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Falling In Maths

Page 7

by Melissa Bender

  Noah shook his head, giving me a grin as he reached behind my waist, sliding his cool hand over the skin of my back as my top had rode up from being pushed into the wall. “Bedtime party girl.”

  I groaned, letting him go then pushing hard against his chest but he didn’t budge, instead he just laughed. “Fine, but I’m not sleeping alone and having some random drunk come attack me, you better be in there too!” I said seriously.

  “Only until you pass out Mia,” He warned letting me go, my body cooler from not being near him anymore.

  The bed felt like a cloud of pillows, or maybe that was what I was thinking it was as I face planted and had Noah take my shoes off. I was more exhausted than I thought.

  “I think I am going to sleep now,” I announced, it came out like a muffle though.

  He barked a loud laugh, “Roll over and don’t throw up.”

  “You better not throw up either Mr, I was being fed alcohol without noticing it! That’s drink spiking,” I said, slowly turning onto my back and yawning.

  “I know,” was all I heard him say quieter as I started to drift off.

  When I woke up I felt groggy, my head throbbing and body feeling sore like I had been bashed with a bat. I heard a slight snore coming from beside me, my mind registered that Mr Wade was asleep and I panicked a little.

  What the hell happened last night, oh god what did I do, or worse. What did I say?

  My foot moved and I kicked him in the back on the calf, “Noah,” I whispered nudging him.

  “Mm, sleep I’m so tired,” he grumbled, rolling over to face me.

  I sighed, “Noah wake up! I need to go home.”

  When he opened his eyes he just stared at me and a slow smile started to creep across his mouth. I must say, he looked absolutely gorgeous of a morning.

  “Please sleep Mia, just another hour,” he yawned, “It’s so fucking cold.”

  I kept still, very still as he scooted closer. He had to still be drunk, there was no other explanation as to why his arms came out and he wrapped them around me, his knee was in between my thighs and our faces on mere centimetres apart.

  “Noah,” I whispered again.

  “Don’t talk Mia, it’s too cold to talk,” he said, his hand travelling up towards my face. His thumb brushing over my lips and he leaned in closer. My heart thudding like crazy as he neared his face, the gap between us was almost gone. Our bodies touching, pressed together as my hand nervously, shakily moved to his arm. Placing it down, I could feel my whole body shaking but heating up. I was nervous as his leg moved slightly between mine causing me to let out a slight moan.

  Feelings I hadn’t felt before stirred inside me. My core was dampening and I was almost positive he could feel it on his thigh, I was getting extremely turned on. I thought what I felt before was me being turned on a little. Having him so close and our skin touching like that was insane, this was making me become hot and bothered. He was touching all the right places with very little movement, it then hit me that I was out of my jeans and in my panties and only a singlet top as he was only wearing his tight fitting boxers.

  Oh my god, I was completely embarrassed but still a little drunk. I should have passed out again or just gotten out of the bed.

  But I didn’t, and that led to a morning I’d never forget.

  Chapter Eleven

  Our noses were touching, I was trying hard not to breathe over his face, I didn’t want my morning breath to make him vomit. I kept looking at him and then I decided to speak up.

  “You swore,” I said remembered the f bomb that was dropped a moment ago.

  He nodded, smirking. “I apologie, I shouldn’t have sworn near you.”

  I raised my brows, “I’m not a child.”

  His voice hitched, lowering but slightly shaky, “I am well aware of that, trust me.”

  “What’s the time?” I asked, what on earth was wrong with me. I was so nervous that I was just talking and couldn’t stop.

  He groaned, moving slightly and then grabbing my phone which was beside me. “You did tell your Dad about coming out right?”

  “Yes I did, but he’s working so he won’t be home,” I said sighing. Dad always worked.

  “You’ve got a lot of messages and missed calls from James,” he smirked, rolling onto his back and chuckling as he unlocked my phone.

  I let out a scoff, “Umm what are you doing? That’s personal Noah!” I said.

