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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 24

by Layla Colquhoun

  Lance and I weren't doing anything to prevent a pregnancy from happening, because I wanted things to happen on their own. I knew we would eventually start a family, but if it wasn't the right time, I was confident my body wouldn't allow it to happen.

  Over those two weeks, I had several conversations with Lance about the different things that could affect our lives when I take the throne as Queen. He was very confident that we could handle anything that was thrown in our direction, and that helped to ease my worries a great deal.

  I loved how he was pushing me to be the person I was destined to be, and I knew he would be an amazing King. He cared about our species, and he only wanted what was best for everybody as a whole. Not only that, he would go out of his way to help others in both the Midnight Pack and the Jungle Pack.

  We split most of our time between the cabin and the waterfall. Sometimes, Lynzee would be with us, and we would make small changes to our plans, but the majority of the time it was just me and Lance.

  It was great to have those few completely carefree weeks. We were able to cut loose and have fun, which was good for both of us.

  What I enjoyed the most was the time we spent swimming at the river inlet. We would usually start out swimming, but we always ended up being intimate with each other, and every time was just as amazing as the time before. I don't know what it was about that particular spot, but when we were intimate there, it always felt so magical, and that was something I hoped would never change.

  As we neared the end of the two weeks, we started preparing for our upcoming journey. Since we would be in our cat forms most of the time, we knew there was no way to take a lot of supplies with us, so we had to minimize it to the most important items that would be the most beneficial for us.

  Since we could hunt for food, we decided not to worry about that, but we did take a few canteens that we could fill up whenever we were close to a water source. We would be traveling along the borders of our packs, so it wouldn't take long for us to return to our home or the home of our family members, if we did need something else.

  Along with the canteens, we packed a few knives in case we needed them for anything, and we packed our extra map that I had added the changes to. It was important that we kept the map with us, so we could make sure we stayed on the correct course.

  In addition to those, we also packed a few pairs of clothes for each of us, in case we needed to shift into our human forms to speak to somebody that wasn't part of our pack. I fully expected to run across a few individuals that would need our help, and when that time came, I wanted to be ready.

  The day before Lynzee's birthday, I spent the evening in the kitchen making a special birthday cake for my bestfriend. I knew her parents would also make her a cake, but I wanted the three of us to have our own little celebration, along with her mate if she found him right away.

  However, I wasn't holding my breath for that happen. I knew there was a good possibility that her mate wouldn't be a part of our pack, and if that was the case, it could be awhile before she found him. Either way, I would be there for my bestfriend, no matter what.

  While I was in the kitchen baking her cake, I also put together an amazing fruit salad that included watermelon, honeydew, strawberries, grapes, pineapple chunks, and mini marshmallows. Fruit was one of Lynzee's favorite types of food to eat, so I knew she would enjoy the fruit salad. In fact, I fully expected her to be more excited about the fruit salad than the cake.

  After the chocolate cake finished baking and cooling off, I used a vanilla cream frosting to cover the top of it, then I added blue food coloring to the leftover frosting. I used the blue frosting to write 'Happy Birthday Lynzee' on the top of the cake, then I covered the finished cake to keep it fresh and pretty.

  Lance stayed in the kitchen with me the whole time, and I enjoyed having his company. He helped cut both of the melons and the pineapple for the fruit salad, and I appreciated the hell out of that. I was plenty strong enough to cut them myself, but I had never liked cutting melons, because of a memory I had of my werewolf mum cutting herself when she was cutting a watermelon.

  Once we were finished in the kitchen, I was beyond ready for a nap, and I could tell Lance was feeling the same way. However, I felt gross after being in the kitchen for hours, so we took a quick shower together, then we laid down and quickly fell asleep while lovingly embracing each other.

  Chapter 55

  Lynzee's Birthday

  Celeste POV

  I knew Lynzee would be spending the first part of the day with her parents, so Lance and I spent the morning at the waterfall. We didn't know when we would have the spare time to enjoy the beautiful scenery, and I couldn't stand the thought of not having one more wonderful excursion there with my amazing mate.

  When we returned to our cabin in the early afternoon, Lance and I took a quick shower together, then we laid down for a much needed nap. The plan was to leave sometime during the overnight hours, but we didn't plan to leave at any specific time.

  Not long after we woke up a few hours later, Lynzee came skipping through our front door. She was beaming an ear to ear smile, and I could see nothing but excitement swirling in her vibrant violet eyes.

  Right away, I ran over to her, as I enthusiastically chirped, "Happy birthday, Lynzee! How does it feel to be an adult like us?"

  "It feels great! Now, I just need to find my mate," she cheekily replied before she started happily giggling.

  As soon as I released Lynzee from the hug, Lance pulled her into his arms for a hug, as he cheerfully remarked, "Happy birthday! We made you some treats."

  I headed toward the kitchen, and it wasn't long before Lance and Lynzee caught up to me, then I grabbed the cake off the counter, while Lance grabbed the fruit salad out of the fridge. We carried the treats to the dining table, then I grabbed three plates and forks, as well as a knife and serving spoon. Meanwhile, Lance grabbed three bottles of water from the fridge.

