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First Love

Page 33

by Amy Brent

“I do as well.” He pulled back and looked me over. “Do you want to go to the diner, steakhouse, or somewhere new?”

  I looked at the door, knowing that it was cold and wet outside. “You want to drive all the way to the diner tonight?

  “It’s not that bad out.” I shook my head and gazed up into his gorgeous eyes.

  “Whatever you want to do it fine.” I pecked his lips again and he smiled at me.

  “There’s a good place where they cook in front of you. It’s a whole show.” Declan suggested, and I remembered someone at work talking about it.

  “Yeah, so I’ve heard. We can try that.” He grabbed his wallet and keys and we made our way to his car in the garage. We headed to the main road and I watched as he drove to the town next to ours again, parking in a lot that wasn’t crowded. I glanced at him as he got out to open my door and we were met with a full table just to ourselves. Declan engaged the cook in conversation as he flipped food and stirred veggies, making me laugh as they went back and forth. I sipped my wine as I watched him plate everything, sliding it across the wide table towards us with a smile.

  We ate and watched the rain fall out of the wall of windows, talking about the upcoming holiday. Declan’s parents were flying in from Colorado to stay at his place for the weekend and I told him that I was going to visit my mom. I swallowed another sip of wine before I asked the next question. “Are the holidays going to be hard for you this year? I mean…to the point where you’d rather ignore them?”

  He sipped his own glass and looked outside for a moment. “We weren’t big holiday people. I worked most of them and she’d put in extra time at her office. So, this year I am going to be home on Christmas and Thanksgiving for the first time in years. I got some sympathy points this year.” He shook his head. “I’m doing it for my parents. They want to be there for me and I miss them.” Declan shrugged. “It might be the best Christmas since I was a kid. Too bad you won’t be here.”

  I looked at him as something crossed his face. Did he say that accidentally? “Thanks. Me, too.” I’d never give up seeing Mom for the holiday, but I knew that I’d miss Declan. He paid the bill and we ran to the car in the rain, sliding in at the same time. He apologized for not opening my door for me, but it was pouring at this point. “I’m glad we didn’t go to the diner. This is a mess.”

  “It is. Did you like that place?” Declan asked as he pulled onto the road.

  “It was fun. I’m glad that we both had the night off together,” I looked over at him as he stopped at the light and reached for my hand. Declan smiled and pulled forward as our light turned green, turning right to head to his house. I settled in the seat and watched the rain sliding down the windows until we were parked in the dry garage.

  “Want to make a fire?” Declan asked as he opened my door and helped me out.

  “That sounds great,” I replied as my pussy tingled, hoping that it led to more. We walked inside, and he set about making the fire as I poured myself another glass of wine, sitting on the couch to watch. Declan stood up once he was finished and I watched as he came over to the couch to sit beside me. He turned on a movie on the TV but we both turned to each other at the same time, moving in for a kiss.



  Madeline kissed me hungrily as I tilted my face to deepen it. This was all I thought about during dinner and it seemed as though she wanted it as well. I felt differently from the time I slept casually with that other woman, wanting more from this even as guilt filled me. My wife hadn’t been gone that long in the eyes of some and I didn’t know the rules about moving on. I wasn’t even certain how far I wanted to take this, but her sweet mouth just made me come back for more. We both stripped in between long kisses and soon Madeline was bare before me. I pushed her legs open and moved my mouth between them, finding her wet and ready for me. I traced my tongue over her folds and listened to her moans as I got closer to her needy clit. Once I found that, she jerked and dropped back against the cushions. I loved that Madeline was a clit girl and planned to make her come a lot that way. I tongued her firmly as she writhed before me, finally drawing her into my mouth as she cried out my name. I looked up her body, taking in her firm nipples and tense face. She was so close, and I scraped my teeth over her skin as she let go, coming and filling my mouth with her juices. I drank them all on and moved to kick my boxers off and stroke my cock.

