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My Father's Universe

Page 20

by Mitch

  Seeing the sulfur coming down thick and heavy. Tara had the Dinghy’s roof closed. Kedar worried, “I cannot use the fiery cat-tails, or we’ll burn also.”

  Tara snapped, “I don’t know if this will work, but here we go.” She asked the Dinghy if it could go in the water and flush the sulfur off.

  The Dinghy answered, “Why not?” With everyone inside, the Dinghy plunged in; at first it sat on the surface, then submerged doing a couple shakes, getting all the sulfur off. As it came out of the water, Kedar had his bow and a fiery cattail ready for combat.

  Flying beside the Dinghy, Kedar was shooting hot cat-tails as fast as the ladies handed them to him. Mona asked, “What happens if your bow string breaks?”

  “It’s not likely but, I do have spares.”

  Several flying red devils disintegrated in the foul air. Other rogue fliers were falling like shooting stars, sparks quickly set wings burning, and without wings, they became diving missiles exploding on impact. A larger, diabolic flying ant jetted at him full speed. Kedar, in a flash, sent his arrow deep into the demon ant’s black heart; heavy-ripping screams, proved its effectiveness.

  Desperation in the eyes of Kedar and his crew turned to amazement as they glimpsed a broad dark figure heading for a building full of sugar. As it went in, Kedar sent several fiery cat-tails flying through the door. It didn’t take long for the sugar o catch fire, forcing the sugar eater out. Face covered with sticky sugar, it looked in their direction.

  Mona chuckled, “I’ll wager it thinks it’s sweet.” It grunted, then stood up on its hind legs like an angry hungry bear and snarled, leaned back on its tail for support, as if setting on a three-legged stool, and hissed. Its face was triangular with a broad forehead that sloped, supporting a large flat nostril. There was no doubt it had been smashed in a fight in the past. Below the chin, it had a red and white armor breastplate, ready to unleash terror on anyone that challenged its strength, giving a rumbling laugh. Cursing gushed through steel-bar teeth, followed by scraping hoofs sending dust, sand, and grass far behind. This one usually did not kill all at once. It mainly thrived on torturing its enemy before letting his followers kill and then gorge themselves on the banquet.

  Shy`re worried herself, “How can we stop that big overgrown creature?”

  Kedar replied, “I’ll get on the roof. Take several arrows and push spikes on the ends, dip them in the sulfur and oil mixture, light, and give me one at a time.” Several fiery arrows were sticking in the devils offspring but doing little harm. “I need a better target. I’ll fly above and shoot for the soft spot on its head.”

  Two arrows later, the devil’s helper was last seen running, fire and smoke puffing out of its head. It turned without provocation, heading in their direction, with each step, a puff of smoke shot out its head. It stumbled and fell, smokeless and lifeless. Shy`re remarked, “Now there’s a puffing ant that gave up smoking.”

  No one cheered, they were just glad it was dead. Kedar rubbed his stomach as he spoke, “We haven’t eaten for two days. I don’t know about you ladies, but my stomach thinks my throat has been tied shut.”

  Lize spoke up, “You’re not going to be hungry very long. A friend of mine owns a small shop two blocks away, I know there’s plenty to eat.” Kedar elected to stay with the Dinghy while the ladies went shopping. They came out loaded with food.

  While eating, Mona yelped, "There’s a horde of black tick ants and cloned half-bat ants sneaking around the shop we were just in. Another column of yellow vampire ants came around the base of a tower across from the shop.

  Nan`c remarked coldly, “Maybe they are hungry?”

  Lize had just finished her sandwich, “It’s too bad, I could have given them half of mine. If they are still hungry, this is their lucky day, let’s give them a hot meal, all the cat-tails they can eat.” They drove most of the freakish ants back across the street. The ants had no choice and disappeared into red hot cracking flames. Fortunately, the battle didn’t last very long. They were getting very low on cat-tails.

  Fawn remarked, “I do not want to be a pessimist at this moment. I would love to be an optimist knowing help was coming over the hill any second to keep this thing from turning into mayhem. We have to keep a good hold on this or lose what we gained.” Exhaustion began to take its toll on everyone.

  “AP54, come in. Anyone, please, we need your help desperately. Only two cat-tails and two arrows left, over.” pleaded Tara.

