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Heaven Sent

Page 2

by Tania Sparks

  He whispers, “Eve…my Eve. There’s something I really need to say to you, but I’m really struggling here….”

  “It’s okay Richard, just say it.” I frown and smile warmly at him.

  “Eve, we’ve been together for about eight months now…”, he pauses dramatically. This is driving me crazy. Is this it? Is he going to ask me to marry him? Shouldn’t he be down on one knee? I smile at him warmly, squeeze his hand again and wait for him to continue. “Well, Eve, you know I love you…”

  He pauses again so I answer him, “Yes I know Richard, and I love you too.” I say reassuringly.

  Richard has exasperation written all over his face. “Well Eve, I love you…but I’m not sure if I’m ready to settle down just yet.”

  My stomach plummets, this doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t sound like a marriage proposal!

  “Look Eve, I’m just going to come out and say it. I think we should take a break from each other for a month. If we still feel the same way after a month then maybe we should take this to the next level, but I think some time apart might do us good, just to make sure this is what we both really want.”

  I’m shocked. I’m speechless. I thought he was going to propose, but he’s actually breaking up with me! I can’t say a thing, I can’t believe it.

  “Eve, please say something.” He pleads.

  I don’t know what to say, so I just continue to sit there in shock staring blankly at him. The silence continues. I have to say something, this is getting really uncomfortable. “You want to break-up with me!” I stutter loudly, my voice reflecting the shock that I feel. Richard looks at me with concern.

  “No! …well not really…I just think we need a break from each other to make sure this is what we both want. I’ve thought about it a lot Eve. Next month you have that contract up north. I thought we could spend a month apart and then meet up in San Francisco. By then we would have both had the time to consider things and we can talk about whether we want to take the next step in our relationship. This is a good idea Eve.”

  I think it’s the most ridiculous idea I’ve ever heard, no one breaks up to see how they feel a month later! I stumble to know what to say but in my shock I simply agree, “Okay, if that’s what you really want…I think I should go.” I suddenly feel very silly. How on earth had I thought he was going to propose?

  “But Eve, we haven’t even eaten yet.”

  “I’m not hungry.” I mumble quietly as I gather my coat and handbag and rise to leave the table. I start to walk towards the exit.

  “Eve, let me take you home.” He pleads.

  I answer him abruptly. “Forget it Richard. I’ll catch a cab.”

  He stands up but doesn’t follow me, “Eve, I’m so sorry.” He’s standing at the table with his hands at his side and a sad look on his face. I feel distressed and I don’t want to cry in the middle of the restaurant. Richard desperately calls after me, “One month in San Francisco okay Eve?”

  I just nod my head and move out the door as quickly as possible. I hail a cab and luckily one stops almost immediately. I jump in the back and the tears start to fall. The cab driver peers over to me, “Where to?”

  I give him the address for my apartment as sobs rack through my body. As we pull up to my apartment, the taxi driver looks over his shoulder to me, “You alright love?” he asks softly. “No, not really.” I say sobbing. I hand him a twenty and stumble out of the cab.

  I make my way up to my apartment. As I walk in the door, I hear Trixie yell out, “That you Eve?”

  “Yeah.” I sob.

  Trixie cheekily giggles, “You’re back early. Did you forget something or did Richard propose already and you’ve come back home to celebrate between the sheets?”

  As I make my way to the sitting area, Trixie looks over her shoulder to me and quickly registers that I’m alone and crying. She jumps up and rushes around to embrace me in a big hug. “What’s the matter Eve?” she questions urgently.

  “He broke up with me!” I exclaim between sobs.

  “What the fuck!” she yells.

  I go on to tell her about the conversation Richard and I had and she consoles me in my grief, agreeing with me that a break for a month sounds like an idiotic idea. She goes to the kitchen and grabs a bottle of tequila and some shot glasses and pours us some drinks. Over the next couple of hours we drink ourselves into a stupor and eventually both fall asleep on the couch.


