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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 30

by Layla Colquhoun

  She finished with her shower, just as I was finishing with the cooking, then we sat down together and enjoyed the delicious food. It was great to see her eating again after almost a week of her not being able to do so.

  It was crazy how fast she healed in the jungle, but I was so thankful to have her back to normal. Not only that, I was excited to start this next chapter of our lives. I was not expecting her to get better and immediately decide to take the throne, as well as, start a family with me, but I loved the idea.

  I couldn't wait for the day when she would tell me, we were expecting. It was something I wanted to make happen as soon as possible, but I knew there was no guarantee of making it happen at any specific time. It was one of those things that happened when the timing was just right, but that didn't stop me from hoping it would happen sooner than later.

  After we finished eating, Celeste insisted I take a shower, while she straightened up the kitchen. At first I refused to leave her with all of the cleanup, but she wasn't taking no for an answer.

  I soon as I stepped under the cascading, hot water, I felt my tensed up muscles immediately begin to relax, and it was nice. I hadn't realized just how tensed up I was until that moment, but I wasn't the least bit surprised by the revelation. It had been a rough week to say the least, and I was glad for the sudden turnaround.

  I stayed in the shower longer than usual, and I made sure to scrub every inch of my body. I had swam in the river inlet, but that didn't make me feel clean. I couldn't stand the thought of being dirty, but while Celeste was ill, that was the last thing on my mind.

  It felt great to be clean again, and I returned to the living room after my shower with an ear to ear smile plastered on my face. Celeste was quick to the notice the smile and playfully asked, "Did you enjoy that shower?"

  "Um...hum...I very much enjoyed that shower," I hummed as I walked toward the couch with a bounce in my step.

  Celeste giggled at me, before she cheekily remarked, "Good! Now get your cute butt over here and snuggle with me."

  I was already on my way to her, but I definitely sped up my pace, then I plopped down on the couch and immediately pulled her onto my lap. She still felt lighter than usual, but I knew that was just a temporary thing.

  Celeste was quick to turn her body sideways, then she rested her cheek on my shoulder and sheepishly asked, "When do you think we should join the Jungle Pack?"

  "Sweetie, we can join them whenever you feel like you're strong enough. I will support whatever decision you make," I assured her with sincerity.

  "I feel strong enough now, but I want to enjoy the rest of the evening and the overnight hours here with you," she softly murmured, as she trailed her fingertips up and down the front of my neck.

  Those amazing sparks she created with her fingertips had my neck tingling in the best way, and it was making it hard for me to concentrate. After close to a minute of enjoying her soft touch, I huskily mumbled, "Mate, I'm gonna need you to stop that, unless you want me to take you to the bedroom in the next five minutes."

  Celeste giggled for a second, before she playfully replied, "We are supposed to be starting a family, and I can't think of a better time than right now."

  Instead of giving her a verbal response, I tilted my head down and caught her lips for a passionate kiss. The second I broke the kiss, I stood up with her in my arms and walked straight to our bedroom. As soon as I was beside the bed, I set her down on the edge, then I slowly removed her clothes before I stripped my own clothes off.

  We spent a few hours mating, and it was amazing. I felt like she was more into it than ever before, which I previously never thought was possible. We had always been passionate with each other, but now she had more reason to be intimate with me than just for pleasure, and it showed in the way we mated with even more passion and vigor.

  When we exhausted ourselves from all of the mating, Celeste snuggled against my side and rested her head on my chest. Right away, I wrapped my arms around her small frame, then I placed a soft kiss on her forehead, before I huskily mumbled, "Goodnight, sweetie. I love you."

  Celeste affectionately squeezed my side like she was hugging me, as she drowsily replied, "Goodnight, honey. I love you."

  It was wonderful to fall asleep in our bed with my gorgeous mate wrapped in my arms, and it was just as wonderful to wake up in the same position a few hours later. We had not been able to do that enough over the past two weeks between the journey we were making around the borders and Celeste's sudden illness.

