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Irresistible (Destiny Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Lea Hart

  When she looked up into his eyes, she saw how he was suffering and knew his answer. “I think it’s time for you leave.”


  Waiting, she wanted to see what he had. When nothing came out of his mouth, she knew exactly what she had. Nothing. “I’ve got my security handled, so there’s nothing to worry about. You can go and not feel guilty.”

  “But I wanted to be the one to take care of you.”

  “Those are lovely words, but your actions are saying something else. TRG has me covered, and they can assign a bodyguard if I need it. They are in contact with Ruth’s parole officer, so we’re apprised of her movements. Nothing for you to concern yourself with.” She stood and crossed her arms over her chest. “My life got a little crazy. There is no need to get yourself tangled up in it. I’ve taken the necessary steps and I’m in good shape. I’m sorry you got yourself mixed up in the nonsense with Drew, and I hope that it doesn’t cost you too much.”

  “I don’t care about my career. I care about you, and I want to be good enough.”

  “I appreciate the sentiment. I, however, cannot get involved with someone who wonders if he deserves me. I’ve done that and paid the price. That’s on you, and I can’t do a thing about it.” Tilting her head, she studied him. “I’m just a regular girl who wants a regular man to spend time with. It’s not that complicated.”

  Moving away from the table, she shrugged. “No harm, no foul.” She walked into the hall and waited for him to follow. When he slowly moved in her direction, she opened the door. “Take care, Brock.”

  “I love you, Lilly. I always have and I always will.”

  “That’s a nice sentiment.” As he walked past her, she firmed her body. The last thing she wanted to do was grab him and hug him as hard as she could. Because that’s what she wanted to do. Closing the door quietly, she locked it and watched him walk down the path. Falling in love didn’t always mean you got a happy ending. She loved him, but she wasn’t going to settle.


  Two Months Later

  Brock walked out of the station and felt the breeze brush across his face. It was done. Thank God. No one had agreed with his decision, and they’d tried everything to convince him to change his mind. But he wouldn’t. Or, more accurately…couldn’t.

  Accepting responsibility for his actions and living with the consequences meant that he could move on. Which is exactly what he meant to do. He had a new career in the private sector that he was actually looking forward to. TRG wanted him to start right away and had a list of assignments for him the moment he walked through the door.

  Loren followed with his union representative and was deep in conversation. It didn’t seem like there was much left to discuss after he resigned. Maybe they were talking about another case. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he entered his password and was greeted with a picture of Lilly. The sudden sharp pain was something he expected and almost welcomed. It told him that the work he was doing had a purpose.

  The last two months he’d spent with a counselor had been about as pleasant as he’d expected. Facing his demons and feelings was harder work than he ever would’ve guessed. But it was work that had to be done if he wanted to find his way back to Lilly.

  Every day was meant to take him one step closer to that possibility, and he’d made sure to keep her updated on his progress. Every day, he’d sent her a long email telling her about his day and what he’d been doing. It took a month for her to reciprocate, but she finally had. There was no way he was going to lose the connection with her while he got himself together, so he was relieved when she didn’t shut him out.

  Loren walked toward him and gave him a small smile. She wasn’t happy with him, but that was something he could live with. What he couldn’t live with was a protracted fight with the department. He was happy with the resolution they’d come to and figured she would be eventually. “Can I buy my lawyer lunch?”

  “Another day. I have to get back to the office and draft the final agreement so I can get it over to Drew’s attorney. I’m not taking the chance of them changing their minds. I want his signature on it by tomorrow.”

  “Thank you for everything.”

  Punching him in the arm, she shook her head. “No thank-you necessary. You’re family, and I couldn’t very well leave you in the hands of the department. Even if you didn’t take my advice.”

  “I used excessive force, and I had to accept the consequences. This way it’s done and I can move on.”

  “You could’ve kept your job if you’d really wanted to.”

  “But at what price?” Leaning back, he crossed his arms. “I’m actually looking forward to working for TRG. It may be a better fit for me and my skill set. Uncle Sam spent over a million dollars training me, and I’d like to get as much use out of it as I can.”

  “Makes sense. Standing out on the highway and interviewing people is probably not the best use of your talent.” After setting her briefcase down, she rolled her shoulders. “I’m impressed with TRG. They’ve done a great job with Lilly’s house, and the electronic tracking program they have is like nothing I’ve seen before. I’ve recommended them to a bunch of people, and I’m using them for the new client I have.”

  “I’m going to be working in the Risk Management and Executive Protection Divisions. I also told them I would teach classes in their Ready Department.”

  “Are you going to be traveling, or do they plan to keep you in the States?”

  “I told them that I didn’t want international assignments. If I hope to convince Lilly to take me on, then I need to be here, not on the other side of the world. I’ve spent most of the last eight years OCONUS, and I want to stay home and build a future.”

  “I’m proud of you.” Tilting her head, she studied him. “I wanted to kill you after I saw how upset my sister was, but I see now it was the best thing that could’ve happened. You could’ve taken the easy road and bluffed your way through, but you chose to get yourself healthy.”

  “You think Lilly agrees with you, or is she done waiting?”