  Mona remarked, “We cannot afford the luxury of missing a single shot. What are we going to do when there’re no arrows left? If help doesn’t arrive quickly, I dread what will happen.”

  Bedlam opened its doors; thousands of buzzing wasp ants headed their way, shouting their victory song. (Hear our buzzer, lookout you buzzards below. You’re going to get a buzz job.) “Ah, buzz off,” warned the AP55. Nothing was more hopeless at that moment for the crew of the AP55 than throughout the war.

  Sounds of hissing in the distance eased their tension, two air cars came into sight. Kedar and his crew cheered so loud their voices became raspy. “Now that is a sight for sore eyes!” Fatigue disappeared.

  La`no was the first to arrive with cat-tails and arrows. “I had a premonition you would need more arrows and cat-tails. The ladies made more as soon as the battle started.”

  Hundreds from the Air cars were loaded into Dinghies AP54 and AP55. La`no and Eli electing to go with their wives, dashed off fighting and winning. They were in the thick of it, won yelled in the Dinghy’s AP54 phone, “Careah, there’s a large squadron behind you ready to drop rocks on you.”

  She stiffened angrily, turned, and let several cat-tails fly, sending fire flashing through their midst. As the whole shebang crashed to the ground, she faked a yawn saying, “Perhaps you would like to try again?”

  No one saw a small stone hit the right side of Eli’s head, he brushed it off as if nothing happened. The deplorable war was finally over. Most fires burned out by the next day. La`no answered the call on his vision watch, “Good, we’ll meet you there. The amphibian ships are pulling into the dock, everyone is safe. Let’s go and meet them.” The last words La`no said to the young ladies and men were explicit, “Commander Glenz will keep me informed on how things are going. When he gives you an order, you must obey it at once. The Lord be with you all.”

  After the Amphibian ships docked, everyone on shore was talking all at once. La`no held up his hand, “Commander Glenz will tell of their engagement hunting down the enemy, then you young heroes can fill in.”

  Commander Glenz began with their incredible encounter with the enemy. "After dropping Kedar and the ladies off, we headed for Arch Cove. Arriving there, our young warriors and jeeps (Beach Jeep) were unloaded. My men gave the young warriors their razor-sharp knives in case they would be needed, and, without a doubt, they were put to good use. In the first jeep, Ke`no and Shyla, the second, Rayco and Te`ro, the third, Jaydor and JoJo, the fourth, Tayln and Bo`J.

  They started fires like firebugs on the loose. You’ve never seen fires spread, so fast. Its roaring and screaming was unimaginable. Nothing controlled the draft of the fire. Fumes filled the air like thick fog from the burning oiled grass. Small buildings went first, ants scrambling everywhere. Other buildings erupted into angry flames, smoke spued, rolling low, then gradually pushed high, ants swarming over each other trying to escape. Some tried putting fires out by throwing their bodies into the fires. It was a losing cause and gave it up.

  Undoubtedly, you will find this hard to believe we all watched a hundred Cobra Ants chasing lizards. When the lizards came to the lake, without slowing, they ran on top of the water, clear across the lake before stopping and looked back, poking fun at their enemies. Did you ever hear or see such a thing before?" La`no and the others were shaking their heads with some doubt written across their faces. Careah and her crew looked at each other grinning!

  “The ships wakes bubbled like soda water being poured into a glass chalice. It took constant surveillance
keeping abreast of the jeeps. The young warriors and jeeps proved to be invaluable. Without them, it’s hard to say what would have happened. Our young heroes are a credit to our nation, all deserve the Medal of Honor. It will be an honor to have them in Ships-service that includes the ladies, if they desire to join. As a cabinet member of the shepherds, I’ll propose and approve a bill that will let young ladies join. We shall rename Ships-service, the Navy. So be it,” praised Commander Glenz. The astonished young ladies hugged each other; pride flushed forth.

  Navy Recruits

  The first two explosions roared raging anger and an enormous explosion followed. Black smoke filled the area with blurred visions of Black Hades. Commander Glenz called La`no, yelling above the inferno, “I’m sending the Aquarius, Aquila, and the Ekistics across the lake. The bloody ants are heading for the shipping docks. As soon as the place is secure, they will rejoin. It’s a wonder we can hear at all. I hope the loud explosions do not hurt the kid’s ears. Have the exhaust fans turned on.”

