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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 14

by Layla Colquhoun

  I decided at that moment, that this was as good a time as any to release my pheromones, and initiate the next phase of my mission. I slid my hand to the back of his neck, then I pulled him back to me and initiated another passionate kiss, while I released my pheromones.

  I kept the kiss going for almost two minutes, and I could tell a difference in the way his kiss went from soft to more feverish within a few seconds of me releasing the pheromones. When I pulled my lips away from his, I gazed into his eyes and immediately noticed how much they had darkened from the lust he was feeling.

  I flashed him a seductive smile, then I trailed my fingertips up and down the back of his neck, while I calmly remarked, "Mate, all you have to do is make the Luna of this pack, then I will gladly let you mark me. I need some type of guarantee that you won't mark me, then give the Luna title to your former fiance."

  "I would never do that to you, mate," he quickly replied with his voice even huskier than normal.

  "You can prove it by making me your Luna," I murmured in response.

  "I can't do that until your neck is decorated with my mark," he huskily mumbled, as he nuzzled his nose against mine.

  I pressed my lips against his and passionately kissed him again, while I released more of my pheromones. As soon as I pulled my lips away from his, I seductively murmured, "Mate, I will be yours forever, but not until you make me your Luna."

  Kyle moved his lips to my ear, then he nibbled on my earlobe before he whispered, "I want you to be my Luna."

  "So make it happen. You are the only one with the power to do that. Make me your Luna, and I will be the perfect mate for you," I assured him with a sincere smile on my face.

  "Will you only be my mate, or will I still have to share you?" he curiously asked.

  "Does that matter?" I asked in return.

  "Yes," he answered, then he flashed me a little smirk and huskily mumbled, "I want you all to myself."

  "If you make me your Luna before marking me, I will send Lance back to our home pack," I nonchalantly replied. Of course, I didn't mean a word of what I said. I just needed him to think I was being honest, so I could complete this mission.

  Kyle gave me another passionate kiss, and I made sure to release more of my pheromones, then he pulled his lips away and mumbled, "I'll make you my Luna, then I will hold you to your word. If I make you the Luna, and you don't keep your end of the deal, I will personally make you and your other mate miserable."

  "I always keep my word," I assured him with a satisfied smile on my face.

  "I will make the arrangements, and we will have the ceremony in two days. Until then, no more mating with Lance, unless I am invited to join," he adamantly stated, as he gazed into my eyes.

  I didn't like the idea of not being able to mate with Lance for the next two days, but I knew if I wanted to complete the mission, I had to make this agreement with him. I brushed my knuckles over his prominent cheek bone and cheekily replied, "Okay, mate. That sounds fair."

  Kyle gave me one more toe curling kiss, then he stood up and straightened his clothes, as he nonchalantly stated, "I need to get back to my office. You behave this time."

  I flashed him a small smile and replied, "Don't worry, Kyle. I will be an obedient mate while you are gone."

  Kyle chuckled at me, then he walked to the front door. Before he opened it, he looked back and flashed me a sexy smirk as he winked, then he left the suite.

  Chapter 26

  Kyle Brushes Julie Off

  Kyle POV

  I couldn't believe it when I felt that familiar searing pain in my chest. I was instantly enraged and quickly made my way back to my suite, where I left my mysterious mate with her werecat mate.

  When I walked into the suite, I didn't see either of them, so I went to my bedroom and flung the door open. Right in front of my eyes was my mate and Lance mating with each other in my bed. I was so angry, I had a hard time not exploding right then and there.

  Instantly, I narrowed my eyes at them and angrily stated through gritted teeth, "If you want to be with each other like this, I need to be here enjoying the action, too. The pain you are causing me is too much to handle."

  Celeste flashed me an apologetic smile, before she innocently mumbled, "I'm sorry, Kyle. It just kind of happened. We can't help it."

