Book Read Free

Heaven Sent

Page 15

by Tania Sparks

  “Hey Eve.” she replies. We give each other a hug and I notice her giving Nikki a wink over my shoulder.

  I put my arm around her waist and try to get everyone's attention, “Hey guys, this is my best friend Trixie.” We move around the table as I make the introductions. Everyone says hi and a beer is propelled across the table to Trixie. As Nikki seems the most anxious to be introduced, I purposely leave him until last.

  “Trixie, this is Nikki, Nikki, this is Trixie.” Trixie slowly rakes her eyes over Nikki. “Nice to meet you Nikki.” she says as she leans in, puts her hands on his shoulders and gives him a lingering kiss on his cheek. Nikki stands transfixed with a big grin on his face as he silently gives Trixie the once over. This is the first time I’ve seen Nikki speechless! Trixie’s such a flirt, Nikki’s usually just as bad, but I think he may have met his match with Trixie, she’s an expert at this and I know her game plan, I’ve seen it many times before.

  Nikki suddenly gets his senses back so he grabs a stool from the next table and puts it down next to him, patting it, he says, “Have a seat Trixie.” Trixie flicks her hair and smiles at him sweetly. Then she picks up the stool, moves it down a few spaces and places it next to Cody, and when I say next to Cody, I really do mean next to Cody, her stool is so close to his, she may as well be sitting on his lap! Cody’s face morphs into a wide grin as he glances over to a shocked and pouting Nikki. Cody shrugs his shoulders in a ‘what can you do!’ gesture. I know Trixie’s tricks, she’s gunning for Nikki but wants him to work for it, so she’s diverting her attention elsewhere for the time being.

  The music’s playing and the drinks are flowing. Trixie continues to chat and joke confidently with the whole group, she really is a social butterfly, spending time with a bunch of rock stars doesn’t faze her at all. Of course she flirts relentlessly with Nikki. They both make jibes and digs at each other constantly, but just to make sure to keep him on his toes, she also flirts unashamedly with Cody and Hansen.

  Scott kneels up on the bench seat he’s sharing with Lizzie and turns to face her, with a cocky grin on his face he confidently says, “Dance with me beautiful girl!”

  Lizzie giggles, “Scott, nobody’s dancing, sit down and stop being so silly!”

  Scott overly pouts his lips in mock disappointment. He jiggles around on his knees as he grabs Lizzie’s hands and tries to pull her up. “Come on Lizzie, I don’t care if nobody else’s dancing, I want to dance with you, come on up here.”

  The song on the stereo changes and Lily Allen’s voice blares through the speakers. “Oh, I love this song!” Lizzie squeals as she gets up on her knees facing Scott and they both jiggle and sway to the music. They both rise to their feet so they are now standing on the bench seat. Lizzie’s hands are waving above her head, Scott has her firmly clasped around the waist as he pulls her tight against his body.

  Cody stands up and in an attempt to do one better than Scott, he climbs up onto the top of the table. He leans down and grabs Trixie’s hand pulling her up to dance. Trixie yelps and giggles as she’s dragged up. Scott lifts Lizzie from the bench seat up onto the table top too and then jumps up to join them, all four of them dancing and grinding together.

  Not wanting to miss out, Nikki jumps up onto the table and promptly flicks Trixie around so she’s facing him. He grabs onto her hands and puts them around his neck, he places his hands firmly on her hips, pulling her close and moves suggestively against her body. His eyes are hooded as he smirks sexily at her. Cody’s still dancing behind Trixie, moving his body provocatively against hers, his hands on her waist. Trixie looks over her shoulder to Cody, raising her hand to her mouth she blows him a goodbye kiss, then her attention quickly moves back to focus on Nikki as she runs her hands over his chest, crouching down slightly to skim her hands seductively down his thighs and back up again. Cody shrugs realising he’s lost the battle for Trixie and jumps down from the table.

