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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 17

by Layla Colquhoun

  After everybody exchanged greetings, Alpha Jared got straight to the point and asked with all seriousness, "Is everybody ready to sign this Peace Agreement? I know I am beyond ready."

  "Where's the pen?" Alpha Dante enthusiastically asked, as Celeste happily chirped, "Let's do this."

  They each took turns signing three different copies of the Peace Agreement, then they rolled them up and put them in small plastic tubes to keep them safe from the elements of the weather. That was one of those things about living in the rain forest and jungle areas. You never knew when a rain storm might brew up.

  We stayed at Alpha Jared's house for a little while and enjoyed eating some delicious food. Several of the other Jungle Pack members stopped by to congratulate Celeste, and I could tell she was enjoying how much respect they were showing her.

  I loved how calm and happy her emotions were at that moment, and I hoped that would become the norm in the very near future. She was usually so carefree and happy, but recently that hadn't been the case at all, and I didn't like it one bit.

  When it started getting close to sunrise, Celeste and I headed back to the pack house on the Great Forest Pack's territory. Neither of us wanted to return, but we knew there wasn't any other options. We couldn't just leave them with no Alpha or Luna. That would only cause a lot of unnecessary fighting among the pack members, and nobody needed that nonsense.

  Celeste POV

  As I signed my name on all three copies of the Peace Agreement, I was filled with a tremendous amount of relief. I had completed my mission from the Moon Goddess. Now I just needed to explain the terms of the Peace Agreement to Beta Anthony, then I could make him the official Alpha of the Great Forest Pack if he agrees to uphold the Peace Agreement.

  By the time we made it back to the pack house, I was too tired to think about doing anything. I hid the peace agreement under my pillow in the spare bedroom, then I climbed under the blanket, so I could take a short nap. Lance was quick lay down with me, then we snuggled until we both fell asleep.

  When we woke up a few hours later, we took a quick shower together, then I pulled on a pair of black leggings and a burgundy tank-top. After that, I mind linked Beta Anthony and asked him to meet me in Kyle's old office.

  Lance insisted on going with me, even though I was perfectly capable of handling anything that was thrown in my direction. I really didn't mind him tagging along. It was nice to have somebody to walk through the pack house with, not to mention, I had to wait almost fifteen minutes before Anthony finally knocked on the door.

  After I called him into the office, I immediately told him about the Peace Agreement. I also made sure he was aware that I wouldn't give the Alpha title to anybody who didn't accept the terms of the agreement.

  He was quick to adamantly state, "I never understood what the big deal was. I've never seen any of your kind act excessively aggressive, and when they have, there was usually a good reason. I have no problem accepting the terms of this agreement."

  I was absolutely relieved to hear him say those words. Instantly, my lips curved up to form an ear to ear grin, before I curiously asked, "Beta Anthony, are you up to the task of being the Alpha of this pack? Can you handle the stress of being in charge of everything?"

  "Yes, Luna," he confidently stated in all seriousness.

  "Who will be your Beta and Gamma?" I asked for clarification, so I could make sure everybody accepted the Peace Agreement terms, before we proceeded any further.

  He thought about it for a few seconds, then he smiled and replied, "I will move Gamma Chad up to the title of Beta, then I will give the title of Gamma to Damien. They are both trustworthy, and they care about the best interests of the pack."

  "Mind link them, and ask them to join us here," I demanded right away.

  Anthony immediately did what I wanted him to do, then we patiently waited. Close to ten minutes later, there was a knock on the office door. I glanced at Anthony and nodded my head toward the door, to let him know he could let them in. He wasted no time standing up and did just that.

  Once everybody was seated, I explained to them why they were called there. I also explained the terms of the Peace Agreement to them, then I asked if they accepted the terms. Once I got confirmation of their acceptance, I asked if they were comfortable taking the new titles that Anthony wanted them to have.

