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Dark Obsessions - Volume I: Four Intense Capture Fantasies in One Sizzling Collection

Page 21

by Claire Thompson

  He placed a hand on her lower back. “No squirming. You’ve earned this spanking, and you know it.” He began to slap her bottom. It hurt, but not nearly as much as the whip or the cane. Then he did something with the shape of his palm, and the blows were suddenly much harder to take.

  In spite of his admonition, she began to squirm beneath the steady barrage of stinging blows, and it wasn’t long before she began to whimper in pain. She wanted to bat his hands away, but didn’t dare.

  “Stay still,” Frank warned. “Take what’s coming to you.”

  His cock had hardened again beneath her body, and she could feel it poking hard against her thigh with each smack of his hand. Exhausted and defeated, she slumped limply against him, surrendering to the pain.

  “Nice and cherry red,” he finally said, his hands now gently stroking her heated flesh. “And so hot to the touch.” He slipped his hand between her legs. “You took that pretty well. You’re getting better at handling pain.” When his fingers found her sweet spot, she sighed with pleasure and relief.

  He stroked her until she was wet again, her clit throbbing. “Pleasure and pain go together, little one. Gordon is all about the pain, at least with our toys, but I like a mixture. It’s more powerful, and it teaches you to truly submit, rather than just go through the motions.”

  He slipped a finger inside her, and then another. In spite of the hard spanking, she responded to his touch, taking solace in it, taking pleasure from it. Lust was rising hard inside her, and she couldn’t stop herself from grinding her pelvis against his hand. The strangest thought slipped into her brain as he drew her toward a climax.

  I want him to fuck me. I want Frank to fuck me.

  Then she came.

  Chapter 4

  Gordon meant pain.

  Frank was more complicated.

  When Frank hurt her, it was usually while also giving her pleasure. He might slap her face just as she was orgasming, or play with her cunt while she was tightly bound, her nipples painfully clamped. Her body and brain were being rewired to inextricably associate the pleasure and the pain. He blurred the line between them, easing a hard spanking into a sensual massage, or using the whip to stroke her flesh with an almost sensual touch.

  When she was alone, there were the secret orgasms… She had learned to pleasure herself, certain God would forgive her, given her dire circumstances. In fact, she was no longer sure her pastor was right when he called masturbation “self-abuse” and “an abomination.” God had created her body, hadn’t he? Why would he have created a clitoris, if he didn’t want her to use it? Where was the harm in taking what pleasure, what release, she could?

  With nothing else to do, she had examined her cunt closely in the mirror, something she’d never done before in her life. The labia reminded her of rose petals, the hooded clit at the center like a little bud.

  When she was alone and didn’t feel like touching herself, she devised other ways to keep herself occupied. She sang songs and told herself stories. She tried not to think too much about her life before, instead creating elaborate fairytales that involved a lost princess who had found herself in a strange land and had to go through a series of arduous adventures as she sought a way to get home. She thought she might write it all down someday, if she ever got out of there…if she ever made it home again.

  That line of thought made her focus on what she no longer had, and that made her sad. When that happened, she would jump up and jog around the room until her muscles burned and her mind emptied.

  She was always slightly hungry but knew better than to ask for food. Her body had slimmed so that she barely recognized herself. Especially her face, which had once been round and plump, now boasted visible cheekbones and large, haunted eyes.

  She had only been there a few weeks, but it felt like a lifetime.

  The door opened suddenly, startling Gina. She had been masturbating, and her hand fell away as she quickly slammed her legs closed.

  Her heart lurched when she saw Gordon in the doorway. She tried to see past him, hoping in vain that Frank would be there, too, but Gordon was alone.

  As if reading her mind, Gordon said, “Frank’s not joining us for this session. He’s currently being punished, and since he’s becoming so very fond of you, part of that punishment is no toy today.”

  Frank was being punished?

  Why did he stay? He was bigger and stronger than Gordon. He could leave whenever he wanted. Couldn’t he?

  She forgot her thoughts as Gordon held up a condom and a tube of lubricant. “Ever been fucked in the ass, cunt slave?”

