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My Father's Universe

Page 21

by Mitch

  Bright lights from the amphibian’s search lights helped them see more clearly even with the fires burning. A big, strutting, jabbering hybrid ant bragged, “I’m immortal, all with me are immune against all fires.” It sprang into action, disappearing in the fiery flames, the others following. Jaydor winked at JoJo and sang, “Crazy man, crazy!”

  JoJo replied, “They know now, Hades is real.” In the darkness, Jaydor saw something above the red inferno, smoke winding upward like a gigantic worm crawling around a large pole.

  Below, evil, sinister spring ants stretched out their necks like an accordion, watching them with stony eyes. They had an uncanny ability to leap at their victims by means of a spring-like rod on the bottom of their abdomen. Their victims rarely succeed in escaping their greedy jaws. The Spring ant is one of the most primitive creatures that can maintain life even in polar regions. The wind caused by the fire’s inferno drifts in the direction of the gabbing spring ants. They raise their noses like a dog sniffing the air to identify the layers of odors. Flavored sugar, sweet wheat, and fresh yeast from the bakery rides in the wind. The cannery cast jumbled seafood odors driving them into a frenzy, each wanting their share! The mad gruesome spring ants rushed to get there first, only to be hit again by white whirling flames, forcing them to turn: gurgling, coughing, gasping, and sneezing.

  Dazzling red and blue flames, changed colors like chameleons, and enjoyed doing pinwheels. Blinding surges of cascading dark red flames pierced the darkness at the core, an enormous fiery holocaust erupted its power full force. A fiery rainbow haloed, crossed the plain, dripping its offspring droplets of flames, mapping its route. Several explosions in quick succession screamed as the roar maddened. Violently, the fire’s face turned brighter, rushing over to engulf a brewery. Its spirits within came alive, screaming, shaking the building like it hated it with a passion. It erupts like a belching volcano. Hot foam lathered the whole area. Shyla looked at Te`ro, Te`ro shook her head, “That explosion slammed my teeth together, lucky my tongue was not between them.”

  Shyla replied, “You’re lucky! It racked my frame; I thought my insides were going to explode.”

  All the jeeps lined up watching multi-color hopper ants leaping in circles having a fit of hysterics, spitting poison saliva at hungry selfish flames. The young warriors made a bad mistake going behind a large knoll. The ship’s lights could not pick up the search area, making it impossible for the men on the ships to see anything where they were. Unseen cold claws grabbed Te`ro and Shyla from the back and begin to squeeze. The pressure was unbearable. Without hesitation, Te`ro used the knife the sailors gave her and cut across its arm and claw. It released its hold on her; she turned and sliced its throat. As it fell, its mouth opened, no sound came forth, only seeing, hearing, incapable of speech. Its body, alive with hate, tried to rise. Rayco was at her side and finished the job to make sure it was bug bait.

  Ke`no headed for the one holding Shyla, it was about to stick its fangs into her neck. He knew it was impossible to reach her in time. Instantly, his deep ingrained strength came alive and he threw his knife like a professional knife thrower. The sharp blade penetrated deep at the base of the rogue’s neck. It staggered, dropped to its knees, and hissed like a cat. Ke`no grabbed the knife, slashing it as it turned to defend itself. Its face froze, eyes glazed as it dropped lifeless at Keno’s feet.

  Rayco marveled, “Every time we played darts you lost. You’ve never hit a bullseye in your life!”

  Shyla snapped, “He was just being overly nice, letting you guys win. From now on, do not hold your breath expecting him to miss.” The Aquarius and the Aquila spotted about a million coon ants several miles inland above Bar Cove. Commander Glenz gave them permission to attack full speed. Getting daylight, action slowed a little. Tired savage ants staggered against one another, their gurgling was cut short with several hot fire torches and a Bo-Bo tossed in their midst. Shyla sang out, “Die, die, every one of you curds.”

  Te`ro remarked, “There’s nothing like the word die. Most try to avoid it like the bubonic plague.”

  Bo`J came back, “The truth is, for those who go to war, death is real, and it waits for victims like clockwork. It’s not in a hurry, it just sits on the condemned shoulder whispering and being paid no attention. Death is a very patient lady; she will leave on her own accord; never waves goodbye because she knows she’ll be back for another.”

  Tayln cringed, “It’s funny, and the death angel’s scythe never dulls.”

