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Dark Obsessions - Volume I: Four Intense Capture Fantasies in One Sizzling Collection

Page 20

by Claire Thompson

  Afraid her fury showed in her face, she lifted the glass again and sipped, prepared to hate it. To her surprise, it was really quite good, both sweet and tart at the same time. She sipped again. Before she knew it, the glass was empty.

  “Good girl. You chugged that like a pro. Want another?” Gordon held out the bottle.

  Gina felt dizzy, but it was a nice dizzy, not the passing out kind. When he poured more champagne, she swallowed it all, the dizziness deepening, now accompanied by a sense of wellbeing. She was no longer trembling. Surprising herself, she smiled.

  Gordon smiled back. “You’re actually quite pretty when you smile, Gina.” He waved the bottle. “More?”

  She held out the glass, but her fingers didn’t seem to be cooperating, as if the signals from her brain to her hand had been disrupted. Just as Gordon started to pour, the glass slipped from her fingers and crashed to the floor, shattering on impact.

  “Stupid girl,” Gordon barked, a flush of anger moving over his face. “Figures you can’t hold your liquor. Now look what you’ve done.”

  Gina stood rigid with fear, the pleasant effects from the alcohol wiped away in an instant.

  But instead of striking her, as she’d expected, Gordon went to the door and shouted, “Frank. Bring a broom and dustpan. The cunt slave broke a glass.” He turned back to her. “Get on your knees and gather the shards in a neat pile while we wait.”

  Gina stared dubiously down at the jagged bits of glass scattered over the floor. “With my fingers?”

  “Unless you’d rather use your mouth, cunt.”

  Her legs felt wobbly and her head was spinning unpleasantly.

  Gordon moved closer, glass grinding beneath his shoes. He put a hard hand on her shoulder and forced her to the ground. “I said get on your fucking knees.”

  Cautiously, Gina lowered herself to the ground, careful to avoid the glittering bits of glass at her feet. She reached for the larger shards and placed them in a small pile.

  Frank came to the door and Gina glanced up hopefully, silently praying Gordon would leave them to the task of cleaning.

  But Gordon took the broom and dustpan. “That’s all,” he said, as if Frank were just the hired help. “You can go.”

  Frank slipped away, along with Gina’s hope, as Gordon approached her. She started to rise, but he stopped her. “No. Stay on your knees.” He put the dustpan on the ground. “Put the big pieces in there.”

  She dutifully placed the larger shards on the dustpan, and then looked up at him.

  “Now use the side of your hand to sweep up the rest.”

  Gina was confused, the champagne muddling her mind. “Wha…?” she said, the liquor affecting her ability to articulate.

  “I said use your hand, cunt. If you cut yourself, that’s your fucking problem. You created this mess, now clean it up.” He moved behind her and swatted her ass with the stinging broom bristles. “Go on. Get a move on.”

  Moving cautiously, Gina brushed the smaller bits of glass with the side of her hand. A tiny piece embedded itself into her flesh with a sharp sting. Gina winced, but kept working, too afraid to stop. As she swiped her hand over the wood, Gordon urged her on with more humiliating swats of the broom.

  Finally, he said, “Okay. Good enough. Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  Gina remained crouched on the ground as Gordon ran the broom along the floor in a cursory manner. Bending down to retrieve the dustpan, he took it, along with the champagne bottle, and left the room.

  Gina sighed with relief, grateful that he was gone, at least for the moment. As she waited, she looked down at her hand. She ran her finger lightly over several tiny, bleeding cuts, feeling for any remaining glass, relieved to find nothing. Cautiously, she lifted her hand to her mouth and licked the droplets of blood away. She was longing to lie down on her mattress, but he’d expressly said not to move, and so she didn’t dare. Instead, she drew up her knees and wrapped her arms around them. Resting her head, she closed her eyes and tried to think of nothing at all.

  Gordon returned a few minutes later. He’d changed into a T-shirt and jeans and put flip-flops on his feet. He rummaged through the duffel bag and pulled out several hanks of white nylon rope. “Ever been hogtied, cunt slave?”

  Whatever that was, it couldn’t be good. “No, Sir,” she forced herself to reply.

