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Revenge : His Mysterious Werecat

Page 33

by Layla Colquhoun

  Right away, he wrapped his arms around me, then he dipped his head down and placed a soft kiss on my lips, before he cheerfully replied, "You did it, my Queen. None of this would have been possible without you, and I couldn't be more proud to be the one standing beside you now."

  After that, we spent the evening mingling with all of the guests who attended the Crowning Celebration. It was nice to meet all of the Alphas and Lunas that governed the different packs of werecats, and they seemed like a good group of werecats.

  The night turned out to be a lot of fun, and I felt blessed to have been given the chance to not only be brought back to life as a werecat, but to be given the opportunity to become the Queen of werecats. I was determined to take the title seriously, and do whatever I had to do to ensure the safety of each and every werecat.

  Chapter 77

  Best News Ever

  Lance POV

  When Celeste crowned me as King, I felt my muscles strengthen, then I felt the strong aura surround me, and that was definitely one of the most surreal things I had ever experienced. It wasn't until we returned to our living quarters, then I looked in the mirror and saw the physical changes that I couldn't feel.

  There was an ice blue ring coloring my normal darker blue color, and my hair seemed to have more of a shine to it. Also, my skin tone had darkened in color, and there appeared to be a slight glow to it. My aura and glow weren't as prevalent as Celeste's, but they were still there and noticeable.

  The next few weeks after our Crowning Celebration, we spent most of our awake hours conversing with Alpha Jared and Alpha Dante about keeping border patrols at all times. The amount of rogues hanging by the borders had increased every year, and Celeste wanted to make sure they knew not to mess with our pack members or our territories.

  It was amazing how she took to being the Queen so gracefully. When she made a decision about something important, she was confident and authoritative while maintaining a respectful tone. That was something I genuinely admired about her.

  Every time we made it back to our quarters, Celeste was adamant about us mating, and I had no objections to that. I loved the special time we spent together, and I couldn't wait to be rewarded with a cub. I wasn't sure if that would actually happen anytime soon, but I was holding onto hopeful thoughts and indulging her urge to mate every chance I got.

  A few days after we finished hashing out all the details for the border patrols, Celeste woke up feeling abnormally sluggish. For me, that was immediate cause for concern. Right away, I feared she might still be having symptoms from the infection that caused her previous illness.

  I was quick to request a doctor be brought to our living quarters to make sure she was okay. When he put the stethoscope on her belly to listen for any signs of a problem, he immediately furrowed his eyebrows in concentration.

  Almost a full minute later, his lips curved up to form a pleased smile, before he enthusiastically chirped, "I am most pleased to inform you both that you're going to be blessed with the next heir to the throne! Congratulations!"

  It took longer than expected for me to process what he had just said, then I ran over to Celeste and started planting wet kisses all over her beautiful face. She giggled for a few seconds, then she reached up and grabbed my face to make me stop kissing her, before she softly murmured, "You're gonna be a daddy."

  I nuzzled my nose against hers, as I affectionately mumbled, "You're gonna be a mum, and a great one at that! This is the best news ever!"

  I was so excited, and I couldn't wait to watch her belly expand, because I knew she was going to be the cutest expecting mum ever. She was already gorgeous without being pregnant, but knowing she was carrying my cub made her automatically look even more gorgeous in my eyes.


  I couldn't believe it when the doctor told us we were going to be parents. Lance looked like he was in shock for a moment, then he got so excited, he started planting kisses all over my face.

  After he calmed down a little bit, the doctor went over some general things I should and shouldn't do while pregnant, then he stressed the importance of me trying to take it as easy as possible. I was never one to take it easy, but this was different. This was the life of our cub, and the next heir to the throne, so it was even more important that I didn't do anything that could cause complications with the


  When the doctor was done giving us information, he left our quarters, and Lance immediately asked if there was anything he could do for me. I was extremely happy, but I was also still feeling quite sluggish, so I sheepishly replied, "I just want you to lay here with me. I don't feel the greatest, and I want you close by."

  Right away, he climbed onto the bed with me, then he pulled the blanket over us. I was quick to snuggle against his side, then he wrapped his arms around me and affectionately murmured, "You make me so happy, Celeste. I can't imagine living my life without you in it."

  "You also make me happy, and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. I fell in love with you the first time we met when I was still Alana, and that love blossomed into a beautiful flower over the years," I lovingly replied, as I trailed my fingertips over the ridges of his eight-pack.

  "I have loved you since we were cubs. I didn't know what the emotion was back then, but I know now that I have loved you for what seems like a lifetime," he stated with honesty, then he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

  We stayed in bed for a little bit until my stomach started growling, then Lance insisted I stay in bed while he prepared something to eat. I didn't necessarily feel hungry, but I knew I should eat something. I had not eaten anything for several hours, and I didn't want to malnourish our cub by not eating enough to provide him or her with the nutrients needed for development.

  When Lance returned a little bit later, he brought me a bowl of chicken noodle soup with a tuna fish sandwich, and I thought it was such a sweet gesture. I knew he prepared the chicken noodle soup, because I wasn't feeling well, and he made the tuna fish sandwich, because it was one of my favorite foods.

