Book Read Free

Falling In Maths

Page 5

by Melissa Bender

  “So the books?” He asked looking around my room until he found them. He turned and gave me a grin, a dazzling and adorable grin. “Mia, wow this is impressive, when your Dad said first editions I was expecting, well I don’t know what I was expecting but this, you’ve got all the Walt Disney Fairy-tale in original’s and perfect conditions, where did you get them?” He asked, pulling out Snow White and sitting beside me on the bed.

  “They were mums,” I said quietly. “Before she died she gave them to me.”

  He turned, looking at me, “I’m sorry, it’s tough when they just go suddenly. If you want to talk about that then I’m always here to listen.”

  “Thanks,” I smiled, feeling myself ache for the loss of my Mother again.

  The bedroom door flung open and my Dad stood there, eyes darting between Noah and I. “Uh,” he scratched his head awkwardly, he was probably expecting us to be half naked and going at it. “I’ve got to go into work, Mia will you be right until tomorrow afternoon?”

  I wanted to grumble. Of course he would have to go back into work. “It’s fine Dad. Go and work.”

  “I’m sorry kiddo. I’ll make it up to you, I promise,” That’s what he always said. He looked at Noah and held his hand out, “Pleased to finally meet you, you’re welcome back anytime you want.”

  “Thanks and great to meet you too Bill,” Noah shook his hand back and then Dad left the bedroom.

  It wasn’t long until the car started up and Dad had left. Noah was getting into the book, making himself right at home as he laid beside me and started to read. I couldn’t help but look over his body, his chest was slightly showing with a small trail of hair spreading from his belly button to beneath his shorts.

  Before I knew what I was doing my hand was moving on its own and a finger ran through the trail of fine dark hair.

  “Mia,” Noah spoke quietly. His whole body had frozen up, I could actually feel the tenseness in his stomach where my finger lay.

  Oh my god. This was now my worst nightmare. “Uh, I just wanted to see what men’s hair feels like.”

  Could I have thought of anything more stupid to say right now? I was so embarrassed.

  He then did the one thing I wasn’t expecting. He put the book aside and laughed, not slight laugh but a full blown hard laugh that had him curling up and then rolling to his side. “Mia, if you wanted to touch my body, all you had to do was ask me. But then again, I don’t believe you when you say you’ve never touched a man there before.”

  I just looked at him and put my head down. “I haven’t,” I said quietly.

  “Mia, look at me,” He asked, I lifted my head up and tried to avoid those eyes but it was too hard not to look. “You’ve never been with a man have you, I mean you’re pure and untouched?”

  I nodded, “Well, you kissing my cheek was the most touched I’ve been touched,” I mumbled, getting embarrassed.

  For a man like him to ask me that and then get an answer he obviously didn’t expect, had me worrying and wondering when he was going to laugh again or tease me. But he didn’t.

  “You’re really something else, a lot of guys dream about having someone like you in their life,” He then laid back down and picked the book up. I frowned, wondering what he meant by that.

  I let out a yawn and looked at the time, almost five in the evening and Mr, I mean Noah was still lying beside me and reading. I didn’t peg him for a book worm.

  “Would you like to stay for dinner?” I asked nervously.

  He looked up from the book and glanced anywhere but me, then finally making eye contact with me. “Sounds good, what are we having?”

  We. That word made the heart flutter a little too fast.

  “I could make stir-fry, or something else if you didn’t like that?” I suggested.

  “That sounds good. I’ll help you if you like?” He grinned and then his phone went off. He reached for his pocket and his whole smile faded. “Actually I’ve really got to go, can I take a raincheck and we do something another night, I’m sorry Mia.”

  “It’s ok,” I played it off as if it didn’t bother me. But it kind of did, I don’t know why it did so much.

  “I really am sorry, I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning though, for the game,” He let out a yawn as he walked to the front door, I followed behind him. He sighed as he turned around, “Mia I really am sorry.”