  “Can’t really say. That is something you have to ask her.”

  Not exactly what he wanted to hear, but he respected the sister code of solidarity. “I’m about ready to do just that.”

  “I’d better get out of here.” Opening her arms, she gave him a hug. “I’ll let you know when I receive the signed agreement.”

  “Thanks, Loren.” He waited for her to pick up her briefcase and walk toward her car before he did the same. Once he was in his truck, he sent a text asking Lilly when she would be available to come by his house. He had a lot to tell her, and he wanted her to see how he’d spent the last two months. He hoped to God she approved of what he’d done.

  Just as he was about to pull out, his phone buzzed with a call. Lifting it up, he didn’t recognize the number. “Landry,” he answered. “Are you sure? Okay, on my way.” Throwing the truck into gear, he drove out of the lot and prayed his heart wouldn’t explode. How in the hell had Ruth managed to escape her halfway house? If she was headed toward Lilly, he was going to make damn sure she encountered him first. As he drove toward the highway, he called Lilly’s cell phone. If he was lucky, she would answer and he could make sure she stayed inside until he could get there. When the call got dumped into voice mail, he cursed. Slamming his hands on the steering wheel, he took the last corner on three wheels. He left her a message and hoped to God she got it in time. His next call was to TRG. When his new boss answered his call, he gave him a quick download and let him know he was on the way. He thought about calling Pete and asking for backup but decided against it. He had no idea if Ruth was headed for Lilly, and he knew the police couldn’t respond to a what-if call.


  As he made his way through the streets that would lead to Lilly’s townhome, he kept his eyes peeled for any sign of Ruth. He had no idea if she had access to a car. For all he knew, she could be in a taxi. He’d studied the file ba
ck in January when Lilly had first told him about it and felt confident he would recognize her.

  There was also the possibility that she was nowhere near here and had in fact been cured of her obsession. At least, that’s what the doctors out at the forensic unit had said in their report. Not that he believed a word of it. The state hospital was overcrowded, and they’d probably made a decision based on that and not Ruth’s recovery from schizophrenia and the ten other things she suffered from.

  As he turned onto Lilly’s street, he noticed it was quiet with only a few cars parked on the street. Driving as slowly as he dared, he checked out each vehicle and determined Ruth wasn’t hiding out in any of them. Letting out a deep breath, he sent up a prayer of thanks. Parking directly in front of Lilly’s, he turned off the truck and leaned forward, looking up at her townhome. Everything seemed quiet. Which, he knew, often didn’t mean a thing.

  He pulled out his phone and called Lilly’s land line. When she didn’t answer it, he tried her cell again. While he waited for the call to connect, he checked his mirrors and noted that the street remained quiet. It was three on a Tuesday afternoon, so he expected it to be. When Lilly answered breathlessly, he almost choked. “Are you okay?”

  “Hello, Brock, and how are you?”

  “Don’t be a smart-ass. Ruth is on the loose, and I need to know if you’re okay.”

  “I’m fine. I’m unloading groceries.”

  “I’ll come around and help.” Before she could protest, he ended the call and grabbed his gun out of its lockbox. He slid it into the back of his jeans, pulled his jacket over it, and jumped out of the car. Jogging around the townhome, he followed the path that led to the back. All the garages were in the rear and were bordered by a large walkway and small lake. When he saw no one loitering and Lilly’s garage door open, he figured they were clear. At least for now.

  When she came into sight, he felt better than he had in a very long time. God damn, he missed her. With every fiber of his being, every bone in his body and every beat of his heart. The time they’d spent together had fused her into his being. “Hi, honey.” Her head flew up and their eyes locked. Walking slowly in her direction, he wondered if she would allow him to hug her. “You are a sight for sore eyes.” When she clamped her mouth shut, he prayed that she was going to give him a chance. When she was within his reach, she held up her hand for him to stop. “I…”

  “No!” she said. “I get to talk first. I have something to say to you.”


  “Okay.” Leaning against the car, she ran her hand over her stomach and let out a breath.

  “Are you pregnant?” The confused look she gave him told her he was totally off base. “Sorry, I just thought that when you put your hand on your stomach it might…well, might mean that we got pregnant.”

  “You have lost your ever-loving mind and might want to ask for a refund from the therapist you’re seeing. No, I’m not pregnant.” Clasping her hands together, she took a deep breath and then gasped. “Oh, shit.”

  Moving his body in front of her, he slowly moved his hand up his leg and to his waist. He spoke quietly. “Is it Ruth?”

  “Yes,” she replied in a shaky voice. “She’s wearing sunglasses, so I can’t see her eyes. I don’t know if she’s off her medication.”

  “How far away is she?”

  “If she has a gun, she’ll have no problem hitting us.”

  “She’s been MIA for two days, so she could’ve gotten a gun. I want you to stay behind me. I’m over two hundred fifty pounds. The bullet will probably get lodged in me and you should be safe.”

  “I know how much you weigh. I don’t know why you’re pointing that out right now. You fell asleep on me a couple of times, so I know how dense you are.”

