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Brave New Girl (Behind Closed Doors Book 1)

Page 7

by Grace Herbst

  Penny didn’t let Michelle answer. “I keep telling her that they can’t be her earrings because I got these from Simon. And then she accused my boyfriend of stealing them.”

  Michelle wanted the girls to work the argument out by themselves, but she could tell it wasn’t working. She tried to think of the best solution. “Chloe, are you sure the earrings Penny is wearing are yours?” she asked. Chloe nodded. “Have you actually looked at them?”

  “No, Penny won’t even take them off,” Chloe replied.

  “That’s because they aren’t yours,” Penny snapped. Michelle gestured her to take them off and give them to her. Penny wanted to protest, but Michelle was firm. Penny let out a grumble, but she pulled the earrings off and handed them over to Michelle. She gave them to Chloe to inspect. Ashley peeked over Chloe’s shoulder and she had to admit the earrings looked even more beautiful up close. There were smiles from Jill and Gwen as well. Even Susie and Erika were impressed with how stunning the earrings were.

  “Simon gave you these?” Erika asked Penny in disbelief. “How did he manage that? I thought his parents cut him off because he wasn’t spending his money wisely.”

  Penny shot her friend a look, but she didn’t answer her. “Can I have my earrings back now?” she demanded.

  However, Michelle was curious to hear how Simon was spending his money. “What was he spending his money on?”

  “I don’t know. You’re going to have to ask him,” Penny said, avoiding the question. “Can I have my earrings back now?”

  “No because these are my great-grandmother’s earrings,” Chloe insisted. “And I’m sure my mother will agree once she gets here.”

  “Why don’t we continue this conversation in the principal’s office?” Michelle suggested, knowing there was more privacy there. “Why don’t the rest of you girls go back to the dance? You’re missing out on all of the fun.”

  Ashley reluctantly followed Jill and Gwen out of the bathroom. Susie and Erika were right behind them. “Do you think those earrings are really Chloe’s?” she asked her friends in a whisper. She didn’t want Penny’s friends to think she was making more accusations.

  Gwen shrugged. “I don’t know. I have never seen her great-grandmother’s earrings before,” she confessed. “Chloe does jump to conclusions though. Those earrings could be Penny’s.”

  “I don’t think so,” Erika said. Ashley and her friends waited for Erika and Susie to catch up with them. “I’m sorry. We didn’t mean to overhear, but we don’t believe Simon really bought her those earrings.”

  “Penny is our friend and we want to give Simon the benefit of the doubt, but it’s been hard for us to trust him,” Susie added as they watched Michelle leave the bathroom with the two enemies. “He seems a little too attached to Penny and I think he goes overboard to please her.”

  “Well, maybe this will teach him not to steal things that don’t belong to him,” Jill noted. Ashley gave her a look. “Come on, it’s obvious it’s Simon who has been stealing the jewelry and money from everyone. Although, I don’t know what his grandmother will say when she finds out her grandson stole from her.”

  Ashley knew what a disappointed grandmother looked like and it wasn’t a pretty picture. However, she didn’t say a word as she followed everyone back into the gym and over to Lucas, who had been waiting for their return.

  Chapter 9

  The argument between Chloe and Penny in the bathroom spread around the gym like wildfire. Lucas was quick to defend Penny while Jill and Gwen stuck by their friend. Ashley wished she could choose sides. Chloe was her best friend and she didn’t get along with Penny. However, she was going to stay out of it. She came there to dance, not to be involved in World War III.

  It was a relief when someone asked her to dance and whisked her off onto the dance floor. She kept herself distracted by learning about her dance partner. His name was Todd Mason and he was another junior. He was on Student Council with Chloe and Jill. She was having such a nice time with him that she almost didn’t hear the commotion coming out from the hall.

  Ashley wasn’t the only one who had heard the commotion. Most of the students had turned towards the doors. A few had even poked their heads out in the hall. The chaperones tried to usher students away from the double doors, but Ashley was too curious not to check it out. She excused herself and walked through the gym to the doors. Lucas and her friends were right behind her.