  Cody continues to dance, grabbing two ladies from a nearby table to join him. Hansen accosts one of Cody’s ladies and they all dance together. Ash jumps up and grabs my hands pulling me to my feet to dance. Lily Allen’s words reverberate around the garden bar and we all sing along loudly. ‘We just wanna dance the night away, we don’t give a damn what people say, we’ve had enough, so turn it up, tonight we’re taking over …’

  Ash pulls me firmly against his hard body and moves us in time to the music. His arms are secured firmly around my waist, our faces are so close we’re almost touching, but not quite. He suddenly dips me down backwards, slipping one of his legs between my thighs. He’s bent over me, our bodies melded together. As he lifts me back up he runs his tongue in a long sensual stroke up my neck until he lands on my earlobe nibbling and kissing, making me moan in delight. Goosebumps wash over me and my body tingles as I warm to his touch. Just when I get an over-whelming urge to rip is shirt off I remember where I am. I had completely forgotten about all the other people dancing around us, my entire focus had been on the hot rock god lavishing his attention on me. I step away from him smiling and shaking my head in disbelief. He’s grinning knowingly at me. He’s perfectly aware of the effect he has on me and is revelling in every reaction he elicits. He leans in and whispers in my ear, “I fucking love how you react to me Angel.”

  We continue to dance for the next few songs until we all collapse back into our seats laughing and joking. Boy, Ash and his band sure do know how to have fun!

  After another hour or so, we wonder out to the road and a taxi van pulls up to transport us back to Ash’s place. Once we get there we pile out of the taxi and make our way inside. The guys make themselves at home. Cody disappears out the back somewhere and returns with a big metal bucket full of ice. He places it on the large outdoor table on the deck. In the meantime Scott and Lizzie have grabbed a whole pile of beers out of the kitchen fridge and have started to place them in the ice bucket. Hansen goes to the kitchen and grabs a couple of bottles of wine and some wine glasses and places them on the table next to the beers. I follow Ash out to the deck as he starts to set up the barbeque, he asks me to grab the steaks, sausages and burgers out of the fridge. Everyone just seems so at home, it’s obvious that they all spend a lot of time here and they all feel very comfortable. I take the food out to Ash who puts one arm around my waist and uses his other hand to throw the meat onto the hot grill.

  I notice that Nikki and Trixie disappeared almost as soon as we walked inside. “Where did Nikki and Trixie disappear to?” I ask Ash.

  He snickers at me and nods his head inside the house. “They disappeared into one of the back bedrooms as soon as we walked in the door.”

  I laugh back at him shaking my head. Everyone had noticed on the ride back that they could hardly keep their hands off each other, I guess they couldn’t wait any longer.

  “I saw some salads and stuff in the fridge Ash, shall I get those out and put them on the table?” I ask.

  “That’d be cool thanks Angel.” he replies with a smile.

  I make my way back to the kitchen. As I’m getting the salads out of the fridge and putting them into serving bowls, Trixie and Nikki stumble out of the hallway, draped around each other giggling and looking as guilty as sin. Trixie lets go of Nikki and saunters her way over to me, Nikki gives her a smack on the bum which makes Trixie yelp and giggle even more. Nikki walks outside to join Ash at the barbeque. I smile and shake my head. “You’re such a slut Trix!” I laugh.

  She pokes her tongue out at me and with a massive grin she hoots, “I might be, but fuck it was totally worth it!, that boy has talents.”

  Trixie helps me with getting the rest of the food ready and we put it all on the outside table on the deck. We put some plates and cutlery out there as well. By the time everything is ready, Ash is taking the meat off the barbeque and is placing it onto serving platters. We all sit down and eat our dinner. I’m really enjoying myself, everyone gets on so well, laughing, eating and chatting. Ash was right, this part of his life is very normal and I feel
very much at home here with his friends.

  When we finish eating we all pick up the plates and platters and take them through to the kitchen. Scott and Lizzie wander off down the beach. The the guys all plonk themselves down in the sitting area and turn on the television to watch the game that’s just started. Trixie and I stay in the kitchen to do the girly thing and clean up. Before we even get started Ash slinks up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in my neck. “What ya doing Angel?” he mumbles in my ear.