  Madeline recovered and crawled over me, taking me into her hand before sliding down over me. Fuck, she felt good. Madeline was so tight and wet, and I felt myself deep inside with just one movement, making us both moan. She moved up and back down as I told her to touch herself, watching as her finger slipped down over her swollen nub. Madeline began to ride me harder as I started to rock with her, still stroking as she bit down on her lip. I felt her tighten around me before she flooded my cock with heat, coming a second after she did.

  “I thought it was only like this in books and movies,” she told me as she rolled beside me, glancing down at the couch. “I had no idea. Maybe I waited too long.”

  “You made the right decision for yourself,” I assured her as I hoped that it was true. I dropped back and breathed in deeply as the sounds of moans echoed through the room, making us both laugh. Madeline seemed to relax with that and sipped her wine as she pulled her legs up to shield her body.

  We finished the movie and went to bed where I pulled out a vibrator, asking if I could use it on Madeline. She agreed and propped herself on some pillows and spread her legs open. I placed it against her, turning it to a low speed as she arched her back. Madeline moaned as I turned it up, moving it up and down over her as her nipples hardened. She gripped the sheets as I kept going, turning it higher as the sound filled the room. I leaned forward to suck a nipple into my mouth as I kept teasing her and she cried out my name. I was hard as a rock by now and once she came for me, trembling and screaming, I pulled away and slipped my cock inside of her again. I fucked her with hard jerks, aroused as fuck by what just happened. She pulled me against her and rocked with me, groaning as I filled her and moved deeper. I knew that I was going to come fast, and I let go, stilling as I filled her. Madeline clawed at my back, moaning incoherently as I dropped against her and pressed my face into her neck.

  I was exhausted at this point and we both worked the following day, so I rolled over beside her and closed my eyes. I asked her what time she needed to get up and set the alarm for seven. I could hit the gym before work that way and make something of my day. I rolled to face her, wrapping my arm loosely around her as she settled under the covers.

  The alarm sounded all too soon, and I hit it as she pressed against me. Madeline had curled up in her sleep and I slipped my hand between her legs to stroke her gently. She was damp, and I slipped a finger inside of her as she let out a whimper. I teased her until she was wet for me and told her to move to her stomach. I felt like a fucking teenager as I watched her, taking position behind her before sliding in. Madeline moaned as I buried myself inside of her and gripped the sheets beside her, rocking back against me. I loved morning sex and it had been a while, so I thrust harder until I came in her.

  We both stayed on our stomachs for a while, resting. I didn’t need to get to the hospital until the afternoon, but Madeline’s shift started at ten. She got up to get dressed for the drive home, planning to shower and dress over there. I pulled on some sweats and walked her to the front door, sensing her need to leave. I kissed her softly before she walked out to her car and started the engine. I watched as she pulled out of the driveway, closing the door to go make some coffee.

  I surfed the net for a while, feeling the silence heavy in the house. I liked having a woman here with me again, but I wasn’t sure how far I wanted to take it. I certainly wasn’t ready to ask her to move in but sleeping in bed with her was a comforting feeling. I knew that I needed to decide about this house before I moved on at all. It was too big for me and full of memories from Laura, and not all were good. I needed to make new
memories elsewhere if I moved on with Madeline or anyone else.

  I sighed and pushed the thought out of my mind. I could deal with that later and just keep getting through the days and weeks. The holidays were coming up and I could have my parents stay here comfortably for what might be the final Christmas here. Sadly, it would be the happiest one with my past of working on the holiday since Laura was. I went to visit my family sometimes on my own and that was nice, but it felt wrong. I allowed myself to picture Madeline here with us this year, brightening the room with her smile.

  She was going to see her family, who I could see that she missed. We were no more than friends having sex at this point, though it was fun to take her out as well. She made me laugh and think and I appreciated that.

