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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 16

by Layla Colquhoun

  Celeste POV

  When we returned to the suite, Kyle immediately pulled me into the bedroom. I knew how anxious he was about marking me, but I couldn't allow that to happen, so I asked him to let me mark him first, and I told him that's how my species does it.

  I wasn't the least bit surprised when he tilted his head to the side and gave me great access to his neck. I slid the tip of my nose along his neck, while I took one last deep inhale of his cedar and lime scent, then I pierced his throat and dragged my canine across and down. I made sure to hit his windpipe, just like he did when he killed Alana, then I dropped my arms from around him and watched his body drop to the floor.

  He looked up at me with surprise evident in his eyes, but all I did was smirk at him. Seeing his neck like that, and hearing the gurgling noises he was making, brought back all of those horrible memories of him killing Alana. At that moment, the only thing I felt for him was the hate that had plagued my heart for years.

  When he mouthed the word why, I knelt down in front of him and made sure he knew exactly why. He was dying at my hands, so I didn't think the Moon Goddess would penalize me for telling him the truth, and I was right. She let that slide, because she knew I was well on my way to completing the mission she sent me on.

  After I told him why, I walked over to the bed and sat on the edge of it, while I watched Kyle attempt to take his last few breaths. The sound of his gurgling was awful, but it had to be done. I couldn't let him mark me and break my bond with Lance.

  Once Kyle was dead, I felt our mate bond break, and that brought me to my knees in pain. I screamed in agony, and it wasn't long before Lance came barging into the bedroom. He took in the scene in front of him, then he ran to me and dropped to his knees.

  Right away, he engulfed me in a warm embrace and started soothingly rubbing my back. I melted against him and cried through the pain for a few seconds, then we started hearing loud banging on the front door of the suite. I knew the pack members must have felt the break from the Alpha of the pack, so I didn't have to time to cry any longer.

  Lance helped me get to my feet, then I purposely ripped the top of my dress. After I pulled my shoulders back, I walked to the door and flung it open. Instantly, Kyle's Beta, Anthony Baxter barged past me, as he anxiously asked, "Where is Alpha Kyle? Why did I feel him break from the pack?"

  "Your Alpha was a horrible person, who has done terrible things to me. He is no longer with us, and no longer the Alpha of the pack. I am in control of this pack, as of right now, but I don't intend to stay here for very long. I will need to make somebody else the Alpha when that time comes. If you want to be that person, I suggest you do whatever I tell you to do, and you can start by getting Kyle's body out of my sight," I nonchalantly stated.

  Anthony's jaw about hit the floor when he heard what I had to say. He didn't utter a sound for almost a minute, then he solemnly replied, "Yes, Luna," as he bared his neck to me, as a sign of submission.

  I was just as surprised that he didn't blow a fuse, as I was relieved. I needed things to go as smooth as possible during this transition, and having Beta Anthony on my side would help a great deal with that.

  Lance and I followed Anthony out of the pack house, then I walked onto the stage and announced to the pack that they no longer had an Alpha. I also informed them that they were to follow my instructions, unless they wanted to meet the same fate as their Alpha.

  I wanted to make it clear right away that I wouldn't put up with any bullshit. I knew they were sad about the loss of their Alpha, but I couldn't have them directing their sadness and anger at me, while I finished completing my mission, or while I picked a new Alpha for this pack.

  Chapter 30

  Julie's Failed Attack

  Celeste POV

  The whole time I was on the stage addressing the pack, my chest felt like it was on fire, because of the breaking of my mate bond with Kyle. I was filled with a weird kind of sadness, but I was also filled with relief at the same time. The hardest part of the mission was complete, and the rest should be a piece of cake.

  As I walked off the stage, I was suddenly knocked to the ground, then a fist landed on my left cheekbone. I was quick to flip my attacker to their back, then I grabbed the fist that was aimed at my other cheek. With the one hand in my strong grasp, I reached up and grabbed my attacker's other hand.

