonight, however, with so much at stake would be bad. He’d need all his wits about him with Thana around.

  She walked into his apartment, glancing at everything then him, challenge glinting in her dark eyes. She was trying to figure him out and he didn’t particularly like it.

  To distract himself, he strode into the kitchen and searched for his corkscrew to open the wine, then set it down on the counter. Damn. He’d forgotten all about wine glasses. He pulled out two short tumblers instead and poured two healthy glassfuls of rose as Thana approached. He handed her one then picked up his own.

  “Cheers.” Her sexy voice washed over him like balm, soothing his frazzled edges and she chinked her tumbler against his before taking a sip. He watched the sleek muscles of the throat work as she swallowed.


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