  Once we returned to the table, we all sat down, then Lance and I uncovered the food, so Lynzee could see her treats. Instantly, she squealed with delight, then she happily stated, "This looks amazing. Thank you so much."

  "You're welcome," Lance and I said in unison, then we chuckled together.

  After that, Lance cut the cake, and I started dishing out the fruit salad, then we enjoyed the treats, and it was obvious that Lynzee enjoyed the fruit salad more than the cake. When we were done eating, Lance put the leftovers away, while I went to the living room and grabbed the giftbag I had prepared for Lynzee. As soon as I returned, I handed the giftbag to her with a smile playing on my lips.

  Lynzee eagerly accepted the giftbag and immediately started pulling the tissue out, so she could get to her present. When she pulled an outfit out of the bag, her smile widened even more, and that kind of surprised me. I didn't think it could widen any more, but she proved me wrong on that. I got her an exotic jungle outfit from the Jungle Pack, and it looked a lot like the one I had with the leaf skirt and bikini top.

  Lynzee hugged the outfit to her chest and cheekily remarked, "Thank you for getting me this outfit. Are we going to wear them on our journey?"

  "We can if you want," I assured her, and that had her squealing in delight again.

  Lance chuckled at our friend, then he nonchalantly stated, "If you are both wearing your jungle outfits, then I guess I should wear mine, too."

  "Oh, that's a must," I immediately stated with a smirk and a wink. I loved seeing my sexy mate wearing his jungle outfit. It made him look more masculine, because I could see his many bulging muscles, thanks to the lack of coverage.

  The three of us hung out for a few hours and went back over our journey plans. When we started feeling tired again, I got Lynzee set up with a blanket and pillow on the couch, then Lance and I went to our room, so we could all take a nap. We wanted to be well rested before we headed out to begin our journey around the border of both packs.

  If we weren't scouting the area's beyond the border for si
gns of wrongdoing, we could make it around the border in no time. However, we would have to be slow and meticulous to ensure not causing problems with the surrounding packs, and also to avoid walking into a potentially dangerous situation.

  None of us set an alarm, so we would stay asleep for whatever amount of time was needed to replenish our energy, and I had no complaints about that. Especially, since Lance and I didn't go straight to sleep.

  We knew there was the possibility of not returning for several days, and we wanted to give each other pleasure and mate before we set out. As always, we both enjoyed our intimate time together, then we snuggled with our limbs entangled until we drifted into a peaceful sleep.

  When we finally awakened nearly three and half hours later, Lynzee was in the kitchen preparing a nice breakfast for everybody. I was thrilled to see the delicious smelling food, as she set the various plates on the dining table, and I could tell Lance was feeling the same way, because he kept licking his lips with a smile plastered on his face.

  After we enjoyed the scrumptious breakfast, we all got dressed in our jungle outfits, then me and Lynzee pulled our hair back into a ponytail. I knew we would be taking our outfits off sooner than later, but Lynzee was so excited about wearing her new outfit, I couldn't deny her that luxury.

  Once we were ready to head out, we all strapped a backpack on our shoulders, then we filled up the canteens with fresh water from the kitchen sink. We were all well rested with full bellies, and there was no stopping the excitement that coursed through us.

  I was excited for the chance to help more individuals. Lynzee was excited to journey further than she ever had, and Lance was excited to be a part of whatever might happen along the way.

  Chapter 56


  Lance POV

  Once the canteens were filled up with fresh water, and the backpacks were securely strapped on our shoulders, we all left the cabin together. Since we weren't anywhere near the borders, there was no need to keep our voices down yet, and Lynzee had no problem talking nonstop.

  She had always been a talker, so I wasn't the least bit surprised, and it helped distract us from thinking about how long it was taking us to journey in our human forms. We could have made a lot better time in our cat forms, but I didn't mind one bit, since it gave me the opportunity to admire my gorgeous mate in her jungle attire.

  When we reached what used to be the border of the free territory, that's when we stripped off our jungle attire and shoved them in our backpacks, then we shifted into our cat forms. With our backpacks hanging between our teeth, we stalked toward the newest border of the Great Forest Pack.

  Once we got closer, we stayed traveling along the edge of the tree line at a slow pace, while our eyes scanned the area on the other side of the border. We also put a lot of focus on our enhanced sense of hearing, in case there was something happening further in the forest where we couldn't see.

  I could feel Celeste's excitement coursing through our mate bond, then I suddenly felt it change to anxiety. I knew right away that she must have seen or heard something, so I stopped walking and put all of my focus on my sight and hearing.

  After a few more seconds, I heard the sound of whimpering that was coming from the other side of the border. The whimpering had the sound of gurgling mixed in it, and I knew right away that whoever it was needed medical attention right now.

  Celeste and I glanced at each other at the same time, and there was no mistaking the look in her eye. I knew she was going to do something drastic, and all I could do was back her up.

  We dropped our backpacks right there, then with expert precision, Celeste army crawled through the open area of the border with Lynzee and I right behind her. Once she reached the other tree line, Celeste quickly climbed up into a tree, then she perched on a branch.

