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The Romanovs

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by Simon Sebag Montefiore

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  Marx on zoology; Bismarck on Coburg as studfarm of Europe, both quoted in A. N. Wilson, Victoria: A Life (henceforth Wilson) 19.



  This account based on GARF 601.2.27 Yakov Yurovsky’s notes 1920 and 1 February 1934 plus unpublished notes (five in total); Empress Alexandra diary, June–July 1918, stored in GARF 640.1 and published Last Diary of Tsaritsa Alexander, V. Kozlov and V. Khrustalev (eds.) (henceforth ‘Alexandra diary’). Nicholas II diary, April– June 1918, GARF 601.1.217–266 (henceforth ‘ND’). These sources are also quoted in Mark D. Steinberg and Vladimir M. Khrustalëv, The Fall of the Romanovs (henceforth Fall) 320–66. Also Greg King and Penny Wilson, The Fate of the Romanovs (henceforth Fate) 282–317 and Helen Rappaport, Ekaterinburg: The Last Days of the Romanovs, 184–202.


  Offer of throne to Michael Romanov based on: RGADA–5, Gramota tsaryu Mikhailu Fedorovichu, poslannaya v Kostromu s arkhimandritom Feodoritom i boyarinym F. I. Sheremetevym 2 Marta 1613 (The Charter of the Zemsky Sobor to Tsar Mikhail Fyodorovich of his election to the throne, 2 March 1613) RGADA–44, March 1613, Gramota arkhiepiskopa Feodorita i F. I. Sheremeteva k Zemskomu Soboru (Formal report of the Kostroma delegates to the Zemsky Sobor on Tsar Mikhail’s consent to be tsar). Sergei Soloviev, History of Russia (henceforth Soloviev) 16.1–15. George Vernadsky, History of Russia (henceforth Vernadsky) 5.1.278–83. Robert Crummey, Aristocrats and Servitors: The Boyar Elite 1613–89 (henceforth Crummey), 1–28. Michael: Olearius, Travels of Olearius (henceforth Olearius) 62, 191, 262. G. E. Orchard (trans. and ed.), I. Massa, A Short History of the Beginnings and Origins of These Present Wars in Moscow: Under the Reign of Various Sovereigns Down to the Year 1610 (henceforth Orchard), 30–4. Presence of Saltykov brothers as advisers: Russell E. Martin, A Bride for the Tsar: Brideshows and Marriage Politics in Early Modern Russia (henceforth Martin) 180–2.




  RGADA–44, March 1613, Gramota arkhiepiskopa Feodorita i F. I. Sheremeteva k Zemskomu Soboru (Formal report of the Kostroma delegates to the Zemsky Sobor on Tsar Mikhail’s consent to be tsar). Soloviev 16.1–12. Vernadsky 5.1.278–83.


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