  “Well, today’s your lucky day. I’m going to hogtie you, little piglet, and then I’m going to whip you.”

  Gina’s gaze flitted toward the open door. She briefly imagined shoving the sadist aside and sprinting past him. She could visualize it in her mind’s eyes, but as she looked back at the muscular man blocking her way, her courage failed her.

  “Lie down on your stomach and put your hands behind your back,” he ordered.

  Praying there were no lingering remnants of broken glass, Gina positioned herself cautiously on the floor, her breasts mashed uncomfortably beneath her.

  Squatting beside her, Gordon bound her arms uncomfortably at the wrists and elbows. He knotted rope around her thighs and ankles. Lifting her legs up so she was forced to bend her knees, he tied her wrists and ankles together over her ass, rendering her completely immobilized and utterly helpless.

  Then the whipping began. He used the riding crop, striking every exposed bit of skin—her shoulders, her back, her bottom, even the soles of her feet, as she squealed and jerked in her bonds, unable to wriggle away.

  When he finally lowered his crop, Gina was too exhausted even to cry. All she wanted was for him to leave, and for Frank to come untie and soothe her.

  That didn’t happen.

  Instead, Gordon reappeared in her line of vision and held up something nasty that made her stomach clench and her heart skip a beat. It was phallic-shaped piece of black hard rubber, the tip shiny with lubricant. “Know what this is?”

  Closing her eyes, Gina shook her head.

  “It’s an anal plug. I’m going to shove it into your tight little asshole.”

  Gina swallowed hard, too frightened to protest, and aware it would do no good.

  Gordon set the offensive object on a cloth beside her. He began to pluck at the ropes that held her wrists and ankles together.

  Gina sighed with relief as her legs flopped down. She flexed her fingers, eager for him to untie her numb arms. To her extreme dismay, however, he didn’t continue to unknot the rope. Instead, leaving her arms and legs bound, he picked up the nasty plug and pressed its head between her ass cheeks.

  Though she’d known it was coming, she squealed and jerked in humiliated surprise as the gooey tip touched her most private place.

  “Stay still,” he admonished. “You can relax and take it, or you can tense up and make it hurt worse. Your choice.”

  Gina’s squeal changed into a yelp of pain as the awful thing invaded and filled her.

  Gordon swatted her ass. “There you go,” he said with a cruel laugh. “It’s in. That should stretch you nicely for when I fuck you in the ass.” He got to his feet, but instead of untying her, he simply walked out the door.

  Gina had been drifting on the edge of sleep when the door opened again. She snapped awake, and with consciousness came the pain. The floor was hard beneath her body, and she was still bound hand and foot, that disgusting thing still in her ass. As her brain kicked into gear, she sucked in a fearful breath. Was Gordon back to anally rape her?

  She breathed a huge sigh of relief as Frank, not Gordon, came into view in the mirror. He had a small bowl in his hand, along with a washcloth and a hand towel. As he crouched beside her, he leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

  She could feel his fingers on her bottom. “We’ll just take this thing out. Then I’ll untie you.” When he began to tug at the anal plug, she groaned with embarrassment.

  “Relax,” he said with a chuckle. “Gordon makes me wear a much bigger one when I’ve been bad.”


  Gina didn’t have time to contemplate what Frank had just said,
because he was drawing the plug from her body. She sighed with relief as it popped out, but then blushed anew as he washed her there, and then patted it dry. “The anal virgin is a virgin no more,” he said, and she could see him grinning in the mirror.

  He plucked at the knots and unwound the rope until she was finally free. Her legs cramped as he straightened them, and she winced as the blood flow returned in a prickle of pins and needles. Lifting her into his arms, he laid her gently on her back on the mattress. He massaged her limbs as she lay passively, still exhausted from the latest ordeal.

  When his hand moved over her mons, she didn’t squirm or try to close her legs. She welcomed the touch, aware it would transport her, at least for the minute or two he touched her, out of her waking nightmare.

  Using his index and middle fingers, Frank spread Gina’s labia, while with the other hand he pressed her thighs further apart. When he pushed a finger inside, a shudder moved through Gina’s frame, and she sighed.