  I released a sigh of pure frustration, then I stalked out of the bedroom. When I reached the living room, I plopped down on the couch, and I'm glad I did, because that searing pain got worse a few seconds later. I knew they were finishing what they had started, and I tried not to be mad, but I couldn't help it.

  Eventually, I buried my face in the palms of my hands, then I tried to think about something other than the two of them mating in the other room. As expected, that proved to be impossible.

  Once the pain finally subsided, I kept my face buried in my palms, until Celeste joined me on the couch and started apologizing. I didn't want to hear her apology, but I listened anyway. When she was done apologizing, we had a conversation about why she wasn't ready to let me mark her.

  After a few minutes of talking, I couldn't take it any longer, so I smashed my lips against hers. I was delighted when she instantly melted against me and returned the passionate kiss. We kissed for a few minutes straight, and I felt like I was floating on a cloud of happiness the whole time.

  When I finally pulled my lips away, I admitted to Celeste that I was already falling in love with her, then she pulled me back to her for another passionate kiss. I'm not sure how to explain the way kissing her that time made me feel, but I definitely felt consumed with an overwhelming desire to please her in any way I could.

  Not to mention the indescribable feeling of lust that came over me. I had felt lust for women before, but nothing like the lust I was feeling for Celeste at that moment.

  We shared several passionate kisses, but in between them, she kept pressing about me making her the Luna before I marked her. At first I fought the urge to agree right away, then I found a way to make the deal better for me, by getting her to agree with sending her werecat mate back to their home pack.

  Once we reached an agreement, I headed back to my office with an ear to ear grin plastered on my face. However, the smile quickly faded when I walked into my office and saw Julie sitting on my loveseat. We had not spoken a word to each other since she threw the engagement ring at me, and I was honestly glad to have the break from her. She could be quite overbearing sometimes.

  Not to mention the fact that she didn't make me feel any kind of happiness when we were together anymore, and that had been the case for a little while. The only time I got enjoyment around Julie, was when I was buried deep inside of her, but that wasn't an option anymore. Not if I wanted my fated mate to accept me.

  I barely glanced in her direction, as I walked to the chair behind my mahogany desk. It wasn't until I was seated, then I finally directed my gaze at her and nonchalantly asked, "What brings you to my office?"

  Julie flashed me an apologetic smile, as she nervously mumbled, "I'm sorry for reacting the way I did. I still love you, Kyle. I only want to be with you, and I was hoping you would reconsider accepting me as your mate and Luna."

  I released a sigh of frustration, then I narrowed my eyes at her and responded, "I will not reconsider. We were never meant to be together. I knew that when we were younger, and I know that now. You aren't the one for me."

  "How can you act so cold towards me, after all the good times we shared together? How many times did you confess your love for me over the past year? How can you suddenly not feel anything for me?" she angrily asked, as she glared at me with nothing but contempt.

  I returned the glare and snarled, "Julie, quit wasting my time. I need to plan the induction ceremony for our Luna. If you don't have anything important to say, I wish to be left alone."

  She scoffed at me, then she stood up and icily retorted, "Don't come running back to me when you realize how big of a mistake you are making."

  I laughed at he
r comment, then I nonchalantly stated, "That's funny. Here I was thinking you were the biggest mistake of my life."

  Instantly, tears sprang into her brown eyes, then she rushed to say, "You are a heartless piece of shit." As soon as the last word left her mouth, Julie sprinted out of my office, just as a sob left her mouth.

  I felt a little bad for being so mean to her, but I didn't want to give her any false hopes at this point. She needed to get over me, and if I had to be an ass to help move that process along, than so be it.

  Lance POV

  I lingered in the hall, while Celeste and Kyle shared some alone time together on the couch. Thanks to my enhanced cat senses, I could smell her pheromones, as soon as she released them, so I knew exactly what she was doing. She was initiating the next phase of her mission, and I was filled with excitement about getting the mission completed sooner than later.

  I didn't even mind when I heard her agree to send me back to our home pack, because I knew she didn't mean a word of it. She would never choose him over me, and that was something I was sure about.