  None of the adults in the hall were looking very happy. Mrs. Campbell and Michelle were both trying to calm Chloe’s mother and who Ashley could only assume were Simon’s parents. Simon was the splitting image as his father. His father was tall and intimidating. Ashley didn’t want to eavesdrop, but it was too easy not to listen to the argument.

  “If you want to talk about bad behavior, why don’t we talk about your stepdaughter?” Mr. Green said. Ashley froze when she heard her name.

  Michelle instantly changed from calm to angry. She glared at him, ready to defend her stepdaughter. “Don’t you dare bring Ashley into this! She has nothing to do with this!”

  Mrs. Campbell stepped forward between the two angry parents. “Michelle, please let me handle this.” Michelle backed away for a moment as Mrs. Campbell cleared her throat. “Mr. Green, this is about your son and the accusation about him possibly stealing from his peers. Perhaps we can settle this in my office.”

  Mr. Green shook his head. “No, we are going to settle this right now. My son isn’t a thief. I taught him right from wrong. And he knows stealing is wrong.”

  Victoria spoke up. “Then how do you explain how my grandmother’s jewelry ended up in Ms. Sanders’s possession? According to her, those were a gift from him. Now I’m not looking to press charges against him or Ms. Sanders. I just want the rest of my jewelry returned to me.”

  “I can assure you that we don’t have it,” Mrs. Green said, finally speaking up. “The only jewelry we have in the house is my own.”

  Victoria was getting just as annoyed as Simon’s parents. “That wasn’t an answer,” she replied. “How did the earrings end up in Penny’s possession?”

  Mr. Green scoffed. “We don’t have to take this.” He turned to Michelle for a moment. His eyes still blazing with anger. “You may be blind about what your stepdaughter does when she is out with her friends, but I’m not. If anybody belongs in jail, it should be her,” he insisted. “She almost killed someone – not just someone – a little kid. And I’m not going to stand around and let my son be associated with this murderer. I’m pulling my son out of this school.” He turned to Victoria. “If you were smart, you would take your daughter out of this school too.”

  Victoria maintained her composure as she looked at him straight in the eyes. “I appreciate your concern for my daughter, but I’m going to have to disagree with you. I’m well aware of Ashley’s past. Yes, she has made some mistakes in choosing what she does with her friends, but she has clearly learned from them. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have trusted her with my daughter.”

  “People don’t change,” Mr. Green said. “And if you’re not careful, you will lose both your husband and daughter.” Victoria just glared at him as he gathered his wife and stormed towards the exit.

  There was silence between the remaining adults before Mrs. Campbell noticed the gathering crowd outside the hall. “Okay, the show is now over. Go back into the gym.” The students reluctantly filed back into the gym, already whispering about the conversation they had just heard.

  However, Ashley stayed where she was. She wasn’t in the mood to go back into the gym and hang out with her friends after what Mr. Green had said about her. His words stung. Even though she knew she didn’t do anything wrong, hearing how upset other people were with her still bothered her.

  She jumped as she felt a soft touch on her shoulder. “Are you okay?” Lucas asked softly. “I can just take you home if you don’t want to stay.”

  Ashley nodded. “Let me just tell my friends and we’ll leave.”

sp; They barely made a few steps when they heard a loud gasp. Her heart stopped as she saw an unconscious Michelle lying on the floor. Without a second thought, Ashley hurried over to her. “Oh my god!” she exclaimed anxiously. Victoria held out her hands to stop her from getting too close. “What happened?”

  “Michelle fainted,” Victoria told her, trying to calm her down. “I’m sure she is going to be just fine. Just give her some space.”

  Ashley watched helplessly as Mrs. Campbell called out to Michelle, doing her best to wake her up. Once again, a crowd formed as the students came out in the hallway and realized their beloved drama teacher was lying on the floor unconscious. The chaperones did their best to keep the students far enough away to give Mrs. Campbell some room.

  There was a sigh of relief as Michelle slowly opened her eyes and looked at her surroundings. “What happened?” she asked, finding her voice. Lucas and a couple of other students helped her stand up.

