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Falling In Maths

Page 6

by Melissa Bender

  Noah smiled effortlessly, his eyes flickering down to my mouth for a mere second, they then came back up to my eyes. “Let’s get on your bed and watch a movie, but first do you remember that question you asked me earlier, about love at first sight?” He asked.

  “Yes,” I answered quietly, not knowing where this was going exactly.

  “Well, to answer your question,” He said, his voice a little firmer but I swear he sounded slightly nervous, even quieter as he lent down closer, close enough for his nose to touch against mine gently. Tilting his head to the side, slowly bending down closer towards my neck. His lips just placed beside my lobe as he spoke, sending my heart into a faster frenzy as his breath hit against my skin and sent my body into overdrive. “I do believe in it.”

  Chapter Nine

  5am and my eyes were half asleep, too tired to wake up still. Who on earth got up this early in the cold to go and play football? It was crazy and it was beyond me.

  “Come on, get some coffee into you and eat this,” Mr Wade smirked, passing over a vanilla latte as well as a brown paper bag before he slid into his own seat.

  “Thank-you, but you didn’t have to get me anything,” I smiled and sat the drink beside me next to his in the centre console.

  He flashed me a smile, “Trust me. After last night, it’s the least I can do.”

  That was true, after we had fallen to the floor things got a little weird, and by weird I mean I was feeling things I shouldn’t feel about a teacher, not like a crush which I already had but I mean like wanting to fall on him over and over again. His body against mine had my skin on fire, it was distracting to try and think about anything else with him in my room and on my bed.

  He thought he had hurt me and wouldn’t leave until I fell asleep, he wanted to make sure I didn’t have a concussion, which I assured him over and over that I wasn’t the one fell down and hit my head. That it was actually him, but what happened anyway? Mr Wade ended sleeping over.

  I thank my lucky stars that Dad was not home because when I woke up, he was asleep in my bed but at the opposite end. Top and tailing with his clothing on still.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes, “Its ok, and I mean nothing happened so it’s all good,” I assured him.

  He gave me a questioning look, “Ok, whatever you say. Oh and if anyone asks who you are, please don’t say my student, I’d get my ass kicked big time.”

  I mocked horror, “What! Are you serious?” I then let out a giggle, “I think I know not to say that, I do not want to visit you behind bars.”

  He grinned, giving me a glance, “It’s nice to know you would come visit me, deep down you care.”

  More than you know and more than I should Mr Wade, I thought to myself.

  Forty five minutes later and Mr Wade, or should I say Noah was parking his car at the football grounds. We spent most of the trip in a comfortable conversation or silence at times talking about random things. Math’s mostly, as I brought my homework with me to do.

  “Are you going to be ok here? You know, you can go into the rec room and watch that way if you don’t want to sit in the car the whole time?” He said, putting his wallet and phone in the centre console of his car.

  I shook my head, I didn’t want to leave the car, I was too nervous to. I had my books, the music and snacks. I was set for the day, “I will be fine, thanks though,” I smiled.

  He chuckled, “You’re such a nerd. But if we win, you’re coming out with us to celebrate.”

  I rolled my eyes, “Whatever you say Noah,” I smiled and my eyes widened at what I called him, I said Noah automatically. That was definitely a first.

  He also noticed, giving me a big grin, “That has now made me pumped to play, see you soon Mia.”

  I sat in the car alone and listening to the radio. I hadn’t bothered to plug in his iPod and listen to that, I could only imagine the heavy metal crap he listens to.

  My eyes slowly flickered up as I spotted a group of men in very short shorts and jerseys walking onto the large field. He wasn’t hard to miss and my heart started pounding rapidly as he looked over and gave me a wave. Even though I was in the car, I blushed hard giving him a thumbs up.

  A couple of his team mates looked over and then slapped him on the back, giving him a teasing grin as they said something to him. I honestly had no idea what that was about, I could probably guess and say it was about me being in his car.