  “Its fine,” I shrugged. “You’ve got a life and have no need to hang out with a pure and untouched girl,” I didn’t mean for that to come out nasty or sarcastic, but judging from the look over Noah’s face he was stunned at how I had spoken to him.

  “Uh. Shit, now I feel bad, I didn’t want you to take that as negative, god I’m a dick sometimes. Look, I have to go and pick up my drunk mother and take her home, I’ll come back after I get her into bed and to sleep is that ok?” He asked, looking at me and then glancing down at his watch.

  Now I felt like horrible, I had no idea what to say. I didn’t even think he’d have a Mum who drank, or maybe she was just out for dinner and needed a lift home after having one too many. “Noah, I’m so sorry. Its ok, you don’t have to come back here. I feel awful, I’m sorry.”

  “No I want to, plus that book was getting interesting, I’ve never read or watched the Walt Disney movies. I promise I’ll come back and help cook, how about you write a list of everything you want to ask me and send it to me? I will be able to answer that way if you want?” He suggested, leaning against the door frame and flashing a grin. The night sky hitting his face and lighting up those green eyes under the porch light.

  I cocked a brow, “Anything?” I asked slowly, I was more shocked he hadn’t read those books or watched the movies.

  He smirked, “Yes, anything at all and I will answer, but you have to answer as well,” He stepped closer towards me and I stopped biting my lip.

  “Ok. Well I will see you a bit later then,” I replied as he started to lean in closer.

  I thought he was going to kiss me, instead his lips bypassed my face and went to my ear, “Trust me, it’s not a bad thing at all,” He whispered, which in return caused me to blush.

  Mr Noah Wade left and I sat on the bed with my laptop. Googling questions to ask men. My eyes wandering up and down the pages and pages filled with random questions, finally stopping at one with the best questions to ask your boyfriend.

  He wasn’t my boyfriend but the questions were by far detailed and amazing to ask so I clicked and started reading. I couldn’t hold in my giggles as I scanned through them. Sending the first one and receiving a reply almost instantly.

  – Wow, didn’t ever expect to be asked that. You’re a naughty girl Mia.

  Chapter Eight

  I giggled loudly as I fell to the couch and read his reply. I guess sending a text asking do you have a sexual fantasy that no one else knows about isn’t the best thing to ask. Still, he said to ask anything I wanted to ask him.

  I should let him know I didn’t come up with that on my own. – I just googled all these since I suck at coming up with questions! Have fun answering them since they were all in the top 100 questions to ask guys. Don’t worry I didn’t copy them all out, he-he!!

  My phone buzzed and a response from Mr. Wade came through no more than two minutes later. My heart hammering fast as I touched my screen to read his response. – Ha, you really picked some interesting questions Mia, but as promised I will answer them all for you.

  Wow, I thought maybe he would say no, that’s too inappropriate but he didn’t. I then sent him a reply. – Well answer it then please.

  His reply came through, it only made me groan in annoyance. – Yes. But I’m not telling you what it is Mia, Not yet anyway.

  What's the craziest place you’ve ever had sex? – I asked.

  His reply came in. – Not telling you Mia.

  This one would be interesting. – What turns you on? Turns you off?

  His reply was definitely sweet. – A beautiful smile. Turn off, definitely foul
mouthed women.

  If you suddenly found yourself turned into a woman, how would you spend your day? – I giggled loudly as I typed this out.

  His reply, made me laugh louder. – Do I really need to answer that? In a bed alone, with some good batteries!

  My eyes scanned my laptop of the next question, just because there was a lot. Didn’t mean it was easy. Finally I found another, – What type of girl do you prefer or do you have a certain type?

  His answer was definitely not shocking, he was an outgoing man. He’d want somebody like that also. – Someone who likes what I like and wants to try new things.

  Do you like animals? – I had no idea if he did or not, so I was actually interested in this.

  Yes. Dogs and Cats. – He was replying quite fast for someone who was meant to be busy.

  What’s your favorite kind of food? – I sent and then gasped, speaking of food, I hadn’t even started cooking yet. I got up of my bed raced back into the kitchen and opened the freezer to grab the bad of mixed stir-fry and some beef strips that were thawed in the fridge from earlier.

