To Vegas with love

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To Vegas with love Page 17

by J. A. Cipriano

  “We’re still consolidating everything we got from Modi and Chet. Just figuring out what we own, and what’s worth keeping and fixing …” She waved her hand. “Etc., etc., etc., boring stuff.” She smirked. “I think it’ll take me at least six more months just to figure out how much the two of them own given all their stupid offshore accounts, shell companies, and foreign ‘investments.’” She made air quotes. “And that’s with Skye’s AI helping me.” She sighed. “I think I’m gonna hire ten more people, just to help me, and that’s even with how good everyone I already have is.” She winked at me. “Thanks for that, by the way.”

  “You’re welcome, but now I’m sad. I was looking forward to some quality time with you.” I let out a long, slow breath. “I feel like we’ve been so busy lately.”

  “Yeah, that’s why I’m going to put a pin in things as soon as I can.” She gave me an apologetic smile. “It’s also why Skye is going first.” She glanced toward the door as Gwen entered which was somewhat surprising. “Until next time.” Amy got up and moved toward the door, and as she did, she seemed to exchange a secret nonverbal message with Gwen because the two of them nodded to each other.

  “What was that about?” I asked as Gwen flopped down next to me and put her head on my shoulder.

  “Oh, nothing.” Gwen gave me a kiss. “You know, sometimes I feel pretty lucky.”

  “Why is that?” I asked as she gave me a serious look. “I mean, other than the obvious.”

  “Because the other girls seem to fight to get time with you, and yet, somehow, I seem to always just luck into one on one time.” She gave me another kiss.

  “Luck into it?” I gave her a confused look when our kiss ended, and she started to pull me to my feet. “What do you mean?”

  “Just that because of your relationship with Beau and his wife, we’re always flying out there, just the two of us. I find that it makes me really happy that I get to spend the time with you.” She began leading me out of the room. “Like today, for instance. We’re going to Beau’s gala with presidents.” She did a little shimmy that rubbed her body against mine. “And no one else gets to go. Just me and you.”

  “Well, I don’t know how to respond to that other than saying I love spending time with you too.” I smiled at her as we made our way to the limo so we could catch our private jet to Texas. “But unfortunately, this one probably isn’t going to be very fun.”

  “What do you mean?” Gwen gave me a conspiratorial look. “Everything you do is fun.”

  “Yeah, but remember, this is business and pleasure.” I sighed. “I sort of agree though. I love when it’s just pleasure.”

  “Me too.” Gwen smiled at me as Brant opened the door to the limo. “But, that’s where you’re wrong. I’m super excited about both the business and pleasure part of the gala.”

  “I know, I know. I just feel a bit bad. Like I wanna take you to Disneyland and get one of those stupid pictures on the log ride with you, you know?” I got into the limo with her. “And I also want to do that with Amy, and Skye, and everyone else.”

  “Roger, I don’t care about that.” Gwen crawled into my lap as the door shut behind me. “I love you, and I know the others do too. You’re a special kind of guy. Everything you just did proves that.” She looked pointedly at me. “You could quite literally have anyone you want, and you choose to spend time with me.” She gave me a resolute nod as Brant started the limo. “The others feel the same way, and honestly, we’re as much a family as anything else.” She frowned. “I can’t imagine what it’d be like not having Amy or Cami around.” She smirked. “Hell, I even like Ronnie most of the time.”

  “Even when she wanders around in her Miss Tennessee dress because it fits her again?” I laughed.

  “Well, sometimes, but to be honest, it is kinda hot.” Her cheeks flushed. “I mean, how many girls get to say they were in a threesome with Miss Tennessee? I mean, besides Miss Montgomery?”

  “You make a fair point.” I laughed as Gwen nuzzled into my chest and pulled my arms around her.

  “For now, though, I just want you to relax and not think about anything too straining.” She looked up at me seriously. “Because in a few hours, well, we’re going to be busy.”

  “By busy, you mean the shit is going to hit the fan, right?” I smiled at her. “It will be okay though, I spoke with both Agent Smith and Presley about the pens. I think my plan will work.”