  Sinking back in the seat with my lollies, I began to watch as the men ran around on the field. I must say my eyes never left number 9, he was a fox. The way his arms flexed as he jumped up to mark the football or as he kicked had me feeling insane, this was so different than watching it on the TV. I can’t recall how many times I hissed or winced when someone got elbowed or knocked down.

  A loud bell rang and half time was over, I wasn’t sure what happened next but when I looked back up Mr Wade was running towards me. A flock of women nearby staring and swooning over him. Women who he’d most likely be interested in, they called out something I didn’t hear.

  As he sunk in beside me, I couldn’t help but take him in, in all his dirty glory. He was still devilishly handsome.

  “So?” He grinned.

  I smiled wide, “Noah, You’re great, you’ve kicked eight goals, and I’m very impressed,” I said smiling at him as I sucked on my watermelon lollypop.

  He chuckled, “Look at you little miss attentive. Glad to see you’re paying attention, I’ve got to head back over but when the games over, meet me inside in rec room. I usually have a beer after the game if you wanted to come meet some of the guys?”

  I felt my heart race slightly, “Umm, ok I guess I will see you in there then.”

  Noah then leant over and took the lollypop from my mouth and put it in his own, “Thanks,” he winked, getting back out of the car.

  Did that really just happen? I watched as ran back onto the field, sucking the lolly in his mouth and then flashing me another grin as he got to his other teammates. That man was going to give me a heart attack one day, the things he does to surprise me.

  Throughout the entire game I watched the time like a hawk, my heart thudded as time was getting closer to the end. I was freaking out over having to get out of the car and walking into the large room filled with everyone else. I was feeling a nervous mess.

  As the game came to an end, Mr Wade’s team won by three points. The ending was intense and I was actually hooked, there were a couple fights between other players which caused men to be sent off and Mr Wade gave me a smile and wave every now and then. It had me wishing I had a boyfriend who played football, he was being cute. I also didn’t do any homework, I was unable too. I was too distracted with all the hot men in front of me.

  I was also waiting to hear from James, he and I had been talking again. I was over what he said and he could do whatever he wanted to do. I wasn’t interested in him at all, I was crushing on a man I’d never have. My teacher.

  I slowly made my way to the large rec room and felt completely underdressed. Women here were in their best clothing, dresses and skirts with their hair done up and makeup just smothered on. Me, well I just wore a pair of navy flared jeans and red vans with a navy and white striped fitted shirt. My hair was a tangled mess and in a messy bun and I barely wore makeup. I couldn’t believe he told me I looked fine when I asked him. Compared to the women here, I was a hot mess.

  Standing in here alone, I found myself being approached by three women, bitches more like it. I knew the types, I go to a school that’s full of them.

  “Hi, I’m Rach, this is Tina and Minnie,” The blonde in the centre spoke as she pointed to the two other women beside her. They all eyed me up and down, sussing me out.

  I nodded, “Mia,” I said. I may be shy but I wasn’t going to be intimidated by them.

  She smiled and sat her wine glass on the table beside us. “You’re here with Noah? We see you in his car.”

  I nodded again. “Yeah, I’m here with Noah,” I thanked my
lucky stars that I didn’t say Mr Wade. That would have been awkward.

  “Oh, so are you and he a thing?” Minnie asked, looking at me as she tried to force a smile.

  I shrugged, “We’re just friends,” It was partially true. I was not going to say we was dating, even if I really wanted to.

  “Well, I think you’re really cute. He and I dated, I mean the guy’s a god in bed,” Oh she was going to play it like this, I didn’t get why women had to go and act this way. I may as well play back a little.

  “Tell me about it, he rocks my world,” I replied, keeping a straight face as I spotted Noah walking over towards me.

  The women just looked at me as he came over and sat his sports bag on the floor, “Didn’t think you’d actually come in here,” He smiled at me.

  I smiled a little, feeling the girls gazes on me, “You asked me too, and congrats on your win.”

  “You’re just my lucky charm, don’t make plans for other weekends. I want you with me at the games,” He nudged me, then seemed to notice the other eyes on us. “Ladies, can I help you?”

  “You’re with her? How could you! You told me you were too busy!” Tina spat with a hiss.