  He reached to the table beside him and grabbed his own phone then handed it to me, looking at me as I took hold of the white iPhone. “Go through mine if you want, oh and its 2:46am.”

  My jaw flew down, “Are you kidding me? Why are we not sleeping?” I asked sitting his phone beside me. I didn’t need to go through it, I may have wanted too but the risk of seeing a message from one of those girls just put me off. I didn’t want to know what he was up too. Plus, I may have already taken a ton of silly selfie’s when I was outside drinking, I think. I can’t really remember, I did have his jumper on and his phone was in his pocket.

  “Mia I am sorry, please talk to me... Your dad said you’re out? What the hell! ... Mia, where are you? Who are you with! … Please let me make the other night up to you, let me take you out properly?” Noah said in a fake girly voice, sounding more drama queen than anything.

  I looked at the phone and sighed, great one Dad I thought to myself. “This is just great,” I groaned.

  “Yeah this guy needs to back off,” He said looking quite annoyed as he put my phone up.

  I laughed a little, yawning at the same time. “What? Why? I am way too tired to think straight.”

  I rolled back to my side, facing him as he lay on his back. I was still cold but I wasn’t going to ask him to cuddle me. Noah just stared up at the roof, I could see the outline of his dark lashed blinking away every so often, his lips parted slightly as he breathed in and out.

  Finally after so many minutes he turned his face and looked at me, “You need someone who will treat you better than what James does, sure he’s your age but are you seriously attracted to that?” he asked me.

  I shook my head, “James is like a brother to me, that’s it.”

  “Sure Mia, until he asks you out,” if I had known any better I would have said he was a teeny tiny but jealous. But that was doubtful, I wasn’t his type.

  “Mr Wade, I don’t like him that way, stop saying I do,” I grumbled, turning around and facing the other way. Ok, I may have just thrown a slight fit over nothing, but I had a major crush on the man in front of me, well he was now behind me. I definitely didn’t like James.

  A hand slid around my waist causing my breathing to slow right down, my heart pounding as his body came pressed behind me. “I didn’t mean to upset you, I was only teasing you know,” he said.

  I shrugged, I wanted to tell him it’s ok, I wanted to say I wasn’t bothered but I couldn’t speak. So I ran my hand down to where his rested and slid it underneath his, his fingers tightened around my hand as our fingers interlaced together.

  This was the first time we had held hands, like actually held hands.

  “Sleep Mia, I’ll wake you when it’s time to get up,” Noah spoke softly as his other arm came up under my pillow, my body moved back into his and I was laying in his arms. My other hand that were under the pillow was now touching his. His fingers brushed over them until they finally gripped hold and held them also.

  Oh my freaking god, this wasn’t happening. How could I sleep now, I was in a comfortable embrace with Mr Wade, or Noah as I should say and I didn’t want to sleep and miss any of it. I wanted to remember this moment for a long time.

  I knew I would. This was a moment I’d never forget, it was sweet, a beautiful romantic gesture by him that proved he wasn’t one of those guys. Someone who just wanted to get laid and then leave, he was far from that type of man.

  “Sweet dreams,” I whispered as I snuggled in more comfortably against him.

  “Sweet dreams Mia or should I say my g
irlfriend,” he replied, sounding half asleep himself.

  Oh god I forgot about that until now. “Boyfriend,” I whispered back, smiling to myself. Wishing that was really true.

  Noah was throwing on a t-shirt as I slowly opened my eyes. I don’t think he knew I was awake but I just laid there watching him. I probably looked a little stalkerish so I closed my eyes again. My mind thinking about the way his v line went down into those navy boxer shorts that were fitted. Oh god did I see the outline of his thing? Oh my gosh I couldn’t remember. What if he had seen my staring at his crotch? Oh this was the last thing I wanted to happen.

  I heard chuckling and shot my eyes open again, Noah was sliding back into the bed and grinning at me. “Mia, what on earth could have you blushing at 6am?”

  “I don’t know, nothing,” I lied through my teeth.

  He rolled his eyes, “Liar, I know you were checking me out.”

