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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 23

by Layla Colquhoun

  Since it was still dark outside, I climbed higher up the tree, then I gazed up at the stars and moon. I had always liked to gaze at the night sky ever since I was a young pup.

  It was filled with so much mystery, that I always found myself dazing off into outer space and thinking about how those stars got up there in the first place. I read a few textbooks about them when I was a young pup, but at that point in time, I was too young to really understand anything I was reading.

  I was lost in thought when I suddenly heard Lance's worried voice come through our mind link with him anxiously asking, 'Mate, where did you go?'

  Right away, I mind linked back, 'I climbed higher, so I could see the sky better.'

  It only took Lance about thirty seconds to climb up to me, then he affectionately nuzzled his panther head against my hind legs. At that particular moment, I wanted so badly to climb down the tree and shift back into my human form, so I could wrap my arms around my loving mate, but it wasn't an option. We had to stay put in the tree until the rogues showed up, then we could jump down and attack them.

  Chapter 51

  The Rogues Attack

  Celeste POV

  We ended up staying hidden in the tree for a full day and most of the next day. When the sun had almost finished setting on the second day, that's when I caught sight of the first wave of rogue werewolves.

  Right away, I mind linked Alpha Dante, then he spread the word to the rest of our pack. Since he had partnered with Alpha Jared, it was easy for him to also get the word out to them, as well.

  We all stayed as still as we could until the rogues ventured deeper into the forest, then we started dropping out of the trees and landing on top of them. We made sure not to give them a chance to react, before we sank our claws and teeth into their disgusting throats.

  Within seconds, the metallic smell of blood mixed with the stomach churning scents of the rogues and spread throughout the forest as the wind blew around us. That was all it took to let the warriors of the Great Forest Pack know the battle had begun.

  After we killed the first wave of rogues, it wasn't long before the next wave moved in. However, this time the werewolf warriors had joined us in the fight, and we were able to quickly destroy the second wave.

  Before another wave of rogues could move in, all of the werecats climbed back up into the trees, while the werewolves crouched down under and between the many shrubs and bushes that littered the forest floor. Not long after we were in position, a third wave and the largest wave of rogues moved in.

  When I saw the humongous rogue with dark brown fur in the back of the group, I knew right away that he was their leader. His size alone was enough to lead me to the conclusion, but he also had what resembled an Alpha's aura surrounding him.

  I was quick to mind link Lance, 'The huge rogue with dark brown fur is their leader. It will probably take both of us attacking him at the same time to take him out.'

  'I have your back, mate. We can do this,' he quickly mind linked back.

  After that, we got in position to pounce and waited for the rogues to get close enough to drop down on top of them. Lance and I waited until after several of the other warriors were already engaging in battle, and the leader was just below us, then we pounced on him.

  Powerful aura or not, he didn't see it coming, and we able to easily rip his throat out. As soon as we did, the rest of the rogues started whimpering, as they crouched down and tilted their heads to the side, as a sign of submission.

  Alpha Anthony shifted back into his human and grabbed a pair of dark gray gym shorts that were hiding in a tree, then he ordered his warriors to take the remaining rogues to the dungeon. Once his warriors gathered up all the rogues and left, Alpha Anthony looked directly at me, as he proudly stated, "Celeste, we owe our lives to you and everybody else here. If any of you ever need our assistance, don't hesitate to ask."

  I shifted into my human form, then I walked over to Anthony and extended my hand out to him. Once he accepted my hand, I gave him a firm handshake, as I happily replied, "Alpha, it was our pleasure to help you. If you ever hear of another impending attack, be sure to get in touch with us. This was quite satisfying, and I wouldn't have a problem helping again."

  Anthony chuckled at me, then he shook hands with Lance, Alpha Dante and Alpha Jared. Before he headed to the dungeon, the three Alphas had a quick discussion about the free territory, and they came to a unanimous decision to split the territory between the Great Forest Pack and the Midnight Pack, since they both bordered it.