  Gina tried to keep the horror off her face as she forced herself to answer, “No, Sir.”

  Gordon laughed. “Of course you haven’t. Well, today’s your lucky day.” He was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Without removing his shirt, he yanked open his fly and kicked his jeans away. His cock wasn’t as long as Frank’s, but it was just as thick, if not thicker. There was no way that thing could possibly fit into her tiny hole, and Gina hiccupped with fear.

  As he approached her, he tossed the lube and the packet toward her. “First, make me hard with your hands and your mouth.”

  He looked pretty hard to her already, but Gina knew better than to say so. Kneeling up, she took Gordon’s balls gently in her hands as Frank had taught her, and closed her mouth over the crown of his cock. She began to glide her tongue over and around his shaft.

  Almost at once, he grabbed her roughly by the hair on either side of her head and jerked her forward. He plunged his cock in and out of her mouth, gagging her with each savage thrust.

  After a minute or so, he let go of her hair and pulled away, his cock now fully erect above heavy balls covered in dark blond fuzz. He put his hands on his hips and commanded, “Put the condom on my cock. Roll it nice and easy over the head, leaving about a half-inch to collect the semen.”

  With shaky hands, Gina did as he said, praying she was doing it right. When she was done, she almost smiled—his penis looked like it was wearing a little raincoat, the little space at the top its hat—but her mouth muscles had apparently forgotten how to lift in that way.

  She must have done okay, because Gordon jerked his chin toward the mattress. “Get on your knees, forehead touching the mattress, and reach back and spread those cheeks.”

  Gina forced herself to obey, her entire body trembling uncontrollably as she bared her asshole for the Master. She jumped when a cold dollop of lube was smeared over the tiny opening. If only Frank were there to soothe her.

  As Gordon crouched behind her, she tried desperately to control her fear. Tension would make the penetration hurt all the more, and she doubted Gordon would give her a chance to adjust. She drew in a shuddery breath and let it out as slowly as she could. Relax, she urged herself, hearing Frank’s voice in her head. Just relax and accept it…

  “Beg me for it,” Gordon said.

  Gina blew out a breath. “Please, Sir,” she began. “Please…” she trailed off, mortified, her face on fire. This was not a natural act. What if she was poopy back there? The thought was so embarrassing, she wanted to die.

  Gordon jerked her head back by the hair. “’Please fuck me in the ass, Master.’ That’s what you say. ‘I want to be fucked in the ass with your hard cock, Sir. I’m begging you.’ Say it.” He jerked her hair again, making her wince in pain. “Just like that.”

  Tears in her eyes, Gina forced her mouth to form the words, her face flaming. “Please fuck me in the ass, Master. I want to-to be f-f-fucked in the ass with your hard cock, Sir. I’m begging you.”

  When the head of the cock forced its way past the first ring of muscle, a jolt of pain shot through Gina’s anus, and she squealed, jerking forward. Strong hands gripped her hips. “Stay still,” Gordon barked. “That’s my body. I own you.”

  She tried to obey, certain he’d hurt her more if she struggled.

  He pushed forward again, and another spasm of pain hurtled through her. But as he moved slowly into
her, her muscles seemed to relax, and he slid in without any additional pain. It still hurt, but it wasn’t unbearable.

  Gordon grunted behind her, and she saw in the mirror that he had his eyes closed, his face twisted into an ugly grimace. She closed her eyes, trying to let her mind empty as he thrust and jerked into her body.

  Finally, his fingers digging hard into her hips, he let go inside her with a strangled cry. She slumped down onto the mattress as he pulled away from her. She lay as she fell, grateful he didn’t speak to her or ask anything more of her. She didn’t move until she heard his footsteps moving away from her, and then, mercifully, the click of the door closing behind him.

  When the door opened again some hours later, Gina was relieved to see Frank coming into the room.

  Then she saw Gordon behind him, and her heart sank like stone.

