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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 29

by Layla Colquhoun

  I stayed asleep for a few hours, then I woke up again with significantly more energy. Lance was still peacefully sleeping with a smile on his face, and there was no way I was going to wake him up after seeing how bad he looked the last time I woke up.

  I laid there and watched him sleep for a few minutes, then I rolled out from under his arm that was draped over my side. The first time I attempted to stand up, I fell over on my side, because of how weak my muscles were from not moving.

  The second attempt I made to stand, I fell over again, but that time I was able to catch myself, then I used the tree to my side to help pull myself up to a standing position. I stood on wobbly legs and kept a firm hold on the tree to keep myself steady, while my legs got used to holding my weight up again.

  However, I was so weak, I could only stay on my feet for a few minutes before my legs crumpled, and I fell back down to the ground. I groaned in pain, than I let a few curse words flow from my mouth, as I rubbed the elbow that took most of the impact when I dropped.

  I wanted so badly to walk over to the edge of the water and take a drink, but my body would not cooperate with me. I felt more weak at that moment, than I had ever felt when I was Alana the werewolf with a heart defect, and I did not like that feeling whatsoever.

  It had been a long time since I felt completely helpless, and that did not settle well with me. I never imagined myself being that weak again, but there I was, too weak to stay standing up on my own, and it was so damn annoying. I had energy that needed used, but I didn't have the strength to use it.

  I don't know how long I had been laying there glaring up at the sky, but I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Lance groggily ask, "Celeste, what are doing over there?"

  I released a sigh of pure frustration, then I angrily mumbled, "I can't stand up on my own."

  "Why didn't you wake me up?" he asked in bewilderment, as he quickly got to his feet and walked over to me.

  A second later, he was standing over me with a worried expression lacing his facial features. I flashed him a shy smile, before I timidly admitted, "I didn't wake you up, because you needed the rest."

  "Celeste, I am your mate. If you need my help, I fully expect you to wake me up right away," he adamantly stated, as he extended his hands down to me.

  I was quick to accept his hands, then he pulled me to my feet. I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and fell against him, then I dejectedly mumbled, "Ugh, this is pointless. These legs of mine are useless right now."

  "Don't give up so easily, Celeste. You are the strongest werecat I have ever known. You can do this. You just need a little help right now," he stated with confidence, as he soothingly rubbed my back.

  I snuggled my face against his neck and enjoyed the embrace we were sharing for a minute or so, then I sheepishly mumbled, "I need a drink."

  Right away, Lance dropped one arm from around me, then he slid that arm behind my knees and scooped me up. After that, he carried me over to the river inlet, then he set me down on my butt at the water's edge.

  I didn't waste any time scooping water from the inlet into my cupped hands, then I eagerly drank the water. It took several times of scooping the water with my hands to quench the thirst I was feeling, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to be drinking the water again.

  When I was done, Lance curiously asked, "Would you like to get in the water with me. It might help build you leg strength back up."

  "I'm willing to give it a shot, if you think it will help," I replied with a hint of excitement.

  "I don't know that it will help for sure, but it's worth a try," he

  sheepishly admitted.

  I flashed him a smile and replied, "Let's give it a try."

  Lance reached down and scooped me back up in his arms, then he walked into the river inlet. Once the water reached the top of his abdomen, he stopped walking and set me down on my feet. Right away, my knees tried to buckle, but Lance kept a firm hold on my hips, so I didn't fall into the water, and I was glad he did.

  After a few minutes of Lance helping me stand, I wrapped my arms around his neck again, then I pulled my legs up and wrapped them around his hips. Lance wrapped his arms around my waist, then he flashed me a smile and happily chirped, "I'm so glad you're feeling a little better. I missed holding you like this."

  I nuzzled my nose against his, as I mumbled, "I also missed this," then I pressed my lips against his.

  Instantly, his arms tightened around me, as he returned the kiss and deepened it by darting his tongue between my slightly parted lips. Those tantalizing sparks erupted in my mouth, as our tongues danced together, and it felt amazing.

  I had missed his sweet kisses more than I realized, and I made no attempt to end the passionate kiss we were sharing. Instead, I fisted his hair and enjoyed every second of it.

  When our lips finally pulled apart, I rested my cheek on his shoulder and softly murmured, "I'm so blessed to have such an amazing mate."

  "Sweetie, I will do anything to help you anytime," he adamantly stated with sincerity.

  "You're the best," I cheekily replied.

  We stayed in the water for a few more minutes, then Lance carried me back to the area where we were laying when I woke up. Once he got there, he laid me down on the ground, then he immediately laid beside me.

  Right away, I rolled to my side, then I snuggled against him and laid my head on his chest. I knew he wasn't ready to go back to sleep, but I was already exhausted again, and I'm sure he could feel that exhaustion through our mate bond.

  Lance trailed his fingers along my arm and affectionately murmured, "I love you, Celeste. Now get some more rest."

  "I love you, Lance. Thanks for everything," I drowsily mumbled.

  Lance placed a soft kiss on my forehead, then he softly murmured, "You're welcome, sweetie." Within a few seconds of hearing his response, I drifted back to sleep while enjoying those amazing sparks that were flowing between us.