  I think Mr Wade’s drink would have spat out of his mouth if he would have taken a mouthful. He looked at me and smirked, “Uh, well she’s my girlfriend and I don’t think it’s any of your business what her and I do together.”

  Girlfriend. Oh wow, that word just hit and shot through my heart and had me trying to fight the insanely large smile that threatened to break out.

  One of the men who were at the bakery the other afternoon noticed us and came over with a smile plastered across his face. “Look who it is, little miss blush, Tyler by the way,” He smiled a dashing smile, what was it with these men and all looking cute as hell.

  “Shut up, and it’s nice to meet you Tyler,” I felt my cheeks flame a little, gosh why did I have to blush like a fool all the time.

  Mr Wade’s arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me into him slightly, “Her blush is cute and she’s mine so back off Ty,” He spoke confidently.

  “Since when?” Rach asked, eyeing us both as with everyone else did the same.

  “Since we had a date, romanced her, she then gave into my charm and is now my girlfriend,” He spoke back to her without a single stutter. It was like he was being serious. How I wished those words were true. I really wished they were true.

  “Well, Noah Wade is officially off the market. Who knew the shy girl could make you settle your single status,” Tyler barked out a laugh as the three women took off, I didn’t understand why they were even there.

  “So,” I said not knowing what to say next, “what do you normally do after the games, just drink around here?”

  “Not even close, we have a party to attend and you’re coming with my dear, get ready to see a real party,” Mr Wade whispered against my ear, the warmth sent an array of tingles over my skin.

  I turned my head slightly, I just looked at him as if he had gone crazy. I couldn’t go and party with him and all his friends. “Noah,” I said quietly.

  “Mia, trust me,” he said, then looked back at Tyler who was talking.

  Trust him? I knew I trusted him, it was just myself I wasn’t trusting. I had no idea how tonight was even going to go. I was nervous, but a part was a little excited to go and spend more time with him. I went to move away, but Noah’s hand pulled be back, it was now firmly around my waist.

  I guess it was a good thing tomorrow was a public holiday because I had a feeling I was going to be up all night, then sleeping all day tomorrow.

  Chapter Ten

  “Mia relax, stop looking at it like it’ll bite you, it won’t hurt you,” Mr Wade grinned cutting the engine in his car.

  I shook my head, “I don’t know, it looks pretty big.”

  “It is big,” He replied cheekily, giving me a wink.

  I shot him a look, he just wiggled his brows and I groaned, “You’re a pervert, I was talking about the party! There is so many people here, can’t you take someone else?”

  He laughed a little loudly, “Mia, we’re two hours from town and I want to bring you, relax and don’t forget.”

  “Call me Noah,” I mocked his voice.

  He chuckled. “Good girl, least that’s finally gotten through to you.”

  “Stop picking on me or I will sit in the car while you party with your groupies,” I teased back.

  He let out a groan, “Ugh fine. I will stop picking on you if you don’t leave me alone with those vultures, please?”

  “Deal,” I grinned.

  I walked up behind him, grabbing his arm tightly as a group of giggling women rushed past us. All giving me a scowl, the same women from the football club. Just perfect.

  “Please don’t leave me alone,” I said quietly, I was actually really nervous.

  Mr Wade turned, giving me a smile, “I’m not going to ditch you, promise.”

  Music was pumping loudly as we walked into the yard, still clinging to Mr Wade as he walked over to the keg and grabbed two plastic cups, he gave me another smirk and chuckled, “Let me get you a drink Mia, but I kind of need my hand to pour it.”

  I let go, feeling my cheeks flush and not because he called me darling but because I didn’t realize I was holding onto him so tightly. “Sorry,” I murmured.

  “It’s ok, is coke ok for you? I don’t really want to get you drunk since I think your Dad would literally kill me,” he chuckled.

  “Coke is good,” I replied with a nod.

  Mr Wade led me towards spot over to the side, away from all the crowded people and quieter so we could talk and actually hear each other. I was still pretty nervous about being here with him but the nerves were slowly easing.