  Her mind emptied as she gave herself over to sensation. She lay like a rag doll, limp and exhausted. He added a second finger, stroking her sensually from the inside out. After a while, he withdrew the fingers, moving them over her spread cunt as he circled her hardening clit, closing in slowly on the engorged marble of flesh.

  Unable to stop herself, Gina’s body began to move, her hips arching up to receive his touch. Her nerve endings sparked, her heart beating fast, her breath rising to a pant.

  It felt good, so good. He was stroking harder now, rubbing her just the right way. She was close. Yes…so close…

  Frank spoke, and it took her a moment to process his words through her rising pleasure. “I want to fuck you.”

  She caught her breath, her eyes flying open at this terrifying pronouncement. He was staring at her with glittering eyes. She tensed, hoping it wouldn’t hurt too much, startled to realize she wanted it, at least on some level.

  To her surprise, Frank added, “But I can’t. The Master gets first dibs on the toys, and he doesn’t think you’ve earned his cock yet.”

  Earned his cock?

  I hope I never earn his disgusting cock, Gina thought with sudden fury, all the pleasure of the moments before erased.

  Frank stroked his cock through his shorts, drawing Gina’s eye to the obvious erection tenting beneath the fabric. A slow smile moved over his face as he added, “But there’s no restriction on cock sucking. I’d say it’s about time you had a lesson, young lady.”

  Pulling his hands away, Frank got to his feet and yanked down his shorts, revealing a huge penis, large, hairy balls beneath.

  Gina stared, her mouth falling open. She had never even seen a naked man in the flesh before, though she had seen one online once at a girlfriend’s house. She absorbed the shock as his words fully registered. No way. No way, no way, no way was she going to put her mouth on that thing.

  “Come on,” Frank said, holding out his hand. “Get up on your knees. I’m going to teach you to worship my cock.”

  She didn’t take his hand, instead curling in on herself.

  Frank frowned, his brow furrowing. “I said, get on your knees,” he said in a hard voice. “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness, little girl. If you want a whipping before the lesson begins, I’ll certainly oblige you.”

  Gina swallowed hard, but forced herself to her knees. “Yes, Sir,” she said quickly. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

  He smiled. “That’s better.” He moved closer, his huge cock bobbing in front of her face. She could smell his musk, and unable to stop herself, she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

  Frank slapped her cheek, though not nearly as hard as Gordon did. “Don’t make that face. I’m giving you a gift. Now, put your hands behind your back and open wide.”

  Having no choice in the matter, Gina did as she was told. Her heart was going a mile a minute, and there was no way that huge thing was going to fit into her mouth.

  He moved closer and placed the fat head on her tongue.

  Gina jerked back reflexively, but his hand was on the back of her head, and he held her in place. “I didn’t say to move. You do realize you’re earning yourself quite a punishment with your bad behavior.” He gripped a handful of her hair and held it tight. “Now stay still.”

  The tip of his cock still rested in her mouth. “I know this is new for you, and I want to teach you to enjoy it.”

  That will never happen, Gina thought mutinously. This is disgusting.

  “I want you to lick it. Just around the head, see what the texture is like, the taste. Take your time.”

  Eyes squeezed shut, Gina forced herself to obey. It wasn’t that difficult to do as he asked, and at least he wasn’t hurting her. His cock was warm and heavy against her tongue. She licked cautiously around it. When her lips closed around it as she tried to do what he’d asked, he moaned, his grip in her hair easing.

  “Yes,” he breathed. “That’s it. You’ve got a natural gift. Keep going. I’m going to slowly ease into your mouth, and you just relax, and keep licking and sucking, just like that.”

  A natural gift? In spite of herself, Gina was pleased by the compliment, if that’s what it was. Wouldn’t Dwayne completely freak out if she tried to suck his cock? He would be horrified—sex was for procreation, end of story. At least that’s what they’d been taught. Now, she was no longer sure…

  She moved her head forward, ever so slightly, and took a little more of the shaft into her mouth. The skin was smooth and silky over the rock-hard erection, and she liked the way he moaned with evident pleasure as her tongue moved over it.

