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Page 31

by Jessica Marx

  “You’re amazing. You deserve so much more than I can give you.”

  “Shut up,” I smile.

  Shane places his hands on my butt and pulls me closer into him. I roll over on top of him, “tell me more.”

  “I thought you told me to shut up?” he teases me.

  “Oh yeah,” I reply with a giggle.

  I plant my lips on his and begin to kiss him, slowly. He pulls my shirt up, exposing my breasts. I take his hands in mine and pin them down on either side of his head, pressing my bare chest against his. Shane arches his body up to mine, forcing our bodies even closer.

  I grind my hips over him. I can feel how stiff he is even through the fabric of his boxers and my own underwear. Feeling more aroused, I kiss him deeper, rolling my hips over his in measured movements. Shane tries to move his hands from mine so he can touch me. I force them back down. I know he can easily escape my grip if he wants to, but he stops trying.

  My nipples are taut. I run them over Shane’s chest. He groans. His hands move below mine. I still don’t set him free. I kiss him harder. Reaching one hand down, I take hold of his hardness and stroke him gently, rubbing the tip against the damp silk of my underwear. Shane stretches his free arm around and pulls the fabric aside. He guides himself easily inside of me. My slickness surrounding him, enveloping him.

  I roll my hips over Shane’s, pressing my body into his as I do. I let his thickness fill me over and over again. I look down at Shane’s face. His eyes are closed but he looks like he’s in ecstasy.

  I grasp his shoulders and continue to grind into him. Shane’s hands clench my hips, guiding my movements. I move faster as I feel myself coming closer to climax.

  “Look at me,” I whisper.

  Shane opens his eyes and gazes into mine. Our eyes lock.

  His stare, that deep, raw, understanding that we belong to each other, takes us both to the edge.

  Shane tightens his grip on my hips and pulls me into him, forcing himself deep inside me. My whole body shudders as he fills me completely. He doesn’t break his stare. Having Shane watch me, looking into his eyes while I release myself over him, is an incredible feeling. I collapse over him as his body shakes below mine. He spasms again and holds me close.

  We remain there, silently, my head on his chest until I giggle softly.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing,” I reply, “I just never felt anything like that.”

  “I’m pretty sure you’ve felt that before,” he jokes.

  “No, I mean, that,” I explain, “that was intense.”

  “Yes, it was.”

  Neither of us moves. I keep my position on top of Shane, his arms wrapped over me. I’m pretty sure I fell asleep for a little while, but he didn’t wake me. I’m sure he’s a little uncomfortable, but he let me be.

  “Shit. Fuck,” I curse to myself.

  Shane walks over to the desk in the hotel room that I’ve made into my temporary office. I’m working on getting myself established somewhere else in town. It’s proving to be harder than expected.

  My reputation is stellar, but the rumors and stories about the Westbrook family and their business really put a damper on my opportunities. I have a couple of brokers that are willing to work with me, but none of the big names I was hoping for.

  “What’s the matter, babe?” Shane asks.

  “Remember that center hall colonial that everyone was dying to own? The one that accepted the offer from my clients?” I ask rhetorically, turning to face him, “well, the newlyweds backed out after the whole Westbrook debacle, using some lame excuse - even after all of my attempts at changing their minds.”

  “That sucks,” Shane replies, “but you’re amazing at what you do. I’m sure you will still be able to sell that beauty.”

  I sigh, “I don’t know. My name is taboo right now. I think I’m going to have to wait until this all blows over - wait for the next scandal so everyone will forget about this one.”

  “Don’t let it get you down,” Shane consoles, “there will be plenty more houses and many more clients in your future.”

  “I know,” I concede, “I just loved that house and that couple was so loving and excited. It would have been a great match.”

  One problem with loving your job and your own clients is the disappointment when something you know would be perfect, doesn’t work out. That couple and that home were the perfect match. I know that. It’s one of the traits I have that separates me from the average agent.

  “Maybe it will work out after all. Maybe you’ll meet another loving couple that would be a perfect fit.”

  “Not going to happen. Someone already snatched it up. I knew that house was going to be a hot one.”

  “Well, then, let it go.” Shane rubs my shoulders. I’m so tense that I didn’t notice I was holding them up to my ears. “It’s been a couple of months already. The Westbrooks will soon be a distant memory around here. You’re good at what you do. You care. People know that - they recognize that in you. You’ll be back on top in no time.”

  I put my hand on his, “thanks.”

  “Don’t thank me. I’m only relaying the facts. Forget about it. We can build a house just like it if we want. Don’t forget how talented your man is,” Shane teases, giving my shoulders a tight squeeze.

  He walks toward the bathroom to shower. “I have to go check on the site, you want to come? You can get out of here for a bit.”

  “Maybe that’s a good idea.” I’m feeling pretty down about my own career, seeing his success just might cheer me up.

  The downtown project is on hold until the land deal is sorted out. Shane and S.P.A. have already started building the community center though. He’s not worried about what will happen with the rest of the land. Whatever it is will be better than what almost came to be.