  My face went a shade of pink again, I slapped my hands over my face and groaned. “I knew you would have seen me,” I mumbled into my hands.

  He touched my hands and pulled them off my face, “Mia I was kidding, you are so easy to rile up I swear you blush constantly around me.”

  “I wonder why,” I rolled my eyes, oh my god talk about foot in mouth syndrome.

  “Come on sleeping beauty, we need to get on the road. I have papers to mark and I’d like to have you home before your Dad sends out a search party,” He smiled, his sleepy bedhead look and husky voice was making it hard for me to concentrate.

  I just nodded. I needed a shower badly anyway.

  The drive back Noah and I chatted on and off, laughing at the silly jokes he tried telling me until I begged him to stop. He had even brought breakfast for us again, I told him not too but he insisted it was a thank you for him coming and playing his fake girlfriend for the night.

  Noah pulled in my drive, “You sure you don’t want me to come in or walk you towards the front door?” he offered.

  I shook my head, unclipping the belt, “If someone see’s you then you could get into trouble, and I don’t want that for you,” I said. That was the last thing I wanted. Him to lose his job, or get into trouble by someone else. Gossiping people were all around my town.

  When I got into the house, I called out to dad and there was no answer, typical. I bet he had stayed in at work again all night. I hated the he worked so much sometimes.

  I went up to my room and started to change. I grabbed out some soft pj’s and made my way to the bathroom. I came back after having a long hot shower and started to tie my hair up when I heard a loud noise coming from the living room.

  My whole body froze.

  My heart pounding like crazy as I tip toed down the hallway. I wanted to slap my forehead when I realized I had forgotten the batten dad gave me in case an intruder broke in. Some help that was right now.

  I slowly, carefully peered around the corner of the wall and into the living room. My stomach dropped at what I saw.

  Dad laying there, bottles of alcohol all around and his and mums wedding video playing with the volume muted. I didn’t know what to do, or what to say.

  He needed help, I needed help. I couldn’t take my eyes off him for one day without everything turning to crap. I wasn’t going to cry.

  I walked into the living room, seeing Dad sleeping off what was most likely one hell of a hangover. I started to pick up the bottles of booze that me were on the floor. A snore coming from behind me had me jumping and dropping the bottles. Maxwell passed out also, bottle of whiskey in his hand and a pack of smokes fallen out on the floor beside him.

  Of course this was the reason Dad was drinking again. I couldn’t believe he had done this. He was sober, meant to be sober and had done a great job with these past few months. It made me wonder how long he’d been drinking for, or was he always hiding it?

  I walked to my room and closed the door, locking it behind me.

  I heard my phone going off and picked it up. James again. – Please talk to me, I am really sorry!

  – I’m not mad at you, sorry I went to a cousins for the weekend while Dad worked, how are you? I typed back. That was a lie, but James did know I had cousins. I just hadn’t seen them in a long time, so I hoped he didn’t get suspicious.

  And instant text reply came through, – Yeah? That’s cool. Want to hang after school tomorrow?

  Working sorry, how about at lunch we catch up? – I suggested.

  It’s a date! – was his reply. I hoped he realised that this was definitely not a date.

  I put my phone aside, snuggling further underneath the covers. I still had a slight headache and just needed sleep. But I didn’t want to sleep, I wanted to have Noah’s arms wrapped around me again. I wanted to feel the warmth coming from his body to mine. I just wanted to have him hold me and make it all better.

  I missed mum, I really missed her. I missed Dad, or what he used to be. He was so good yesterday but having Max back here, was only going to stir the pot.

  I sighed, wiping a tear that escaped my eye, more began to run down my cheek. This was my fault for going off and leaving him, worrying about my own damn feelings rather than taking care of Dad when he still needed me.

  Things with Mr Wade and I were escalading quickly, too quickly and I may need to hit the brakes. I didn’t want to though, I really didn’t want too. I liked him, I liked him a lot. I was sure love was what I was feeling.