  “You’ve had a fainting spell,” Mrs. Campbell explained. “Are you sure you’re alright? Maybe you should be taken to the doctor.” Michelle nodded as she found her footing. Mrs. Campbell addressed the students one last time. “I think we all have had enough excitement for one night. Let’s go back into the gym and I’ll announce the Homecoming King and Queen. Then we’re all going to go home.” There were a few moans and groans from students.

  “No, that’s not necessary,” Michelle told her. “I wouldn’t want to ruin everyone’s evening. I’ll go to the doctor, but everyone else should stay.”

  “Should I call Kyle?” Victoria asked her with a worried look in her eyes. That was on Ashley’s mind as well.

  Victoria pulled her cell-phone from her purse as Michelle shook her head. “No, I don’t want him to worry. I’m fine.” Ashley wasn’t convinced. She didn’t mind keeping secrets from her father, but this was one she felt he needed to know. At the same time, it was easy not to tell him if there wasn’t anything to tell.

  Michelle let out a heavy sigh and admitted defeat. “Alright. I’ll go to the hospital to get checked out.”

  A short time later, Ashley and Lucas were waiting anxiously in the waiting room for Michelle to return from the examining room. Michelle didn’t want Ashley to come in with her and that was fine with her. She really didn’t want to be there in the first place. Ever since the car accident, she avoided hospitals. Yet, it was necessary to see what was going on with Michelle.

  Ashley paced back and forth across the floor. Lucas tried to comfort her. “Don’t worry. I’m sure Ms. Jordan is fine,” he said. Ashley didn’t answer as she sat down next to him. She let out a heavy sigh. Lucas looked at her hard. “That’s not what you’re worried about, is it?” he asked. She shook her head. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “No because that’s what everyone does,” Ashley said, trying to keep her voice down. It was hard considering how upset she was. “They just talk about me instead of getting my side of the story. Yes, I made a stupid mistake by drinking too much at a party and believing I could drive home afterwards. But I took responsibility for it. Why can’t everyone move past it?”

  “I had the same problem with my aunt and uncle,” Lucas replied. “I don’t think they believed I was truly over my depression until I made peace with my past.” Ashley didn’t answer as they heard approaching footsteps. Both Ashley and Lucas jumped to their feet. Seeing Michelle, she tried to read her facial expression, but Michelle kept her feelings hidden well. Lucas asked what he and Ashley were both wondering. “What did the doctor say?”

  “I’m fine,” Michelle told him. Ashley waited for more, but there was no more explanation. Ashley looked at her surprised. Michelle shook her head. “I really don’t want to talk about it right now. I just want to get home. I’m really tired. It’s been a long evening.”

  Lucas nodded understandingly as Ashley observed Michelle. She knew that faraway look. That was the look of hearing upsetting news and she was trying to put on a brave face. However, Ashley didn’t ask her about it until after Lucas dropped them off at home. “What did the doctor say?” she asked.

  “Ashley, I’m really not in the mood to talk about it,” Michelle repeated, avoiding the question. “Can we please discuss it in the morning?”

  “What do we need to discuss?” Kyle asked, making both women jump. Neither of them had heard him come into the foyer. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you. What do we need to discuss?”

  Ashley waited to see if Michelle was going to tell her husband about her fainting spell, especially since she didn’t tell Ashley about the doctor’s visit. Then again, she would want to tell the news to her husband first before telling her stepdaughter. At least, she would think so. “It’s nothing that can’t wait until morning,” Michelle replied.

  “How was the dance?” Kyle asked his daughter. “Did you have a good time with your friends?” Ashley nodded, not wanting to discuss the argument between Michelle and Mr. Green. To her surprise, he brought the subject up. “Nobody gave you any trouble? Like the Greens, perhaps?”

  “How did you find out?” Ashley asked. The answer should have been obvious though. Of course, Mr. Green contacted him. Even if he didn’t contact him, her dad always found a way to find the truth. It was his job to find out the facts about people and use it against them. “There’s more than one side of the story, Dad.”

  “Good because I really don’t want to believe my wife harassed his family,” Kyle said as he handed Michelle a piece of paper. Ashley glanced over her shoulder and read it. “They wanted to sue you for harassment, but I managed to talk them out of it. What the hell happened between you two?”