  As soon as Alpha Anthony left, Lance wrapped his arms around me and enthusiastically chirped, "We did it, mate. We defeated the rogues."

  "I'm so glad we don't have to worry about them anymore. Now we need to check the other areas surrounding us to make sure there aren't any problems that need addressed with them," I happily replied with a smirk on my face.

  Lance pecked a kiss on my forehead, then he affectionately murmured, "I think we should save that for later. Right now, we need to head home and get some rest. I'm exhausted."

  I agreed with him one hundred percent on that, and I was quick to let him know, then we shifted back into our werecat forms and ran straight to our cabin. As soon as we got there, the first thing we did was hop in a hot shower.

  I felt absolutely disgusting after being in the tree for nearly two days straight. Not to mention, all the fighting we had engaged in.

  As soon as I stepped under the cascading hot water, I felt the tension start to leave my sore muscles. We were both so tired we didn't stay in the shower for very long. We were quick to get our hair and bodies washed, then we got out of the shower and went straight to our awesome bed.

  The second I climbed under the blanket, I released a sigh of content. It felt so good to lay down on our bed, and there was no stopping the ear to ear smile that stretched across my face.

  Once Lance got settled beside me, I didn't waste any time snuggling against his side, then I placed a soft kiss on his lips, before I whispered, "Goodnight, mate."

  Right away, he wrapped his arms around me and softly murmured, "Goodnight, sweetie."

  After that, I laid my head on his chest, as I draped an arm and a leg over his warm body. It felt great to be snuggling in my mate's arms again, and it only took a few minutes for me to drift into a peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 52

  Showing Love

  Lance POV

  I woke up to Celeste straddling my lap and trailing featherlike kisses across my collarbone. Everywhere our bodies were making contact tingled in the most delectable way, and I couldn't have been happier about getting awakened in such a way.

  Before I even opened my eyes, I wrapped my arms around her body, then I rubbed the palms of my hands up and down her back. After a few seconds, I lifted my eyelids to see her beautiful, burgundy hair.

  Instantly, my lips curved up to form an ear to ear smile, before I huskily mumbled, "Sweetie, you can wake me up like this any time you want."

  Celeste giggled in response, and it was like music to my ears. A second later, she softly murmured, "I need you, mate."

  I knew exactly what she needed, and I had no problem taking care of her needs. I flipped us over, then I gazed into her stunning, sapphire eyes and replied, "Mate, I need you, too."

  I watched her lips curve up to form a wider smile, then I smashed my lips against hers for a very passionate kiss. Our tongues danced together for a few minutes, then neither of us could take it anymore. We spent the next few hours giving each other nothing but pleasure, and it was phenomenal.

  When we finally climbed out of bed, I pulled on a pair of dark blue gym shorts, then I headed straight for the kitchen and whipped up a nice breakfast for us. Meanwhile, Celeste pulled on one of exotic outfits that she got from the Jungle Pack.

  As soon as she walked into the kitchen, my jaw dropped a little, as I gazed at my gorgeous mate. The jungle outfit she was wearing looked amazing on her, and I could see all of her flattering curves. She wa
s basically wearing a bikini top with a skirt that was made out of leaves, and there was no stopping the arousal that I instantly started feeling.

  I almost couldn't believe she could have such an effect on me, but what did I expect. She was my mate after all, and I was drawn to her like a magnet is drawn to metal. Everything about my mate called to me, and I felt myself fall more in love with her every single day.

  I felt blessed to have such a sweet, amazing mate, and I was confident that she felt the same way about me. Every time I would gaze into her eyes, I always saw so much love swirling in them, and I would immediately feel my heart melt. We shared the kind of love that nobody would ever be able to sabotage. Not even her other mate.

  I could still remember the pain I experienced when Celeste had that moment of weakness with Kyle, but I refused to hold it against her. With everything she had been dealing with, I was honestly surprised it only happened the one time.

