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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 13

by Layla Colquhoun

  When we done eating, I led Celeste and Lance outside, then we all went on a run together. At first we ran in our human form, and I could barely keep up with them. After awhile, we shifted into our other forms, then we spent a few minutes checking each other out.

  I was amazed at how different they both looked. Lance was an all black panther, whereas, Celeste was a bright orange and black jaguar. She was clearly larger than Lance in their cat forms, and that made me feel a little proud of her. I liked knowing that my mate was strong in her cat form, and I was excited to see her run.

  We spent several hours running, and I could tell she preferred to be in her cat form. The aura that surrounded her was happier, and I could see her jaguar smiling a lot of the time. Running together was the best time we had spent together since I met her, and I was definitely feeling a lot calmer by the time we returned to the pack house.

  Before we went back inside, we pulled our clothes back on, then we headed straight to my suite. Once we got there, I scooped Celeste up in my arms, then I walked over to the couch and sat down.

  Right away, Celeste tried to get up, but I wrapped my arms around her body, then I whispered by her ear, "Sit with me, mate. I need this time with you."

  She thought about it for just a second, then she relaxed against my chest. Lance followed us to the couch, then he sat on the middle cushion and immediately reached over to hold her hand. We sat there like that for several minutes without anybody saying anything, then Lance glanced over at Celeste and encouragingly mumbled, "Sweetie, it's okay if you want to have some alone time with Kyle."

  "It's too soon for that," she nonchalantly replied, then she moved her nose closer to my neck and started scenting me.

  I felt her body relax even more, and that brought a smile to my face. I was surprised to hear her other mate make that suggestion, but I also appreciated his willingness to share her with me. He seemed to be handling everything a lot better than I was, but he also had a strong bond with her already, so I don't think he was worried about her choosing to be with only me.

  We sat like that long enough for her to fall asleep against me. I waited a few minutes before I stood up with her still in my arms, then I glanced at Lance and whispered, "I'm going to lay her down. You are welcome to follow."

  I didn't wait for him to give me a response. Instead, I headed straight for my bedroom. As soon as I got in there, I carried Celeste to the bed, then I laid her in the middle. After that, I walked to the other side of the bed and laid down beside my beautiful mate.

  Lance had followed me to the bedroom, and he was quick to lay down on the other side of Celeste, then he placed a soft kiss on her cheek before he whispered, "Sleep well, sweetie."

  Instantly, she rolled toward him, then they wrapped their arms around each other in a loving embrace. It was becoming increasingly obvious how comfortable she was with him, and how much she loved him. In a way that made me sad, but at the same time, I was happy to see her being shown the love she deserved from her other mate.

  I hadn't gotten the chance to get to know Lance, but he seemed nice enough, and he made Celeste happy. I could see the love swirling in her eyes whenever she looked at him, and he always had just as much love swirling in his eyes when he looked at her. It wasn't the typical love that I usually saw in my pack member's eyes. It was a lot more intense, and I could tell there was some serious history between the two of them.

  Lance fell asleep right away, but I laid there for awhile and thought about everything that had been happening. I could feel in my heart that Celeste was starting to open up to me, and that not only made me happy, but it also brought me hope for our future.

  After an hour of being deep in thought, I felt my eyelids start to grow heavy. I rolled to my side, then I rested my hand on Celeste's arm, and it wasn't long before the sparks that flowed between my fingers and her skin worked their magic to help lull me to sleep.

  Chapter 24


  Celeste POV

  I woke up sandwiched between two very muscular bodies that were radiating their body heat onto me. I knew right away that I was laying between my mates, because I could clearly smell both of their scents.

  I wasn't sure how to feel about it, and I thought about jumping off the bed, but eventually I decided to stay right where I was at. I didn't know how Kyle would react if I woke him up, and I wasn't about to find out when Lance was still sleeping.

  Luckily, I woke up facing Lance, so it was easy for me to snuggle against him. After a few minutes, Lance wrapped his arm around me, then he nuzzled his nose against mine and whispered, "Good morning."