  “Tell me when you’re tired and we’ll head home,” he said, picking his drink up for a mouthful.

  I raised my brow, “Umm, you do realise that you’re drinking, and I can’t drive.”

  He stopped as his drink came to his lips and frowned, “You can’t drive?”

  I shook my head, “No.”

  “I’ll teach you, it’s not that hard and plus it’ll be fun,” he shrugged, taking a mouthful.

  Oh now that was going to be embarrassing, he seeing me drive. Dad should have been teaching me, but he kept putting it off. I smiled and nodded, taking a sip of my own.

  Three hours later and I was getting a slight headache, Noah and his friends who were at the club today were drinking and laughing, celebrating their big win and talking about their next game. Of course they were chatting with me, but I preferred to keep quiet and watch. The girls were also back over here and hanging off the men. I sat to the side, I hadn’t left my spot and Noah’s friends refilled my coke for me, I was glad I didn’t have to get up and do it, I wouldn’t know where to go.

  I grinned looking at Noah, “Noaahh,” I sang a little with a smile.

  “Mia,” Noah sang back, chuckling.

  “You ok?” Thomas asked looking over, “You’re swaying,” he grinned.

  I smiled, “I’m perfect, just happy, happy,” I said the last one with a bigger smile.

  He looked up at Noah and laughed, shaking his head, “Ay, think ya woman is a bit drunk.”

  Noah laughed, but then his eyes went wide and his laugh stopped, “What?”

  I shook my head, I was only drinking coke. “No I am not, I promise I am sober,” I then giggled afterwards. It then hit me, I was in fact drunk. “Oops!”

  “Who filled your drink?” he came over, now looking slightly pissed.

  “I got her a drink, she looked miserable and bored. So we decided to loosen her up a little Noah, you know how it is,” Tina smiled placing her hand on his shoulder.

  I smirked, “Noah come dance with me.”

  “He doesn’t dance sweetie, trust me I know,” Tina replied, smirking at me.

  I rolled my eyes, “Umm, I think I would know that he doesn’t dance. But he does, just not with you,” I giggled a
nd went to take another sip of my drink until Noah reached and took it off me, “awe,” I pouted.

  “Tough,” he said drinking it himself, tossing the empty cup to the bin. Noah grabbed my arm hard as he pulled me towards the house. “Follow, now!”

  “Oh come on Noah, don’t be like that,” Tina grinned, flicking her long hair over her shoulder.

  He looked at her and just shook his head, “Bed for us, we’ve got an early start in the morning, catch you all later,” he said waving the guys off.

  I didn’t say a word as he walked us towards a large door, pushing past dancing people making out and laughing until the noise quietened down.

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “Bed,” was his only reply, “You’re wasted and need to sleep.”

  “But it’s early still,” I whined frowning, as a group of girls and guys came towards us. I also didn’t want to sleep just yet.

  Noah stopped and turned around, I found myself pushed against the wall with his body almost against mine as some people pushed into him and slapped his back, congratulating him on the win they had today.

  My face felt his soft but somewhat heavy and warm breath against my skin. Tingles shooting throughout my body, I didn’t know if it was just the booze or maybe having a major crush on him also didn’t help but the way I was feeling now. I was drunk in love.

  “Mr Wade,” I said a breathy moan. Oh crap, that didn’t sound right.

  A smile came across his soft lips, a husky whisper. “Mia, what do I tell you to call me when we’re alone?”

  “Noah,” I corrected myself, “I’m not sleepy, and why are we sleeping here?”

  “Because I’m drunk,” he chuckled, “you’re drunk and your father will kick my ass if I bring you home hung over.”

  I tilted my head up further to look at him, my eyes blurring a little from the alcohol and I instinctively started to play with them hem of his shirt, my fingers brushed the toned skin of his chest as I twirled the shirt around my finger while the other travelled up in a walking motion over his chest.

  “You’re drunk also,” I said smiling, I couldn’t believe how much I was coming out of my shell. I was really talking to him. Saying things I would never say to anyone.


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