  They were both eager to help the pack and do whatever was necessary. I could tell the three of them were already close colleagues, and I was confident they were do a good job taking care of the pack once I was gone.

  After that, I had the three of them plan an impromptu Induction Ceremony and celebration, while Lance and I ate some lunch, then we took another nap. We had been so busy dealing with so many different things, it was causing us to get tired quicker than usual. That alone made me want to get this all over with that much sooner.

  When we got up from our nap, I checked in with Anthony. I was thrilled to hear that all of the arrangements had been made, and we were good to go for this evening.

  This time, I didn't wear a fancy gown. Instead, I opted to wear one of my outfits from the Jungle Pack. I didn't care what they thought about my clothes, I was ready to start acting like my normal self again, and I was starting with my dress attire.

  As soon as I was done getting ready, Lance and I walked together through the pack house and out the back door. I quickly walked across the lawn, then I walked up the stairs to stand on the stage. I was quick to motion for Beta Anthony to join me on the stage, and he wasted no time walking up the few steps, then he stood beside me.

  I went through the motions of explaining to all of the pack members what was going on, as well as the terms of the new Peace Agreement, then I went through the process of making Anthony the Alpha of the Great Forest Pack.

  As soon as that was done, I congratulated Alpha Anthony, then I left the stage and grabbed Lance's hand, as I happily chirped, "Let's go get our stuff and head home."

  "You don't have to tell me twice, mate," he excitedly gushed, as he pulled me toward the pack house.

  Neither of us wasted any time throwing our belongings into our bags, then we were quick to leave the pack house, with high hopes of never having to return. We shifted into our cat forms, then we held the straps of our bags between our teeth, as we headed straight to my house at the Midnight Pack.

  When we got there, I gave both of my parents a hug, then I pulled Lance to my bedroom. Right away, I stripped my clothes off, then I climbed under my blanket. I was beyond ready to enjoy some quality time with my mate in our own environment.

  Lance eagerly removed his clothes, then he joined me under the blanket. We spent a few hours making love, and it was phenomenal. I guess you could say it was our way of celebrating a job well done, and we enjoyed every second of our celebration.

  Chapter 33

  Moon Goddess

  Celeste POV

  After extinguishing every last bit of energy we had, I drifted into a very deep sleep, then I found myself in the familiar place of pitch darkness. At first, I wasn't sure if I was just dreaming, or if something happened to me in my sleep and I died again.

  I waited for what felt like an eternity, then I saw what appeared to be a pinpoint of white light. I stayed perfectly still and watched the small light become bigger and bigger, until I could see that it was the Moon Goddess, then I sprinted toward her.

  There was absolutely nothing around us, but darkness, and I could feel my anxiety start to peak, when I saw a frown on her face. However, her lips slowly curved up to form a smile, before she enthusiastically chirped, "I am so proud of you. I wasn't sure if you were going to be able to complete this mission, but you have proven yourself capable of anything."

  I flashed a small smile at her, then I warily asked, "Moon Goddess, why did you bring me back here? Am I dead again?"

  Instantly, she giggled at my questions, and I swear, it was the cutest little giggle. A second later, she happily replied, "Honey, you are very much alive. I
brought you here in a dream, so we could talk about what you want to do at this point."

  "What do you mean?" I curiously asked.

  "You have a few options. You can stay a werecat, or I can work my magic and change you back to Alana," she nonchalantly answered.

  As soon as the words left her mouth, I scoffed before I indignantly replied, "I don't ever want to be that sickly werewolf again. I love being a werecat, and I love my mate, Lance. I couldn't imagine not being here with him."

  She smirked at me with a knowing look on her face, as she cheekily stated, "I saw this one coming."

  "Do I still have to keep my real past a secret from everybody?" I curiously asked.

  "Since you held up your end of the deal and completed the mission, I see no reason why you should have to keep your past a secret anymore. Although, I was hoping you would be able to complete the mission without killing anybody, but I understand why you went about things the way you did," she thoughtfully replied.

