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Page 32

by Jessica Marx

Shane puts his arm around me, “what was all that about?”

  “I’ll explain later.”


  “Thank you all so much for coming today,” I address the large crowd before me, “this community center has been a dream of mine for several years. I would like to give you a little background about myself so you all can understand why this is so important to me. As a child growing up in Lawson, we didn’t have a place like this - a place for children to come and spend their free time. A place to escape the hardships of their home lives. A place to learn and grow. A place to find security, comfort, and support.”

  I was expecting a big turn out, but nothing like this. The anticipation of the completion of the Lawson Center for Community Growth created a huge buzz over the last several months. The people in town genuinely cared about what was coming. They seemed interested. They offered their help. We haven’t even opened the doors yet, and we have begun to make a difference. Now, I just have to get through this speech without getting too emotional.

  “I was lucky to find all of those things in one special family. One family that took me in and made me feel like one of their own. One family that made all the difference in the world to my life and what it has become.”

  I turn to my left and quickly glance at all of the Kaminskys standing by my side. All of them are here by my side - and that means the world to me. I continue, “Like many of you, I had a rough childhood. I had a hard time in school. I got into a lot of trouble on the streets because I wanted to be anywhere other than my own home.” I face right and look at my own family, who have also come to support me today, “I could have grown to be like too many others - turning to a life of crime, trying to make ends meet any way I could manage - but I didn’t.”

  I take a deep breath before continuing, “I didn’t because I had the support of others. I had a mentor. I had someone who believed in me and saw the decent, caring, human being inside the troubled teen I was bound to become.” I look again at the Kaminskys. They are all tearing up - except Big Dan - of course. “I’m sure many of you know Officer Kaminsky, or ‘Big Dan’ as he’s known on the streets. Without his help - without his tough love - I don’t know where I would have been - but it is because of him that we are all here today.”

  I turn again and see the look of surprise on Dan’s face with the mention of his name, “Dan gave me the courage and will to change my life - not to become another cliche kid from the wrong side of the tracks. It was because of what he told me years ago that made me believe I was better than what I was brought up to believe.”

  I can’t look at the Kaminskys again. I can hear sniffling and if I see the tears, I know I won’t be able to go on. I glance again at my own family. My mother, her boyfriend, my uncle, and cousins are standing side by side.

  “After I left Lawson, I was offered a second chance by another amazing man - my uncle. He gave me the opportunity to learn and to take responsibility for myself. I also owe him deep gratitude for his help and guidance. Without him, I wouldn’t have the skills, the vision, or the tools to make this building - and my dream - come to fruition.”

  I’m having trouble holding myself together. This is much harder than I thought, but I need to say all of this. The feelings behind it all are as important as the structure itself.

  “I was given support. I was loved. I was encouraged. It is because of this that I have the ability to stand before you, my family by my side, and dedicate the Lawson Center for Community Growth to you - the people of Lawson - with the hopes that it will offer the children a brighter future. A future filled with as much love and success as I have been given the opportunity to achieve myself.”

  “I would like to ask my fiancé, Beth, to join me in the official cutting of the ribbon…”


  I’m sure my face is a mess from crying - but this is Shane’s big day - it’s not about me. I can’t worry about what people think right now.

  My hands are shaking as Shane takes them in his. He gives me a reassuring squeeze. I focus on the reflection coming from the beautiful diamond on my finger. After two months of wearing it, the shock still hasn’t worn off.

  I can’t say I was totally surprised when Shane proposed. I knew he was going to at some point - just not where and when.

  For my birthday, he took me to a spa at the very end of Montauk - not far from what we call ‘our spot’ on the beach. We were having dinner on the outside deck overlooking a spectacular sunset. The flowers on the table, the sound of the waves crashing - the scene was pure romance.

  The waiter brought our dessert. The plate was decorated with swirly colored sauces surrounding a fancy looking chocolate box. I told Shane it was too pretty to cut open. He told me to just take the delicate chocolate top off the box. I did as he said, completely unsuspecting of what was about to happen.

  I gently removed the top, and there, resting atop a small mound of ripe berries, was the most beautiful engagement ring I’ve ever seen. Shane got down on his knee and made an equally beautiful proposal.

  Everyone in the restaurant was in on it. The table next to us recorded the whole thing, and the minute I said ‘yes’, the waiter appeared and popped a bottle of champagne. Everyone cheered. It was incredible.

  This whole year has been full of surprises and life changes. From Shane’s sudden reappearance, to Chad’s arrest, the house of my dreams, a new job, the proposal, the opening of this center. It’s been like a dream.

  If you had asked me a couple of years ago where I saw my future, it would not look anything like it does now, but I wouldn’t change a thing.

  I look around. On one side of us stand Shane’s mother and extended family. I’ve finally, after half a lifetime, gotten to know Janis Andrews. I’m glad I know her as the woman she is now and not the person she used to be. She’s a genuinely caring woman and she’s lovingly accepted me into the family, as have his uncle and cousins.

