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Truth or Dare: Ash Born Vampire Series

Page 3

by Merris Hawk

  Shit! Was she going to do this every time something intimate or emotional came up? Ignore everything she felt and reduce it to simple physics, cold logic, and sterile reason? When had it become so hard to live in the moment? Why was she denying herself the need to feel, to do what her body urged her to do? Was she going to hold everyone at arms length forever just so she didn't get hurt? Was she going to put everything else first forever? What about what she really wanted?

  "I thought you'd be gone by now.” The sound of his voice brought her mind back to what her eyes were watching. He slid the leather out of the buckle. His eyes were wary, his movements slow and precise.

  She could almost hear him thinking, wondering if she was up to something.

  "So did I.” She watched the belt slide free to drop to the carpet. Heat swirled under her skin, gathering in her center. Common sense said that she should go, she didn't need this. She could survive just fine on her own.

  "Are you going to stay, Cameo?"

  The sound of his voice as he said her name gave her goose bumps. The words he'd spoken earlier came back to her. She knew with sudden clarity that she could survive alone behind her walls, but she couldn't live.

  Walking through the doorway into his bedroom felt like jumping off the high dive. The decision was made, no more objections tonight. She wanted the intimacy back. Tomorrow might have its own consequences, but she was taking this for herself.

  "I'm not going anywhere."

  She reached out slowly, brushing the tips of her fingers over the smooth skin of his shoulder, up to his neck to tangle in the thick fall of his cinnamon hair. His hands stilled at his sides, face blank except for his eyes, there was a need there that matched her own and just a hint of fear.

  Cameo rubbed her lips across his, sharing his breath. “I smell fear.” She said his words back to him, feeling him reach up to slide the jacket off her shoulders.

  He moved, drawing back from her mouth, repeating her words back to her, wearing a cocky smirk that curved his lips.

  "I'm not afraid of you."

  He stepped sideways and walked a slow half circle to stand behind her as his fingers opened the clip that held her suruchin in place. The silver chain fell on the carpet. Kezred stayed at her back, and she could feel the heated length of his body so near her own.

  "Not of me, but of yourself,” she managed. Her voice sounded breathless to her own ears. Cameo held still as his hands touched her shoulders and moved her hair aside. His breath was warm on the back of her neck and she couldn't help the shiver that ran up her spine.

  "You don't know what I'm afraid of.” Kezred's voice was a near whisper.

  His hands tensed for a moment, making Cameo wonder if he was going to try and feed from her. Instead she felt the pressure around her neck from the collar of the dress as his mouth closed around the button.

  "I know you,” she said. She felt him bite down and heard his teeth snap off the button. She had to swallow before she could talk. “Hiding behind your walls, always in control.” The dress started to slide and her hands came up to catch it.

  He leaned into her, flush with her curves. His hands covered hers on the thin silk. “What happens if you take a chance? What happens if you let yourself feel for just a little while?"

  She couldn't remember if there were any more words, she didn't care.

  Cameo let him lift her hands, allowing the silk sheath to slide off her body. She started to turn, but he pressed her hands back to her chest, his teeth biting down carefully on the back of her neck.


  Her entire body tensed, she didn't want him to feed, she wasn't here for that. He let go and ran his tongue over the bite, tasting his way down to her shoulder. Her eyes closed to focus on the tingles of electricity that shot through her as his teeth nipped at her skin and his tongue followed, laving the sensitized areas as he explored.

  Cameo could feel the length of his erection through her panties and his slacks. She ground backward with her hips, smiling when a growl rumbled through his chest and she didn't hide her triumphant purr.

  He let go of her hands to slide his fingers into the waistband of her lacy underwear. She drew in a gasp of air as his thumbs brushed the inside of her hips in a feathery caress.

  The tickling sensations made her hold her breath and she felt his smile against her flesh. Kezred's mouth left her shoulder to trail down her back. His hands stroked their way down her legs, taking her panties to the floor.

  She jumped as he bit down on the swell of her ass, then he let go and licked the pain away. The little bit of pain eased into a warm burn when he ran his tongue over the spot. The difference between the heat of his mouth and the cool air made her shiver once, all over. How far did he think he was going to go with those teeth? She'd never let anyone explore her body like he did, with his hands and his mouth. What did he see? Could he hear her breath pause when his hand slipped between her thighs to touch her? Everything else faded into the background as the pads of his fingers traced over her flesh.

  Quick strokes of his fingers teased her hips into rocking forward to match the movement of his hand. Her eyes were half shut, her legs were shaking. She reached to find some part of him to hold on to, she didn't want to go the rest of the way alone.