  Lynzee climbed up the tree beside Celeste, whereas, I climbed up the same tree as Celeste. Once we were all safely perched on different limbs, we all scanned the area below us, while we listened for the sound of whimpering.

  At first, there was complete silence, then the sound of a gurgled cough echoed through the forest. I hadn't been able to locate who was coughing, but apparently Celeste did, because she suddenly jumped down from her branch. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she sprinted between the trees.

  Instead of jumping down and trying to follow her, I stayed where I was and watched exactly where she was going. I figured it would be easier to keep track of her that way, rather than risk losing her on the ground.

  Not long after she stopped running, I spotted what appeared to be a group of random rogues heading in Celeste's direction. Right away, I mind linked Lynzee and told her to follow me, so we could block the rogues from getting to Celeste and whoever was hurt.

  Lynzee and I both jumped down to the ground, then we sprinted as fast as we could to intercept the rogues. Luckily, we were both extremely fast in our cat forms, and our black fur did wonders to keep us camouflaged.

  As soon as the rogues came back into my sights, I climbed up the tree that was closest to me with expertise, then I quietly waited for them to step below the branch I was perched on, so I could jump down on the rogues in the back of the group. In the meantime, Lynzee climbed up the tree behind me, so she would be ready to jump on the rogues that were in the front of the group.

  Luckily, there was only six of them, and I was confident we could easily take them out if we executed our attack just right. We just had to make sure we jumped down at the same time and used the element of surprise to our advantage.

  Once they were directly below us, Lynzee and I made eye contact, then I nodded my panther head at her to indicate it was time to drop of them. The second she nodded in return, I directed my eyesight back on the rogues, then we both jumped down on top of whatever rogue was right there.

  I didn't give them a chance to figure out what was going on. I immediately ripped the rogue's throat out, then I leaped on the next one and did the same thing. Lynzee and I were both so fast at attacking, we were able to take out all six of the rogues within a thirty second time span, then we quickly made our way to Celeste.

  When we reached her, she was in her human form, and she was wrapping gauze around the neck of what appeared to be a teenage shewolf, who was still whimpering and gurgling. The shewolf appeared to be in very bad condition, and I wasn't confident that she would survive the attack she had just endured. Not only was her throat ripped open, she also had multiple gashes and claw marks all over her pale body.

  Right away, I shifted back into my human form and immediately asked, "Mate, what can I do to help?"

  Celeste anxiously replied, "I just finished wrapping her neck, but she needs a pack clinic. I'm going to shift back into my jaguar, then I need you to lay her across my back, so I can take her to get the help she needs."

  "Okay, sweetie, but we are going with you," I assured her, then I reached down and scooped the shewolf up in my arms.

  As soon as Celeste shifted back into her cat form, I laid the shewolf over her back, then I shifted back into my cat form. Celeste didn't waste any time sprinting back toward the border with me and Lynzee fast on her heels, then we followed her all the way to the pack clinic.

  Chapter 57

  Saving a Life

  Celeste POV

  At first, I wasn't sure if I was really hearing the soft sound of somebody whimpering. Right away, I stopped dead in my tracks and focused solely on my sense of hearing, then I heard the whimpering again.

  We all dropped our backpacks on the ground, then we army crawled across the border until we reached the other tree line. After that, I climbed up the closest tree as fast as I could, then I got settled on a branch and scanned the area below me.

  There wasn't a single sound that could be heard, then all of sudden a familiar sounding gurgled cough echoed through the forest. I knew that gurgle all too well, after having been killed by my mate, then killing him in return. The gurgling sound alone made my heart ache, and I feared t
hat we would be too late to save whoever it was.

  I scanned the ground in the direction that I thought the sounds were coming from, then I spotted the bloody mess of a body laying on the forest floor behind a set of briar bushes. Without any thought of what dangers could be around, I jumped down from the branch, then I sprinted straight to the battered werewolf.

  As soon as I reached the badly beaten body, I noticed it was a shewolf, and I quickly scanned the length of her body to assess what wounds needed attention right away and determined that her neck was by far her worst injury. I needed some supplies, so I sprinted back to my back pack on the other side of the border and used my teeth to tear the backpack open.

  When the gauze rolled out of the ripped bag, I grabbed it between my teeth, then I sprinted back to the dying shewolf. Once I reached her, I shifted into my human form and immediately started wrapping the gauze around her ripped throat. I wasn't even the slightest bit confident about the shewolf's survival, but I was determined to at least try to keep her alive long enough to get her to the pack clinic.

  I could hear the sound of flesh being ripped, along with the pained howls of wolves nearby. However, I didn't have time to figure out what was happening, so I continued to quickly, but gently wrap the gauze around the neck wound.

  The sound of fighting stopped almost as soon as it began, then Lance and Lynzee joined me a few minutes later, as I was finishing with the dressing of the shewolf's neck injury. Lance shifted into his human form and asked how he could help, but I was at a point where there wasn't anything else I could do, so I asked him to lay the shewolf over my back once I got shifted back into my cat form.


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