  "I'm glad you understand," I sheepishly admitted.

  "Alright, so you will remain in your current body. It is up to you whether you want to go by Celeste or Alana. Also, be sure to speak with Alpha Jared soon. He has a gift that I left there for you," she enthusiastically stated with a wide smile.

  "Thank you, Moon Goddess, for giving me a second chance to live life," I cordially murmured.

  She gave me a hug, as she happily replied, "You are most welcome. Thank you for helping bring peace between our species."

  Before I had a chance to respond, she vanished into thin air, as her arms were dropping from around me. A second later, I saw a light blue light in the distance. Not knowing what else I should do, I walked toward the blue light. As I got closer, I realized there were clouds passing through the blue sky.

  As I stepped into what looked like the sky, I suddenly jolted upright in my bed with my eyes opened wide. I was back in my room, and Lance was still with me. I ran the palms of my hands over my body to make sure I wasn't still dreaming, then I released a sigh of relief, before I climbed on top of Lance and started planting kisses all over his face.

  He woke up chuckling and immediately wrapped his arms around me. I could barely contain my happiness and enthusiastically blurted out, "The Moon Goddess visited me in a dream, and I get to stay a werecat."

  Instantly, he tightened his arms around me and happily murmured, "That's wonderful news, sweetie. We will have to celebrate."

  I pecked a kiss on his full lips and cheekily replied, "I could go for some more celebrating."

  Lance flipped us over, then he flashed me a sexy smirk before he smashed his lips against mine. Of course, that led to us making love again, and I enjoyed every second of it.

  When we finally climbed out of bed, I explained to Lance the conversation that I had with the Moon Goddess, while I pulled on a light pink sundress. After we were both dressed, I insisted on us heading straight to Alpha Jared's house. I was dying to see what the Moon Goddess left for me.

  We decided to walk in our human form, and the whole time, Lance kept his fingers entwined with mine. It was nice to not be in a hurry, as we walked and talked.

  Halfway to the Jungle Pack's territory, Lance curiously asked, "Where do you want to live, mate? Do you want to stay at the Midnight Pack, or were you leaning towards moving to the Jungle Pack?"

  I knew we would be having this conversation at some point, but I wasn't expecting it right then. I thought about his question for several seconds, then I thoughtfully replied, "I would love to move to the Jungle Pack, but I would only do that if you were willing to move with me. I can't stand the thought of being away from you."

  Lance stopped dead in his tracks, then he pulled me into a loving embrace, before he affectionately stated, "Sweetie, I will follow you to the ends of the earth, if that's where you decide to go. I only want to be with you. I don't care where we live, as long as we live there together."

  I was quick to return the loving embrace, as I happy replied, "I love you, Lance."

  "I love you, too," he huskily murmured, then he smashed his lips against mine for a passionate kiss.

  As soon as we broke the kiss, we continued walking toward Alpha Jared's house, while talking about where I wanted to live. I was honest with him and expressed my desire to move to the Jungle Pack, and he admitted he already knew that was what I wanted to do. It was a nice conversation, and I was glad we had it.

  Chapter 34

  Gift From the Moon Goddess

  Celeste POV

  When we reached Alpha Jared's house, he was in the backyard chopping firewood. We stood to the side and patiently waited for him to finish, before I cheerfully greeted, "Hello, Alpha Jared. I heard there is a gift from the Moon Goddess waiting for me here."

  He heartily chuckled, then he happily replied, "Yes, dear. There is something for you in the house." As soon as the last word left his mouth, he motioned for us to follow him into the house, and that's exactly what we did.

  Once we got inside, he walked over to his big oak desk and opened up the top drawer on the right side. He reached into the drawer, then he pulled out a small box and handed it to me.

  I gently untied the ribbon on top, then I opened the box to see a necklace. I pulled the necklace out of the box to see that it was a small heart locket with an 'A' engraved on the front. When I opened the locket, there was a picture of me when I was Alana the werewolf on one side, and a picture of me as Celeste the werecat on the other side.