  After a few seconds of gawking at her, I walked over to Celeste, then I snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her against me. Meanwhile, I brought my other hand up to her face and cupped her cheek in my palm, as I huskily stated, "Sweetie, I don't know if I can control myself while you are wearing such a sexy outfit."

  She flashed a pleased smirk at me, then she cheekily asked, "Who said you have to control yourself?"

  I dipped my head down and nibbled on her earlobe, before I affectionately murmured, "You look amazing."

  Celeste wrapped her arms around me and happily chirped, "Thanks, mate. What did you cook for us?"

  I chuckled at my mate, then I enthusiastically replied, "I made us a wonderful breakfast with bacon, fried eggs, waffles, and grits."

  "Yum! That sounds amazing," she peppily remarked, then she pecked a kiss on my lips.

  After that, she sat down at the small, round dining table and patiently waited for me to bring the food over. I was quick to do just that, then I poured a glass of orange juice for each of us.

  As soon as I sat down, Celeste leaned over and placed a soft kiss on my cheek, then she softly murmured, "Thank you, Lance. This looks delicious."

  "You're welcome, sweetie. I hope you enjoy it," I affectionately replied with a genuine smile stretching across my face.

  Celeste returned the genuine smile and happily replied, "I'm sure I will," then she filled both of our plates up with the food I had cooked.

  Everything tasted delicious, and we were able to easily fill up our bellies. When we were done eating, we worked together to clean up the kitchen, then we agreed it was time to visit our favorite spot, the waterfall.

  Since our cabin was on the border, we decided to stay in our human form while we walked the distance to the waterfall. It was a peaceful walk, and it was especially nice, because we held hands and talked the whole way there.

  It was a particular hot day, so I wasn't the least bit surprised when Celeste pulled me straight to the river inlet for a swim, and I had no objections whatsoever. The cool river water was nothing short of refreshing against my hot skin, and I was thankful for the cool down.

  We spent a few hours at the waterfall, and we very much enjoyed our time there. When we weren't swimming in the river inlet, we were playfully chasing each other around, or we were sitting closer to the waterfall and watching it cascade over the ridge.

  We didn't leave the waterfall until Lynzee mind linked Celeste about hanging out. Celeste was excited about seeing Lynzee and talking about where we should venture to next, in our quest to combat all the bullies around.

  I loved the fact that my mate was so headstrong about making sure others weren't subjected to the same awful treatment that she was subjected to when she was a werewolf pup. Celeste would do anything to help someone in that type of situation, and I respected her in so many ways, because of this compassionate side of her.

  Chapter 53

  Plans to Journey

  Celeste POV

  When we got back to our cabin, Lynzee was sitting on the porch awaiting our return. As soon as she saw us emerge from the forest, she jumped up and sprinted toward us with a wide smile plastered to her pretty face.

  The second she reached us, Lynzee wrapped one arm around me and one arm around Lance, as she happily gushed, "I'm so glad you are both okay. I wanted to join you all for the battle, but my parents wouldn't let me."

  "It's okay, Lynzee. We took those rogues out with ease," Lance assured her, as he patted her back for reassurance.

  Even though Lance and I had always been closer than Lance and Lynzee, they still had a strong friendship bond, and I was happy to see Lance show her compassion. I wasn't surprised that she wasn't able to join us, since she still had a few weeks before she would reach maturity and be able to find her mate.

  I didn't blame her parents one bit for not wanting to put her in harm's way, since I knew I would be the same way with my cubs. It's their job to keep their cub safe, and they had always taken that job very seriously.

  After Lynzee dropped her arms from around us, I locked arms with her, as I peppily stated, "We have a lot to discuss, my friend."

  Instantly, she giggled at me, before she curiously asked, "What kind of crazy plan are you working on now?"

  I giggled with my bestfriend, then I cheekily chirped, "I'm just working on a plan for the other areas that we haven't checked out, yet."

  "What areas?" she excitedly asked.