  Chapter 68

  Change of Plans

  Lance POV

  I almost couldn't believe it when I woke up to see Celeste laying on the ground a few feet away from me. Not only that, I could feel her frustration coursing through our mate bond.

  Right away, I asked what she was doing over there, then she let me know that she couldn't stand on her own. I could hear the sound of defeat in her voice, and I felt so bad for her. I couldn't imagine not having the strength to stand on my own two feet.

  I quickly got to my feet, then I helped her to a standing position, but she immediately started to fall. Luckily, she was able to wrap her arms around me, and I was able to help her stay on her feet.

  I made sure to give her words of encouragement after she complained about it being useless to even try standing, then she mentioned needing a drink of water, and I was quick to scoop her up in my arms. I carried her over to the edge of the river inlet, then I set her down on her butt.

  Celeste didn't waste any time scooping several handfuls of water into her mouth, and I was glad to see her taking in fluids on her own again. When she stopped drinking, I offered to take her into the water with me, and she seemed a little hesitant for a second, but it didn't take long to get her onboard with the idea.

  As soon as she agreed, I scooped her up in my arms again, then I carried her into the river inlet. Once the water reached the top of my abs, I set Celeste down on her feet, but I made sure to keep a firm grasp on her hips, so I could make sure she didn't fall under the water.

  We stayed in the river inlet for a little while, and it was great to have her in my arms and share sweet kisses, like we had done so many times before. The only difference was that I cherished that time with her even more than I had in the past.

  Almost losing her had changed my perception of things, and I was more determined than ever to enjoy every second of the time we shared together. When Celeste was laid up on that hospital bed, I thought I was going to lose her forever. Since she was getting better, I didn't want to waste any
of the time we had left.

  When I started feeling her exhaustion come through our mate bond, I knew it was time for her to rest again. I didn't want her to overdo it too soon, so I carried her back to where we had been previously napping, then I gently laid her down on the ground and quickly laid beside her.

  Right away, she rolled to face me and snuggled against my side, as she laid her head on my chest. I laid there with a smile stretching across my face, as I enjoyed those tantalizing sparks that were flowing between us.

  I couldn't believe how much better she was feeling in the relatively short amount of time that we had been in the jungle. It was amazing how that area of the jungle helped her body to heal faster, and I felt blessed to have more time with my mysterious mate.

  I ended up drifting to sleep for a few hours, then I woke up to Celeste trailing her fingertips all over my face. At first, I stayed laying there as still as I could with my eyes closed and enjoyed the way she was making my face tingle from those wonderful sparks.

  After close to a minute, her fingertip trailed over my lips, and I immediately parted them, then I playfully nibbled on the tip of her finger. Instantly, she jerked her hand away from me, so I opened my eyes to see her sitting beside me with her eyes wide with surprise.

  I flashed her an amused smile and groggily mumbled, "Hello, sweetie," then I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her on top of me.

  Right away, she started giggling, and there was no missing the happiness that coursed though our mate bond. I hugged her against me and affectionately murmured, "This is nice."

  "What is nice?" she asked with curiosity.

  "Having you in my arms like this," I mumbled before I started trailing soft kisses down the curve of her neck.

  I felt her body tremble, as a chill ran down her spine, then she cheekily replied, "I can think of something that would be even nicer."

  "What would that be?" I mumbled into the crook of her neck, then I took a deep inhale of her intoxicating scent.

  "Mate with me, Lance," she timidly replied.

  "Are you sure it's not too soon?" I asked with concern.

  "Honey, I want to give you cubs as soon as possible. I hate the idea of something like this happening again before I can give you cubs," she stated with nothing but love and honesty swirling in her gorgeous eyes.

  Right away, I flipped us over, then I gazed into those gorgeous eyes, as I caressed her cheek and softly murmured, "Sweetie, I love the thought of us having our own little cubs running around, but I was under the impression that you wanted to finish the journey, then learn the ropes of being our Queen before we started a family."

  She flashed me a sweet smile, as she laid her hand over mine and caused it to cup her cheek, then she affectionately replied, "That was what I wanted before I had another near death experience. Now, I'm seeing things in a whole different perspective."

  I returned the smile and curiously asked, "So, what are thinking now?"

  "I think it's time for me to take the throne with you by my side. We can assign groups of warriors to check out the areas surrounding our borders, and to keep watch for any signs of a problem. I can't keep putting myself in danger like I have been. Our species needs me to do the responsible thing and be the Queen that they deserve," I stated with confidence.

  "I agree with you one hundred percent, and I would be overjoyed to start a family with you," I cheekily replied with an ear to ear smile stretched across my face.

  Celeste reached her hands behind my head and tangled her fingers in my hair, as she happily chirped, "Good, now mate with me, handsome," then she pulled my head down and made my lips crash on top of hers.

  The next few hours consisted of me making love to my beautiful mate, and it was nothing short of phenomenal. The passion we shared for each other could be felt with every kiss and touch. Not to mention the fact that it had been several days since we were able to be intimate, which made it even more special.