  “It’s a long story,” Michelle replied with a heavy sigh, dismissing the question. “And I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow. Right now, I just want to go to bed.” She gave a kiss to her husband and said good night to Ashley before she went upstairs.

  “Are you okay?” Kyle asked his daughter, noticing the faraway look in her eyes. “I can only imagine how tough it was to hear Mr. Green call you those words.”

  Ashley nodded, not wanting to talk about it. “I’m tired myself. I’m going to go and get ready for bed.” She said good night before she went upstairs to her bedroom. As soon as she had changed her clothes, she heard a familiar sound.

  Looking at her phone, she saw she had gotten a text from Chloe asking her if Ms. Jordan was alright. Ashley texted back in return that she was fine. The next text from Chloe asked if she was still planning on coming over to watch movies. After thinking about it, Ashley decided not to hang out with her friends. She lost all interest in spending time with her friends for the night.

  Ashley couldn’t stop thinking about the whole evening. She felt guilty that she once again had ruined another dance. It was like she was cursed or something. It also bothered her that Mr. Green had called her a murderer. Despite all of the rumors about her, it didn’t occur to her that people were possibly calling her a murderer.

  The word kept repeating over and over in her head. She kept telling herself that she wasn’t a murderer. It wasn’t like she had hit the other car on purpose. She had just made a simple mistake. Ok, it wasn’t a simple mistake. It was a stupid mistake. She should have never stepped foot behind the wheel and drove home from the party. If she had done the responsible thing, she wouldn’t have run that red light and crashed into the other car.

  Ashley realized she had to look on the bright side. Nobody had gotten killed. Caleb, the young boy who had been in the car, had a concussion, but she had heard he had fully recovered from it. She wondered how he was doing now since there was always a chance of a relapse. She always wanted to check up on him, but she wasn’t sure if the family had forgiven her. There was only one way to find out.

  The next morning, Ashley came down to the kitchen and was surprised when she saw her father cooking breakfast. Michelle was next to him. It felt like the rough night was forgotten as both Michelle and Kyle looked like they were enjoying themselves. The scene brought
back memories for Ashley as she remembered those happy moments when they were dating and Michelle had come over for breakfast. Or made dinner for the family when they had invited everyone over for the holidays.

  “Did I miss something?” Ashley asked, breaking Kyle and Michelle out of their conversation. “What’s going on?”

  Kyle and Michelle looked at each other before turning back to Ashley, trying to keep their faces straight. “We have something to tell you,” Kyle said as he gestured her to sit down at the table. Ashley did what she was asked.

  Kyle turned to his wife and she knew it was her turn to speak. “Ashley, you’ve probably noticed how moody I’ve been lately and watching me passing out last night. Well, there was a reason for that.” Ashley braced herself for the worst. “It looks like you’re going to be a big sister. I’m pregnant.”

  Ashley zoned out for a moment. Did she say what she thought she just said? “You’re what?” she exclaimed.

  “We’re going to have a baby,” Kyle announced as he wrapped his arms around his wife. “Isn’t that great?”

  This wasn’t what she was expecting at all. Her mind thought it was cancer or something. She didn’t know how to react. For years, she had wanted a baby brother or sister. She felt her dreams had been dashed when her mother died. She was fine with being an only child. When it came apparent that Michelle was going to be her stepmother, she still believed it was too late. Now her wish had finally come true and she wasn’t as happy as she thought she would be.

  However, she didn’t tell the happy, expectant parents that. Instead, she just gave them a fake smile. “Congratulations. I’m happy for you two.”

  Chapter 10

  “I can’t believe she’s pregnant,” Ashley exclaimed. Lucas just listened quietly as she ranted her true feelings about the unexpected news. She had gone to the diner right after lunch, knowing Lucas would be the only one who could relate to what she was going through. Luckily, the lunch rush was slowing down and Ashley was able to sit at the counter and talk to him. “I know I should be happy for them. They have talked about expanding their family, but they also weren’t sure if it would be able to happen because of their age. My dad is already in his forties and Michelle is almost forty. What does that tell you?”


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