  "First, I want to survey the area that surrounds the free territory. It just got split between our pack and the Great Forest Pack. After that, I want to finish the area surrounding our pack, then we can move on to the Jungle Pack's borders," I confidently replied.

  "This is going to be so much fun," Lynzee gushed as we walked up the steps to the porch.

  Instead of sitting down on the porch chairs, I headed straight into the cabin with Lynzee and Lance right behind me. Once I got in there, I grabbed my map and unfolded it, then I made the correct changes to reflect where the free territory had gotten split between the two packs. Once I was done with that, the three of us discussed the best place to begin our journey.

  However, I didn't want to start searching for more scumbags until after Lynzee's birthday. I wanted her to be able to join us without any problems from her parents, and I knew there was the possibility of Lynzee finding her mate, which would give us a fourth werecat to join our group during our journey. I figured strength in numbers is usually best, so why not wait just a few more weeks.

  Not only that, Lance and I had been going nonstop, since we became mates, and I really wanted us to have a little time to enjoy our new mate status. After everything we had been through already, I felt like we both deserved the quality time together.

  Once we got everything planned out and set a date to start our journey, Lance made tuna fish sandwiches for all us. He was just as good at making our favorite sandwiches as I was, and I greatly appreciated the food. My stomach had been growling the whole time we were discussing our plan, and I was more than ready to eat.

  When we were done with our food, Lynzee left to go home, then Lance and I enjoyed a hot, steamy shower together. We made sure to have some fun with each other while we were showering, and I very much enjoyed that quality time with my sexy mate.

  I could gaze at his muscular body for hours and still want to keep looking. His tanned complexion, midnight black hair, and ocean blue eyes all complimented each other, and he would forever be handsome in my eyes.

  After enjoying each other's company in the shower, we turned the water off and dried off our bodies, then Lance scooped me up into his arms and walked straight to our bed. He gently laid me down, while making sure my head was resting on a pillow, then he walked to the other side of the bed.

  As soon as he laying beside me, he pulled the blanket over us, then he cocooned me with his arms and legs. Those amazing sparks erupted between our bodies, and as always, it felt absolutely wonderful. I snuggled against his warm body and drowsily mumbled, "I love you, Lance."

  "I love you, Celes
te. Now get some rest. I can feel your exhaustion through our mate bond," he huskily murmured in response.

  He didn't have to tell me twice. I was beyond exhausted from playing at the waterfall, then spending a few hours straight going over our plans for our next journey. I continued to snuggle with my gorgeous mate, and it wasn't long before my eyelids grew heavy, then I quickly drifted into a peaceful sleep.

  When I awoke from my nap, I was still in Lance's strong embrace, but that didn't bother me the least little bit. I loved waking up in his arms. It was one of the best ways in the world to wake up.

  Lance was still peacefully sleeping, so I stayed as still as I could and enjoyed his intoxicating orange and cocoa scent, as well as, those tantalizing sparks that were continuously flowing between us. It was amazing how things turned out for the two of us.

  I never thought my life would turn out the way it did, when the Moon Goddess brought me back to life as a werecat. I couldn't be happier with way things were going, and I felt truly blessed to have this time with my wonderful mate. He was my world, and he had been for a long time. There wasn't anything I wouldn't do for him, and I was more than confident that he felt the same way about me.

  Chapter 54

  Enjoying Down Time

  Celeste POV

  Lance and I spent the next two weeks enjoying each other's company, and the time we spent together was nothing short of absolutely amazing. We had always been close, but it seemed like we got closer with each passing day, and I didn't think that was even possible.

  He always made me feel so special, and he would randomly do the sweetest things. I was always beaming a genuine smile, and Lance was also keeping a pleased smile plastered on his face.

  It was obvious to all of our family and friends that we were madly in love with each other, which led to everybody asking when we were going to start a family. I didn't want to tell them all why we weren't in a hurry, so I usually just told them it would happen when the time was right, and I firmly believed that.


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