  “I hope so.” She pulled away a little. “But, to be honest, while I like that you’re bringing only me, I think maybe you should invite Missy.”

  “Really?” I asked, surprised. “I purposely didn’t invite her, so it would be just us.” I sighed. “And she’s not really part of the team.”

  “Roger, she’s totally going to be part of the team.” She gave me a peck on the cheek. “I mean, I love you, but I also see how Missy looks at you. Positively smitten.”

  “Well, yeah.” I rubbed the back of my neck. “But, this is our one thing. I don’t want to give it up, and I doubt you do either. Bringing Missy will change that.”

  “This one time, I’m going to allow it.” She smiled. “So, what do you say?”

  “Well, she would be helpful, so I suppose it would be okay …” I looked right into her baby blues and at that moment wanted to give her whatever she wanted, and hey, if that involved a threesome, who was I to complain? “But it’s your call, Gail.”

  “Good.” She nodded. “Sometimes I feel like I know you really well, Roger.”

  “Why is that?” I asked as the car slowed to a stop.

  “Because I already invited her,” Gail said as Brant opened the door, and I found myself staring at Missy who was dressed to kill in a soot black dress that somehow looked incredibly classy while still showing off her substantial assets.

  “I heard you had room for one more,” Missy said, clutching her purse nervously. “But if not, I understand. Three’s a crowd and all that.”

  “You know, I’ve never quite found that to be true,” Gail said, grinning at me before looking to her. “Say, do you think you could tell me about the time you were in South America? I heard you fist fought a bunch of armed guerillas.”

  “It was just one guy, but sure,” Missy said as she got into the car and sat down next to me.

  “Well, I want to hear it anyway because I think we’re going to get to know each other real soon.” She and Gail exchanged a look as Gail reached out and took her hand.

  “Are you sure?” Missy asked meekly, barely meeting Gail’s eyes.

  “Yup,” Gail said, taking Missy’s hand and putting it on my thigh. “Because as I said before, three is never a crowd.”


  “I should have worn bells,” I said, glancing at the two lovely ladies on each of my arms. “Then I could say I came with bells on. Maybe I should use my pen?”

  “Personally, I think you look quite dapper if I do say so myself,” Gail said before smacking me on my suit-clad ass. “What do you think, Missy?”

  “You look fine.” Her lip twitched into a smile. “Passable, really.”

  “See, it’s only passable,” I exclaimed, turning on Gail who looked like she’d been betrayed by Missy. “I definitely need bells.”

  “No bells!” Gwen harrumphed and put her hands on her hips. “Unless you don’t want to take this off later.” She did a little pirouette causing her red-sequined dress to shimmer and shine with each movement in such a way that I desperately wanted to know what was beneath. “What’s it going to be?”

  “I’m going with not bells,” I said, and when I gave Missy a look, she nodded.

  “Wise choice.” Gwen grinned at me before leaning in to give me a kiss. “Though I’d let you take it off anyway.” She took my hand and drew it toward her. “Though maybe we don’t need to take it off …” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively at me.

  “Keep it in your pants,” Missy said, taking us both by the arm and moving us toward the entrance to the dock where the shuttle boat
would take us to Beau’s yacht because the damned thing was too big to actually dock in the harbor. “At least until our job is done.”

  “You’ll find we can do both,” Gail said, one hand slipping around Missy’s waist and creeping suggestively toward her breast. “Really well actually.”

  “I don’t know whether to tell you to stop or keep going.” Missy blushed so hard, I thought she’d turn into a tomato as we stepped onto the red carpet.

  “Hello, sir, ma’ams.” A well-muscled cabana boy said as he approached with what really seemed like a genuine smile. “Do you have your invitations?”

  “I do,” I said, disentangling myself from Gail and Missy before reaching into my jacket pocket and pulling out the invitation. I offered it to the cabana boy. “Here you go.”

  “Thank you, sir.” He took it from me and gave it a quick but thorough look. Then he offered it back to me. “Very good, sir. Would you prefer to take the helicopter or the ferry over?”

  “Which is nicer?” I asked, looking out at the sea. It seemed like a pretty nice night.