  As they entered a narrow ravine hidden from the lake, a jet of water stiff as a pole, about the size of a round bass drum, shot across their path, nearly catching the jeep broadside. Jaydor informed, “It will soon stop, and I helped my uncle Kayzo when extra help was needed at the pump house. When pressure builds up in the pipes, a safety valve opens and releases the pressure. As soon as it stops, we can pass through.” The waterspout finally stopped. Because of axle-deep mud across the road, they went through a gap in the sandhill onto an unused dirt road. They very carefully zigzagged between large boulders, avoiding deep potholes.

  Bo`J was the first to see cream sludge rolling toward them. She swallowed hard, her mouth seemed to be glued shut, incapable of speaking. She knew what the stuff was. She worked part-time at the factory as a secretary. Coming to her senses, she cried out, “That stuff coming is a spongy cellular foam. Somehow water must have mixed with it. We use it to make plastic and rubber.” The mushy liquid moved down the path with an eerie slowness of a phantom avalanche, sending off curling wisps of deadly gas fumes. Bo`J rather nervously pointed, “If we slip or slide into it, I guarantee it will be impossible to get free. Look closely, that spongy glob already captured many ants. It hardens in a short time! If that fire heading this way isn’t stopped, there will be more trouble than we can handle! The two hate each other with a passion. Both will attack with a vengeance. Without a doubt, the fire will win, but not without a good fight.”

  Heading back to the lake the commander saw them coming like bats flying out of hell’s fire. He called his men to be ready for trouble. The young fighters described what happened. He called La`no who relayed what happened. “We are in trouble if we cannot stop that fire before it gets to the foam. It is possible that it could blow the whole area out into the outside.”

  La`no responded, “We owe those kids, oops, I mean those young men and ladies our lives. I’ll call Kayzo at the pumping station to water that section heavily and turn the ceiling jets on.”

  Commander Glenz inquired, “By the way, La`no, wasn’t there supposed to be sulfur come out of the jet orifices in the ceiling?” Then reported, “Nary a speck anywhere, sir.”

  “What!” Exploded La`no. “One of the valves must have not opened. Well maybe it is for the better that it didn’t open. I’ll call Mister Kayzo to check the valve and double the pressure there. The fire will be out in a couple wags of a dog’s tail.”

  Ke`no, looking into a mound, saw a creature that was beyond description; he felt his blood turn to ice. His muscles tightened, nerves quivering, prompting his mind to summon all his strength to move fast. The decision had to be the right one, “I dare not make a wrong move.” Only, his feet refused to move. It was like he was under a spell of a hypnotist. “If only I don’t collapse.” He cried, “Lord, it’s up to you.”

  Shyla jumped out of the jeep and ran to see what he was looking at. What she saw made the hair stand out on the back of her neck. A young, frightened child, about to be attacked by a crazed, beastly ant, built like a bulldog. This freakish ant’s orbs mounted on swiveling muscles protruding several inches, swiveling around, back and forth, watching, snarling, clamping its jaws, ready to charge. Just below its orbs, a blue and scarlet striped muzzle with pinchers on its snout, waiting for Ke`no to make a move, any kind of move.

  It was the largest creature they had ever seen. Ke`no took several deep breaths in short gasps, his voice vibrated as he spoke above a whisper, “Move, move, get down there and cut it to pieces.” He
took a deep breath, sweat pouring down his face in rivulets. He searched the ugly creature’s face and cringes, asking himself a question, “Did this creature come from a planet?” His buddies arrived. Ke`no yelped, “Am I glad to see you guys!” Each had their torches and knives ready to jump it, only who was to go first?

  Te`ro broke in, “We need something to distract it.” JoJo spoke up, “Why not get a fisherman’s spear from the Aqua?”

  “It may be too late to do that,” replied Bo`J! Te`ro looked into the pit, “I remember Kedar saying that there may be unpredictable elements to contend with, by all means this is one of them.” The situation grew very intense.

  A voice came out of heaven saying, “Step aside please!” It was two sailors, Kenz and Kezo, “We heard what was going on over the ship’s radio and knew you needed help.” Tension drained from the young fighters hearing and seeing the sailors at their side. One sailor was on the right and one on the left, holding spears high and ready to strike.

  Ke`no interjected, “If you fellows spear the head, we will jump in the instant your spears hit and finish it off before it can harm the child.”