  It was quite remarkable the differences between the two, but it was a wonderful gift. Definitely one that I would cherish forever. After I gazed at the pictures for a few seconds, I glanced up at Lance and asked, "Would you mind helping me put this on?"

  "It would be my pleasure, sweetie," he immediately responded, as he gently took the necklace out of my hand.

  Right away, I pulled my hair up on top of my head and held it there to keep it out of his way, while he clasped the beautiful locket around my neck. When he was done, he ran the palms of his hands across my shoulders and down my arms, then he placed a soft kiss on the back of my neck, before he back away from me.

  I was quick to spin around and wrap my arms around him before he could get too far away, then I pecked a kiss on his lips before I happily chirped, "Thanks, mate."

  He affectionately nuzzled his nose against mine and mumbled, "You're welcome, mate."

  After we shared a sweet kiss, I dropped my arms from around Lance, then I turned to face Alpha Jared and cheekily admitted, "I have decided to join the Jungle Pack, and my mate would like to join with me."

  Instantly, Alpha Jared's lips curved up to form an ear to ear grin, before he enthusiastically replied, "That is wonderful news. However, there is one thing that I need you to understand first."

  I furrowed my eyebrows at him in suspicion, as I warily asked, "What would that be?"

  "If you join this pack, because of your bloodline, you will

  automatically become the Queen of all werecats," he nonchalantly stated like it was no big deal.

  Lance and I both gasped in shock, and that made Alpha Jared burst into laughter. When he calmed down a minute or so later, I nervously asked, "So, you're telling me, if I join the Jungle Pack, I will be the Queen? How is that even possible? Isn't there already a Queen or King of werecats?"

  Alpha Jared chuckled some more before he thoughtfully explained, "My dear, you are the only werecat with royal blood. We thought they had all died, but apparently, somewhere along the way, one of them mated with a werewolf at some point, and here you are."

  "How long has it been since there was werecat king or queen?" I curiously asked.

  He thought about it for a second, then he nonchalantly replied, "At least one hundred years."

  I was stunned to be learning all of this, and I honestly wasn't sure how to feel about it all. I took a few minutes to think about everything, then I anxiously asked, "What exactly would be expected of me as the queen?"

  "You would rule over all
of the werecat packs. You have a castle on this territory. We have kept it hidden, in hopes of one day finding another werecat with royal blood to take the reigns. We have been waiting for you to arrive for a long time," he enthusiastically informed me.

  I could see the happiness and excitement swirling in his eyes, and that made me feel a lot better about what I was learning about myself. I glanced over at Lance, and he had nothing but love and admiration swirling in his eyes. When he saw me looking at him, he winked at me before he cheekily stated, "Sweetie, this is your destiny. You can't walk away from this."

  "I'm not ready to be the Queen of all werecats. There are things that I need to take care of before I take on that big of a responsibility," I timidly admitted.

  Alpha Jared was quick to squeeze my shoulder for reassurance, as he thoughtfully stated, "Celeste, I know this is a huge decision to make, and if you need some time to think about it, that is perfectly fine. Take all the time you need, and let me know when you are ready to take your place as Queen."

  I flashed him a small smile, then I sheepishly replied, "Thank you, Alpha Jared. I promise, I will take my place in the near future."

  He chuckled for a second, then he cheerfully stated, "I believe you will. Now you cats run along and enjoy your victory."

  Lance and I both flashed him a smile, as we happily chirped, "Bye, Alpha Jared," then Lance wasted no time grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door.

  As soon we got outside, he enthusiastically gushed, "This is so exciting. You are the Queen of Werecats. I knew there was something super special about you."

  Right away, I flashed him a sly smile, then I cockily stated, "I'm going to be the best Queen ever, but first I have some unfinished business with a certain shewolf who bullied me all the time when I was Alana."


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