  Shane’s plan was to do something to give back to the community and that is what he’s going to do regardless.

  I put on some jeans and a tee shirt and walk hand in hand with Shane down through the lobby and into the car.

  I stare in amazement at the transformation. In such a short time, Shane and his crew have completely converted the dirty old lot.

  The frame work is up for the large building and to my understanding, most of the plumbing and electric are completed. It’s coming along so fast.

  Shane leads me through the fencing and guides me through the construction zone. He points out what each area will be. His excitement is palpable. He has really put his heart into this. We reach the end of our tour, and sit on one of the benches they have set up outside.

  “So, what do you think?” Shane asks expectantly.

  “I think it’s amazing,” I answer simply.

  A group of kids walk by, pointing and speculating about what is coming. There is a large sign with a detailed diagram outside so everyone can see what is to come. The neighborhood seems very excited about it.

  “I hope the kids will like it. I just want to give them a place to go that they can feel safe, have some fun, and maybe even learn something,” Shane says to me as he watches the group of preteens continue on, “I want to make a difference.”

  “You’ve already made a difference,” I say with admiration, “you’ve given them something to be excited about. You’re giving the entire area hope.”

  Shane looks at me, “that’s a little much, don’t you think?”

  I turn to look at him, “Shane, look at you. You came from nothing. You were a young boy taking care of his mother. You had more responsibility than many adults. You didn’t use that as an excuse to be a failure, you used it as your reason to become a better person - to make sure your future wouldn’t be a repeat the past.”

  “I had to,” Shane starts.

  “No. You didn’t have to. You wanted to. You made something from nothing. You’re showing these kids - everyone - that it’s possible to get out of here and make something of themselves.”

  “You’re incredible, Beth,” Shane says
. He kisses me softly on the lips. “Come on, I have something else to show you.”

  Shane grabs my hand and pulls me off the bench. He leads me back through the site and through the gates.

  “Where are we going?” I ask. I thought he was going to show me something inside the community center area.

  “You’ll see.”


  I hope I did the right thing. I made my decision with our best interests in mind - and of course - our future. I’m sure Beth feels the same way about me as I do her, I’m just second guessing making such a big decision without her input.

  Oh well, it’s too late now. I’m about to find out.

  Through the car window, I watch as the streets get wider and the trees get bigger. It’s funny how the scenery noticeably changes as you reach the outskirts of the ‘bad’ side of Lawson.

  “Where are we going?” Beth asks again.

  “Keep it in your pants,” I kid, “I told you. You’ll see when we get there.”

  “Will we be there soon?”

  “I’m not answering you anymore.”

  We drive for a few more minutes in silence.

  “This is my favorite part of Park City,” Beth comments.

  “I know. You’ve told me before.”

  “Sorry, just trying to make conversation,” she replies impatiently, “are we almost there yet?”

  I look at her and roll my eyes before looking back at the road ahead. I make my final turn down the street. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Beth straighten up. She’s familiar with this block. She doesn’t say anything.

  I pull over in front of the house. I feel almost as much anxiety as I did the first time I parked my car here. Beth looks at me curiously.

  “Surprise!” I say with mock excitement.

  “I don’t get it,” she replies dryly.

  “We’re home.”

  Beth eyes me and then looks at the house with the ‘for sale’ sign outside.

  “Is this a joke?”

  “That wouldn’t be very nice of me, would it?”

  Her eyes widen, “how? When? How?” she stutters.

  I’m still unsure if she’s happy or upset with me, “when you told me about the newlyweds backing out of the deal a couple of weeks ago, I jumped on it.”

  “Holy shit.”

  “Yeah, holy shit,” I reply, smiling hesitantly.

  Beth doesn’t say anything. She continues staring out the window. I’m still not really sure how she feels. Women.

  When I can’t take her silence anymore, I ask “well, what do you think?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I mean, do you like it? I know you like the house. I mean, what do you think about me buying it - without you. About us living here - together. We didn’t have the closing yet so I can back out if you think it’s a bad idea.”

  Beth turns to face me, “Shane,” she starts. It’s not an excited sounding ‘Shane’. I hope I didn’t fuck things up. “this is just… this is unbelievable. I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say you love me and can’t wait to move in, get married, and start a family,” I suggest, “that’s kind of what I’m going for here.”

  “I love you. I can’t wait to move in, get married, and start a family,” she repeats, looking at me.

  “You mean it?”

  “With all my heart.”

  Beth quickly unbuckles her seatbelt and gets out of the car. She runs up on the lawn and motions for me to get out. Watching her come alive like this, feeling her exhilaration, it’s everything I hoped for. She grabs my hand and drags me around the property, peeking in windows and walking the perimeter.

  We make our way back to the front door and sit on the steps.

  “This is where it all began,” she says.

  “It began way before I showed up on this doorstep,” I smile.

  I take Beth’s face in my hands and touch my lips to hers. I kiss her, gently, and full of affection, “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. I don’t even know how to begin to thank you for this,” she answers.