  “The ferry, sir, though it departs every twenty minutes. The helicopter is much quicker. Only a three-minute ride.” He looked at his watch. “Though the ferry is due to leave in the next five minutes.”

  “Would you girls like to ride the ferry?” I asked them as I watched the waves roll in.

  “I think that’s a great idea,” Gail said, squeezing my arm. “It seems like such a pleasant night. Perfect to spend on a ferry in a dark corner.”

  “Ferry it is,” I said, nodding to the cabana boy.

  “Very good, sir.” He spun on his heel and lifted a tray of champagne from the table to his right. “Would you care for a drink on the way?” He held the tray out.

  “Yes, please,” Gail said, reaching out and taking the offered glass. “I found I really like the stuff now. The whole problem was I always drank cheap champagne.” She stuck out her tongue.

  “Maybe I should keep a clear head,” Missy said, glancing between us as I took my own flute. “I’d hate to be hammered before our big moment.”

  “That won’t be a problem, Missy,” Gail grinned and patted her purse. “I got the cure for that right here.”

  “Um …” Missy looked at me. “What’s that mean?”

  “It means I wouldn’t worry about getting too drunk.” I held out my flute of champagne. “Besides, how can we toast if you don’t have some?” I smiled. “No pressure though. Seriously.”

  “I don’t feel pressured, just trying to be smart, but if you’re sure.” She took a flute. “To Roger, for getting me into the most exclusive gala in Texas.”

  “Actually,” I said, shaking my head. “That was all Gail.” I clinked my glass with theirs. “To Gail and her awesome connections.”

  We drank, and as we finished, the cabana boy offered the tray again. “Would you like more before we head over to the ferry?” When we shook our heads, he nodded. “Very well. If you change your mind, you’ll find a variety of items on the ferry, but if you require something else, please let me know so we can make sure we have it as soon as we dock.”

  He frowned slightly as he began to lead us toward the ferry, which looked a lot more like one of those dinner party boats you took in the channels of, well, anywhere, only way more happening because it had a live band, a bunch of dancers, and what looked like full wait staff.

  “Why are you frowning?” Gail asked, moving beside the guy. “Is something wrong?”

  “I’m just a bit upset by the possibility we might not be able to fulfill your every whim before we get to the yacht and that you might be forced to go without for the entire fifteen-minute trek.” It was weird hearing him because, honestly, I was really sure he meant it.

  “Um … is he fucking with us?” Missy asked, leaning close to me. “I honestly can’t tell because it sounds like he’s serious.”

  “He is.” I nodded to him as Gail, and he began to discuss what the ferry did, in fact, have. “Like, I’m really sure that if I asked for something they didn’t have, and that wasn’t on the ferry, they’d send a helicopter to get it.”

  “No.” Missy shook her head. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Do you have fresh breadfruit?” I asked, projecting my voice.

  “Yes, several varieties both on the ferry and on the yacht. Is there a special type you would like?” he asked, glancing back at me.

  “I need one that was picked within the last hour.” I touched my stomach. “I’m very sensitive.”

  “Oh.” He looked at the sky wistfully for a moment. “I’m not sure when they were picked, sir. I’ll dispatch the helicopter to get some more just in case they were picked before that. I apologize for this oversight, and your preference has been noted.” He looked at me seriously.

  “Just in case?” Missy said, her jaw dropping open. “For fucking breadfruit?”

  “It’s delicious,” I said with a shrug before turning my attention back to the cabana boy. “But, it’s okay. I don’t think I should have something so carby. I’m trying that paleo diet.”

  He studied me very carefully, and I could tell in his heart of hearts he thought I might be lying to help him out and that pained him beyond measure. “As you wish, sir. If you change your mind, please let me know. Again, I apologize. This will not happen again.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said, and there was a ping in my voice that coincided with his demeanor changing.

  “Very well, sir.” He nodded at me as we approached the ramp to the ferry. “Please watch your step, it can be a little rocky. I’m afraid that even I cannot command the seas as well as I’d like.” He grinned at us.

  “We’ll be fine,” I said, taking Gail’s and Missy’s hands in mine and heading up the ramp and into the party on the ferry. As we reached the top, we were immediately met by another cabana boy, though this one had skin so dark he was nearly blue in the light of the moon.