  By then, the tyrant killer ant was very close to the child. Kenz explained, “We have to be very careful not to hit the little boy.”

  His buddy Kezo cautioned, “One false move and we’re all dead! That is a mandrill ant, the deadliest of any of the ants and it hates people with a passion.”

  Tayln asked, “Why do you say it’s a mandrill?”

  “See the scarlet furrows slashes across blue swellings on its muzzle? That’s a Mandrill. Those things sticking on its snout are holding clamps, sharp ridges to hold you while it sinks deadly fangs in you. Believe me, before you take one breath, you won’t know what hit you. I’m surprised it hasn’t killed the baby yet! We have to outfox it before it moves. It can leap at least ten times its length without trying. If it is angry, and I’m sure it is, no telling how far it can jump. Make one false move, goodbye, lad, and maybe all of us. We have to find a sure way to get that little child out of there. What I cannot understand is why hasn’t it killed the lad yet?”

  JoJo read his lips, answered, “I know why,” pointing to another Mandrill ant. “That thing in the pit is saving the child for its mate.”

  “Where! I don’t see anything resembling an ant let alone a Mandrill?” quizzed Kenz.

  Jaydor spoke up, “If she sees a Mandrill, you can bet your life there is one.”

  Bo`J explained to the sailors why she was sure, “She may be hard of hearing, but she can see seven times further than an ordinary person.”

  The Aqua ship’s horn sounded! Kenz answered his communicator, “Aye sir.”

  “This is your Commander speaking. There is a mandrill ant coming in your direction, be advised.”

  “Aye, Aye, Commander, we will be ready for it,” advised Kenz.

  “I know how we can get the lad now,” snapped Kezo. “If you keep its attention to the front, I’ll put fire on the end of my spear and slam it into its back side. Kenz, shove your spear in its mouth, then you young fighters, finish it off before it can do any harm.”

  Bo`J volunteered, “I’ll count. On three… One… Two… Three.”

  As Kezo’s fiery spear point penetrated the Mandrill’s backside, the ant reared, Kenz’s spear whizzed deep in its throat. It tried chewing the spear, all it could do was gag. In a split second, JoJo had the child safely away and headed for the Aqua. Kenz followed his spear and pushed it deeper into the ant’s throat as the four daredevils jumped in and slashed it before it had time to repent.

  The ladies poured oil on the critter followed by hot torches. Kenz and Kezo retrieved their spears and headed for its mate. Kezo jumped in the jeep closest to him and went after Kenz, “What’s the use of walking when we can ride?” The sailor’s jeep accelerated picking up speed, having in mind to run the mandrill down. Three ladies, Te`ro, Shyla, and Bo`J took the other jeeps, circling the critter, driving it toward the sailors.

  As they got closer, Kezo sounded off, “It is a larger mandrill. It might be too dangerous to kill it with the jeep.”

  Kezo whistled, “That was not good planning.”

  “Yeah, that wasn’t too smart,” answered Kenz.

  When they stopped, Bo`J drove up and inquired, “What happened, why did you stop?”

  Kezo sputtered, “Do you see the size of that thing?”

  “Yes, so, what’s the big deal?” she snapped.

  “The big deal is, it will smash this small jeep flat with us in it,” flushed Kenz.

  “Since you’re here, I’ll ride with you and Kezo can ride with Te`ro when she gets here. We will drive past it, one on each side, it will not know which way to jump, then spear it. That should kill it or slow it down, then set fires around it.”

  Shyla drove up with the fellows, inquiring what was happening. Kenz explained, “You all start fires as soon as we spear the monster. Remember, it can leap further and travel faster than you can run, so don’t move until we spear it.”

  It took several passes before getting the chance to spear the right place on its body that forced it on its knees. Setting the fires was the easy part. Everything went like clockwork. As JoJo and the baby arrived onboard the Aqua, Commander Glenz asked about its mother. Sadly, she interjected, “Probably the mother is a casualty, sir.”

  Ke`no was puzzled, what had kept him from jumping into the pit and attacking the first Mandrill? “If I had, I could be dead by now.” A distress call sounded from the Ekistics. The Commander called the Aquarius and the Aquila to respond to the call.