  “I can think of a few ways,” I reply slyly, kissing her again.

  We could live in a cardboard box for all I care - as long as I have Beth by my side, I have everything I need.


  “Almost ready, babe?” Shane calls from downstairs.

  Sitting in front of my vintage vanity, I fasten my earrings in and slip my heels on. I’m going as fast as I can, but I want to look perfect. This is Shane’s big day.

  I check my make up once more before pushing the stool in and leaving the bedroom. I walk downstairs where Shane is waiting for me in the living room - our living room.

  Once we closed on the house, we immediately got to work making it our own. I say ‘we’, but Shane let me do most of the decorating and designing. I stayed away from all the fancy, modern decor that I had been surrounded by before, and made this home much more suitable to my own style.

  Actually, everything started to come together at the same time. I was finally offered a great position with one of the agencies I’d been hoping for. Thanks to all of the publicity, S.P.A. already has several local jobs in the works, and even more lined up for the future.

  Things really seem to be falling into place for Shane and I. It’s nice. We sure waited long enough.

  “Wow, you look incredible,” Shane says, getting up off the plush sofa where he’s been waiting for me.

  “You always say that,” I reply, giving him a quick kiss.

  “It’s always true.”

  “You ready?” I ask, excitedly. I smooth out his shirt and straighten his tie for him.

  “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “A little bit,” Shane admits.

  He has a big speech prepared, but he hasn’t let me see or hear it. He wanted to wait until today.

  “Well, let’s get it over with then,” I smile.

  I grab his hand and lead him outside to the car. Shane drives - of course - but he doesn’t let go of my hand the entire ride. He needs me - and I love it.

  “Beth, Beth!” I hear my name being called and turn around.

  “Claire?” I respond. I’m completely surprised to see Claire here.

  I haven’t seen or spoke to Claire since I cleaned out my desk. She’s been laying low over the last year as the investigation was taking place. She’s no longer the social butterfly she once was. Even if she was, I still wouldn't expect to see her on this side of town at the opening of a community center. It’s not really her scene.

  “It’s so nice to see you, honey,” she says, embracing me. I feel slightly awkward, but I hug her back.

  “You too,” I reply, hesitantly.

  “I knew I would find you here. I’ve been following the progress of the center on the local news,” she explains, “and of course I heard about you and Shane Andrews through the grapevine.”

  “Oh,” is all I say. The investigation is over, but I still don’t know how I feel about shooting the breeze with Claire.

  “Oh, honey,” she sighs, “I’m so sorry about everything Chad - my family - put you through.”

  “It’s okay,” I reply, “it’s in the past now.”

  “You had such a hard time though. It took months for you to find a new job.”

  “Yeah,” I say.

  “I made some calls for you. I tried to clear your name.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate that.” I don’t know how much help that would have been seeing as how she is a Westbrook. That name no longer holds any clout anywhere around here.

  “Anyway, I wanted to let you know I’m leaving Park City. I’m actually leaving New York.”

  “Oh?” I don’t know why she’s telling me. It’s not like we were ever very close and we certainly don’t have any connection anymore.

  “With Arnold and Chad both,” she pauses, “serving their time, I don’t have much left here.” Despite her situation, Claire soun
ds more confident than she ever has, “my so-called friends wrote me off when the investigation became public. All of our assets, including the house, have been seized,” she explains. It’s not new information. All of the Westbrooks’ affairs have been made public. “I have a small trust in my own name that was started by my parents long before Chad was born. I never needed it - but now - it’s all I have.”

  I feel very uncomfortable. She’s telling me everything. She must need someone to talk to. I remain quiet and let her finish.

  Claire sighs and smiles, “so, I’m going to Florida. Of course I’ll visit Chad - he’s my baby. He was just following in his father’s footsteps. He knew it was wrong, but Arnold was always so hard on that poor boy. I should have…” Claire finishes the thought in her own head, “anyway. I just wanted to wish you the best.”

  “Thanks,” I say, “but honestly, why?” After I say it, I realize it sounds rude, but I still don’t understand why she’s telling me all of this.

  “I just admire you, Beth,” she reveals, “I wish I had the audacity to leave Arnold years ago. I feel like I wasted so much of my life. And now, I’m left with nothing. I’m happy for you. I always wanted you as my daughter-in-law, but what you and Chad had wasn’t real love,” she stares off behind me, “what you have now, is. For what it’s worth, I want to wish you the best. I also want to thank you for making me feel like I can start my life again.”

  I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Shane, “Hate to interrupt, but we’re about to start,” he says, “Mrs. Westbrook,” he greets her, extending his hand.

  “Mr. Andrews,” she takes his hand in both of hers and returns his greeting, “I wish you much luck and success - both in your career and with your wonderful bride to be.”

  Shane puts his arm around me, “thank you.”

  “I’ll let you two go.” Claire draws me into another hug.

  “Thanks for coming,” I tell her.

  Claire smiles and walks out toward the groups of people gathered outside.


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