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Irresistible (Destiny Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Lea Hart


  They sat in companionable silence and ate. The quiet of the house was welcome after all the chaos of the afternoon. Between TRG, the sheriff’s department, and the paramedics, her neighborhood had been a three-ring circus. Add to that the local news station and she figured her neighbors were about done with her. “You think the news crews are going to come back?”

  “I don’t think so.” He pushed his plate away and turned in his chair. “The story is over, and all they would get are pictures of you walking Popcorn.”

  “I hope you’re right. TRG is now monitoring all my social media accounts, and they said there’s been a spike in searches for my name. The traffic on my website is through the roof, and I’ve had a ton of new followers on Facebook.”

  “Are they buying your books as well?”

  “Sales are up across the retailers. I’m not real comfortable with people discovering my books this way, but I can’t do anything about it.”

  “I’m assuming they haven’t detected any threats or malicious activity.”

  “They haven’t mentioned anything, so I’m assuming nothing has come up.”

  “I’m going to work for them in about a month. They wanted me to start sooner, but I’m going to take some time off.”

  She watched his face and noticed his easy smile. That wasn’t what she expected to see when he announced the end of his career as a sheriff. “So it’s over.”

  “As of today.”

  Covering his hand, she squeezed it. “I’m sorry.”

  “Let’s go sit on the couch and catch up.”

  Nodding her head in agreement, she got up and collapsed into the corner of the couch. Popcorn jumped up and sat next to her, thus ensuring Brock sat on the opposite end. She slid her hand over the dog’s head. When Brock joined her, she let out a little laugh. “Guess Popcorn is letting you know how it’s going to be.”

  “Seems so.”

  When he sat down and remained quiet, she decided to start things off. He might not want to stick around after he heard what she had to say. “I love you,” she said firmly. “With all the shattered pieces of my heart. I love you, and if that’s not good enough, then don’t drag this out. Let me go. If you’re not going to give me your heart, then you can’t keep mine prisoner. You don’t get to have it all.” As hard as her heart was beating, she was glad she had gotten those words out.

  He stood abruptly and moved to pick her up. When he got butted in the leg by the dog, he looked down. “I know I screwed up, but I’m going to fix this.”

  Watching him wait for Popcorn’s agreement about made her laugh. The mighty warrior was smart enough to respect how things worked in her house. Popcorn laid his head down and let out a little snuffle. Guess the dog was going to let him have his say. Before she knew it, he swept her into his arms and sat down.

  “I love you, Lilly. I told you that when I walked out of here two months ago, and I’ve made sure to tell you that every day since. I just had to do some work to make sure I was going to be a good partner.”

  “I already knew that about you. People talk about what they would do or choose in difficult situations, but they’re never really tested. Before the incident with Drew, I knew what you would do. What choice you would ultimately make. I had no doubts.”

  “Well, I had a ton. The lethal warrior side of me has to be controlled, and I needed to make sure I had the tools to ensure that happened.”

  “I appreciate that you have taken the steps to do that, but you didn’t have to leave to do it.” Looking down at his hands, she wondered if that little boy inside would ever figure out that he didn’t have to be perfect. “I love you because I’ve seen all of you. You are flawed and that’s what makes you lovable to me. I know that when it comes down to it, you will put yourself between me and a bullet. Just know that I would do the same for you.”

  “I know.”

  “So, what now?” she asked carefully. “What would you like to happen next?”

  “How honest can I be?”


  “You still have those ribbons?”


  “That’s what I want. You wearing nothing but a pink silk ribbon.”

  “So, we’re moving right into reunion sex?”

  “Yes, please,” he growled.

  “All right. I guess we can figure out the rest later.”

  “We love each other. Can that be enough for now?”

  Speaking against his mouth, she whispered, “Yes.”

  When he lifted her in one motion, she felt the breath leave her body. Two months of misery disappeared as he sealed their mouths together. “Oh, Brock…”

  “What, darlin’? Tell me what you want.”