  When I glared down into the eyes of Julie, it took everything I had not to rip her throat out right at that very second. I hissed at my nemesis, then I snarled through gritted teeth, "I should kill you right here in front of everybody, so the other's know not to attempt an attack on me. I am stronger, faster, and stealthier than any werewolf in the world. Don't test me again."

  I was straddling Julie's waist with such a tight grasp on her hands that all she could do was wiggle a tiny bit. Once she realized there was nothing she could do, she looked up at me with wide doe eyes and regretfully mumbled, "I'm sorry, Luna Celeste. I won't do it again."

  Right away, I jumped to my feet, then I fisted her hair in my hand and pulled Julie to her feet. After that, I gave her a hard shove toward Anthony and demanded, "Put her in the dungeon for the night. This way I know she will learn her lesson and not try to pull another stunt like that."

  Anthony looked at me with surprise evident on his face, but he didn't try to defend Julie, nor did he try to argue her side. Instead, he nodded his head at me, then he grabbed Julie's upper arm and dragged her toward the dungeon.

  With Julie out of the way, I turned back to the rest of the pack members and nonchalantly asked, "Would anybody else like to try that? If so, now is your chance."

  Every one of them looked down at the ground, and I knew that was their way of showing submission, so I walked away from them without another word. I quickly made my way back to the suite, then I walked straight to the couch and plopped down.

  I was beyond a reasonable level of exhaustion, and I didn't have the energy to stand back up. Lance could clearly feel my exhaustion through our mate bond, and he wasted no time lifting me up in his strong arms, then he carried me to the spare bedroom and gently laid me down on the bed.

  He easily removed the red high heels from my feet, then he climbed onto the bed with me and pulled the blanket over us. Right away, I laid my head on his chest and snuggled against his side.

  Lance wrapped both of his arms around me, then he placed a soft kiss on my forehead, before he affectionately murmured, " Get some rest, sweetie. I made sure the door was locked, and I'll be staying on high alert, in case anybody tries anything stupid."

  "Thank you, mate. I love you," I drowsily mumbled, then I placed a few quick kisses on his chest.

  Instantly, he tightened his arms around me, as he huskily replied, "I love you, mate."

  It felt good to be laying in the bed with the mate I loved. Almost everything felt right again, but I couldn't wait until we were back at our home pack or at the Jungle Pack. I had been seriously considering moving to the Jungle Pack. I felt more at home in the jungle, than anywhere else, and I really liked Alpha Jared. I was hoping he might able to tell me more about my true ancestors on my werecat side, once this was all over with.

  I couldn't imagine the Moon Goddess not letting me live my life out as Celeste, so I was already making plans for my future. I hadn't discussed the plans with Lance, but I planned to in the very near future.

  I slept for a few hours straight, then my eyelids slowly fluttered open. When I glanced over at Lance, he appeared to be in a deep sleep, but the second I moved, he sat straight up with his eyes glowing and wide as saucers. He wasn't kidding when he said he was going to stay on high alert.

  I giggled at my adorable mate, then I happily chirped, "It's just me, mate. You can lay back down and sleep peacefully now."

  Instead of laying back down, he climbed on top of me and trailed featherlike kisses up the curve of my neck. That instantly made the dull pain that was still burning in my chest start to ease. I wrapped my arms around Lance and eagerly acce
pted the show of affection he was giving me.

  We ended up making love to each other for a few solid hours, and it was absolutely phenomenal. After going a few days without being intimate had been like torture, but it made this particular session of lovemaking even more intense and satisfying.

  After we finished playing catch up in the bed, I pulled on a simple black sundress, while Lance pulled on a pair of dark blue gym shorts, then we left our suite. The halls of the pack house seemed especially quiet, but I could hear some of the pack members weeping behind closed doors for the loss of their Alpha.

  I felt a little bad about what I did, but this peace agreement needed to happen. Not just for the werecats, but also for the werewolves. If we went to war against each other, the werewolves wouldn't stand a chance against us. They needed this peace agreement more than we did, and I was determined to make it happen, so we headed straight for the Jungle Pack, as soon as we got outside.

