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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 34

by Layla Colquhoun

  I leaned back against him and mumbled, "You are just as amazing," then I pecked a kiss on his jawline.

  After that, we spent the next few hours talking with our friends and family about what else we needed to get before our cub was born. It was nice to have them to talk to, because they all had great ideas about things we could get to make our job as new parents a little easier.

  Chapter 80

  The Future King Arrives

  Lance POV

  The first three months of Celeste's pregnancy seemed to drag by slowly with her feeling ill most of the time. Whereas, the last three months flew by insanely fast.

  It was a few days before the due date, when Celeste started dragging out the many little blankets that had accumulated throughout the pregnancy. Within the hour, there were blankets all over the place, and I mean everywhere.

  She placed multiple blankets on the couch, loveseat, and chair, then she went to our bedroom and placed blankets on the loveseat and bed in there. After that, she placed blankets on each of the chairs surrounding the dining table, then she barged into her parents bedroom and placed blankets on their loveseat around them and on their bed.

  Celeste ended her blanket frenzy in the nursery where she placed two blankets on the rocking chair, four blankets in the crib, two blankets in the bassinet, one blanket on the swing, and one blanket on the bouncy seat. I was feeling a little out of sorts by the sudden change, so I knocked on her parents bedroom door and waited to be greeted.

  As soon as I heard her dad call out for me to enter, I stepped into their room and immediately asked, "Why is she putting blankets everywhere?"

  Instantly, her mum started laughing in amusement. Once she got the laughing under control, she teasingly replied, "You better get ready, because what she is doing is known as nesting. She knows it's almost time. Your cub will probably be here sometime in the next eight hours."

  "Really?" I dumbfoundedly mumbled in a slight state of shock.

  "Yes, really," her mum replied with another laugh.

  Right away, I left their room with what must have been a dumbfounded look on my face, then I followed Celeste's scent back to the nursery. When I got there, she was sitting in the rocking chair and rubbing her extremely swollen belly, as she hummed the tune to an unfamiliar lullaby.

  She had her eyes closed, so I leaned against the doorframe and admired how beautiful she looked right at that moment. There was no guarantee that we would be blessed with more cubs, so I took all the opportunities I could to gaze at Celeste in her gorgeous pregnant form.

  Suddenly, her face scrunched up, then she hissed and gripped ahold of the rocking chair's arm rests. I was quick to rush over to her, then I knelt down and rubbed her knee, as I worriedly asked, "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

  She hissed again before her eyelids sprang open, then she breathed out, "It's time."

  I didn't waste any time scooping her up into my arms, then I ran down the hall yelling, "It's time! Janice, you were right!"

  I didn't wait for a response and quickly ran through our living quarters and the rest of the castle until I reached the clinic. Celeste must have mind linked her doctor on the way, because he appeared to be ready for our arrival when I got there.

  He quickly got her set up on all the different monitors with the help of several nurses, then he checked to see if she was dilated enough to start pushing. The whole time this was going on, Celeste kept whining, groaning and hissing, as her contractions quickly became stronger and closer together.

  I sat down beside Celeste and held onto her hands, as I affectionately murmured, "You're doing great, Celeste! Just keep focusing on your breathing! You've got this!"

  A second later, I heard the doctor enthusiastically chirp, "My Queen, you are fully dilated! Get ready to push on your next contraction!"

  Celeste's eyes widened to the size of saucers, as she took a few deep breaths, then she hissed again before she squeezed my hands and pushed with everything she had. For a second there, I thought she might break the bones in my hands, because of how hard she was squeezing them. However, she must have noticed, because she suddenly loosened her grip.

  While she was taking deep breaths between contractions, I continued to softly murmur sweet things to her in an attempt to keep her calm, and it seemed to help. She kept flashing excited smiles at me, then she would start hissing or groaning before she pushed with all her might again.

  This cycle continued for nearly twenty minutes, then her doctor cheerfully exclaimed, "You got his head out, Celeste. Now I need you to give me one more strong push to get the rest of his body out."

  Right away, she took a deep breath, then she screamed for the first time throughout her labor, as she gave the doctor one last push with everything she had left at that moment. The second she stopped pushing, I glanced over to see a tiny cub being cradled in the doctor's hands.

  I looked back at Celeste and happily gushed, "You did it, sweetie! Our cub is here!"

  She flashed me a small smile, as our pup's cry echoed around the clinic, then she weakly mumbled, "I want to see him."

  Her doctor had already stood up, and he was walking around Celeste's cot to bring the cub to her. She was quick to hold her arms out, then he gently set our cub in the crook of her arm.

  Celeste immediately snuggled him against her chest, as she trailed his fingertips over his forehead and cheeks, then she counted each of his fingers and toes with the most angelic smile plastered on her pretty face.

  It was truly a beautiful sight to see. Celeste looked so happy and at peace with our cub cradled in her arms, and that brought me a great amount of joy.

  When she finally pulled her eyes away from our cub, she glanced at me with a twinkle in her eye and thoughtfully asked, "Would you like to hold your son?"

  "Yes, I would love to hold him," I quick replied, as I held my hands out to take him.