  He shifted suddenly forward, pressing the shaft farther back into her throat.

  Startled, Gina reared back, but his hand was still on the back of her head, and she couldn’t move. She sputtered and gagged, tears springing to her eyes, panic rising in her gut.

  “Stop it, Gina,” Frank admonished. “Open your throat. Relax. It’s not even halfway in yet. You’re going to need to learn to deep-throat it for Gordon. He won’t waste time getting you used to it, trust me. You better learn now while you can.”

  He held her in place but, mercifully, didn’t go any deeper into her throat. After maybe thirty seconds or so, she was able to calm herself, and the panic receded. This was, after all, much easier to take than a caning or whipping. He wasn’t hurting her. And she was grateful that, if she had to suck a man’s penis, it was Frank’s and not Gordon’s. Hopefully, he would never want to use her that way, though the odds of that were slim.

  “Much better,” Frank said. “Now, stay relaxed and open to me. I’m going to move in deeper. Your job is to suckle and lick my shaft. Use your lips, too. Massage it—make love to it. And don’t worry—I won’t come in your mouth this first time. You have enough to work on.”

  Come in her mouth?

  Gina knew men ejaculated when they orgasmed—that was how they got their wife pregnant. But in her mouth? The very idea was nauseating.

  “Hey, stop tensing up,” Frank said. “I just felt teeth. You bite me, girl, and I’ll hand you right over to the Master. See if I won’t.”

  That definitely got her attention. He said he wasn’t going to come in your mouth, she anxiously reminded herself, not allowing herself to complete his sentence, though it still lingered in her mind—this first time….

  He began to move again in her mouth, sliding slowly in and out, gliding in a little deeper each time. Gina focused on her task, licking and sucking at his cock, pleased when he sighed with obvious pleasure.

  “Yes,” he moaned. “Very good. That’s good. Go a little slower. Take it easy. Remember, it’s a tease. The object is to make it last as long as possible—to draw out the pleasure until they can’t take one more second.”

  Gina was getting tired, and her jaw was beginning to ache. She didn’t want to draw it out anymore—she wanted him to finish and then leave her alone. Yet on and on it went, with him easing himself deeper and deeper until the head of his shaft touched the back of her throat.
  She began to gag again and tried to pull away, but he held her in place. “Relax, it’s all the way in now. You don’t have to do anything. Just hold your mouth open in a nice round O. I’m going to fuck your mouth.” He held her head with hands on either side as his heavy, warm cock slid in and out of her throat. It was hard to breathe, but at least she wasn’t choking anymore.

  “Yeah,” he breathed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, baby.” A shudder moved through his body and his fingers gripped hard around her skull. Then, with a sudden groan, he pulled out of her mouth. Fisting his cock, he spurted ribbons of white goo over her breasts.

  Gina stared down in fascinated horror at the ejaculate now dripping from her nipples.

  Frank laughed. “From your expression, you’d think I took a dump on you. It’s just jism, babe. You should be proud of yourself. You made me come.” He crouched in front of her and scooped a bit of the goo onto his index finger.

  “Here,” he said, holding it to her mouth. “Taste it.”

  Gina pressed her lips together. Abso-fucking-lutely not. No way, Jose.

  Frank’s voice grew hard. “I said, taste it. It wasn’t a request. You want the cane?”

  Gina forced her lips to part.

  “Stick out your tongue.”

  She obeyed.

  Frank smeared the goo on her tongue. It was salty and slightly bitter, but not horrible. She closed her mouth and forced herself to swallow it.

  Frank smiled. “Not so bad, eh? We’ll get to work on that. I’ll have you swallowing in no time, trust me. You’ll learn to love it.”

  Don’t count on it.

  He reached into his discarded shorts and pulled a washcloth from the pocket. Tossing it at her, he said, “Clean yourself up. You’ve earned a spanking for your bad behavior.” He sat next to her on the mattress and patted his knees. He was still naked, his cock semi-erect against his dark pubic hair.

  Gina wiped the semen from her chest and breasts. Her stomach tightened with fear as she draped her naked body over his lap. She could feel his cock beneath her. In spite of herself, tingling desire sparked between her legs as their skin touched.


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