  I checked my phone and seen his response, smiling even wider right now than ever. – Thai food and anything you cook.

  Browning the beef I thought of an excellent question, to just get to know him more and find out what kind of man he was. – Would you rather, a night in with your girlfriend or night out with the boys?

  That should have him stumped but to my shock he replied, sooner than I thought. – Prefer to have my girlfriend out with me otherwise I would stay in with her.

  I tapped my chin as I tried to think of another question. I had so many, but they were on the screen in my room and I couldn’t be bothered walking back up there. The next was probably more loved up than he would want to answer. – Do you believe in love at first sight?

  It had been a total of forty three minutes and no reply. I guess I pushed my limits with that one. He had probably been in love tons of times, I didn’t know why I asked it. I set the table, had the stir-fry fully cooked and was now just stirring it.

  “Boo,” A voice spoke, slightly breathless behind me as two hands poked the sides of my hips.

  I let out the loudest scream of my life, throwing the spoon I held in my hands to the air as I spun around and pushed Mr Wade in the chest. He stumbled backwards as he burst into a roaring loud laughter, leaning against the counter for support as he just kept laughing. Hard may I add, and obviously finding my being completely scared, hilarious.

  “Stop laughing,” I grumbled, my heart slowly coming back to a normal pace. But alone with Mr Wade, I doubt it was ever going to go back to normal.

  He held his hands up, walking over, closer and then sniffed the air, “That smells awesome and I’m sorry for startling you, I didn’t mean too.”

  “Whatever, just don’t do it again or I’ll hurt you, are you hungry? Did your mum get home ok?” I asked, that was probably the most random way to greet somebody.

  He shook his head, “Mia, your questions were not what I expected,” he grinned, “you’ve got a dirty mind. Yes, I’m starving and she’s in bed, thanks for asking,” He winked.

  I blushed, knowing he was talking about the sex ones, “That’s good. Oh and sorry if you expected favourite colour or bands, I was just seeing how much of a man slut you really are.”

  His brows shot up, looking surprised and shocked at once. “Man slut? Ouch baby, that really hurt deep,” He grinned, placing a hand to his heart, giving a little pout. God he looked adorable this way, it was hard not to smile back at him.

  “Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked them. It’s rude and inappropriate of me,” I said quieter. I had to remember he was still my teacher, damn that brought me back to reality faster than whiplash.

  Mr Wade stepped towards me until I was backed against the pantry door, “Mia, we passed inappropriate days ago when you fell asleep on top of me in my apartment. Plus, I asked you about sex earlier so it’s only fair for you to ask me. I’m not bothered, more amused than anything.”

  There was no way I could forget falling asleep against him, “Well Romeo, let’s eat since you love my cooking so much,” I grinned, passing him over a bowl as I dished it up for him.

  Sitting side by side on the couch, I was trying not to spill anything on myself. The noodles especially, I didn’t want to look like a major slob. Mr Wade was quietly sitting just watching the news that was on, I figured teachers liked that kind of stuff. I for one hated it.

  “You know we could finish your questions if you want?” He suddenly asked, looking over at me.

  I looked to my left at him and nodded, I guess this was easier than the weird silence between us. “Ok, have you travelled to many places?”

  He grinned, “Yes I have, and I’ve been to Alaska, Japan, LA and Thailand.”

  “What, are you serious? Wow, that’s not the answer I expected to get, I was thinking more like Europe and back packer places.”

  He snorted out a laugh, “You think I travelled to get high and visit brothels?”

  I shook my head no, “I didn’t mean that. I was just saying.”

  He laughed loudly again, “Mia, lighten up. I’m joking with you. No, I haven’t been to a brothel and don’t plan on it. I don’t get high either.”

  I didn’t find it funny that he used my embarrassment to tease me, I moved my hand up and pinched the side of his stomach until he flinched back slightly, “Stop being a pain or I’ll kick you out of my house.”