  I pecked a kiss on his lips before I whispered, "Good morning."

  We only laid there for a few more minutes, then Lance mind linked me and asked, 'Do you want to get up?'

  'You have no idea how ready I am to get up,' I quickly linked back in response.

  Lance held in a chuckle, as he quietly climbed off the bed, and I was quick to follow him. As soon as we were on our foot, we immediately left the bedroom, while making sure to be especially quiet and stealthy, so we didn't wake Kyle from his sleep.

  I quickly reached the living, but I didn't stop there. Instead, I walked out of the suite and headed for the stairs. Lance warily followed behind me, and it wasn't long before we were exiting the pack house through the front door. As soon as I reached the front porch, I shifted into my jaguar, then I sprinted toward my former parent's house. I only got a glimpse of them at dinner, and I felt the need to get a better look at them, if at all possible.

  Lance easily kept up with my speed, since I wasn't running as fast as I usually do, for the sole purpose of being discreet and not attracting attention to us. Once I reached the tree line surrounding their house, I sprinted toward the house, then I walked along the shadows against the house.

  There was a large cloud in front of the moon, which made it easier to stay hidden in the shadows. It was times like these, when Lance had the upper hand on being able to stay camouflaged with his pure black coat.. However, I started practicing the art of staying hidden, as soon as I shifted, and I was basically an expert in that field.

  When I reached the window outside of their bedroom, I shifted into my human form, then I peeked through the window. They were both laying in bed sleeping, but neither of them looked happy or peaceful. Not only that, it looked like they had aged twenty years, instead of the five years it had actually been. I couldn't remember them looking that old when Kyle killed me either, so I could only assume the drastic change in them was related to Alana's death.

  It made me very sad to see my parents in such a pitiful state, and I wished I could tell them the truth about me, but that just wasn't an option, and I didn't think it would ever become an option. Instead, I would have to watch them wallow in grief right in front of me.

  Lance could feel my sadness through our mate bond, so he shifted back into his human form, then he wrapped his arms around me and anxiously asked, "What's wrong, mate?"

  "This is my old house, and they are my werewolf parents. I can't believe how bad they look," I sadly replied before I sighed.

  After I returned the hug for a few seconds, I dropped my arms from around Lance, then I walked back to the tree line and shifted into my jaguar. Right away, I sprinted through the forest and spent the next hour simply running. I needed to blow off some steam, and running was one of the best ways to take care of that need.

  I loved the way the wind felt whipping across my face, as I ran at my full speed. I stealthily jumped over trees and limbs that had fallen. Not to mention, the many times I expertly dodged trees that appeared in front of me while I was running.

  Lance struggled to keep up with me whenever I ran at my full speed, so I made sure to slow down from time to time, that way he could catch up to me. By the time we went back to the pack house, we were both wore out from the high speed running, so we headed straight back to bed. The only difference was that I chose to lay down on a bed in the first spare bed
room, and Lance immediately followed me.

  We didn't fall asleep right away. Instead, we laid there and cuddled, while we talked about how we were going to get this mission completed. I wanted our lives to get back to normal as soon as possible, and I could feel myself quickly becoming more impatient about getting it done.

  I couldn't keep procrastinating the inevitable. I needed to get Kyle to make me the Luna, even if that meant doing things that I normally wouldn't do. I wasn't one to seduce anybody other than Lance, and the thought alone made me sick to my stomach, but I didn't see any other options. Kyle was adamant about marking me before he made me the Luna of this pack, but I was not okay with that, and I refused to allow it to happen.

  With my mind set on being the perfect little mate the next day, then using my pheromones to get him to do what I wanted, I was finally able to drift off to sleep. It wasn't the most restful sleep, but it wasn't the worst sleep either. I had nonstop dreams about how things could go moving forward, but I didn't take the time to dwell on any of them. I knew it was ultimately up to me, and as long as I kept control of the situation, I would get what I needed from him.