  I stayed lying there with my arms securely wrapped around her and enjoyed those tantalizing sparks that flowed between us, while I waited for her to awaken. I had so many thoughts about our future that kept floating around in my mind, that it wasn't hard for me to zone out, which caused me to not even realize when she did awaken.

  It wasn't until Celeste climbed on top of me that I was brought out of my chain of thoughts. Right away, I smiled up at her and huskily mumbled, "Hello there, beautiful."

  "Hello, handsome," she softly murmured with a coy smile on her face. I knew what she was thinking about, because I could feel her arousal coursing through our mate bond, and I had no objections. In fact, I fully welcomed the idea and reached behind her, so I could squeeze her cute butt.

  Within a few minutes, we were mating again, and it was phenomenal. I could spend all day making love to my beautiful mate, especially when she was enjoying it as much as she was.

  When we finally pulled apart, we headed straight for the shower, then Celeste took me completely by surprise when she initiated another round of mating. It was becoming increasingly obvious that she was determined to get pregnant as soon as possible, and that made my heart melt.

  I wanted to have cubs with her more than anything, besides having her as my mate, of course. It was something I had dreams about more often than not, and it was something that would bring so much joy to our lives. I was confident Celeste would be a great mother to our cubs, and I couldn't wait to see her in action, when that wonderful time came.

  As soon as we were done mating in the shower, we got cleaned up and rinsed off, then we got out of the shower and pulled some clothes on. I kept it simple with a pair of gray gym shorts, while Celeste pulled on a dark pink sundress. We were planning to visit Alpha Jared and get the ball rolling on Celeste's new plans, so there was no need to dress in any more clothing than that.

  Once we were dressed, I insisted that we eat before we leave the cabin, and Celeste didn't even try to convince me otherwise. I whipped up a quick batch of pancakes with eggs and bacon, then we practically inhaled the food. When we were done eating, we made good time cleaning up the kitchen, then we headed outside.

  Celeste didn't waste any time pulling her sundress off and tying it around her ankle, while I did the same with my shorts, then we set off toward the Jungle Pack's border. I could feel Celeste's excitement flowing through our mate bond, and I couldn't deny the fact that I was just as excited. I knew this was her destiny, and I was thrilled to see her moving in that direction.

  Chapter 71

  Joining the Jungle Pack

  Celeste POV

  I could feel my excitement building even more, as we crossed the border onto the Jungle Pack's territory. I knew for sure what I needed to do, and I had my mind set on making it happen.

  I ran as fast as I could without leaving Lance in my dust, and it didn't take us long at all to reach Alpha Jared's house. Before I headed to his door, I went behind a tree and shifted back into my human form, then I pulled on my sundress.

  Lance did the same with his gym shorts, then we walked to the front door hand in hand. Almost a full minute after Lance knocked on the door, Alpha Jared appeared in front of us with a genuine smile stretching across his face.

  Right away, he cheerfully asked, "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

  I got straight to the point and gushed, "I'm ready."

  "Ready for what?" he curiously asked.

  "It's time, Alpha Jared. I'm rea
dy to take my place as the Queen of werecats," I boldly stated with a smile.

  "Really? Are you sure?" he asked with surprise lacing his handsome facial features.

  "I am absolutely sure," I confidently assured him.

  Suddenly, he engulfed me in a hug, as he gushed, "This is wonderful news. You are going to be an amazing Queen for us."

  I was quick to return the hug, then I timidly asked, "What all do I need to do?"

  "You should come inside. We have a lot to discuss," he stated in his more serious tone of voice.

  Right away, Lance and I followed him into the house, then we sat down on the couch across from the chair that he sat down on. After Alpha Jared eyed me for a few seconds, I sheepishly inquired, "Where do we start?"

  "First, you will join this pack. That is going to activate the royal genes in your blood. You are going to notice several changes right away," he informed me.

  "What kinds of changes should I expect?" I asked with my curiosity peaking.