  The seamen on the way back to the Aqua heard a female frantically screaming. They raced up over a grassless sand dune. Kenz pointed at a weird shape ant resembling a freakish Prawn heading for a beautiful young lady. Half her clothing was torn off, running, screaming hysterical, nearly at the point of collapsing. The freak’s six long legs and feet like claws had no trouble closing the distance between it and the lady. Kenz shrieked, “Look at the size of that ugly beast!”

  Kezo snapped, “Never saw one like it before, I wouldn’t want that thing for a pet! You get the lady; I’ll spear the thing.” Kenz’s strength and speed was near super-human. Without bragging about it, but still dangerous, controlled by gentleness, he ran to the lady’s side and offered his hand. “Hang on!” Her feet touched the ground once in a while as they headed for the ship.

  The weird creature reversed direction and charged Kezo. Razor sharp upper and lower tusks, dripping corrosive poison, began snorting like a mad bull as it erupted into a burst of speed and thundered at Kezo. He threw his spear at its bouncing head and missed. It stopped, grunted, kicking up a cloud of dust and headed for him again. Without a weapon, he was defenseless. He knew it would be too late to get to the ship. Kenz yelled and turned, throwing his spear for him to catch. Kezo caught it in time to thrust it in its open mouth and shoved it in its throat. It gagged but pulled the spear out and bit it in half, chewing the two sections into small pieces. Kenz yelled, “I bet that is a yak ant.”

  The young warriors were too far away to help, but were watching, screaming, trying to give advice. The yak’s head went down, a puff of steam spouted out of its nostrils, then it charged. Kenz retrieved the other spear and with a quick hard thrust in its neck, it turned, pinning him to the ground. Kezo grabbed its swinging tail, Kenz’s arms went around its horns. The yak’s head jerked up and Kenz with it. Now on his feet, he flopped the yak on its side. By then, a third sailor helped send it to the dark side of Hades. No tears for its departure. Three smiling sailors assisted the young lady aboard the Aqua. Later onboard, she told Kenz her name was Mar`ee and a model in Hi-Why-E.

  The morning lights began clearing the darkness from the underground war-torn country. As the man-made sky shaded from pale gray to pale blue, starting dawn’s new day packed with suspense. The warriors beheld the crest of Hi-Why-A on the far horizon. Crossing the swell of a small hill, the city grew gradually from a mere
silhouette, pricked with yellow and red fires, turning into an inferno. There would not be any tranquility there this morning. Multicolor smoke rose from behind a freshly groomed hedge. Masses of alien and sub-animal ants swarmed before the oncoming fires. An awesome movement to the right was heading toward the city.

  The Aqua came to a dead stop, the young warriors stood petrified and an incredible sight moved in their direction. Dinghies loaded with people of every walk of life, armed with axes, farming tools, knives, long javelins, and anything they could use to fight with. The young warriors hailed them joyously. Ke`no had Shyla head the jeep toward the people. “Let’s give them our torches and a pot of gasohol. There are no Bo-Bo’s left, we’ll go to the Aqua for more.” The sailors loaded the jeeps with torches, Bo-Bos, sandwiches, and tubs of hot soup for the people. Everything was much appreciated with everyone’s sincere thanks. It seemed many people of Hi-Why-O took it upon themselves to arm and form groups to join in the fighting. Commander Glenz called La`no, informed him of brave people fighting to save their country and most of all, freedom. La`no was getting more reports, Dinghies packed with armed people defending their country. No sooner than the Aquarius and the Aquila were beside the Aqua, they were called to help the Ekistics at another section close to the entrance of the Di-no-Drag Corral.

  A vicious dragon ant came at JoJo from behind. The Aqua’s foghorn wailed. Because of her impaired hearing, she didn’t hear the warning. It was not fate that Jaydor had his eyes on her every move. He saw the dragon ant going for her. In a microsecond, he had the jeep darting between her and the creature. Jumping out of the jeep before it fully stopped, he fought like a platoon of wild men fighting to the death. Before the others got there, it lay lifeless with its head next to its feet. Another dragon ant headed toward JoJo. Her cheek muscles hardened as she drew the knife from her belt, ready for action. Her arms, a little longer than the ant’s reach, swiped across its face. It backed up, then charged again. Jaydor leaped at the Dragon Ant without thinking of his own safety. He took a deep breath, tensed his muscles, shoved his fist in its face; even a plastic surgeon could not reconstruct it.


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