  My parents and siblings are standing on the opposite side. Mo’s face is beaming with pride. Nick, Abby, and even Zach look on with admiration. I swear I see a tear trickle down my father’s face, but I pretend not to notice.

  Behind us all is this beautiful building built by my soon-to-be husband. We hope the community receives the same pride, dedication, and love, he put into it.

  With Shane’s body resting against mine, our hands together, we cut the red ribbon lining the front of the new community center.

  I look into Shane’s eyes as the crowd cheers. Not everyone believes that dreams come true, but us - this moment - is living proof that they do.


  Thank you so much for enjoying my first full length romance novel! I’m actively writing my next book and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Join my mailing list for new release notification, free exclusive content, and special discounts on new releases for anyone who subscribes! Sign up is easy, and I will never share your information with anyone.

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  Part I

  Bonus #1 - Naughty!


  A Bad Boy Stepbrother Romance

  Copyright Jessica Marx 2016

  This book is a work of fiction. All the characters in this book are fictitious and any similarity to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidence.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.


  Thank you so much for enjoying my first full length romance novel! I’m actively writing my next book and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Join my mailing list for new release notification, free exclusive content, and special discounts on new rel
eases for anyone who subscribes! Sign up is easy, and I will never share your information with anyone.

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  I hate this scene. Crowds aren’t my thing—I think I’m tainted from the years I spent tending bar through college. I’ve been working as a server since high school and bartending since I turned eighteen. Fortunately, that means I can spot a player from a mile away. They may all look different on the outside, but the way they carry themselves and look at women is all the same. And right now, one of them is looking at me.

  I stare right back. I have no time for games—that’s not my thing, either. I have no interest in a one-night stand or some guy who will make me feel like a queen until he makes me do the walk of shame. I’ve been down that road before and don’t care to visit it ever again.

  He starts walking toward me through the crowd. The music is pulsing right through me and my skin is damp from the combination of body heat and humidity on this warm summer night. His body is defined and muscular and I can see the shape of his chiseled abs through his fitted, collared top.

  And he knows it.

  He has sandy brown, surfer-style hair in a perfect mess over his tan skin and hazel eyes. I catch sight of a tattoo on his forearm and follow it up into his shirt sleeve, wondering where it will lead. As he approaches I shake my yearning and catch my breath, bringing myself back to reality. I know the truth. He may be gorgeous, but he’s just a player like the rest of them.

  This notion is solidified as he draws nearer and I see the way he struts—his dick leading the way, taking him in the direction of what he believes will be his conquest for the evening.

  He gets dangerously close. It’s loud in here, but not loud enough to justify him speaking right into my ear. I keep my drink straw in my mouth and fidget with it, not knowing what else to do.

  “You have gorgeous legs. I can’t wait to have them wrapped around my neck later.”

  I choke on my drink. Is this guy kidding? His breath in my ear makes me feel a little weak in the knees, as much as I wish it didn’t.

  “You don’t waste any time, huh? Obviously, you’re looking for a different kind of girl. The only one touching my legs tonight will be my boyfriend.”

  Mentioning a boyfriend throws most guys off their game. But he just stands there, smirking. Who does this guy think he is?

  “I’m not looking for a different kind of girl. I just don’t believe in games. You’re hot, I’m hot, and together we can have an amazing night, so why not just cut to the chase?”

  I see my friend Rachel making her way back from the bathroom and I’m relieved. She is the perfect wing-woman. We’ve been friends since grade school and she’s like a sister to me. She has a gorgeous face and the body to match, but she’s also a no-nonsense kind of girl with a dry sense of humor. She’s just what I need to take this guy down a peg.

  That’s what I want to do, right?

  I don’t know why, but this cocky asshole is actually turning me on. Something about him is getting to me. I’ve always fallen for the wrong guys, especially the ones who ooze the bad-boy thing, but I’m happy now with Michael and our mundane routine. He’s different than any other man I’ve met, and I keep telling myself that’s a good thing.

  Rachel is back and questioning if I’m okay with her eyes. Mr. Smooth extends his hand. I notice it’s just as tanned and strong as the rest of him. He must work with his hands. I start imagining my breasts cupped inside of them while he whispers all the dirty things he’s going to do to me into my ear.

  Damn him. This isn’t fair.

  “I’m Jayson. Your friend caught my eye from across the room.”

  “Rachel,” she says in that clipped sort of way she does when she wants someone to get lost. “And I know Ashley isn’t interested. She has a boyfriend. So thanks, but no thanks.”

  “So I heard. I don’t see him around, though. If Ashley was my girlfriend, I wouldn’t let her out of my sight—especially in a place like this,” Jayson answers.

  Hearing my name roll off his tongue makes me weak in the knees. I don’t know why, but I feel the need to justify Michael’s whereabouts—as I had been doing more and more often lately.