  Alpha Jared chuckled before he explained, "Your aura is going to strengthen a great deal, and there will be no mistaking the fact that you have royal blood flowing in your veins. Your skin is going to have a unique glow to it, and your eyes will probably change color. You will also notice a change in your voice whenever you make a command."

  "Okay, I don't think that's a big deal. What will happen next?" I

  nonchalantly replied.

  He was quick to explain, "We will arrange a special crowning

  ceremony and invite the Alphas and Lunas from all of the werecat packs to attend. At the ceremony, I will introduce you to all of them as their Queen, then you will recite the Oath of Royalty. When you are done reciting the oath, I will place the Queen's crown on your head to symbolize your title."

  "That sounds pretty standard. What happens after that?" I responded with a smile.

  "It will be your turn introduce Lance as your mate and their King, then he will recite the same oath, before you place the King's crown on his head to symbolize his title. At that point, Lance's aura will strengthen, and he will also notice some of the same changes," Alpha Jared informed us.

  "So far, this all sounds simple enough. Is there anything I need to do between now and then?" I sheepishly asked.

  "Actually, there is. I need you to decide who you trust the most. You will each need your own Beta and Gamma, as well as several servants in the castle. I have a few there now, but it's important that you have werecats around that you trust wholeheartedly. Especially since you are the only known werecat with royal blood," he stated in all seriousness.

  "I already know who I want to be my Beta, and that's Lynzee. What about you, Lance?" I enthusiastically replied.

  "I'd hate to pull Shawn away from the Midnight Pack, but I honestly think he would be the best candidate for me. I trust him, and we already show each other respect," Lance stated with confidence.

  "Wonderful, now you just need to come up with a list of other's who you trust to keep you safe, and who you trust to keep your personal matters, war strategies and other important details from getting leaked to the general population," Alpha Jared thoughtfully advised.

  "I have a few ideas, but I'll need a little time to make the final decisions on that," I sheepishly replied.

  "There is no rush. All of the members of this pack are very

  trustworthy, and we will do everything in our power to make sure our Queen stays safe," Alpha Jared assured me.

  "Should I wait to join this pack until after we get all of this figured out?" I curiously asked.

  "I don't think that's necessary, since you will have an entire pack of strong warriors here at your disposal for whatever you may need," he confidently stated.

  I glanced over at Lance and thoughtfully asked, "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

  "Sweetie, I am ready for anything, as long as you're the one who's beside me," he cheekily replied with a smile.

  Instantly, I returned the smile, then I turned my attention back to Alpha Jared and confidently stated, "Let's get this process moving forward."

  "Excellent," he remarked as he got to his feet, then he motioned for us to follow him.

  Lance and I immediately stood up, then we followed him outside. Alpha Jared led us to his backyard, where there was a beautiful statue of a woman with cat ears and a cat tail. Once he reached it, he stopped walking and spun on his heel so he was facing us, then he nonchalantly stated, "You will also notice other added perks of being the Queen?"

  "Like what?" I curiously asked.

  "You will be able to do things that most other werecats aren't able to do. Like being able to partially shift. Also, your pheromones are going to be significantly stronger, and your senses will be even more enhanced," he stated with a hint of excitement.

  "That sounds awesome," I happily chirped.

  Alpha Jared smiled at my response, then he held his hands out in front of him with his palms facing up, as he enthusiastically stated, "Let's make you a member of the Jungle Pack, then your blood will take care of the rest."

  I was quick to lay my palms on top of his, as I cheekily replied, "Make me a Jungle Pack member, Alpha Jared."

  He chuckled for just a second, then he asked in his Alpha voice, "Do you Celeste Carlisle accept the Jungle Pack as your own, and do you agree to always treat every pack member including me, Alpha Jared Saunters, with nothing but respect?"

  "I, Celeste Carlisle accept the Jungle Pack as my own. I will always treat you and the rest of the members of this pack with nothing but respect," I stated with confidence.