  “I don’t know. I feel like I’m going to break apart into a million different pieces. This day has been too much.”

  “Then let’s shatter together and put ourselves back together, so we end up as one.” Stepping over Popcorn, he strode briskly toward the stairs. “I missed you every minute of every day that we were separated. I kept telling myself that it was worth it.”

  Hanging on to his neck, she nodded. “It was because now you have the tools to manage all those demons rattling around in your head.”

  “That’s true.” Kissing her hair, he stepped into the bedroom. Lilly’s scent surrounded him, and he felt like he’d finally made a home. Releasing his hold, he let her slip down his body. “Are you going to let me unwrap you like a present?”


  Lifting his hand, he let his fingers drag over her collarbone. “I love every part of you.”

  Moving into his touch, she tilted her head and closed her eyes. “I forgot…”

  “Forgot what, darlin’?” Moving his hand to her top, he whisked it over her head in one motion.

  “How you make me feel.” Lifting her eyes, she met his gaze. “No one has ever come close.”

  “That’s ’cause we’re meant for each other.” Sliding his hand down her waist, he unzipped her skirt and let it pool at her feet, then stripped off her bra and panties. “God damn, you’re beautiful.”

  Wagging her finger, she laughed. “Strip and remind me what I’ve been missing.”

  Bowing, he said, “Your wish is my command.” After getting rid of his clothes in record time, he scooped her up and tumbled her back onto the mattress. He moved over and settled right where he wanted to spend every single night for the rest of his life. In her bed, and in her arms.

  He braced his arms next to her head and gazed into her eyes, already dark and needy with desire. All for him. They had a lot to talk about. But right now, they needed this. Sliding his fingers through her folds, he grinned. “May not even need to tie you up to get what I want.”

  Moving her hips in rhythm with his strokes, she hummed. “What do you want?”

  “Everything. You’re mine, every inch, every scream, and every need. Whatever you want, I’ll give you.” When he felt her nod, he slipped two fingers into her tight heat and felt her tense. Moving his thumb to her bud, he pressed down and then hooked his fingers. “Let go.” Within a second, the woman he loved fell apart in his arms as her orgasm shimmered across her body.

  “You own me in every way.” He shifted his hips and, in one long stroke, buried himself deep in the woman who made him feel alive and vulnerable. There was no going back. His heart was open and in her hands.

  Lilly rocked her hips. He pressed in deeper, keeping her still. “Let me feel you wrapped around me for a minute.”

  Lifting her head, she pressed their mouths together. Which is exactly what he needed—no separation. He moved slowly at first, dragging out every second of loving her that he could. Then, before he knew it, she was up to her old tricks. Damn yoga. Her body gripped him and her legs circled his waist. “Oh, no you don’t.” Rearing up, he drank in the sight of her flushed skin and sheen of sweat covering her brow. “Behave and let me love you.” Her eyes darkened as he thrust in deep.

/>   “More, Brock.”

  “I’ll give you more.” Gently he turned her over and lifted her onto to her knees. “You sure?” he said against her back. He kissed the hollow at the base of her spine and slid his fingers against her clit.

  “Everything,” she ground out.

  She pressed her ass back as he entered her wet center, and he gritted his teeth against the release that was roaring down his spine. He wanted to climb into her skin and make them one. Laying his chest along her back, he nibbled the shell of her ear, then kissed his way down her spine, his heart racing with anticipation.

  “Quit teasing,” she moaned and pressed her body against his.

  “Oh…you want this…” Gripping her hips, he drove his cock into her center as far as she would let him. His slick chest met her back as he reached around to her mouth. She sucked his fingers, nearly making him come. He slid one wet finger into her tightest orifice and felt her grip him impossibly tighter.

  “More,” she panted as she rose up and brought them as close as two people could get. Her head fell back as the orgasm tore through her, claiming her, pulsating around Brock’s hard shaft.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist as she seated herself fully on his lap, her inner muscles still claiming them both.