  “Just cleaning up.” I chirp.

  He laughs softly, “Angel, Alice, my housekeeper will come by in the morning to do that, come sit down.”

  Trixie and I both look at each other with raised eyebrows, “Oh, okay” we both say in unison.

  We make our way back through to the sitting room. I sit down on Ash’s lap and Trixie drapes herself over Nikki. We watch the game for about half an hour, but Trixie and I aren’t really into football. Trixie gets up and leans over to whisper in my ear, “Nikki told me there’s a hot tub out back, shall we go jump in?”

  I whisper back to her, “I don’t have my bikini.”

  She grins back at me, “We have our bras and panties don’t we!”

  “We do!” I laugh. I get up from Ash’s lap and Trixie and I walk towards the hallway, laughing and giggling all the way. Once we reach the bathroom, we remove our clothes so we’re both just wearing our bras and panties. “How long do you think we’ll have the hot tub to ourselves?” I joke.

  “Well,” Trixie laughs, “Once we walk past the guys to get outside, I think they’ll follow pretty quickly, don’t you?” she says cupping her breasts and giving them a giggle.

  “I think you might be right!” I laugh.

  We open the bathroom door and meander our way down the hallway. We walk past the kitchen and through the sitting room out towards the deck. We don’t even get to the doors before we hear Ash groan out, “Holy fuck!” while Nikki yells, “Hell yeah!” Both of them dart off the couch and rush towards us. Nikki’s already removing his t-shirt as he crashes into Trixie, sweeping her off her feet and lifting her in his arms as she squeals excitedly. Ash folds his arms around me and growls into my ear, “What the hell are you doing Angel, I don’t want you walking around in front of the guys in your fucking bra and panties!”

  I laugh at him as he’s tries desperately to keep me covered. “We’re going to get in the hot tub Ash, it’s no different from a bikini!” I giggle.

  “I suppose not.” Ash mumbles reluctantly, “But, let’s get you under that water quickly to stop these fuckers from gawking at you!”

  He guides me down the steps and around the side of the house to the hot tub that I didn’t even know existed! Nikki and Trixie are already submerged up to their chests and the water is bubbling softly as they snuggle into each other. Ash quickly removes his jeans and t-shirt, leaving only his boxers. He holds out his hand to support me while I jump in and he quickly follows. I snuggle into Ash’s side. After about ten minutes Cody, Hansen, Scott and Lizzie all come out to join us, bringing some beers with them. We all unwind and enjoy the warm relaxing water and a few drinks. The guys talk about the upcoming tour and how excited they are about visiting the East Coast again.

  They joke around and reminisce about some interesting and comical stories from past tours. Some of the stories are hysterical, the guys have got themselves into some real trouble over the years and have obviously had a lot of laughs and good times. Nikki tells a story about a time when him and Ash got hustled by a couple of girls in Tennessee. As soon as Ash hears Nikki start to tell the story he groans in discomfort. “Fuck Nikki, did you have to choose that one, I’m trying to make a good impression on my girl here!”

  The others all laugh and encourage Nikki to carry on with the story. “Well…” Nikki continues “…these two chicks, one blonde and one red head, both with big boobs and luscious fuck-me lips…”

  I feel Ash cringe beside me.

  “…were hanging around backstage after one of our concerts. They were all over me and Ash, sucking on our necks, hands practically down our pants…”

  Ash groans in awkwardness.

  “…well, they suggested that we go back to their hotel room to play a game of strip poker. Well hell we were up for that, we thought we were pretty shit-hot at poker because we play on the tour bus all the time. We thought we’d have the girls naked in no time, but either way we figured the girls were a sure thing, so we got back to the hotel as quick as fuck. Once we got back to their room, they pulled out a pack of cards and we all sat on the floor and started to play poker. Me and Ash won the first couple of hands and were enjoying the view, the girls had removed a couple of items of clothing, but they weren’t wearing much anyway, so the scenery was pretty damn good. But then they started to win every fucking hand and me and Ash were quickly running out of clothes! Anyhow we’re not exactly shy, so once we were sitting there wearing only our birthday suits, the girls told us that if we lost the next hand we would have to run naked through the hotel lobby. We have no shame, so we agreed. Well guess what! Of course we lost the next fucking hand! so we jumped in the lift and ran naked through the hotel lobby…”

  We’re all laughing, and even Ash is chuckling now.