  I was quick to show my gratitude by saying, "Thank you," and pecking a kiss on his cheek, then I ate half of the sandwich before I devoured the delicious soup. As soon as I was done eating, I laid back down with the blanket pulled up to my chest, then it only took a few minutes for me to fall asleep with a full belly and a genuine smile plastered on my face.

  Chapter 78

  Celeste's Werewolf Parents

  Lance POV

  It had been a few weeks since we found out Celeste was carrying, and she had been sickly ever since. Every time I heard her morning sickness flair up, I would rush to Celeste and hold her hair back until she was done emptying the contents of her stomach.

  Each time that happened, she would flash me the most angelic smile and softly murmur, "Thank you, sweetheart."

  Her werecat mum had been helping a lot whenever I needed to step away and take care of our King and Queen duties. I was doing everything I could to ease her worries and keep her happy, but she kept whining for her werewolf mum on a daily basis.

  I knew how badly she wanted to see her other parents, so I asked Beta Shawn to stay in the castle and keep watch over everything, while me, Sebastian and Felix made a trip to the Great Forest Pack's territory. Luckily, most of the pack members there were used to seeing me and Celeste, so I didn't have any problems when I crossed the border.

  I went straight to her parents house and beat on their front door until her dad flung it open with a look of confusion lacing his facial features. The second his eyes landed on me, the look of confusion quickly changed to worry, as he nervously asked, "What's happened? Is our daughter okay?"

  I was quick to assure him, "Celeste is okay, but she wants the two of you to visit her at the castle. In fact, what she needs is for you both to just move into the castle."

  Right away, he curiously asked, "Why didn't she come with you?"

  "She was a bit tired, so she is lying down," I warily replied
not wanting give him any details about the pregnancy. I knew that was something she wanted to tell them, and I didn't want to disappoint my mate by telling them before she got the chance.

  "We would love to move there, but we haven't even started packing yet," he sheepishly mumbled.

  "How about this? Why don't you two pack a little suitcase and come with us now? We can come back in the next day or so with a group of the guys to help you pack everything and move it to the castle," I thoughtfully suggested.

  "I'm okay with that, but I need to run it by Janice. You can come inside and have a seat, while I discuss it with her," he quickly replied, then he spun on his heel and retreated toward their bedroom.

  The three of us guys walked to the living room and sat down on the couch while we waited for Alex to return. When he did, there was an ear to ear smile stretching across his face and a twinkle in his gray eyes.

  As soon as he reached us, he happily chirped, "Janice is packing her suitcase now. We should be ready in about ten minutes."

  I flashed him a pleased smile and replied, "Wonderful! Celeste will be so happy to see you."

  Celeste POV

  Lance left a few hours ago, but I had no clue where he went or what he was doing. The past few weeks had consisted of me lounging around when I was dealing with bouts of morning sickness, or sleeping because I felt so exhausted from the pregnancy.

  For some reason, my body was not happy about carrying a cub, but I refused to let it bring me down too much. I was still excited to give Lance a cub, and I held onto that excitement.

  My werecat mum had been awesome about keeping me company and helping whenever Lance was dealing with the routine duties that came with being the King, while also trying to keep up on my duties that I couldn't fulfill at the moment. He never made a single complaint about it, and he was always doing to the sweetest things to help when he was close by.

  I loved how he would hold my hair back when I was struck with those bouts of morning sickness. It always brought a smile to my face, even though I wasn't feeling well, and I would always tell him thank you. It meant the world to me that he was so sweet about it and never seemed bothered when it happened.

  After a few hours of waiting for Lance to return, I drifted to sleep while lying down on the couch, but I didn't sleep for long. The second I smelled that familiar cherries and lavender scent, my eyelids sprang open, then I bolted to an upright sitting position and looked around in confusion.

  As soon as my eyes landed on my werewolf mum, I jumped to my feet and quickly ran over to her. Once she was within my reach, I engulfed her in an embrace and started crying, because I was an emotional mess from the pregnancy hormones. Every time I got especially happy or sad, there was no stopping the waterfall of tears that came with it.

  My mum returned the hug, as she worriedly asked, "My darling girl, why are you crying?"

  "I'm just so happy to see you. I've missed you so much," I gushed as the involuntary tears of happiness continued to flow. My dad chuckled and walked closer to us, and I was quick to reach over and pull him into the hug, as I lovingly mumbled, "I have also missed you like crazy."

  We stood there in a group hug for almost a minute, then I dropped my arms from around them and timidly remarked, "I have some good news to tell you."

  That's when my parents noticed the many changes that came with me becoming the Queen. I could see the curiosity swirling in their eyes, as my mum cheerfully replied, "Let's hear it."

  I took a deep breath, then I beamed an ear to ear smile, as I

  enthusiastically gushed, "I'm pregnant! You're gonna be


  Instantly, my mum squealed with delight, then she engulfed me in another hug, as she cheerfully responded, "This is amazing news! Now I see why Lance wanted us to come back with him right away. You have a wonderful mate."