  I went to the gym after coffee, working out for an hour before I went home to shower and change for work. I was working until midnight tonight and already felt a little tired after last night, but the memories of it made me feel alive again. I thought about it as I drove in, parking in the lot and heading into the main entrance. I glanced toward the ER, seeing a flash of a blonde braid as I smiled and walked to get my coat and look over today’s surgeries. It was going to be a busy day and I welcomed that as one of the other surgeons came up to ask me a question.

  I was moving from one operating room to the other all night, grabbing a few minutes to grab some food in the cafe. I only had the time for a sandwich and coffee, but I lingered for a moment to see Madeline walk in with another nurse. She looked happy as she talked and laughed, and I felt myself on the edge of deciding what I wanted. She grabbed a salad and soda and walked in to find a table, pausing when she noticed me sitting alone. Madeline blushed and turned her head as the other woman called out to her, leading her to a table across the room as she continued their conversation. I finished eating and stood to throw the trash away, heading back to work. I glanced over towards the ER as I left, assuming that Madeline was already off and home, probably sleeping. I got into my car and drove to my house, parking in the garage and walking inside.

  It was still big.

  I walked upstairs to shower and fell into bed, still smelling Madeline. The room was dark and the house quiet as I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I needed to sleep before my three o’clock shift and I rolled over to face the wall, ignoring the big house.



  I woke up in the middle of the night from a dream gasping as I found my hand between my legs. It was a highly erotic one involving Declan and I blushed as I played it back through my head. The man had turned me into a sex addict and we didn’t even have a regular relationship. We saw each other when we did with no plans from day to day. Is that how it worked when you were dating?

  I rolled to my side and slipped my hand under my pillow. Getting myself off was tempting but not the same. I thought about the vibrator that he used on me and smiled at the idea of having some here at home to experiment with. I should go online and find a website to order from, depending on the prices. I laughed aloud at the idea of discussing this with my mom or even Declan. He’d probably order me the largest box and keep them at his place. He seemed like it enjoyed doing that, judging from the way that he fucked me afterward.

  I looked at the clock to see that it was just past one and groaned. Now I was aroused and since Declan, I wasn’t happy just letting that go. I rolled to my back again and slipped my hand into my underwear, finding my clit with my finger. It tingled as I stroked it and I bit my lip as I continued, trying to figure out what felt the best. I pressed harder with my finger and rubbed circles over the swollen, slick skin as I felt my body tighten. Oh, God. If I finished soon, I could get enough sleep for my morning shift and I slipped a finger inside of myself as I stroked my clit with my thumb. My body tightened around my finger and I let out a cry as I came, feeling the heat wash over me. Was this how it felt on Declan? I laughed aloud at the knowledge that I now had about my own body and pulled my hand out and headed to the bathroom to wash up.

  Now, I was tired. I crawled back under the covers and turned to my side to go back to sleep. I could still get about five hours in for my long shift tomorrow and maybe do something afterward. I could get some dinner, maybe with a few of the other nurses. Maybe Declan was free, but I didn’t even know if he worked.

  I woke up in the morning to the alarm, blinking slowly. At this moment, I missed my night shifts. I wanted to roll back over and sleep some more but the alarm shrilled again as I reached out to silence it. I rose and made some coffee before showering and pulling on my last clean scrubs. I slipped my feet into some sneakers and pulled my hair back after I stared in the mirror. I added a little mascara to my lashes and glossed my lips, not worried about anything else. It was too early.

  The sun was rising as I drove down the street to the hospital, drinking coffee from my travel cup. I was still a little groggy from my broken sleep, but the memory of what I did made me smile. The traffic was light so far and I made it to the parking lot quicker than expected, sitting in my car to finish my coffee and take in the brightening sky. It was pretty out, and I needed to appreciate it more.

  Glancing at the clock, I realized that I needed to head inside. I grabbed my purse and walked inside, preparing for a crazy day. I locked up my things and headed to the desk to see what was happening, greeting the nurses that seemed to be on a break.