  Chapter 31

  Arranging the Peace Agreement

  Celeste POV

  As soon as we reached the Jungle Pack's territory, I headed straight for the waterfall. I had been missing the beautiful scenery there. Not to mention, it was a special place for me, since it was where I first shifted, plus I spent a lot of time there with Lance.

  Unfortunately, we couldn't spend a lot of time at my favorite place, because I needed to get the process rolling on the Peace Agreement. I was pleasantly surprised when I got to Alpha Jared's house, and he was sitting on the porch. As soon as we came into his sights, he jovially greeted, "Welcome back, darling. How are things going at the Great Forest Pack?"

  I sat on the porch chair next to his, then I nonchalantly stated, "I am the official Luna, and Alpha Kyle is no longer alive."

  Instantly, his eyes widened in surprise, then he gushed, "Wow, you made that happen a lot quicker than I was expecting."

  "I'm ready for all of this to be over. We need to get the meeting scheduled for me, you and Alpha Dante, so we can get the Peace Agreement signed," I adamantly insisted.

  Alpha Jared reached over and affectionately patted my hand, as he sympathetically replied, "I know this mission isn't easy for your emotions, but I want you to know how proud I am of you. Nobody ever thought this could be a possibility, but you are making it happen."

  I flashed him a genuine smile, then I happily stated, "I'm glad I finally got my revenge on Kyle. Now we just have to sign the agreement, then I can get my revenge on Julie. Oh, by the way, I will need a few of your warriors to grab Julie, after I release her from the dungeons in the morning. If you could make sure they are waiting in the woods near the dungeon at the morning, that would be fabulous."

  "That shouldn't be a problem, dear," he assured me with a smile on his face.

  I reached over and squeezed his shoulder, as I solemnly stated, "I must be getting back to the pack house now. I will return around this time tomorrow. If you could have Alpha Jared here when I return, I would very much appreciate that."

  "I will do my best to make that happen for you," he confidently stated. I stood up, then I bowed to him out of respect, but he was quick to demand, "Don't ever do that again. We should all be bowing down to you."

  I was quick to curiously ask, "Why do you say that?"

  "Your bloodline dates back to the first werecats that inhabited this earth. You have royal werecat blood flowing through your veins. That's why you are faster and stronger than most other werecats," he cheerfully stated with nothing but adoration swirling in his bright green eyes.

  I was completely stunned to hear that. I had been wondering about my bloodline since the Moon Goddess told me I had a werecat soul, but to find out I had royal blood left me shocked. Once I got over that initial shock, I flashed a wide smile at Alpha Jared and cordially stated, "Thank you for that information. When this is all done, I want to hear all about my ancestors."

  He returned the smile and immediately responded, "It would be my pleasure, dear."

  I nodded my head at him, then Lance and I headed back to the Great Forest Pack. I really wasn't ready to go back there, but I knew if I stayed gone too long, things could get out of control.

  Once we got into the Alpha's suite, Lance went straight to the kitchen, while I sat on the couch and thought about what to do about the pack needing a new Alpha. I didn't know how any of the pack members acted anymore, and I didn't want to base my decision on the way they acted when we were all pups. I knew most of them had changed a lot over the years, so I needed to observe them interacting with each other.

  A little bit later, Lance set two plates down on the coffee table, then he went straight back to the kitchen. When he returned, he had two glasses of sweet tea, and I was quick to drink half of mine down in one big gulp. I was apparently more thirsty than I had realized.

  After we ate the tuna fish sandwiches and chips, we took a short nap, then we walked together to the dungeon. I didn't say a word to Julie, as I unlocked the cell that was housing her. Ironically, it was the exact same cell I had freed Lance from, when I was still Alana the werewolf.

  As soon as I opened the cell door, Julie jumped to her feet, then she sprinted past both of us. I didn't even bother chasing after her, since I assumed some of Alpha Jared's warrior were waiting for their chance to grab Julie and take her back to the dungeon on the Jungle Pack's territory.