  "Lance is wonderful! He is my everything, and I couldn't imagine not having him in my life," I affectionately replied as I returned the hug.

  After my mum and I pulled away from the hug, we all sat down in the living room, then I told them about everything that had happened since the last time we saw each other, and there was a lot to tell them. When we were finished catching up, Lance got them set up in one of our spare bedrooms, so my mum would be close by anytime I wanted to see her.

  I had no objections to them staying with us in our living quarters, and I was thrilled for the chance to spend some real quality time with them. I loved my werecat parents, too, but I needed my werewolf mum to help me get through the challenging pregnancy, and I was filled with happiness to have her and my dad living there with us.

  Chapter 79

  Boy or Girl

  Celeste POV

  My werewolf parents had been living with us for over two months, and it was wonderful to be able to spend so much time with them. I had both sets of parents living in the castle, and they were getting along great. In fact, they seemed to have become the best of friends, and that brought me nothing but happiness.

  My morning sickness was finally starting to settle down, and I was beyond relieved about that. I had spent so much time feeling horrible over the past few months, I was ready for that nonsense to stop.

  I was still taking it as easy as possible, because Lance was adamant that he didn't want me doing anything that wasn't necessary. That being said, I was spending the majority of my time knitting little blankets and sweaters with my mums, or I was taking naps.

  I found the act of knitting to have a calming effect on me, and the finished products were so cute. I was always showing them to Lance, and he never failed to compliment our work. I could tell he liked seeing me do things for our cub, because he would always beam an ear to ear smile, and there would be a twinkle in his pretty blue eyes.

  We were both especially excited on this particular day, because we were having an ultrasound, and there was a good chance we would learn the gender of our cub. I had no preference either way, but Lance was hoping to hear the doctor say we would be having a boy. Since that's what he wanted, I was hoping for Lance to get his wish.

  When it was time to leave our living quarters, Lance insisted on carrying me, and I wasn't about to argue with him about it. I had learned over the past few months, that there was no point in picking a pointless fight about those kind of things. Especially, since he was just trying to be helpful and look out for my best interests.

  Once we arrived at the clinic, Lance carried me to the cot that the doctor directed him to, then he gently set me down on it. The doctor sat on a chair next to me, then he spent a few minutes inputting my information into some piece of medical equipment. When he was done, he lifted my shirt up and exposed my swollen belly.

  After he squirted some type of gel on my belly, he rubbed a funny shaped object over it, then he smiled and pointed at a screen, as he cheerfully stated, "That, my dear, is your cub."

  Lance and I both stared at that screen in awe. We could see a defined little body, and it was moving around, but I could barely feel the movement inside of me. I found that to be miraculous, and I couldn't pull my eyes away, as the doctor took various measurements.

  When he was done with that, he started moving the funny shaped object again, then he curiously asked, "Would you like to know the cub's gender."

  Right away, I gushed, "Yes! We definitely want to know!"

  The doctor chuckled for a second, then he happily chirped, "You have a healthy boy cub growing in there. You appear to be three months into the pregnancy, so start getting ready, because you only have around three months before he's ready to come out."

  Lance jumped up and started excitedly fist pumping the air, and there was no stopping me from laughing at my adorable mate. I loved seeing him so excited about our pup, and that definitely made my own excitement soar even higher.

  Before we left the clinic, my doctor printed off a few of the ultrasound images for us, then Lance scooped me back up in his arms with a proud smile stretching across his incredibly handsome
face. I could feel his happiness coursing through our mate bond, and it was a wonderful feeling.

  On the walk back to our living quarters, Lance was making me laugh nonstop. Every time we would pass somebody in the halls, he would proudly demand, "Kindly clear the way, please! We have our future King on board!"

  Of course, they would move to the side and beam smiles, as they told us congratulations. Everybody living or working at the castle was excited about us expecting a cub, and they were always doing nice things to help us prepare for his arrival.

  The week before, Susie brought us her bassinet from when she was a cub, and it was such a cute bassinet. It was all white with a pretty lace trim covering the outside, and it held sentimental value since Susie had also slept in it as a cub.

  Lynzee had been sporadically bringing me toys and cute little onesies that could worn by a boy or a girl, and I appreciated her for doing that. I knew she was going to spoil this cub to death after I gave birth to him, but I didn't mind. I loved knowing that he would have so many people looking out for him and making sure he stayed safe.

  As soon as we got back to our living quarters, we were greeted by all of our closest friends and family. Even Lance's parents had come to visit for the occasion. They were eager to hear what gender our cub was, and I didn't waste anytime happily chirping, "Three more months until our future King will be born!"

  Instantly, cheers filled the air followed by a round of congratulations. Meanwhile, Lance made his way around everybody to the couch, then he sat down with me on his lap.

  With his arms wrapped protectively around me, and the palms of his hand resting on my protruding belly, he snuggled his face against my neck, then he affectionately murmured, "You're such an amazing mate."


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