  “…unfortunately by the time we got back to the hotel room the girls wouldn’t open the door, we were stuck out in the corridor naked! After about twenty minutes one of the hotel staff came by and we managed to convince them that we had been locked out accidentally. But we got inside and the girls were gone, and all our god-damned clothes were gone too! We ended up calling Pete to come and pick us up in the limo, but we had to wrap fucking sheets around us to get through the hotel and out to the car, we looked like warped rocker romans!”

  We’re all laughing hysterically with the images of Nikki and Ash wrapped in sheets walking through the hotel.

  Nikki continues, “The worse fucking thing was that a few days later our clothes showed up on e-bay!, those bloody bitches made a fortune from selling our stuff.” By the time Nikki’s finished the story we’re all laughing so much we’re in tears.

  After a few more funny stories, Nikki’s hands start to wonder over Trixie as she giggles and tries to slap him away. His hands disappear under the water and Trixie squeals and jumps away from him. Nikki quickly grabs her and pulls her back. “Come on Trix.” Nikki smirks, “Let’s get out and take a wander down the beach.”

  “Ok.” Trixie giggles. They both stand up to get out. It’s only then that we realise that Nikki isn’t wearing anything – he’s butt naked giving us all an eye full!

  “What the fuck Nikki!” Ash screams as he quickly tries to cover my eyes with his hands.

  Nikki shrugs his shoulders and says, “What’s the problem Ash?”

  “I don’t want you flashing your fucking wares around my Angel.” Ash growls.

  Nikki and Trixie are laughing and nudging at each other as they jump out. Trixie slaps Nikki on his bum and he gives her a slap back on her thighs. Nikki grabs a couple of large fluffy towels from a cabinet off the side of the hot tub area and wraps one around Trixie and one around himself, then they make their way back into the house.

  The rest of us stay in the hot tub, I’m still snuggled into Ash’s side and we all carry on chatting happily. A couple of minutes later Nikki and Trixie slink out of the house doors, now dried and dressed and head off down the beach. We can hear Trixie giggling and screeching and Nikki’s deep rumbling laughter.

  After a while the rest of us get out of the hot tub and head inside to get changed. Over the next hour, we all sit in the lounge area relaxing. Nikki and Trixie slink back inside and head straight to one of the bedrooms. Everyone decides to retire for the night so we say our goodnights and head for the bedrooms.


  Ash and I get up first and I’m surprised that the mess from last night has already been cleaned up and the place is spotless again. We get ourselves some breakfast and gradually the others g
et up and join us. After we’ve all eaten, the guys depart and make plans to meet at the airport tomorrow morning to fly to Florida where they’re starting their tour with the first concert kicking off tomorrow night. Nikki and Trixie leave together and Ash and I are left by ourselves. “What’s your plan today Angel?” Ash asks.

  “I need to go home and pack this morning, but I have one more shift at the hotel from midday until eight tonight before I’m off on holiday for a few weeks!”

  “Well let’s get you home then so you can pack, then I’ll drop you off at work.”

  “Sounds good Ash. And before I forget to say it, thank you so much for the past few days, it’s really been wonderful. You’ve made me feel so at ease and I’ve really enjoyed myself. You’ve showed me that I can feel comfortable in your world, so thanks.”

  Ash frowns slightly, “You’re welcome Angel, but you sound surprised, did you not expect to enjoy yourself?”

  “Well, I did, and I know that you told me your life can be normal and isn’t always crazy, but to be honest, I did wonder if your idea of normal was considerably different from mine, but it’s not. I feel like I really fit in.”


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