  The next two weeks are a haziness of crying. I manage to hold myself together enough to go to work, but as soon as I get home I turn into a blubbering mess. Trixie’s there to support me and offers me words of encouragement and sympathy. I come to the conclusion that Richard and I are over. I don’t know why he said we should meet up in San Francisco. I feel for sure that we’re done. It’s obvious he doesn’t want to be with me.

  The following week I start to feel slightly better. I’m still gloomy, but I don’t cry any more. It’s only one week before I go up to San Francisco. I fully accept that Richard and I will not get back together and although it makes me sad, I feel ready to move on with our separate lives.

  We’ve had absolutely no contact during the past four weeks so I’m surprised on the day before I leave to go to San Francisco that I get a text message from Richard. See you in San Francisco Eve. My flight arrives on Thursday at 4pm.

  I’m shocked. I almost expected Richard to cancel our meeting and just break-up with me once and for all, probably by text message! In my heart I know it’s over and I’m not sure meeting in San Francisco is really necessary. I don’t reply.

  The next day I rush to get to the airport and I just make it to the gate on time, running to take my seat on the plane. I take some paperwork out of my bag and start to read through it. After what feels like only a couple of minutes we land in San Francisco. I catch a cab to the hotel, check into my room, take my bags up and then head down to say hi to the guys in the back office. I know the team here pretty well as I often fly up to give them a hand. After saying hello to everyone, I head outside to go for a quick walk around the shops before my shift starts later that evening. After enjoying my afternoon, I head back to my room, change into my work clothes and head down to start my shift. I say hi to everyone again and head to the Night Manager’s office which will be my place of work for the next few days or so. I turn on the computer and start working on some of reports.

  Chapter 1

  Current day …

  It’s a little after 2am and there’s a knock at my office door. Jim, our Manager of Hotel Security pokes his head inside. He has a cheeky smirk on his face as he tells me that we’ve had people complaining about the racket our penthouse guests are making. He knows that telling-off noisy guests is not a favourite part of my job, but Oblivion, the rock group that’s occupying our entire penthouse floor has a reputation for causing trouble, so we need to get up there and sort it out pronto before the problem escalates.

  I quickly touch up my lip gloss, tidy my hair, straighten my suit and then follow Jim across the hotel lobby to the elevators. I feel a shiver of dread course through me, my heart starts to beat ridiculously fast and I can feel the blood rushing to my head. I shouldn’t be so nervous, I’ve had plenty of experience telling guests to keep the noise down. But the reason why my nerves are on high alert has nothing to do with telling-off guests and everything to do with the fact that that I thought I would never come face-to-face with ‘him’ ever again. As the elevator slowly moves up to the 23rd floor, I go through the same old memory that I’ve replayed in my mind maybe a million times over the past seven years. The one where Ash Miller, my old high school sweetheart and the sexy lead guitarist of the heavy rock group Oblivion, broke my heart. My tummy’s in knots so I take a few deep breathes to try to calm myself down. He will never remember or recognise me anyway, so I’m pretty sure I’m panicking over nothing.

  As the elevator gets close to the penthouse floor, I can already hear the music and partying. The doors open
and there’s heavy music blaring, empty bottles everywhere and crowds of people hanging around in the smoky haze of the hallway or in the open rooms. The majority of the crowd are very scantily clad women or black-clothed men that look like they’ve come straight out of a heavy metal music video! We ask where the person in charge is and are directed to the main penthouse suite. Jim and I push our way through the throng of people to make our way down the hallway.

  We walk inside and as we pass one of the bedrooms I glance inside. I gasp, there’s a couple of close-to-naked girls making out enthusiastically on the king size bed, three guys are watching them intently while casually sipping their beers. The girls are putting on quite a show – they obviously have no shame! I’m no prude, but I’m so far out of my comfort zone it’s not funny.

  We head towards the lounge area which comprises of a couple of leather couches and a few comfy chairs that are pulled around a low coffee table. A few guitars are propped up around the place and there are lots of bottles and glasses scattered everywhere. Five guys are lounging around relaxing and enjoying their drinks. I recognise them all as being members of Oblivion. Some of them have girls perched on their knees who are nibbling on their necks and stroking their thighs suggestively.