  As soon as I woke up a few hours later, I checked the time and saw that it was almost six in the morning. I knew that Alphas usually woke up earlier than most werewolves, so I decided to be sweet and cook breakfast for my mates. While the bacon and pancakes were cooking, I brewed a pot of coffee, and whipped up a batch of eggs to scramble when the bacon was done.

  I was flipping the last set of pancakes when Lance joined me in the kitchen with an appreciative smile playing on his perfect lips. He pecked a kiss on my cheek, then he happily stated, "It smells amazing in here."

  Right away, I flashed him a genuine smile before I cheekily replied, "It's going to taste even better than it smells."

  Lance chuckled as he looked in the cabinets. Once he found the plates, he carried three of them to the dining table, then he came back and grabbed three forks and knives, which he set by the plates. After that, he poured three glasses of orange juice, while I carried the food to the table.

  With everything on the table and ready to be ate, I decided to peek in on Kyle. He was still sound asleep, so I decided to whistled from the doorway, and a second later his eyes popped open. He quickly looked around, and when his eyes landed on me, a smile stretched across his face, before he groggily asked, "Is everything okay, mate?"

  "Yep. I just came to let you know breakfast is ready and sitting on the table," I cheerfully stated.

  "Wonderful. I'll be right there," he enthusiastically mumbled, as he kicked the blanket off his body.

  I could see the muscles throughout his body flex with his movements, and I had to turn my head to stop myself from drooling at the sight of him. There was something about the way the sun was shining on his muscular frame, topped with way his hair was tousled from sleeping, that made him look more attractive than ever.

  To keep myself from being tempted to gawk anymore, I headed back to the dining table and immediately sat across from Lance. A few minutes later, Kyle joined us at the table, and he was quick to sit at the head of the table, where Lance had his plate waiting for him.

  While we ate the delicious breakfast that I cooked, we had a nice discussion about how Kyle's day would go, and when we should expect him to return to the suite. Between his Alpha duties and warrior training, he stayed surprisingly busy most days. His Beta was in charge of training the warriors, but Kyle insisted on being at their training sessions most of the time, so he could keep his own battle techniques on point.

  When we were finished eating, Kyle took a quick shower, then he got ready to head go to his office. Before he left, Kyle made it a point to peck a kiss on my lips, then he happily chirped, "Bye, mate. Have a good day, and stay out of trouble."

  I giggled at him, before I cheekily replied, "I never get in trouble. I'm a good werecat."

  Instantly, Lance burst out in a fit of laughter, while Kyle shook his head at us and chuckled. A second later, Kyle winked at me, then he left us alone in the suite.

  Chapter 25

  Striking a Deal

  Celeste POV

  I was excited about having the suite to ourselves for awhile. As soon as Kyle left, Lance and I cleaned up the mess from breakfast, then I walked over to the couch and plopped down. Lance immediately sat down beside me, then he draped his arm over my shoulders and pulled me against his side and happily stated, "What do you want to do today?"

  Instantly, I snuggled against him, as I cheekily replied, "I just want to spend some quality time with my favorite mate."

  Lance was quick to peck a kiss on my temple, then he softly murmured, "I like the sounds of that."

  We spent the morning cuddling together on the couch, then we decided to take a quick shower. The whole time we were in the shower, we couldn't keep our hands off of each other, which led to Lance throwing me over his shoulder and carrying me to the bed, as soon as we turned the water off.

  I got to enjoy making love to my gorgeous mate for a short ten minutes, before the bedroom door got flung open. Instantly, my eyes snapped to the door, and I was immediately filled with a sense of worry.

  Kyle was standing in the doorway looking extremely angry with his hand clutching his chest. He took in the sight of us, and his eyes immediately narrowed before angrily stated through gritted teeth, "If you want to be with each other like this, I need to be here enjoying the action, too. The pain you are causing me is too much to handle."

  I flashed him an apologetic smile, before I innocently mumbled, "I'm sorry, Kyle. It just kind of happened. We can't help it."