  After she got Kyle to agree with making her the Luna, he left the suite again, and I quickly made my way to the couch. As soon as I sat down beside Celeste, I wrapped my arms around her and softly murmured, "I'm so proud of you, mate. I know this can't be easy for you."

  "I can't wait for all of this to be over," she dejectedly mumbled.

  I knew she wasn't comfortable with what she was doing, but she didn't let the lack of comfort stop her from doing what needed to be done. I was not only proud of my gorgeous mate, but I also respected the way she was handling the whole situation.

  I rubbed soothing circles on her back, as I sympathetically replied, "I know, sweetie. It shouldn't be long now. You have to stay strong and push through it. I know you can handle anything that gets thrown your way."

  After a few minutes of holding her, Celeste pulled away from me, as she drowsily mumbled, "Lance, I'm so tired. I'm gonna lay down and take a nap."

  Right away, I stood up with her, then I followed my mate to the spare bedroom, and I wasn't the least bit surprised about her choosing the bedroom. I figured she didn't want to smell Kyle's scent so strongly, while she attempted to peacefully nap.

  I knew she would sleep better if I was laying with her, and I was also ready for a nap, so that's what I did. Celeste was quick to snuggle against me, then she quickly fell asleep, and I feel asleep almost just as fast as she did.

  When I woke up a few hours later, Celeste was nowhere in sight, and I immediately felt a sense of panic rise in me. I didn't like that feeling not one bit, and I was quick to jump out of the bed, then I started looking for my mysterious mate. I was instantly filled with relief when I found her in the shower, and I wasted no time joining her.

  As soon as I stepped under the cascading hot water, she flashed me a small smile and mumbled, "Sorry if I worried you."

  "What makes you think I was worried?" I playfully asked.

  She shook her head at me, as she nonchalantly replied, "Don't forget, I can feel your emotions through our mate bond."

  Instantly, a sheepish grin formed on my face, before I bashfully admitted, "I don't know why I keep forgetting that."

  Celeste giggled for a few seconds, then she threw her arms around me and pecked a kiss on my lips, before she happily stated, "I love you, Lance."

  "I love you, too," I softly murmured, as I wrapped my arms around her waist and gazed into her stunning sapphire eyes that were shining with nothing but love. I felt so lucky to have such a beautiful mate looking at me, the way she was, and I hoped for her to always look at me like that.

  We enjoyed our shower together, then we got dried off and pulled our clothes on right away. I was determined not to be the cause of her breaking the deal she made with Kyle, otherwise I would've had her sprawled out on top of the bed, as soon as we got out of the shower.

  We spent the next few hours in front of the television. Most of the time we were just flipping through the abundance of channels in search of something good to watch. Eventually we both got tired of looking and left it on a random channel that was airing a show about witches. That's what we watched until Kyle returned from his day of taking care of the Alpha duties.

  Chapter 27

  Quality Time With Kyle

  Kyle POV

  I spent the entire day overseeing the preparations for the Induction Ceremony. I wanted everything to be absolutely perfect for my mate, and I was determined to make it a night she would never forget. I was ready to do whatever I had to do in order to keep her in my life.

  I had quickly become infatuated with my mysterious werecat mate, and I refused to let anything stop me from making her the official Luna. Once we made that deal, I made it my personal mission to see to it that nothing interfered with my plans.

  After I finished the last of the arrangements and made sure there weren't any hiccups, I finally made my way back to my suite. When I got there, Celeste and Lance were sitting on the couch, and they both looked bored out of their minds.

  I was quick to walk over to the couch, then I plopped down beside Celeste and rested my head on the back of the couch. It had been a long day, and I was downright exhausted.

  A few seconds later, I felt sparks tingle across my forehead, then Celeste's fingers started playing with my hair. I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes, while I enjoyed the way she was showing me affection. It was not something I was expecting, so I was pleasantly surprised by the gesture.