  La`no replied, “I have the fans on and the smoke and fumes are going out the live volcano. The kids were told they would be assailed by real creatures, not lurid visions or ghastly images. They could be killed outright! Worse, they could be taken prisoner, tortured to death, or eaten alive. Probably get sick and want to quit, which I will not blame them if they do.”

  A real test came when fire embraced a storage tank of flammable liquid. It rumbled, belching fire and smoke. It acted queer as the flames huddled together like a huge match burning, but much hotter before exploding. When it blew, the building next to it collapsed. A strange odor, fowl and acrid, floated by as it wafted from Stonebridge sewage treatment plant. The whole area was covered with untreated waste.

  Jaydor, a skilled yachtsman, used his skills handling the jeep, giving pointers to the others. JoJo kept her eyes on him because of her impaired hearing. She was born nearly deaf. The loud explosions were like popcorn popping to her. Jaydor would hand signal what to do and he had in his mind no ant had better come close to her. He watched her throwing torches and every move she made, making sure she got safely away. She was the fastest runner ever born in Hi-Why-O, running the first mile four minutes flat. No one has ever come close to her record. She looked around making sure everyone was clear before pitching, then ran for cover as fast as her long legs carried her, always outrunning the roaring destruction. Jaydor said to himself out loud, “That lady is going to be my wife!”

  The sailors watched in silence, but with meaningful support. They wanted to join the fight, but the Commander needed them to man the ships. The lookout’s job was to keep an eye on the ones on shore, giving a blast on the horn or call on the jeep radio if one of the young fighters were in danger. When they encountered a fierce challenge, the commander and captains instructed what and who to help others when needed. Buildings exploded into a myriad splinters and stone particles burned filling the air making kaleidoscope pictures. At night, the plow shape of the bow of the Aqua cut into the shining lake, hurling aside great phosphorescent waves. The wake sparkled as if studded with sapphires glittering and glowing around the ship.

  Commander Glenz had water hoses spraying, sweeping over the sandy beach close to the water’s edge. It was a cool relief for the fighting warriors. No one had eaten since breakfast. Now that the fighting slowed a little, sailors took sandwiches to the young warriors to eat on the run. The night had no moon nor stars, only a vague grayish-black overcast of pollution everywhere. A large horde of brutal, vicious, savage, inhuman, battle-hardened cur ants took advantage of the darkness and wormed their way toward the city of Hi-Why-J. Unfortunately, the small town fell to the enemy. Without light, nothing could pierce the thick black darkness. This night seemed darker than the others, full of screams, and filth filled the air. By fire light, deformed bodies could be seen twisting, clawing for assistance, gaining only death.

  Te`ro thought to herself, “It is so dark I can feel it. I wonder why dad hasn’t kept the lights on?” At that moment Aqua’s lights came on as well as the other ships. They had never driven the jeeps at night. This would be a new experience, having turned the jeep lights on. The others followed suit. It wasn’t as good as daylight, but under the circumstances, it served its purpose. It was time to let the ladies drive the jeep again. Two hours driving gave plenty of rest. It was rough driving the jeep at first, being quite different than just driving them on the beach having fun. No sooner had the ladies got in the jeep, a violent explosion, rasping bricks and metal, tearing, grating, and cracking let loose. Two more explosions followed close by.

  The young men vaulted into the jeeps and headed for cover. They raised their heads very slowly, like a turtle, and instantly retracted them as the next explosion ripped apart a stoneware house. They quickly covered their ears with their hands. The enormous detonation still shattered their ear drums. The air hissed violently as heavy objects flew overhead. Blow after blow, as if the place was stocked with huge power kegs of dangerously high explosives, set off in quick succession. When the noise subsided, there was nothing but groans, gurgles, and rumblings! A small wooden building on fire burst into small slabs about a foot long, flying through the stagnate air like shooting stars. One of the slabs sailed through the manufacturing plant’s window, causing it to burst open with a fury, tossing its content out into the lake, hitting the ship.