  As she passed him to me, his eyelids fluttered open to reveal the most stunning eyes I had ever seen. Surrounding his black pupil was a ring of Celeste's sapphire color followed by a ring of my ocean blue color, then there was a ring of the ice blue color that we both acquired when we became the King and Queen of werecats.

  Celeste immediately started cooing, "Look at those gorgeous eyes of yours! You are definitely gonna be a heartbreaker when you get older."

  I chuckled at my mates cheekiness, then I pulled our pup to my chest and gazed down at his cute face. He had the puffiest little cheeks with Celeste's full lips and cute ears. He had my black hair and chiseled chin, as well as, my nose and pronounced cheekbones. I had secretly hoped he would have Celeste's burgundy hair, but when I gazed at him, our pup was absolutely perfect in my eyes.

  I glanced over at Celeste and curiously asked, "What are we naming him," since she insisted on waiting until he was born to make a decision on the name.

  She flashed me a sheepish smile, then she shyly mumbled, "I was thinking Lance Kyle Chesterfield."

  "Why Kyle?" I warily asked in confusion.

  "If it weren't for him killing Alana the werewolf, I might not have gotten the chance to be brought back as a werecat. What he did was horrible, and I'm glad I got my revenge on him, but I can't deny the fact that his actions are what led to us being here with each other now," she thoughtfully replied with sincerity.

  I thought about what she said, and I could completely see her point. We had a perfect life with each other, and it may not have been an option if he hadn't killed her all those years ago. It was a weird thought to ponder, but it was nothing but accurate.

  I flashed a sweet smile at Celeste, before I softly murmured, "I think it's perfect," then I gazed down at our adorable cub and let his name roll off my tongue.

  Instantly, he smiled in response, and it was the cutest thing ever. I cooed at him a few more times, then the nurses insisted we let them get little Lance cleaned up and wrapped with a blanket.

  While they did that, I leaned over and placed a soft kiss on Celeste's lips, then I lovingly remarked
, "You are the best mate ever, and you are going to be the best mum, too. Thank you for giving me a son. I promise to always keep him safe and cherish every moment I have with him."

  She flashed me a tired smile and mumbled, "You're welcome, handsome. Thank you for being understanding about his name."

  "There's no need to thank me for that, sweetie. I really do think it's a perfect name considering everything that happened to bring us together," I assured her with a genuine smile stretching across my face, and I meant every word I said.


  Celeste POV

  I absolutely loved being a mum, and we had the luxury of being blessed with three more cubs bringing us to a total of four. Lance Kyle Chesterfield was our firstborn, and the next to be crowned as King.

  Two years later, we had our first daughter, and we named her Alana Lola Chesterfield after my werewolf human. Three years after Alana came into our life, we were blessed with a set of twins giving us another son and daughter. We named them Sierra Janice Chesterfield and Alex Drake Chesterfield combining the first names of my parents.

  I felt bad that my werecat parents lost their actual daughter, but they still stuck by my side and supported me wholeheartedly when they learned the truth. That was something that meant the world to me, and giving the twins their name was my way of showing how much I loved and appreciated them for everything they did for me over the years.

  I included my werewolf parent's names, because they were the ones who actually passed the royal werecat blood to me. It didn't matter to me that it was such a small amount of werecat blood that it stayed dormant until the Moon Goddess brought me back to life as Celeste. They deserved to be included in everything as far as I was concerned.

  Lance and I officially got married six months after little Lance was born. We had a beautiful wedding ceremony and reception outside under the glow from the moon and stars. It was a festive occasion, and we had a big turnout of attendees who wanted to celebrate our union with us.

  Over the years, our love for each other never dwindled even the slightest bit. Lance proved to be an amazing mate, husband, father and King. He never seized to amaze me, and I kept a smile on my face with all the sweet things he was always saying and doing.

  Our cubs grew up being shown nothing but love from us, and they were adored by everyone else who lived or worked at the castle. They never went without anything they wanted or needed, but they were taught how to be well mannered, so they didn't act like spoiled brats, and I was thankful for that.

  I had met the cubs of many Alphas, and more often than not, those were the cubs who walked around like they were Gods or something. They were also the ones who were most likely to bully the smaller cubs in their packs, and that was something I refused to tolerate.

  Anytime I saw it happen when I was visiting other packs, I would make sure the Alpha knew that I would not allow their cub to become an Alpha if that kind of behavior continued. If the Alpha's corrected the intolerable behavior, I would leave it be, but if they didn't get the behavior under control, that was whole different case.

  Whenever that happened, Lance and I would take over the pack, then we would assess the problems within and do whatever it took to remedy them. Once things were under control, we would offer the Alpha title to whoever showed us that they could lead the pack in a just and respectful way, while being able to maintain control.

  As soon as things were taken care of, we would return to our castle where our cubs were being kept safe with the help of their personal body guards, and they were being cared for by both sets of my parents. Everyone was always thrilled to see us walk through the front door. They would throw a little celebration party for a job well done and a safe return, which I thought was awesome.