  “He has a presentation in the morning, so he couldn’t stay out,” I say with much more conviction than I actually feel. Where the fuck was he, anyway? He used to find a way to spend time with me no matter what. These days, it’s all late nights at work and no time for fun.

  Still, I don’t have to explain myself to this guy. Some over-sexed jerk isn’t going to make me question the first healthy relationship I’ve ever had.

  “Guess you’re the loyal type,” Jayson says, giving me another once-over and a knowing grin. “Damn. I hope your boyfriend knows how lucky he is.”

  I can feel the weight of his stare pressing down on me, like he can undress me with the sheer power of his gaze, leaving me naked and on display.

  “I’ll be sure to let him know,” I say and take another sip of my drink. I can’t believe how aroused I am by this guy. I shake my head. Total player, through and through.

  I try to be a little cocky myself and reach out my hand. “Good luck tonight,” I say, hoping he’ll note the sarcasm in my tone, and smile as he holds my hand a little too long. The bulge in his jeans is unmistakable. My face flushes and a current of heat surges between my legs. If he spends one more minute here I might not be able to keep it together or sound like the cocky bitch I’m trying to be right now.

  We hold hands for a few seconds longer before Rachel breaks it up.

  “Great meeting you, Jayson. We’re gonna go enjoy the rest of the night. Without you,” Rachel says in her super-bitch tone. He turns and walks away, giving me one more look. I’m melting. The moisture on my skin has spread all over and I now notice how damp I am in all the right places. I give myself just a few more seconds to fantasize about him and then notice Rachel is talking to me and I have no idea what she’s been saying.

  We finish our drinks and I find myself searching the bar for another look at Jayson. I know he’s an asshole who by now has undoubtedly latched on to another girl, but the few minutes I spent in his presence were electric. I wanted to rip his clothes off and tell him to fuck off all at the same time. I’ve never felt something so strong with a man, and I can’t help but start to fantasize about him again.

  The feeling is fleeting, though, as I notice him way across the bar talking to a gorgeous blonde. She can’t keep her hands off him and he doesn’t seem to mind. By the look of things, he forgot about me the moment he walked away. Typical.

  Rachel and I make our way through the crowd and toward the door. I take one more glance over to where I had spotted Jayson and see he’s on the receiving end of the bar slut version of a lap dance. Good thing I have Michael, or I might have been stupid enough to fall for this guy. Rachel sees me looking and rolls her eyes.

  “Are you seriously looking at that douchebag? You’re way too good for a guy like that,” she reminds me.

  We leave the bar and I decide I’m going to stop by Michael’s. I’m feeling a little worked up and wouldn’t mind a late-night booty call. I send him a text that I’m stopping by as Rachel and I say goodnight and get into separate cabs.



  I’ve seen her type a thousand times. Tight, fit body and legs for days. She wanted guys to look at her but I can tell by her stance she isn’t looking for a hook-up. That doesn’t mean I won’t try.

  I’ve never had a problem meeting women, or more importantly, screwing them. Sometimes they can’t resist long enough to even make it back to my place. Those are the easy ones. The one I have my eye on now, though—she looks like a challenge.

  I love long hair and have a thing for brunettes. She has perfect dark curls hanging over her breasts, forcing me to notice how heavy and round they are. I see her glance over and notice me looking at her, but I don’t stop staring. I l
ike having the upper hand and I know how to make a woman squirm before I even get her to the bedroom.

  She’s holding her straw in her mouth and her lips look so tasty wrapped around it. I bet they’d feel like heaven around my cock.

  She holds my gaze and I work my eyes up her long legs to the bottom of her skirt. It would be so easy to tear her panties off and fuck her right there. I’m pretty sure that’s what short skirts are made for.

  I start walking over, feeling my pants get a little tighter as I imagine her legs wrapped around me while I tease her with the tip of my cock, making her beg for it like they all eventually do. I can tell she’s going to play hard to get, but I see her sizing me up and by the look in her eye, I know she thinks I’m hot.

  And why wouldn’t she?

  I decide to cut to the chase. I make sure to breathe a little heavy against her neck as I speak softly into her ear. “You have gorgeous legs. I can’t wait to have them wrapped around my neck later.”

  The look on her face is priceless, which is what I was going for. I see her fumble with the straw she’s holding in her mouth and I laugh to myself, knowing I’ve taken her off guard. So far, so good.

  She doesn’t tell me to fuck off, which is another good sign. She mentions her boyfriend, but I’m not sure if that’s true or just a way to try and brush me off. Doesn’t matter—I’ve had plenty of taken women. She won’t be the first, or the last.

  I catch her looking at someone and glance over to see if it’s the boyfriend she mentioned. It’s much worse than that—it’s her friend, who has a look on her face like she’s ready for war. Everything about her screams “cock-blocker.” I can tell by her walk and the determined line of her jaw that she’s ready to protect her friend from the evil player.


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