  Cameo had to twist around to get a handful of his hair, pulling his head back to look up and meet her eyes.

  "My turn.” The meaning was clear enough that he understood, she wasn't going to let him take over, they would share this as much as they were able.

  Kezred stood up slowly and Cameo used the upward motion to run her fingertips over his neck and down his chest. The skin there was as smooth as her own until she neared the short dark hairs that made a faint path down into his pants. She didn't see a button on the slacks so she avoided having to deal with it. Curling her fingers in the waistband she made the request sound like an order.

  "Get them off."

  He tipped his head down to kiss her as he freed the hidden button and pulled down the zipper.

  Cameo tugged the silk away from his body, releasing his mouth to press her lips to his chin, jaw, neck and collarbone. Her eyes rolled downward to watch what her hands could feel. There was nothing underneath but skin. She hid a snort. She should have known he'd go commando. Now she could see what she'd only felt before and the urge to touch was strong and immediate. She lightly wrapped her fingers around his upright erection.

  Feeling his body tense up against the back of her hands, she looked up to see his eyes half shut, totally immersed in the feel of her hands on him.

  The knowledge that she put that look on his face made her blood hot, she carefully touched her lips to his, the barest brush of an offering. Kezred's lips were soft under hers, and the tip of her tongue slipped out to taste his full lower lip. He smoothed one hand around her hip to tug her in closer, effectively trapping her hands between their bodies and giving him control. His other hand traced up her side as he accepted the kiss she offered.

  Cameo's nails dug in lightly along his shaft, giving fair warning of what she could do to him. Kezred's skin jumped under her touch, and his breath came out in a quiet laugh. Taking a step back, he captured her hands and raised them to his shoulders. In an almost effortless motion, he lifted her up so she could wrap her legs around his hips.

  Three steps to the bed, she felt every one as their hips ground together. He sank to his knees on the mattress and leaned forward until she was lying under his body. His mouth dipped to hover over hers, barely making contact before he moved lower. Her eyes closed as his mouth found the sensitive spot just under her collarbone. He teased the spot for a moment before his lips traveled down and touched the swell of her breast.

  Cameo drew in a shallow breath and let it out as a sigh. She waited, anticipating his next action. When he simply let his forehead rest on her chest, her eyes opened in surprise. She tilted his chin upward, and found his eyes were dark steel grey and his breathing was harsh.

  He watched h
er with a predator's gaze; Cameo had to will herself to hold still.

  She slid her fingers into his hair, smoothing the long strands away from his face, hoping the slow movement would distract him. He let his eyelids drift shut as her fingers massaged his scalp. When he looked up the silver-smoke color of his eyes was back. He shifted his body forward; she felt his sex brush the dark blond curls at her center.

  Impatient, Cameo lifted her hips, trying to make him move, but he refused to be rushed.

  Kezred's arms bent so he could reach her mouth, “Do you trust me?"

  She gave him the only honest answer she had, “As much as you trust me."

  One cinnamon eyebrow lifted at her answer and a smile flirted with the corners of his mouth before he kissed her. She kissed him back, letting him feel how frustrated she felt with his teasing. He gave in to her urging, moving so slowly she wanted to scream. Her nails dug into his shoulders as she growled her irritation at him. He pushed one last time and buried himself inside her.

  Cameo could feel every inch as her muscles contracted around him. If he didn't move she knew she would lose her mind. He lifted his hips, nearly leaving her before he plunged in again, Cameo's soft moan caressing his cheek. Her legs cradled his hips, to keep him from going too far. He moved again, setting a rhythm of slow strokes that built in speed till she was squirming under him. Then he slowed down again. Cameo was so close, her entire body tensed, but every time she was ready to go, he could feel it, and would slow his pace.

  "Kez ... dammit!” Cameo burned with her need, her heart pounded in time with his.

  His hips stilled, making her groan, “You think you can do better?” Kezred lowered his full weight on her, rolling them both so that he was under her.

  Cameo could swear he felt bigger from this position, like he could penetrate deeper. She rolled her hips forward and back, watching his face. His breathing quickened and she repeated the motion just to see the heat build in his eyes. Now she knew the same wicked pleasure he'd felt with his teasing. His fingertips traced her ribs until his palms could cup her breasts.

  She wanted to take her time, enjoy her new sense of control, but her body wasn't listening. Kezred's hips lifted to meet hers and his hands gripped her hips as she rode him. She braced her palms on his chest, feeling the pounding beat of his heart as he matched her pace and drove her over the top in shuddering ripples of release. His entire body went rigid under her as he came in one last thrust.