  I picked up my phone and started typing out a text to Mr Wade when one came in from him, if I was determined to cool it with him then it was going to be tough. Especially when he say’s things like this. – Just found all the selfie’s on my phone, all I can say is this… You’re freaking beautiful!

  I was officially swooning.

  Chapter Twelve

  I woke up groaning as my alarm went off. Rolling over and slammed my palm down over it until the blaring stopped. My eyes flying open when I realized it wasn’t morning, I’d still have to deal with what happened with dad. It was only 5pm and I needed to organize something for dinner, but I didn’t want to see Dad. I was disappointed in him big time right now.

  I got up out of the bed and threw on a jumper then a pair of jogging trousers and headed to the kitchen to make a start on dinner. I checked in the living room and there was no evidence of a party that ever happened, he must have cleaned while I was asleep.

  I continued to cook steak and veggies, I probably wouldn’t eat any but I was still not going to leave him without, I felt guilty for not being here and taking care of him like I should have.

  Dinner was done and I decided I was going to go for a run to clear my head. I went back to grab some running shoes. As I made my way towards the living room I spotted Dad coming out of the bathroom looking worse for wear.

  “You’re home?” he asked, rubbing a hand through his wet greying hair.

  I rolled my eyes, “Yes,” I muttered underneath my breath as I brushed past him.

  “Mia wait,” he said pleadingly.

  I spun around and just looked at him. “I can’t even look at you right now, I’m so hurt that you’re drinking again Dad, but what do you care,” I couldn’t hide the evidence of tears that were starting to swell up in my eyes.

  He sighed, looking at me as he shook his head, “Sweetheart, I’m sorry. I promise I only had two.”

  “Tell that to the empty bottle of jack in your hand, I’m going out for a run, an hour or two the most,” I said quietly, “oh your dinner’s in the microwave.”

  I ran hard, fast and until it hurt. I wanted to numb the pain that I felt. So many thoughts were filling my mind. All the things with James were bothering me and I hated that he and I were not talking, he was my go to guy when I needed advice.

  I checked my phone and it was only 6:30pm, James should be home. I ran to his place, knocking on the front door and waited. Not even ten seconds later his Mum answered with a smile, “Mia come in, it’s been so long since we’ve seen you,” she smiled, embracing me in for a hug.

  I held her back, I felt a little uncomfortable as I didn’t like to hug people. “Is James home?” I asked her.

  She smiled pulling away, “Yes of course, he’s in his room as you know,” she let out a slight laugh.

  I walked down to his room, the music loud as I pushed open the door to find him making out with Stacey. Oh this was awkward.

  “Uh sorry,” I blushed hard, looking down at my feet and slightly stumbling backwards as I got myself out of there.

  “Mia wait!” James’s voice called out after me.

  I walked past his Mum and smiled, “I forgot I have to get home, Dad needs me,” I was a bad liar, always had been.

  I felt an arm tug on me as my feet his the footpath, “Mia wait, let me explain,” James said panting a little.

  I shook my head, “No need. I don’t want to talk about that, I didn’t know you and her were a thing. I should go, I’m sorry for stopping by without calling first,” I said stumbling over my words.

  “We’re not together,” he blurted out. “I mean I don’t like her.”

  “Why are you making out with her then?” I asked, stating the complete obvious.

  James shoved his hands in his pockets and looked down, his cheeks going pink a little as he gave a shrug, “We just hook up, nothing serious.”

  That was something that didn’t interest me. I didn’t want to be with someone who was with everyone else, I wanted a man to feel the same. To be with only each other but that was a rare thing, I knew that’d never happen unless I met a church boy, and well, I didn’t go to church.

  “James, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I said softly, “go back to Stacey, she obviously likes you.”

  I wasn’t really jealous of the two of them but it did hurt seeing them like that. I didn’t want to witness them half naked and grinding their bodies together. That was just another downer to my day that I had to deal with.

  I pulled my phone out and scrolled down the contacts until the letter N came up. I’d never texted him first, and wondered if it was too soon to message or call him. Before I knew it I was sending him a text message.


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