  She sat up and brought her knees to her chin, hugging herself with apprehension, certain whatever was going to happen wouldn’t be good. They were both shirtless and barefoot, wearing only shorts. Gordon had a long, whippy cane in his hand, and Gina bit her lip to keep from preemptively begging for mercy. Begging never worked with Gordon. It just made it worse.

  Frank was carrying a large, oblong box that looked quite heavy. Neither of them paid any attention to Gina as they removed whatever was in the box and put it together. When they were done, Gina saw it was some kind of leather swing, which was hung from a metal stand.

  Finally, Gordon turned to Gina. “Now that I’ve taken your ass, I’m going to use your cunt. You’ve finally earned my cock. You should be proud.”

  She kept her eyes on the ground. If the bastard expected her to say something, he was disappointed.

  “Get up and climb into the fuck swing so we can properly restrain you,” he said brusquely.

  She had known it was coming. If anything, she was surprised he’d waited this long. It couldn’t possibly be any worse than the anal sex had been. At least a cunt was made for fucking. In a weird way, she was curious to see what it would be like. If only Frank could have been the one…

  Gina got unsteadily to her feet and moved toward the swing. Her asshole was still a little sore but, thankfully, there’d been no damage, and no mess when she’d examined herself in the mirror after he’d gone—only the sticky remnants of the lube.

  With Frank’s help, she hoisted herself into the smooth, cool leather harness, her heart thumping loudly in her ears. Once she was seated, the men attached her wrist and ankle cuffs to the bars of the swing so her arms and legs were spread wide, her cunt and asshole fully on display from every angle in the mirrored room.

  Gordon picked up the cane he’d set down and handed it to Frank. “You do the honors, boy. Give her some nice marks on her inner thighs.

  “Yes, Sir,” Frank said in a submissive tone that Gina found unsettling.

  She hated the cane, and her inner thighs tingled, the nerve endings on high alert for the agony to come. At least Frank would be the one wielding the cane. He never hurt her as much as Gordon did.

  He approached her, taking his place between her legs. He began to tap her inner thighs with light, stinging strokes, nothing she couldn’t tolerate. But then, without warning, he brought the cane down with a vicious stroke that left a dark red welt of pure, raw pain.

  Gina screamed.

  Suddenly Gordon’s hard hand was clamped over her mouth, muffling her cries. “Again,” he said to Frank. “Give her three more welts on each side, and then one on that nasty twat.”

  His hand was also covering her nose, and Gina tried to twist her head away in her panic to breathe. She forgot about her burning lungs when the cane came down again, this time on the other thigh. The swing swayed as she jerked and twisted fruitlessly in her efforts to avoid the cane’s biting stroke.

  Gordon moved his hand enough so she could breathe, but still kept it tightly over her mouth, his body behind hers holding her still. She could only mewl and moan her distress as tears streamed down her cheeks.

  She tried to make eye contact with Frank—to silently plead with him to be gentler, but he wouldn’t look up at her face.

  When the cane struck her spread cunt, Gina wailed against Gordon’s hard hand.

  Frank lowered the cane and placed his hand lightly over her stinging cunt, his touch soothing. When Gordon removed his hand from her mouth, Frank brought the cane to Gina’s lips, and she forced herself to kiss the evil thing.

  Gordon reached into his shorts pocket and pulled out a condom packet before shucking the shorts and kicking them away. His cock was only semi-erect, and he turned to Frank. “Make me hard, boy.”

  Though she’d understood they were lovers, Gina was shocked when Frank quickly knelt at Gordon’s feet and took his balls gently in his hands, while simultaneously lowering his head over Gordon’s cock.

  Gordon looked over at her as Frank’s head bobbed, a small, superior smile on his mean face.

  Gina closed her eyes, the only way to shut him out.

  When she opened them again, Gordon had taken Frank’s head in his hands, as Frank did with her, and he was thrusting in and out of Frank’s mouth. Gina watched in horrified fascination. Gordon had Frank’s nose pressed to his pubic bone, and Gina knew from experience Frank probably couldn’t breathe at that moment, the cock blocking his windpipe, but he appeared completely serene and open to the experience.