  Kyle released a sigh of frustration, then he stalked to the living room. I probably should have got up and followed him, but I was determined to finish what Lance and I had started. I wrapped my limbs around Lance, then I murmured, "Keep going, mate."

  He flashed me a wide smile, then he continued making love to me, and it felt absolutely amazing. When we were finished, I pulled on my light yellow sundress, then I left the bedroom.

  I found Kyle sitting on the couch with his face buried in the palms of his hands. I sat down beside him, then I soothingly rubbed his back, as I apologetically mumbled, "I'm sorry about causing you pain, but I need you to understand that Lance and I are fully marked and mated, so it's very hard for me to resist being with him when I feel the urge."

  Kyle sat up and ran his fingers through his hair, then he

  deadpanned, "This sucks. I finally find my mate, but you already have a mate, and all I want to do is all the things your other mate gets to do. I hate everything about this. My wolf is going crazy in my head, and we want nothing more than to place our mark on you."

  "I'm not ready to make that kind of commitment with you, Kyle. I love Lance with all my heart. We grew up together, and he has always been by my side through everything. When I almost died as a cub, he stayed by my side the entire time," I responded in total honesty.

  "I'm not asking you to leave Lance. I'm just asking you to give me a fair chance. I already told you I was willing to share you with your other mate. Is that not enough for you?" he asked in frustration.

  "No, Kyle. That is not enough. I need assurances that there will not be a war between my home pack and your pack. This is more important to me than almost anything else. I can't be with you, if there is any chance that your pack might go to war with my pack. That's where my family and friends live," I nonchalantly replied.

  Kyle ran his fingers through his hair again, as he released another sigh of frustration, then he warily admitted, "I can't make that guarantee right now, but I can promise to give you the chance to remedy any problems we have with your home pack, before we take any action against them."

  "I will give this some thought today, but I can't make you any guarantees right now," I informed him.

  He lifted his eyes up and locked them with mine, then he curiously asked, "Do you like anything about me?"

  I flashed him a genuine smile, as I softly mu
rmured, "I like your eye color, and I think you are very attractive. However, I haven't got to know you well enough to comment on your personality, but I can say, I like how understanding you are being when it comes to my other mate."

  Kyle's lips curved up to form a cute smile, before he cheekily admitted, "Hearing you say that gives me a little hope for our future. Thank you for being honest with me, mate."

  "Thank you for not being a jerk about all of this," I immediately replied, as I returned the smile.

  Kyle leaned a little closer to me, then he placed a soft kiss on my cheek, before he affectionately murmured, "You look very pretty in that dress."

  My smile instantly widened, as I cheerfully remarked, "Thanks, mate. You also look nice today."

  Suddenly, Kyle wrapped his arms around me, then he buried his face in the crook of my neck, and I immediately tensed up, as I remembered how he killed Alana. Kyle noticed my tension right away, and he was quick to pull his face away from my neck, but he kept his muscular arms wrapped around me, as he warily asked, "Celeste, why do you get so nervous around me."

  "I don't know. I just do," was all I could come up with for a response, as I attempted to shrug my shoulders.

  Kyle dropped his arms from around me, then he gently caressed my cheek, as he softly murmured, "Mate, I will never do anything to hurt you. I need you in my life too much to even think about doing anything to cause you harm."

  I had the inclination to scoff at his words, but I didn't act on that urge. Instead, I politely replied, "I know, mate, but I can't help it."

  He gazed into my eyes for a few seconds, and I could see nothing but love and adoration swirling in his stunning ice blue eyes. It wasn't long before he smashed his lips against mine, as his arms circled around my body once again.

  Instantly, I melted in the warm embrace and returned the passionate kiss, as all logical thoughts were swept from my mind. Our lips stayed molded together for a few minutes straight, then he slowly pulled away from me and huskily mumbled, "I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I'm already falling in love with you, Celeste. Please try not to make me wait too long to officially become mates."


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