  “Hi, Maddie. How are you?” Kelly asked as I smiled at her.

  “I’m good. I could use more sleep but there’s coffee for that. Anything exciting here?” I asked as she let out a breath.

  “There was a late-night accident on the freeway. Drunk driver, three cars. It was not pretty. A woman died but the rest are still here in critical condition. The driver is in the best shape, as usual.” She shook her head and I frowned. “I hope it’s better for you.”

  “You never know,” I replied as I leaned forward and read the computer screen. It looked calm for now and I asked Kelly when she was off. Her shift ended in two hours and she told me that she was going home to sleep for a day. She wouldn’t want to go for dinner and she also had a fiancé at home.

  The phone rang, and Kelly grabbed it, frowning as she talked briefly. “Bus accident on the commuter line. Some of them are coming here. Get ready for more!”

  People headed in different directions and I followed Kelly to the doors. We had a few minutes, but I wanted the fresh air before hell started. Others joined us in the wait, including some doctors and the conversation revolved around what we were expecting. Kelly crossed her arms and looked around before speaking. “Bus versus big rig.” Curses were uttered as my heart started racing and remembering how much my mom loved being a nurse. No matter how hard it was, she always spoke highly of her job and the rewarding feeling that it gave her.

  The ambulances raced around the corner, stopping in a line as people rushed to all of them. I followed Kelly and one of the ER doctors to a random vehicle and we brought the victim to a room quickly. The woman had a cut on her head and some internal bleeding and I watched as Dr. Johnson told a nurse to page Declan. My heart stopped as I moved automatically to assist, hearing the chaos around me.

  I heard a familiar voice and glanced up to see Declan walk in, asking what was happening. My eyes locked on him as my body heated up, softening between my thighs. I knew that my face was flushed, and I forced my eyes to the unconscious victim once again. I helped Kelly clean the bleeding wound again and the ER doctor sewed her up gently before she was rushed to the OR, where Declan would fix the bleeding. I watched as she disappeared, following Kelly to another room where we could help.

  Once the excitement wore down, I headed outside for some fresh air. I saw Declan standing there and he glanced up at me as his brows furrowed. “How did it go in there?”

  “She’s going to be fine. She’s lucky.” Declan smiled and sipped his coffee. “Is everything under control in there?”

  “Yeah. Finally.” I smiled and leaned against the building a few
feet away from him.

  “I’m off in three hours. You?” His voice was soft, and I felt excitement course through my veins.

  “Same.” I wondered why he asked and I glanced over to see him staring at the light coating of snow on the ground.

  “Come over. After days like this, I… need someone.” Declan’s voice shook, and I licked my lips as I nodded slowly, watching him look over at me.

  The rest of my shift seemed to drag. I visited patients and checked them as I made pleasant conversation with them, keeping busy. It still dragged. Once I was finally off for the night, I hurried to my car as I looked around the parking lot. I saw Declan doing the same and our eyes locked for a moment as he paused to watch me get into my car. I started the engine as he unlocked his door and he ended up following me to his house.

  We walked inside of the front door before Declan shoved me against the wall. He stared into my eyes before leaning in to claim my lips in a searing kiss as I moaned. I knew the adrenaline of the job, but I’d never dealt with it this way before tonight. I used the sex toys that I bought after meeting him, but this was better. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer as our tongues danced together. Declan lifted me and carried me to his bedroom before dropping me to the mattress and ripping off my pink shirt as I gasped. “When I have a rough night at work and patients die like one did tonight, I need everything I can find to feel like I am alive. There was a long time when I didn’t have anyone to feel wrapped around me.” Declan stripped himself of his own uniform and crawled over me to pull down my scrubs eagerly. Declan tossed them aside and slipped my underwear to the side before he spread my legs wide. My thighs tensed in anticipation before his mouth covered my pussy, sucking gently before his tongue began stroking me.


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