  "I, Alpha Jared Saunters, accept you, Celeste Carlisle as a member of the Jungle Pack," he proudly stated in his Alpha voice.

  Instantly, I felt my bond and mind link break with the Midnight Pack, then I felt a new one form with the Jungle Pack. A second later, I felt the strengthening of everything within me, and when I say everything, I mean everything. I felt my muscles, bones, senses, aura, and my mate bond with Lance all strengthened.

  I was still trying to take in all of the changes I was feeling, when I suddenly felt multiple mind links form between me and the Alphas that governed the rest of the werecat packs. Everything was happening so fast, and it all felt so surreal.

  It wasn't long before I heard numerous unfamiliar voices ask, "What is going on here? Who did we just form a mind link with? How is this possible?"

  Somehow, I was able to instinctively open up my mind link with all of the packs, then I confidently stated, "I am your Queen, and my name is Celeste Carlisle. I apologize for the sudden forming of this mind link. However, I am thrilled to be your Queen. We will hold the Crowning Celebration in the near future. I will let you all know when it will be, as soon as we finish hashing out the details."

  I heard several gasps of surprise, then there were a lot of congratulations before the mind link went silent again. I was surprised by how confident I sounded when I spoke to them, and that helped ease my worries in that department.

  When I glanced over at Lance, he was staring at me with his ocean blue eyes wide in disbelief. I flashed him a little smile, as I curiously asked, "What's wrong, mate?"

  "Your eyes. They are so beautiful," he breathed out.

  I had no clue what he was talking about, so I asked Alpha Jared if I could go back in the house, then I immediately found a mirror and took a look at my reflection. Lance wasn't kidding. My eyes were absolutely beautiful. They were a stunning ice blue color, but there was a ring of my sapphire color surrounding the blue.

  While I gazed at my reflection, I also noticed that my skin looked even more tanned, and it had an unmistakable glow to it. Not only that, my posture had also changed. I was holding my shoulders back, and my head was held high, just like a queen should, but I was doing it instinctively, instead of forcing myself.

  When I returned to the guys outside, I immediately noticed Alpha Jared was making Lance a member of the Jungle Pack, and that filled me with joy. I needed Lance to be by my side through all of
this, and I knew it would be better for both of us, if he also became an official member of the Jungle Pack right away.

  Chapter 72

  Breaking the News

  Lance POV

  I was a little skeptical when I heard Alpha Jared explain that the royal genes in Celeste's blood would activate upon her joining the Jungle Pack. I don't know how it was possible, but there was no denying the changes in her, as soon as she became a pack member of the Jungle Pack.

  I watched as her hair became more vibrant, her muscles became bulkier, and the pigment of her skin darkened before my eyes. A second later, it looked like there was a glow to her darkened skin, and I could not only see the strong aura surround her, I could also feel it.

  When I caught a glimpse of her eyes, I was put into a brief state of disbelief. They were absolutely stunning. Those sapphire eyes that I had always loved to gaze into had changed to a vibrant ice blue color, but there was still a ring of her sapphire color that surrounded the stunning ice blue. They were the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen in my life.

  After she glanced at me and saw the look on my face, she curiously asked, "What's wrong, mate?"

  "Your eyes. They are so beautiful," I breathed out, while I continued to admire her flawless beauty.

  I could see her eyes light up with curiosity, then Celeste asked to go back inside. I was going to follow her, but Alpha Jared stopped me and asked, "Is it safe to assume you are joining the pack, too?"

  "Of course," I immediately replied with a smirk forming on my face. There was no way in hell my mate was going to join a different pack without me also joining.

  Right away, Alpha Jared flashed me a wide smile, as he happily chirped, "That's exactly what I was hoping to hear. She is going to need you by her side through all of this."

  "I would never desert Celeste. No matter what path life takes us down, she will always have my support," I confidently stated.

  "You are going to be a great King. Just don't let the title go to your head like some of the past kings," he thoughtfully advised.


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