  Chapter 69

  Returning Home

  Celeste POV

  It felt great to be intimate with my mate again. I hadn't fully regained all of my strength, but I had enough to be able to enjoy that special time with my sexy werecat.

  Of course, by the time we were done, I had exhausted myself, and there was no keeping my eyes open. Lance and I snuggled together, then the sound of the water cascading over the ridge lulled me back to a peaceful sleep filled with dreams of me and Lance having a house full of cubs running around.

  I had already died once, and I had been in several very dangerous scenarios since then, but none of them had come close to making me rethink my life decisions like this illness had. The thought of leaving this world before I gave Lance cubs had dominated my thoughts when I was somewhat conscious, but unable move or open my eyes.

  Not to mention the fact that I would need an heir to take the throne when I do leave this world for. I knew I had a responsibility to Lance as his mate, and a responsibility to our species as their Queen. It was a responsibility that I needed to take serious, and one that I was determined to make happen.

  I was a little sad that we would have to leave our cabin sooner than we had originally anticipated, but it was for the good of our species, and I knew Lance completely understood. He had been pushing for me to take the throne in his own way, and I was finally ready to do just that.

  When I woke up a few hours later, I felt fully energized and not the least bit weak. Right away, I got to my feet and enjoyed the fact that I was able to stand on my own again. I don't know how long it had actually been since I fell ill, but it felt like it had been close to a week.

  Lance was still sleeping, and he looked so happy in his sleep. There was the cutest grin stretching across his handsome face, and it was a gorgeous sight to see.

  I was so thrilled to be able to move around on my own again, I skipped over to the water inlet, then I scooped some of the cool water into my mouth. Once I quenched my thirst, I skipped back over to where Lance was sleeping, then I sat down beside him.

  While I waited for him to wake up, I admired the beautiful waterfall in front of me, as I thought about how lucky I was to have this time with my mate. I wanted to make the most out of our life together, and I wanted us to have a long time to do just that.

  I was lost in thought, when I heard Lance's husky voice groggily ask, "How are you feeling, sweetie?"

  I looked down and gazed into his beautiful ocean blue eyes, as I happily chirped, "I feel great. I'm ready to go home and eat a good meal."

  Instantly, his full lips curved up to form an ear to ear smile, before he enthusiastically replied, "That sounds great. I'm so glad you're feeling better."

  "Me, too," I cheekily mumbled with a smile playing on my lips.

  Lance chuckled as he stood up, then he held his hands out to me. I was quick to accept his hands, even though I could have stood up on my own, but I knew he wanted to help, so I let him.

  The second I was on my feet, Lance engulfed me in a loving embrace, then he affectionately murmured, "You have no idea how relieved I am to see you up on your feet."

  I returned the embrace, as I lovingly replied, "It's all thanks to you and this jungle."

  Suddenly, Lance dropped his arms from around me, then he cupped the sides of my head in the palm of his hands, before he smothered my face with kisses. I giggled with delight at the spontaneous show of affection until his lips landed on mine, then I immediately returned the kiss and poured all of the love that I felt for him into the passionate kiss.

  When Lance pulled his lips away from mine, he flashed me a smile and asked, "Can you shift into your werecat?"

  I hadn't even tried yet, so I shrugged my shoulders and nonchalantly answered, "I guess we are about to find out," then I thought about my werecat form. A second later, I heard the familiar snapping and cracking of my bones, then I shifted into my jaguar.

  Lance smiled as he patted my head for a second, then he shifted into his panther and immediately snuggled his face
and side against me. Right away, I started purring and snuggling back to him, while I enjoyed those amazing sparks that flowed between our fur.

  After a few minutes of snuggling, we walked to our cabin on the Midnight Pack's territory. As soon as we got inside, Lance immediately went to the kitchen and started cooking, while I took a much needed shower. I didn't know how long it would take him to finish cooking, so I tried not to spend a lot of time in the shower, but I made sure to give my hair and body a good scrub before I got out.

  By the time I joined Lance in the kitchen, he was done cooking, and he was carrying the prepared food to the dining table. I grabbed a few glasses out of the cabinet, then I added ice water to them, before I carried them to the table.

  I was thrilled to see that Lance had cooked spaghetti with garlic bread and a salad. I had always enjoyed a good spaghetti, and Lance made the best spaghetti I had ever eaten.

  While we sat together eating, we discussed plans for our future, and I was happy to confirm that Lance was one hundred percent onboard with my decision to take the throne and start a family. In fact, he seemed happier than I had seen him since the day we found out we were mates, and that warmed my heart beyond belief.

  I knew he would support my decision, but it felt good to be the one who made him so happy. Not only that, it helped me to know that I was making the right decision, and having his support with that decision meant the world to me. We were making each other happy, and that was a wonderful thing.

  Chapter 70

  Catching up on Lost Time

  Lance POV

  I was thrilled to see my mysterious mate up on her feet and moving around with ease. I was even more thrilled when she was able to shift into her stunning jaguar.

  As soon as we got back to our cabin, I headed straight to the kitchen and whipped up a nice meal, while Celeste took a shower. I would have loved to join her, but I was more worried about getting food in her belly.


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