  “What was that? That was so amazing.”

  Gathering her hair, he swept it over one shoulder and then kissed her neck. “I want you on top of me so I can watch you come.” He lifted her easily by the waist, lay on his back, then lowered her onto his slick erection.

  “You feel so good.” Pressing her palms to his chest, she rode him.

  “Good doesn’t even come close.” It took all his focus to keep from coming. She was so beautiful, opening up to him, riding him. Becoming one with him. He couldn’t wait another second. He had to see her come so he could give in to the mounting pressure of his own release. He pulled her down on top of him and kissed her hard. “One more time, darlin’.” He sucked one breast into his mouth while squeezing her other nipple with his fingers.


  Bringing his hand between her legs, he stroked her the way she loved. She gripped his shoulders and squeezed her eyes shut as she spiraled over the edge. He swept her beneath him mid-orgasm and drove into her harder and faster, prolonging her orgasm and taking him right to the brink. His balls tightened and his body flashed hot as he shouted her name and surrendered to his own intense release. Gripping her in his arms, he held her close as he emptied himself again and again. Finally, they were one.


  Brock climbed the stairs with Popcorn following him. As far as he could tell, they had a truce. The dog wasn’t growling, but he wasn’t all that approving either. Brock figured it was going to take time to work his way back into their lives. Not a problem. Because he wouldn’t stop trying until he succeeded.

  Walking into the bedroom, he saw Lilly sitting up in bed in her robe. The shower they’d taken together was one for the record books, and her happy smile told him that she’d enjoyed it as much as he had. Lifting the carton of ice cream, he grinned. “I bring sustenance.”

  “I need it after what you’ve done to me.”

  “We haven’t managed to use the ribbons yet, so get ready for some real debauchery.” Collapsing onto the bed, he handed her a spoon and held the ice cream out. “Eat up, honey. You’re going to need your strength.”

  She dug into the carton and then lifted her spoon out. “You are crazy.”

  “For you,” he said as he leaned over and kissed her shoulder. When she rolled her eyes, he knew it was just an act. She got a kick out it when he told her how he felt. “I love you.”

  When she licked the last of the ice cream off her spoon, she cocked her head. “You sure about that?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. I know they’re just words to you right now, but know that I will follow it up with action every day for the rest of my life. You will never doubt how much you are loved when I’m done with you.”

  She leaned forward and kissed him. “I guess that’s something that I’d like to see.”

  “Prepare to be wooed and won, darlin’. I’m coming for you.”

  “Bring it on.” She gave him a big grin and then took the carton of ice cream out of his hand and set it on the dresser. “Tell me what happened today at work.”

  “I’m officially retired from the sheriff’s department by mutual consent. Loren assured me that this will allow the case to go forward against Drew with fewer complications. His family lawyer cannot bring up my actions in court because they’re now a nonissue. He will face the felony battery charges and then the civil charges when he’s brought into court and can’t use me as a bartering chip.”

  “You didn’t have to leave your job for that to happen. I wasn’t planning on walking away from the report I filed.”

  Taking her hand in his, he nodded. “I know. But this makes it easier and won’t allow him to muck up the waters. I’ve accepted the consequences, and that leaves his attorneys with few options.”

  “Oh, Brock, what a mess. I’m so sorry you had to get tangled up in it.”

  Lifting her chin, he made sure he had her full attention. “I’m tangled up with you, and your battles are mine. Always will be.”

  “I hope my battles are almost done. The lawsuit over my books is finished, and Loren received a check from Drew’s family for her legal fees. Tina has moved to New Orleans because she pissed off too many people in town to stay. And Ruth…poor woman is going back to the forensic unit at the hospital.”

  “How can you say ‘poor woman’?” Shaking his head, he squeezed her hands. “She had a gun and was ready to shoot.”

  “She is ill and doesn’t have control of her faculties.”