  Jim clears his throat and in his deep voice booms, “Who’s in charge around here?” All five heads snap up and their eyes are suddenly entirely focussed on us. “He is!” they all say in unison as they each point to one another. They start snickering, thinking that they’re being funny.

  Jim and I take a few steps closer. “I’m Jim Matterson, Hotel Security, and this is Eve Hanson, she’s the Night Manager. We’ve had a few complaints from other guests about the noi…”

  Before Jim finishes his sentence, one of the five abruptly stands, scuttling the scantily clad floosy that had been on his lap onto her ass on the floor. This makes the other four laugh riotously as the girl snarls and skulks off towards the kitchen. The offender isn’t laughing though, he’s blatantly glaring straight at me. Those familiar sapphire blue eyes feel like they’re burning directly into my soul. The air crackles with electricity between us. I suddenly feel very hot and flustered! My traitorous body betrays me as it instantly remembers and reacts to the sexy rock god who’s attention is now solely fixated on me. I can feel my nipples hardening and I hope like hell my suit jacket is concealing my reaction. I squeeze my thighs together to try and alleviate the throbbing in my panties. It’s been seven years but the attraction is still instant and immense. His eyes are burning with desire, or is it shock? Time stands still as we blatantly assess each other. Gradually the laughter from the other band members dissipates. Then Ash takes a determined step towards me and declares, “That’s not Eve, that’s my fucking Angel!” My stomach plummets. He does recognise me.

  “What the hell man, you’re not that drunk.” one of the other guys says as he stands and pushes Ash back down onto the couch. The guy sitting next to Ash slaps him up the back of his head and scowls at him. I recognise the guy that pushed Ash down as Scott, the lead singer. Scott looks at me apologetically, “Sorry Eve, whenever Ash gets drunk, he thinks every pretty brunette is his old high school sweetheart.”

  Ash clumsily struggles to stand up again as he protests, “No shit man, this is my Angel, I’m telling you.”

  “Sit back down you jackass.” Scott says as he roughly pushes Ash back down into his seat again.

  Jim takes a menacing step forward. “Look, just keep the volume down okay or we’ll have to kick you out.”

  “Yeah, as if.” one of the other guys mumbles.

  “Please guys, just keep it down.” I plead. My head is reeling. Ash recognises me. Shit, Shit, Shit!

  Scott looks at me with sincerity in his eyes. “We’ll turn the volume down, no problem Eve.” He emphasises my name and scowls at Ash. “Look sorry about Ash’s little outburst, as I said, when he’s drunk, he thinks every pretty brunette is his long lost love.” He rakes his eyes over me suggestively and tilts his head, “… and you’re brunette…and you’re definitely very pretty.”

  “That’s okay.” I say shrugging my shoulders while trying to give the impression of being much more calm and collected than I feel. “Besides, my full name is Evangeline, everyone calls me Eve, but band boy there always did call me Angel.”

  The other four guys suddenly look shocked. They frantically look back and forth between each other, then to me, then to Ash, then back to me again. “Hold the fuck up.” Scott says with a big grin on his face as he rapidly points back and forth between me and Ash, “You’re telling me that you’re actually Ash’s Angel, like for real?”

  I hesitate, “Well, yes and no… I’m not Ash’s Angel - not any more. He threw away the right to call me his Angel seven years ago when he left me behind to become a rock star.” Ash winces as if in pain. I need to get out of here immediately. This is all just too much, I grab Jim by his arm and turn to leave as quickly as I can.

  Before we reach the door Ash has got out of his seat again and is quickly striding towards me. He gently grabs my shoulder and tingles dart down my arm as his strong hands spin me around to face him. “Angel, please … what are you doing here in San Francisco? … please just let me talk to you.”

  I struggle to respond, “Ash, I’m working, I’m on duty.” I need to get out of here – now! My pulse is racing and I really don’t want to face the man who broke my heart so many years ago. All the memories and hurt feelings are rapidly rushing back into my mind.

  Ash looks exasperated and asks, “When does your shift end? Maybe we can talk then?, please Angel, I really, really need to talk to you.”