  Instead, I walked into the cell and sheepishly admitted, "Lance, this is the exact cell that I helped you escape from, the very first time we met."

  "Really?" he asked with surprise evident in his voice.

  I giggled for a few seconds, then I cheekily replied, "Yes, mate. I remember it so well, like it happened yesterday."

  I was only a few steps into the cell, when Lance grabbed my arm and pulled me out of it and into his loving embrace. Instantly, I wrapped my arms around him, then I snuggled my face against his neck and took several deep inhales of his intoxicating scent.

  After close to a minute of hugging each other, I pulled away from him and nonchalantly stated, "We should go watch the battle training. I would like to see how Beta Anthony interacts with the warriors and the other pack members, before I decide whether or not he is Alpha material."

  "Okay, sweetie," Lance replied with a smile, as he grabbed ahold of my hand.

  We left the dungeon and walked to the training grounds together, then we sat down and observed the training. I was pleased with what I saw. Anthony was a fierce trainer, but he was also compassionate at the same time. If one of the warriors didn't perform the training exercise correctly, he wouldn't just scream and yell at them. Instead, he would reexplain it, and sometimes he would do the exercise to show them the correct way to do it.

  I liked seeing that side of him. By the time we left the training grounds, I had more or less decided he would be a good Alpha, but I still needed to see him interact with the rest of the pack members.

  When we went back inside, I checked in with the kitchen staff, to make sure they were still doing what was expected of them. Everything seemed to running smoothly in the kitchen, so I verified what time dinner would be served, then Lance and I headed back to the Alpha suite.

  Once we got there, we took a refreshing shower together, then we laid down for a short nap. It was a very much needed nap, and when we woke up, I felt full of energy again.

  We joined the pack for dinner that night, and it gave me a good opportunity to see how Beta Anthony interacted with the rest of the pack members, and I was again pleased with what I saw. Even the pups in the pack seemed to like him a lot.

  Upon seeing what I wanted to see, I quickly at my food, then I went straight back to the Alpha suite. It was obvious that my presence was making the pack members nervous, and that wasn't what I wanted for them, so I figured it would be best for them to finish their dinner without me there.

  Lance and I cuddled together on the couch for a little bit, then we had a little fun in the bedroom, before we took another short nap. This time when we woke up, I was quick t
o pull on a sundress, then we headed back to the Jungle Pack with high hopes of getting the Peace Agreement signed.

  Chapter 32

  Signing the Peace Agreement

  Lance POV

  The past thirty-six hours had been nothing short of an emotional roller coaster. Ever since we marked each other, I was able to feel all of her emotions, and it could be downright nerve-wrecking sometimes. I didn't like those feelings of uneasiness that kept coursing through our bond, and I wished there was something I could do to make my mysterious mate feel better about everything.

  So many things had either happened or been revealed that I was having a hard time keeping up with everything, so I could just imagine how she must have been feeling. I felt how much pain she experienced from her mate bond with Kyle breaking, and I also felt how excited she got when she learned her ancestors were royalty.

  As soon as we woke up from our nap, we headed straight to the Jungle Pack for the second night in a row. Only this time, they were planning to sign the Peace Agreement, and I couldn't have been happier about it. I was ready for our lives to go back to our norm. I missed being free to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted.

  Celeste didn't go to the waterfall first like she did the night before. Instead, she ran straight to Alpha Jared's house. When my eyes zeroed in on the porch, I was relieved to see both Alpha Jared and Alpha Dante sitting on chairs.

  We were prepared with our clothes tied around our ankles, so we were easily able to pull our clothes on, as soon as we shifted back into our human forms. After that, we quickly made our way to Alpha Jared's porch.

  The second they saw us approaching, they both jumped to their feet with wide smiles plastered on their faces. Alpha Dante immediately congratulated Celeste on a job well done. It was obvious that he didn't know all of the details. He seemed to only know about Celeste being mated to me and Kyle, as well as, Celeste being the Luna of the Great Forest Pack.


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