  “I never fell asleep on you. I was merely trying to get my muscles working again after you had your way with me and made me incapable of thought or movement.”

  “I did no such thing. You were the one getting your way.”

  He noticed her hand moving toward her purse. “What are you doing?”

  “Getting my gun.”

  “I have my gun and I can take her out if she threatens us. I’m the one who’s going to protect you, God damn it.”

  “She’s about twenty-five meters away now. And I’m a very good shot and can protect myself.”

  He slid his gun out of his pants, moved it around his waist and held it against his stomach. “You stay behind me.” Turning around slowly, he got his first glimpse of the woman who had caused Lilly so much pain and agony. She was a small woman in her late thirties with mouse-brown hair. Nothing about her suggested she possessed the capability to wreak so much violence.

  “I know her looks are totally deceiving.”

  The fact that they were on the same wavelength told him they were eventually going to be okay. As long as Ruth didn’t get a lucky shot. He felt Lilly’s arm wrap around his waist, and his heart threw itself against his ribcage. At least she trusted him to keep her safe. Widening his stance, he broadened his shoulders and kept his limbs loose. As Ruth moved toward them, he slid the safety off and called out a greeting. “Hello.”

  “Who are you?” she said in a voice pitched with hysteria.

  “She’s off her meds,” Lilly said against his back. “Her voice is normally much lower.”

  “Good to know,” he responded. He watched Ruth rip her glasses off. He recognized the wild-eyed look of a fanatic. He’d seen it enough times to know she was in her own world. The suicide bombers he’d encountered too many times had looked the same way.

  “I’m back, Lilly, and I want you to know we can be friends again.”

  “Ruth, I’m Lilly’s boyfriend, Brock. I’ve heard a lot about you and look forward to getting to know you.” If he could stall her long enough, one of the guys from TRG might arrive and be able to subdue her. His focus was on protecting Lilly, and he couldn’t go after Ruth without leaving Lilly vulnerable. Which he would never do.

  “I don’t think Lilly should have a boyfriend,” Ruth responded.

  Brock saw her hand move into her purse and took in a deep breath as he lifted his gun. The moment he saw a glint of metal in her hand, he let out a breath and pressed the trigger. The bullet he released flew into her hand as the gun she had pulled out clattered to the ground. Watching her collapse, he rushed forward and kept his gun pointed at her until he could kick the gun away from her body. The woman who had terrorized Lilly let out a feral cry of anguish. He wasn’t sure if it was from the physical pain or the loss of her dream. As he stood over her, he watched her eyes glaze over and figured she was headed for a catatonic state. “Call 911,” he said over his shoulder.

  He didn’t have any cuffs or zip ties on him, so he couldn’t secure her. Keeping one eye on her, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Lilly sitting on the garage floor next to her car, with her gun in her hand. The air was filled with the sounds of Popcorn barking like crazy. “Are you okay?” he called out.

  “Not sure,” she said quietly.

  A black SUV turned the corner. Brock saw the TRG logo and knew backup had arrived. He slipped his phone out and dialed 911. When the call was answered, he relayed the information as quickly as possible. Two men jumped out of the truck and moved toward them with their guns raised. “She’s all yours,” he said as they came closer. “GSW to the hand.”

  “Roger that,” the taller of the two responded.

  Tilting his head in Lilly’s direction, Brock slipped his gun into his pants. “Going to take care of my girl.” He turned, jogged over to Lilly, and scooped her into his lap. “It’s all done. She’s never going to bother you again.” When he felt her nod against his chest, he tightened his grip and buried his face in her hair. He was going to do everything in his power to make sure Ruth stayed under lock and key. The relief that swept through his body was overwhelming and tears slipped down his face. The last time that happened, he was standing next to his mama’s grave. He’d been twelve and vowed
that he never wanted to feel that much pain again. Seemed that wasn’t possible if you let people in and loved them. And he’d finally found the courage to do just that. He just hoped that Lilly would still give him a chance.


  Tuesday Evening

  Lilly closed the door, heard the lock engage, and let out a breath of relief. Popcorn barked and she patted his head. “I think it’s over. For good.” She walked into the kitchen and saw Brock busy. It looked like he was heating up soup and getting sandwiches together. “Are you making supper?”

  Glancing up, he winked. “My specialty. Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches.”

  She slid into a chair at the island and watched him open a bottle of wine. He poured a generous amount and brought it over. After he set it down, he kissed her head. “You don’t have to stay,” she said. “I’m fine.”

  “I know.” Bracing his hands against the counter, he gave her a small smile. “I have a lot to tell you, and I’m hoping you’ll hear me out.”

  “All right. We might as well get this over with.” When she saw him cringe, she felt bad for her word choice. Then she remembered what the last two months had been like and figured brutal honesty was best. One way or another, they were going to move on. Her heart didn’t have another choice.

  Looking down, she noticed Popcorn sitting at her feet on guard. He hadn’t growled at Brock, but he wasn’t welcoming either. She got that. She felt about the same way. Best to keep on alert because who knew what was going to happen next?

  Before she knew it, he had everything ready and they were sitting side by side at the island. “Thanks for cooking.”


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