  “Ash, it’s been a long time, just let me go.” I turn around and almost sprint out of the penthouse door and down the corridor towards the elevators. Jim slowly follows behind me and as I look back I see him lean towards Ash and quietly whisper something in his ear. Ash smiles and I hear him thank Jim and then Ash turns around and strides back inside the suite.

  Jim and I get back into the elevator. I press the L button for the lobby and then quickly press the CLOSE DOORS button. “What did you say to Ash?” I ask.

  “Nothing.” Jim replies as he stands against the back wall of the elevator with his arms folded in front of him and a grin on his face. I can see that I’m not going to get any more information out of him so I don’t bother pushing for more. As we reach the lobby, Jim says “See you later Eve, that’s the end of my shift, enjoy the rest of your morning.”

  “Night Jim.” I say as I make my way back towards the office. I still have nearly four more hours to go until my shift ends at six. I try to catch up on some paperwork and reports, but it’s no use, I can’t stop thinking about my encounter in the penthouse. I had thought I would never see Ash again. I was sure that he wouldn’t recognise me, but he had. Even after all this time the same scorching electricity still exists between us and I feel that instant attraction. He looks different than seven years ago. Older maybe, but still the same Ash. I had known him as a boy, but now he’s definitely all man. He has defined muscles and he looks strong. His arms are covered with tattoos and his black spiky hair is styled a lot more ‘rock star’ than it used to be.

  Sexy? - Definitely!

  Hot beyond belief? - You bet!

  Can I stop thinking about him? – Not a bloody chance!

  I’m not sure it’s a good idea to have seen him again. We’ve both moved on. We’re both very different people from the kids we were seven years ago. I sigh and stare blankly at my computer screen for more than three hours. Before I know it, it’s only ten minutes until my shift is due to finish, where has the time gone?

  There’s a knock on my door. I look up and despondently mumble, “Come in.” The door swings open. Standing in the doorway is Ash with a smug smirk on his face. “Hi there Angel.” He stands there grinning. I can’t say anything. I just sit in my seat staring at him. He’s stunning. Dressed in ripped faded jeans and a white button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up so the tattoos o
n his arms are showing, he looks utterly amazing. His dark hair is damp and dishevelled. He’s obviously just showered and even from the few feet away in the doorway, he smells as good as he looks.

  “Well?” he says, “You going to say hi?”

  I hadn’t realised that I was still just gawking having not said a word. “Hi.” I say, more meekly than I intend.

  “Hey Angel.” he says back. “Can we talk?” he asks.

  “I’m working Ash. Just go back to your suite. Go back to your life.”

  “Your shift ends in ten minutes, we can talk then.”

  “How do you know when my shift ends?” I ask irritated.

  “Jim told me.” he smirks. “Come on Angel, just for old time’s sake. We can catch up, tell me what you’ve been doing for the past seven years.”

  I sigh. “Okay band boy, you win. I suppose I can meet you in the lobby in ten minutes.”

  “Cool.” he says, “I’ll catch ya in a few.” He turns and leaves the room.

  Shit, this is so not a good idea. It’s been seven years, but astonishingly it feels like yesterday. Over the last few hours all those memories have come flooding back. The hurt, the sadness, the numerous nights I had cried myself to sleep. But all the good memories had inundating my thoughts too. The fun Ash and I had together, drinking down at the lake, cuddling up together in the back of his car, the laughing, the hours we spent talking, the tender moments and the love we had for each other, not to mention the sizzling sex. Ash had been my first and even after all these years no one has even come close to sharing the intensity that Ash and I had. All those emotions and memories are swirling around in my head and my heart.

  Perhaps talking with Ash today will finally give me the closure I’ve been missing and will allow me to finally move on with my life. But I’m scared, terrified actually. There’s a certain comfort in not having that closure and always wondering about the what-ifs. I’ve asked myself a number of times what would have happened to us if I had quit college and gone on tour with him? Or what would have happened if he had not gone on tour and instead had stayed at college? Would we have stayed together? What would our lives be like now if different choices had been made seven years ago?


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