  “I don’t know how you can be so forgiving.”

  Pulling him forward, she lay back on the pillows and held him in her arms. “It’s the only way. I’m not carrying that anger around. I’m forgiving and moving on. It all worked out, so that’s what matters.”

  He held her tightly and he couldn’t believe that such a good woman loved him. “I guess all those years with the nuns have given you a better understanding of the Seven Heavenly Virtues than I’ll ever hope to have.”

  “We are all a combination of sin and virtue, and right now I’m choosing to focus on forgiveness. In another thirty minutes, I may be focusing on lust.”

  “I knew I picked the right woman to love.” When she placed a kiss on his head, he closed his eyes and drank in the emotion that was swelling in his chest. She loved him, and he was going to make damn sure he deserved it.

  “You didn’t pick me, and I didn’t pick you. We’re each other’s destiny.”

  His heart detonated, and he buried his face in her hair. Hearing her admit that they were fated for one another allowed him to believe that all the things he wanted were possible.



  Standing in the living room, Brock took one last look around and decided he’d done as much as he could. The house he’d bought a year ago and redone was ready for Lilly. Or as ready as he could make it. If she agreed to his proposal, then she would make all the final decisions on decorating. What he’d done, along with the help of his brothers, was create a beautiful box. Making it a home would be up to her. And that’s what he wanted—a home with Lilly. All he had to do was see if she was interested.

  The last couple of days had given him hope, and he prayed that his ideas and her ideas about what that meant were not too far apart. The last several months had been about as brutal as could be. How many couples dealt with a deranged stalker and an ex-boyfriend who thought violence was the answer? Not many. But here they were on the other side of most it and still together. At least, he hoped they were together.

  Nothing had been formally discussed, and that’s what today was about. Discussing the state of their union. A soft knock on the door told him he was minutes away from finding out whether he w
as going to live happily ever after or be crushed into a pile of dust. Smoothing down his T-shirt, he squared his shoulders and walked to the door.

  Swinging it open, he was greeted with his favorite sight: a smiling Lilly. “Hi, honey.” He stepped back and swept his arm up. “Welcome home.” The funny look she gave him suggested his statement might’ve been a bit much. Oh, well.

  “This is a beautiful old house,” she said. “Looks like it’s been completely restored. I like that little pond you’ve got out front with the bridge crossing it.”

  Taking her hand, he leaned in and kissed her cheek. “You will be happy to know that this area didn’t flood back in February. We’re on high ground, so you’ll be safe and dry here.” He tugged her down the hall. “Let me show you around. Brody and I have been working on it for about a year, and we’ve got it almost done.” He led her past the dining room and the master bedroom into the great room. “The kitchen just got finished yesterday. I had to wait for the countertops.” He watched Lilly walk into the kitchen and run her hands over the smooth surface.

  “This is what I wanted to put in my house.” Turning in a full circle, she grinned. “This is a perfect kitchen.”

  “I’m glad you like it, honey.” He led her over to the windows and wrapped his arms around her waist. “The pool hasn’t been updated yet, but it will be in the spring. We have about two acres, so there’s plenty of room for Popcorn and the kids to play.” When she didn’t comment on his not-so-subtle hints, he figured she knew what he was up to. “Let’s go upstairs and I’ll show you the rooms.”

  “When you talked about the house you’ve been redoing, I had no idea. This is a lot of room for one man.”

  “It was in foreclosure and I got a great deal. I couldn’t pass it up, and I figured that I could fill it up someday.” He led her past the master bedroom, toward the stairs. That would be the last stop on the tour and the place he hoped to consummate his offer.

  Once they were standing at the head of the stairs, he led her to the balcony that overlooked the downstairs. The tall windows that faced the back of the property allowed them an unobstructed view. They could see the grove of trees that bisected the backyard. Standing behind her, he wrapped his arms around her waist again and rested his chin on her shoulder. “What do you think?”


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