  Our cubs were always the happiest to see us upon our return, and they would take turns giving us hugs, while we planted kisses all over their cute little faces. Even when they grew older and became teen cubs, they would still greet us the same way, and we continued to smother them with kisses each time we returned.

  Not long after Lance Jr. turned eighteen, he came to us one day out of breath and surprisingly frantic. Once he caught his breath, he excitedly stated, "I think I just saw my mate, but I'm not sure."

  His dad calmly replied, "Tell us about it."

  Our son took a deep breath, then he gushed, "I heard a commotion near the northeast border, so I followed the noise to see what was going on. Not long after I crossed the border, an arrow flew in front of my face, but it wasn't your typical arrow. This arrow had a bright flame on the end of it. When I followed the path I thought it came from, I caught a glimpse of the prettiest blonde girl I have ever seen."

  He paused to take a breath, then he sheepishly continued, "We locked eyes for just a second, and she had the prettiest dark brown eyes that contrasted perfectly with her light skin color. Before I got the chance to call out to her, she spun on her heel and sprinted into the cover of the forest with her bow hanging on one arm, and something that was holding her arrows was hanging on her other arm."

  "Did you go after her?" I curiously asked with a hint of excitement.

  "I tried, but she was either fast at running, or exceptionally good at hiding. However, when I reached the area where I saw her, the sweetest scent tickled my nose and made my heart start racing. Do you think she might be my mate?" he timidly asked with hope swirling in his beautiful eyes.

  I grabbed one of his hands and patted it with my other hand, as I cheerfully remarked, "Honey, I think there is a good chance that she is. The first time I met your dad when I was still a werewolf, his scent tickled my nose like no other scent had ever done before. A part of me knew then that I was destined to be with him."

  "I hope she is, but I don't know where she went. Would you be willing to help me find her?" he curiously asked, as he looked back and forth between me and his dad.

  We both smiled at our firstborn cub, who was now a fully grown werecat, then Lance happily chirped, "Of course we will help you, son. If she is your mate, you deserve the chance to be with her."


  Celeste POV

  I absolutely loved being a mum, and we had the luxury of being blessed with three more cubs bringing us to a total of four. Lance Kyle Chesterfield was our firstborn, and the next to be crowned as King.

  Two years later, we had our first daughter, and we named her Alana Lola Chesterfield after my werewolf human. Three years after Alana came into our life, we were blessed with a set of twins giving us another son and daughter. We named them Sierra Janice Chesterfield and Alex Drake Chesterfield combining the first names of my parents.

  I felt bad that my werecat parents lost their actual daughter, but they still stuck by my side and supported me wholeheartedly when they learned the truth. That was something that meant the world to me, and giving the twins their name was my way of showing how much I loved and appreciated them for everything they did for me over the years.

  I included my werewolf parent's names, because they were the ones who actually passed the royal werecat blood to me. It didn't matter to me that it was such a small amount of werecat blood that it stayed dormant until the Moon Goddess brought me back to life as Celeste. They deserved to be included in everything as far as I was concerned.

  Lance and I officially got married six months after little Lance was born. We had a beautiful wedding ceremony and reception outside under the glow from the moon and stars. It was a festive occasion, and we had a big turnout of attendees who wanted to celebrate our union with us.

  Over the years, our love for each other never dwindled even the slightest bit. Lance proved to be an amazing mate, husband, father and King. He never seized to amaze me, and I kept a smile on my face with all the sweet things he was always saying and doing.

  Our cubs grew up being shown nothing but love from us, and they were adored by everyone else who lived or worked at the castle. They never went without anything they wanted or needed, but they were taught how to be well man
nered, so they didn't act like spoiled brats, and I was thankful for that.

  I had met the cubs of many Alphas, and more often than not, those were the cubs who walked around like they were Gods or something. They were also the ones who were most likely to bully the smaller cubs in their packs, and that was something I refused to tolerate.

  Anytime I saw it happen when I was visiting other packs, I would make sure the Alpha knew that I would not allow their cub to become an Alpha if that kind of behavior continued. If the Alpha's corrected the intolerable behavior, I would leave it be, but if they didn't get the behavior under control, that was whole different case.

  Whenever that happened, Lance and I would take over the pack, then we would assess the problems within and do whatever it took to remedy them. Once things were under control, we would offer the Alpha title to whoever showed us that they could lead the pack in a just and respectful way, while being able to maintain control.

  As soon as things were taken care of, we would return to our castle where our cubs were being kept safe with the help of their personal body guards, and they were being cared for by both sets of my parents. Everyone was always thrilled to see us walk through the front door. They would throw a little celebration party for a job well done and a safe return, which I thought was awesome.

  Our cubs were always the happiest to see us upon our return, and they would take turns giving us hugs, while we planted kisses all over their cute little faces. Even when they grew older and became teen cubs, they would still greet us the same way, and we continued to smother them with kisses each time we returned.

  Not long after Lance Jr. turned eighteen, he came to us one day out of breath and surprisingly frantic. Once he caught his breath, he excitedly stated, "I think I just saw my mate, but I'm not sure."

  His dad calmly replied, "Tell us about it."


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