  “Hello, sir, ma’ams.” He smiled at us. “Can I get you anything at all?”

  “We’re okay,” I said as he helped Gail and then Missy aboard. “Thank you.”

  “Very good, sir,” he said as he helped me on board. “If you change your mind, please feel free to let us know.” He gestured out at the ferry. “There is a full bar, and a caviar and lobster bar, but we also have a fully stocked kitchen if you require anything at all.”

  “Thank you, but we’ll be okay for the moment.” I smiled at him as we moved into the ferry, and I realized there were only a few other couples aboard, though all seemed to have busied themselves at the bar or dancing.

  “We should dance,” Gail said, tugging me toward the dance floor. “Before we get too drunk to get really embarrassed.”

  “That sounds like a not plan,” Missy said with a frown. “At least without a couple shots.” She crossed her arms over her chest. “If there is one thing Missy Moppet does not do, it’s dance sober.”

  “I’m with Missy, Gail. Sorry.”

  “Well, you two just have no style.” Gail stuck her tongue out. “Though I am intrigued by the caviar bar.”

  “Have at it,” I said, gesturing at the huge spread laid out across the deck. “I’ll grab some drinks, any preferences?”

  “Appletini,” Gail said without missing a beat. “Extra tini.”

  “Coming right up,” I said, trying to suppress a grin as I looked to Missy. “You?”

  “Why do I feel like I’m gonna get really drunk tonight?” Missy said, throwing her hands up. “Whatever. Give me an appletini too.”

  “You like appletinis?” Gail asked, one hand going to her heart. “Soul sister!”

  I turned and left them to share their newfound BFFdom as I headed to the bar, not quite sure if this was a good or bad development because, well, Missy didn’t know about my pen yet, though she would soon.

  A moment later I sat down at the bar beside a guy with obviously dyed black hair wearing an expensive suit that barely held in his gut. He glanced up at me as he nursed
a glass filled with a giant ice cube and whiskey.

  “Hello,” he said, his green eyes taking me in as he raised his glass. “Enjoying yourself?” His voice was surprisingly pleasant like he had nothing to care about in the world.

  “I am for the moment. We’ll see what happens when we get to the party,” I said, glancing over my shoulder to find Missy and Gwen going to town on the caviar and lobster bar.

  “I hear that. Me, I hate people quite a bit. Most of ‘em are dumber than a three-day-old rock.” he laughed before looking me over. “Say, where’s your drink?”

  “Well, that’s why I came to the bar.” I grinned. “This is where you get them.”

  “That it is, son.” He clapped my shoulder as the bartender finished up pouring a scotch for a guy at the end.

  “Travis, come here and get this man a drink,” the old guy gestured at me.

  “Yes, Senator Ballerton,” the bartender said, coming over so quickly he nearly left a dust outline behind himself. “Sorry for the wait, sir, what would you like?”

  “Get the boy something nice,” the senator said, before draining his glass in a single gulp. “Say, you drink whiskey, son?” He slammed it down on the bar. “Because I do and I’m quite parched.”

  “When it’s good whiskey,” I replied, eyeing him carefully. “What were you thinking?”

  “I wonder if our friend here would like to try some of Beau’s special stock. You don’t think he’d mind if we dipped into the Dalmore 64, do you?” Senator Ballerton asked, staring down the bartender like he could light him on fire with his mind.

  “The Trinitas?” Travis asked, suddenly hesitant.

  “We don’t need to drink that,” I said, suddenly annoyed. That stuff was expensive, and while I knew Beau could afford it, hell, he probably wouldn’t care, I got the impression the senator was just being a giant freeloading douche.

  “I don’t think I misspoke my request,” the senator said, rubbing his chin as we pulled away from the docks. “Was I somehow unclear?”

  “No, sir. Right away, sir.” Travis took a huge gulp of air before spinning on his heel and racing down the bar to the locked cabinet on the other side before returning with a stag’s head emblazoned in in silver along with the words Dalmore Trinitas. It looked to be nearly full, and I watched as Travis poured a finger’s worth into the glass. “Is that enough, sir?”


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