  Again turning to look at Gina, Gordon let go of Frank’s head and slowly pulled back, revealing his now fully erect cock, which glistened with Frank’s saliva. “I’m ready,” he said to Frank.

  Frank reached for the condom packet and ripped it open. He rolled it over Gordon’s erection as Gina tensed in the leather harness swing, gripping the chains above her cuffs.

  As Frank remained on his knees, Gordon approached Gina, an evil glint in his eyes. He positioned himself between her legs and grabbed hold of her welted thighs. Pulling her forward, he touched her entrance with the head of his cock. Guiding it with his hand, he pushed slowly into Gina’s cunt.

  It hurts, oh it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! As he pressed inside, something tore, a burning pain that made her yelp. It felt like he was splitting her in two, and she began to cry. She couldn’t see Frank, whom she assumed was still kneeling on the floor behind Gordon. She wanted to call for him, to beg him to help her, but she didn’t dare.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” Gordon said, his voice husky, his eyes hooded. “It’s almost as good as your ass.” He thrust savagely into her, and Gina screamed. Gordon twisted back to Frank. “She’s making too much noise. Quiet her down.”

  Frank appeared almost at once at her side. Gina expected a hand to be clamped over her mouth, but instead, Frank lowered his face to hers and kissed her. It was a gentle kiss, a sweet exploration of her mouth, a lover’s kiss. She was stunned into silence, completely distracted by what he was doing.

  She could still feel Gordon inside her, but it no longer hurt, at least not as much. He was moving in and out, thrusting into her each time he pulled the swing forward, and groaning in apparent pleasure. All the while, Frank continued to kiss her, his lips soft against hers as his tongue moved in her mouth.

  Finally, Gordon stiffened and then thrust hard into her with a cry, his fingers digging into her hips. Pulling out, he slid the used condom from his still-erect shaft and dropped it on the floor. “Clean her up,” he said imperiously to Frank. “I’ll be waiting in the bedroom.”


  Frank sat on the back porch, staring out at the slate-gray sky as he sipped his coffee. Gina was their third toy, and he knew the time was coming when they’d let her go. Gordon always lost interest after a month or so.

  While each experience had been edgy and powerfully exciting, he found himself more emotionally involved with this one. The other two toys they’d picked up had been at the BDSM clubs, and their kink meshed with Gordon’s and Frank’s, even if being held captive wasn’t necessarily part of their particular fantasy.

  Maybe it was because s
he was so damn innocent. It was hard to believe a woman in her early twenties was not only still a virgin, but had never even masturbated. Teaching her to understand and even enjoy the power of blended erotic pain and pleasure satisfied something deep in his soul.

  He was glad Gordon had finally fucked her, because he had been eagerly waiting to take his turn. Gordon’s claiming of her virginity had little to do with sex, and nothing to do with love. It was simply an assertion of his power. He did it, in a word, because he could.

  But Frank, to his own surprise, wanted more. While he, too, loved the dominating aspect with the sub girls they played with, he realized to his astonishment he wanted to make love to Gina. Watching Gordon take her, Frank had experienced something alien and unpleasant it had taken him a little time to figure out—he had been jealous, not of Gina for being with his Master, but of Gordon for being her first.

  Which was weird, because in theory, Gordon owned not only their toys, but Frank as well. As Gordon’s slave, he was his Master’s property, though in their case, the complete exchange of power was by mutual consent.

  Gina was just supposed to be a distraction, an amusement for Gordon, and a way for Frank to express his Dom side when his Master was away doing the high finance investing he did that had made them both quite wealthy. Yet, along the way she had become more than just a toy for Frank, though he was careful to keep his feelings to himself. He wanted to protect her, especially when Gordon was particularly brutal. And when they were alone, it took all his willpower not to probe her about her life, or tell her about his.

  His newfound attachment confused him, and he made an effort to keep his emotional distance. When she sometimes tried to talk to him about things outside the mirrored room, he would stop her. If he let the toy become too real, it would ruin everything.


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