  Ke`no yelled to Shyla with a trace of amusement on his face, “Boy are we going to have something to tell our kids about this war!” She turned, looked back at him, her eyes flashed, a touch of surprise on her beautiful face as she grinned and dashed for the next building. Then it hit him what he had said, his face flushed and turned ruby red. A wild cry vibrated from a million throats, a large mass of cur ants accelerated from walking to a fast trot, then to a running charge, heading into a large dairy. It was a safe bet, not to eat curds and whey. Some of the cur ants came out of the dairy and headed in the direction of the jeep Shyla was in for a more savory meal.

  Ke`no moved so fast he didn’t remember moving in front of her jeep. He set a record, setting fire to everything that would burn, swinging his knife left and right with terrific effect. Shyla jumped out of the jeep, ran to be with him, but tripped and fell hard. Seeing her fall, his heart leaped. For the first time in his life, he felt a strange pang in his chest. “Are you okay,” he yelled? She jumped to her feet, waved, ran up to a large building and tossed a torch through a broken window. His eyes followed her, watching her shapely calves and sandaled anklets as she ascended the incline of the sand dune. Her slack suit was sleek and tight, it did more than highlight her subtle curves. She threw a torch in another window and turned, smiling at him. He imagined her saying, “Please help me, take my hand. I’m afraid of falling, high places make me dizzy.”

  The Aqua fog horn awakened him out of his daydream! Ants swarmed out of the building. As she turned to run, a half-dead clipper ant tripped her, and other ants headed for her. Ke`no screamed at the top of his lungs, “I’m coming!” and streaked to her aid as fast as a tiger moves to protect its cub. Helping her up, he challenged and dared any to touch this lady. The fire and heat kept most of the ants at bay. Two came at them half-scorched, twitched into epileptic fits, tried spitting putrid saliva, and were put out of their misery. Keno’s mind was suddenly in a queer jumble. Shyla moved closer, turning her flushed face to his, squinting against the bright light of the fire. Aware of her eyes following his, he pretended to ignore her. Her eyes blazed as she tactfully cleared her throat to get his attention. He turned, looking into her twin mirrored eyes teasing the daylight out of him. “How can I ignore her sparkling eyes?”

  Their gazes locked, the pointed tip of her tongue circled her lips, freshening them. Hearts pounding to the tune of a battle charge, pulses racing faster than either one had ever felt before, knees getting weak, words refused to form, both just looked at each other. She thought to herself, “If he would just kiss me!”

  His face reddened, not from the fire but from
his thought, “I would give my life for one of her kisses!” There was more than curiosity in their eyes, there was no command to do what they did; both embraced, threw hungry arms around each other, and warm lips came together. His kiss sent chills tingling up and down her spine. An unfamiliar passion surged in his chest! Never had he been aroused like this before. He embraced her soft body as he felt his blood rioting inside like an angry serpent. His mind swirled and confusing his thinking. Lips (came together like a magnet is drawn to steel) touched, refusing to let go. Her heart thumping, making her breast bump against his chest. She murmured breathlessly, “Please, hold me forever.”

  Both became ever bolder and more passionate. Commander Glenz on the forward deck of the Aqua yelled, “What the devil is going on with those two? Do they think the war is over?” He blasted the ship’s foghorn again, hearing which, they parted and she bowed to him. Yet she held herself as if she were his queen wearing her crown of jewels and again a slight bow in a respectful way. Not because she was a lady in waiting, but one day he would become the Chief Shepherd, taking his dad’s place. Now Ke`no knew for sure this majestic lady would be his wife. Later, she told her female friends, “Ke`no went into a place in my heart that was waiting for him. We became one soul living in two bodies.”

  She noticed he began to show he had the power of leadership, strength, and action. He loved to spur the imagination of his friends and had rallied them to help this cause. The Aquila’s lights came into view, the Aquarius following. The long and narrow beautiful building in front of Ke`no, casting a beautiful silhouette, a shade darker than the building itself, brought good memories as a young boy having spent many days helping the owner of this little market. It was full of barbaric ants gorging themselves in a feeding frenzy of meat, cheese, and cold cuts. “I hate to set it on fire but what else can we do.” Calling the other jeeps, all four rushed the building and tossed four Bo-Bos in the storefront windows. The gluttons didn’t have a chance to say goodbye before it blew to bits.


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