  When I finally opened my eyes, I glanced over to see Celeste looking at me with concern swirling in her gorgeous sapphire eyes. Right away, I flashed her a small smile and mumbled, "Don't worry, mate. I'm a little tired tonight, but I will be well rested and ready for your ceremony tomorrow."

  Her lips curved up to form a smile, before she cheerfully replied, "Okay, mate, but try not to wear yourself out so much in the future. I don't like seeing you this exhausted."

  My smile instantly widened in response to her kind words, then I happily chirped, "You're so sweet."

  "I try to be," she cheekily replied with a shrug of her shoulders.

  I chuckled at my cute mate, then I nonchalantly stated, "I'm going to take a shower. I would love for you to join me."

  Celeste hesitated for a few seconds, then she sheepishly mumbled, "I guess I could use a shower too."

  I wasted no time getting to my feet, then I held my hand out to her. Again she hesitated for a few seconds, then she accepted the hand I was holding out to her. After I pulled Celeste to her feet, we walked together to the bathroom, then I turned the water on to the shower, so it could heat up.

  Celeste immediately started undressing, and I was quick to follow suit, while I admired her stunningly sexy body. She was shaped perfectly like an hourglass, and I couldn't wait to trail my fingers all over that sexy body of hers.

  Once we were both undressed, I adjusted the water temperature, then I stepped under the cascading water with Celeste right behind me. I gazed at the water sliding down her curvaceous body for a few seconds, then I pulled her against me and huskily mumbled, "You have the most gorgeous human body I have ever laid eyes on."

  She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head against my chest, and I thought I was going to explode with happiness, as those sparks tingled all over my body. I almost couldn't believe I was holding my naked mate in my arms, and I didn't want to let go her anytime soon.

  I rubbed the palms of my hands up and down her back a few times, then I slid them down to her perfect heart shaped butt and gave it a firm squeeze. Right after that, Celeste started trailing soft kisses across my chest, and there was no stopping the arousal that coursed through my body.

  As soon as I started smelling the aroma of Celeste's arousal, I slid my hands down to her thighs, then I lifted up on them. She was quick to wrap her legs around my hips, then I pinned her against the shower wall. I gazed into her lust filled eyes and huskily mumbled, "I want to mate with you so bad right now." />
  She flashed me a sweet smile, then she seductively murmured, "Mate with me, Kyle. I need this as bad as you do."

  My mate didn't have to make that request from me more than once. I was happy to mate with her, and I wasted no time getting to it. I enjoyed every second of the intimate time we shared in the shower, and I could tell she enjoyed it to. The whole time, I kept her moaning in pleasure, while my lips trailed soft kisses along her neck, shoulders and chest.

  It was hands down the best mating session I had ever experienced, and I looked forward to having many more of them with my beautiful mate. Every time she moaned by my ear, my body would tremble in delight, then I would return the moan. We both reached our climax at the same, and it was absolutely phenomenal. I loved how our bodies shook together, as pleasure coursed through us, and there was no getting rid of the smile that was plastered on my face.

  Celeste POV

  We didn't see much of Kyle the next day, because he stayed busy making the arrangements for my Luna Induction Ceremony. It made for a peaceful day with Lance, and I was thankful for that.

  When Kyle finally returned late in the evening, he looked completely exhausted. I felt the sudden urge to do something nice for him, so I reached up and started playing with his hair, while he kept his head laid back against the couch.

  Eventually we exchanged a few words, then he asked me if I wanted to join him in the shower. At first, I was a little reluctant, but I didn't want to chance him thinking I wasn't going to hold up my end of the deal, so I accepted his offer and joined him.

  When I agreed, I wasn't planning to do anything other than wash my body and hair, but seeing Kyle completely naked made something stir within me. His body was ripped with muscles, and he was downright sexy. I couldn't stop licking my lips, as I gazed at his eight pack and wondered what it would be like to mate with him.


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