  Cameo laid her body on his trying to catch her breath, still feeling the spasms pulse through them both. Kezred's arms held her there, one hand idly stroking down her spine. She felt tired, satisfied and a little self-conscious now. Shifting slightly she felt him move inside her, his hands drifted down to the small of her back, holding here where she lay.

  Cameo barely heard the whispered “Stay."

  She wanted to look at his face badly; the only thing that kept her cheek resting on his shoulder was the knowledge that he would be able to read her expression too.

  They shared a need to be accepted and understood, but anything beyond that implied a relationship. That wasn't possible for them, they were on two different sides of a preternatural war that wasn't going to end anytime soon ... but just for tonight...

  Cameo stretched her legs out over his and snuggled into his body heat, closing her eyes when his arms wrapped around her again. Without meaning to, she drifted into sleep.

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  Chapter Six

  Cameo woke slowly to the feel of smooth muscle under her cheek and the scent of warm skin. It took a moment for her to realize her cell phone was ringing. Kezred lay totally still beneath her. His heartbeat was faint and slow under her ear and his breaths were shallow.

  Cameo knew through friends that vampires were torpid during the day. As she reached for her jacket on the floor she felt Kezred's arms slip to the mattress as she sat up. He'd held her while she slept. A part of her heart was touched by that gesture, the part that didn't see him as a danger to everyone, including himself.

  She managed to answer before the message service picked up. “Hello?"

  "Cameo, this is Damian."

  Oh! She carefully got off of Kez and padded into the bathroom to talk to him. She couldn't sit on Kezred and talk to Lexi's fiancé at the same time, she just couldn't.

  "Alexzina asked me to call you if you didn't return before dawn."

  Embarrassed heat rushed up her face as she realized he thought she'd gone on a date last night. He'd guessed why she hadn't come home. He'd said Alexzina, not Lexi, he was pissed. She looked at herself in the mirror, her hair was a mess, the white-blonde strands hung around her shoulders and there was something ... She moved her hair aside and saw the red mark just under her collarbone. He'd given her a hickey!


  "I'm here. I'm just getting ready to head home."

  "Do you need a ride?"

  "No! No, I'm fine really. I'll be back soon, don't worry about me."

  "All right, I'll see you soon.” Damian disconnected.

  Cameo was left with the impression that he would come looking for her if she didn't return soon. Damian treated her as family taking his duty to his family very seriously. She went searching for her clothes.

  Her dress was only useful as a skirt now, without the button the top wouldn't stay up. Kezred's black shirt solved the problem. She slipped it on then tied the ends in a knot to hold up the skirt. With her jacket on top, it almost looked like she planned the outfit.

  The odd weight in her pocket reminded her that she still had the Dawning Stone. She knew she wasn't going to leave it for Kezred to play with. What would he do with it? He hadn't actually touched it when they'd taken it; could it do worse things than sapping his strength? What if it made him more powerful?

  As peaceful and innocent as he looked lying on the bed, she knew he was just the opposite. She would have to find a way to explain the Stone without mentioning Kezred. She could deal with Damian chewing her out for having a one night stand, but she couldn't deal with him finding out it was with Kez.

  Damian would go hunting for him. However that was something she didn't want to think about. Standing over him now, Cameo was jolted with the realization that she cared what happened to him. She didn't want him to get hurt because she'd taken advantage of what he'd offered.

  "Kez.” She nudged his shoulder. Nothing. She used both hands to shake him, “Kez!” Still nothing. He was completely out. She could do anything to him now and he would never know, or would he? Cameo thought over the options and finally decided that if she wouldn't appreciate someone messing with her, he wouldn't either. She pulled the bedspread up to tuck it around his shoulders.

  It was time to go. She walked to the door and paused with her hand on the knob. If this was the only time she ever got to come out from behind her walls...

  She walked back to the bed and leaned over, laying a gentle kiss on his lips.


  She locked the door as she left and called for a cab from the other side of the park.

  She never got to see Kezred's eyes open or hear his reply, “Anytime."

  His fingers searched next to the bed until he found what he was after. He held the button up. A wicked smile changed his features from handsome to sinful.

  "Beautiful.” Everything was going just the way it should.


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  More about the author

  I've been writing since the sixth grade, not always regularly, Murphy's Law doesn't permit that kind of fiber in your life diet. I guess it might be a graduation from playing make-believe with the other neighborhood kids. Always a game of Cops and Robbers or Knights and Dragons. We were Explorers, Builders, Hunters and Pirates and it seemed like life was one never ending weekend of play.

  Nobody counted the days and summer was forever. I have always loved that time and the creative ways we came up wi
th to entertain ourselves.

  Writing for me is like taking time out to play, no counting the hours or worrying, I have worlds to explore and treasure to find.


  * * *

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