  “Your Dad’s house,” He corrected, using the same voice he taught us in.

  “Smarty pants,” I stuck my tongue out then asked another question. “Are you a morning person or a night person?”

  “Night, what about you?” He asked.

  I knew my answer, “Night. Mornings are a pain in the ass to wake up too. I love staying in bed and watching movies or just reading, that’s how I spend most weekends,” I said a little quieter. I couldn’t remember if I had told him that or not, I just hoped he didn’t think I was a huge geek for it.

  “Nothing wrong with that, Describe yourself in three words,” He asked, I was expecting him to make fun of me but he hadn’t. Normally James made fun of me for doing things like that on a weekend.

  I had to think, because I wasn’t anything fantastic. “I would say, average, quiet and boring.”

  He frowned, looking at me with slight confusion. “Mia. You’re far from average and boring, quiet maybe but you’re anything but average. My turn to answer,” and then he grew a wide smirk. “And I’m pretty sure you will agree with me, Charming, sexy and good looking.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Yes you are all three.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked away quickly. Did I just say that out loud?

  “Mia, look at me.” He spoke quietly. He always a knack for making me do as he said. I lifted my eyes and looked up at him. “I can’t get over how often you blush around me. It’s warming to know I have that effect on you.”

  I broke eye contact and blinked a few times, trying to get myself under control. I noticed he had finished eating and I reached over to his lap where his bowl was and took it. “Umm, I’ll go wash up. I won’t be long.”

  He just nodded as I left the room. I opened the freezer door and stuck my head inside, gosh I needed to cool down and calm down. Why was it that every time I looked in his eyes I go lost and forgot about everything that was going on around me? All I seemed to focus on was Mr. Wade, or Noah as he keeps telling me to call him.

  “Noah, Noah, Noah, Noah,” I spoke trying to get used to his name as I placed the bowls in the dishwasher.

  “What?” Of course he had to be entering the room.

  I blushed beet red, giving him a shy smile as I turned around to face him. “No, I was just trying to get used to saying your name. It’s not that easy you know.”

  He chuckled loudly, “Oh well, you’ll get the hang of it. I could say that each time you call me Mr. Wade, I’ll make you be my slave for an hour.”

  Ok that was definitely motivation into calling him Noah. “Ok deal,” I smiled. “So... what did you want to do now?” I asked, looking around the room nervously.

  “I want to go back to your room and have a look around, seems only fair since you invaded me with a ton of questions earlier,” Noah winked and took off down the hall before I could block him off.

  I chased after him, laughing as he kept laughing in front of me. I wasn’t trying to catch him but when he stopped suddenly at the bedroom door and turned around, I crashed straight into his chest and knocked him to the floor. I was laying on his chest as he was flat on his back.

  “Ouch,” He grumbled rubbing the side of his head.

  I giggled, “Thought you were meant to be a big strong football player huh?” I asked, sitting up a little to push myself up off him.

  His legs locked behind mine, pulling me back down as his arms wrapped around my waist and locked my in. Catching me completely off guard as he rolled us so Noah now lay over top of me.

  “Noah,” I breathed out. “You’re really heavy.”

  He smirked, the smirk faded into a cheeky grin, “Not laughing now are you, and I am strong. I just proved it and being knocked to my ass was your fault, you came barreling down the hall like a bat out of hell at me. Seriously Mia, you looked like a bull charging at a red cloth.”

  I reached up and grabbed a handful of his hair, tugging slightly as I narrowed my eyes in on him, “Take that back.”

  “Or what?” He lent down closer towards me, smiling as he spoke softly. “You’ll hurt me again Mia?”

  “Or, I won’t come watch you play tomorrow, even though I’m being forced to,” I scowled a little, my hand still in his hair and the hold loosened as I held him softer, almost a caressing way. Unaware that our faces were inches apart, I could feel his warm breath blowing over my skin. A tingle of goose bumps forming through my bare skin.

  “Your heart is beating really fast, are you nervous Mia?” He whispered, quietly.

  I nodded but said the opposite of what I felt, “No.”


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