Book Read Free

Heaven Sent

Page 16

by Tania Sparks

  Ash gives me a warm hug, “Of course you fit in Angel, you’re a fantastic girl. I knew the guys would all love you and you’d fit in perfectly, you’re part our family now. We’re just a normal bunch of guys that like to hang out. Don’t get me wrong, once we’re out on tour it does get sort of crazy, but crazy good not crazy bad. You’ll love it Angel, you’ll see.”

  I smile uncertainly, “I really hope so Ash, us being together feels so right, whatever happens, I’m sure we’ll find a way to make it work.”

  We hold each other for a few minutes then Ash says, “Okay, let’s get going Angel. I’ll get you home so you can pack, otherwise you’ll run out of time and end up being late for work.” We grab all our stuff and head out.

  Chapter 14

  We get to my apartment and there’s no sign of Trixie. I guess she’s still with Nikki. “Make yourself at home.” I say indicating for him to sit on the couch. I make my way towards my bedroom to start to pack, I lean back and yell over my shoulder, “What the hell do I pack to go on a rock tour Ash?” I ask exasperatedly.

  “Pack whatever you want Angel, we’ll be doing a lot travelling, so comfy clothes are a must, but you’ll want some sexy dresses too because we’ll be going to a few after-parties and clubs.”

  After about half an hour I come out of the bedroom with my most massive suitcase packed to the brim and bursting at the seams. “Holy crap Angel, that’s a fucking enormous suitcase!” I shrug my shoulders and drag the suitcase into the sitting room. “I hope it fits on the bus!” he chuckles.

  “Shit Ash, I hadn’t even thought of that, will it be okay?”

  “Of course it will Angel, we’ll find somewhere to put it. We might have to kick Nikki out of his bunk and keep it in there, but hey, no big deal!”

  “God, are you sure it’ll be okay….”

  “It’ll be fine Angel.” He chuckles.

  “Okay, well my packing’s all done, just let me get dressed for work and we’ll head off.”

  I go back into my bedroom and get dressed for work. I change into my grey bra and panties and match them with my grey garter belt and tan silk stockings with grey lace tops. I pull on my black pencil skirt, my grey silk wrap-around blouse and my black pumps. I put my hair up into a messy bun and touch up my make-up then make my way out to the sitting room.

  As I enter the room Ash stands up and his eyes turn heated as he rakes his eyes over my body. “Holy crap Angel. I still can’t get over how sexy as hell you look in your work get up. C’mere.” He crooks his finger to encourage me to move towards him. I saunter over slowly. He puts his hands on my waist and holds me at arms-length as he casually assesses me. He flops back down onto the couch pulling me sideways onto his lap, making me squeal. His hands run over my skirt and his eyes trace his movements. He feels the top of my stockings and garters through my skirt and his eyes dart to mine and he groans, “Jesus, please don’t tell me you wear garters and stockings under your work clothes Angel…I have to see this.” His hands slip under my skirt and his fingers trace the edge of my silk stockings. He remains seated and lifts me up and off his lap guiding me to stand in front of him so I’m positioned between his legs with his knees straddling me. I place my hands on his shoulders as he slowly starts to lift my skirt up my thighs and over my hips. “Holy fuck.” he mumbles. “What time do you have to be at work Angel?” he whispers.

  “I have to be there in about an hour Ash, we don’t have time…” but my speech stumbles as he drags his tongue slowly over my stomach.

  “Just one taste Angel…” he pleads.

  “But I’m all dressed for work Ash, you’ll get me all messy and dirty.”

  “I like you messy and dirty.” he growls as he deftly finds the zip on my skirt and slides it down my legs. “I’ll get you there on time Angel, the hotel’s only fifteen minutes away, we have plenty of time.”

  “We haven’t had lunch yet Ash.” I implore very unconvincingly.

  “There’s only one thing I want to devour right now Angel … and that’s you.” He stands up, undoes my wrap top and slinks it off my shoulders dropping it to the ground. He slips his fingers under the edge of my panties and seductively slides them down my legs. I’m standing in front of him feeling very exposed wearing only my bra, garter belt and stockings. “Sit down Angel.” he demands firmly.

  I just can’t say no to this man, he has me in a trance. I’ll do anything for him when he looks at me like he is now, strong, confident and burning with desire for me. I lower myself down onto the couch as he drops to his knees on the floor in front of me. He places his hands on the inside of my knees and gently widens my thighs as he edges himself closer. His eyes are transfixed on the delta between my thighs, his fingers stroke from my knees all the way upwards until his thumbs are caressing my upper thighs. His fingers open my folds and he dips his head, his warm firm tongue sliding a long path upwards along my pussy. My entire body melts as I slouch against the couch. My head falls back onto the headrest and an erotic groan slips from my lips. Ash has an unbelievable ability to turn me on instantly. My body’s humming in anticipation, already chasing a climax. His fingers slip inside and start to move, slowly at first, but then with more urgency. His tongue is still laving and sucking while his other hand gently caresses my thigh.

  My body unexpectedly explodes as tremors of pleasure radiate through me, I literally see stars!

  My senses slowly start to come back and as I recompose myself I can see Ash grinning wickedly at me. “Holy fuck Angel, that has to be some sort of speed time record.” he snickers as he proudly smirks and says, “I made you come in less than a minute!”

  “Jesus Ash, why can’t I ever say no to you!” I say half-joking, half-serious as I slap him playfully on the shoulder.

  “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and off to work.” he laughs.

  “What about you Ash?” I ask.

  “I had my taste Angel. Besides if I get going you’ll definitely be late.” After cleaning up and getting dressed for the second time, we leave and head into my work.

  By the time the car pulls up outside the hotel, it’s only just turned half past eleven, so I have plenty of time before my shift starts at twelve. I normally try to get to work early so I can say hi to everyone before I need to start. I lean over and give Ash a kiss, “See you later Ash.”

  “Yeah I’ll be here at eight to pick you up Angel, we’ll go out and grab some dinner, then we should probably have an early night, we have to be up early in the morning to be at the airport.”

  “Okay, see you at eight.” I say as I hop out of the car and make my way inside.

  As I walk through the lobby I hear a familiar voice calling me, “Eve, Eve, over here!” I look over to the other side of the lobby and see Richard standing there with a massive bunch of flowers frantically waving his hand to get my attention.

  My heart sinks and a feeling of dread washes over me. What on earth has possessed him to come to my place of work?, and what’s with the flowers? We’re over, what does he think he’s doing? I walk over to him and irritated ask, “Richard, why are you here?” He looks at me sheepishly and shoves the flowers in my direction. I reluctantly take them and say, “You came here to give me flowers?”

  He tilts his head, squints his eyes and mockingly says, “Well no Eve, I said in San Francisco that we would talk when you got back, and I meant it. I think our relationship is worth fighting for. I know your shift doesn’t start until twelve, so I thought we can pop over to the coffee shop next door and talk about us for a couple of minutes?”

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea Richard. There’s nothing to talk about, there is no us.”

  “Come on Eve, just a few minutes…please!” he pleads.

  Jesus, he’s not going to give up and I don’t want to make a scene in the hotel lobby, so just to get him off my back I agree, “Just a couple of minutes Richard, that’s all, but it’s not going to do any good, we’re not getting back together.”

  He frowns
at me and holds out his arm indicating for me to make my way towards the doors. He walks beside me and tries to put his hand on the small of my back to guide me, but I wriggle away. We approach the front doors and I ask David, the concierge to look after the flowers for me. Just as we walk through the rotating doors, I hear some wheels screeching and what sounds like the roar of Ash’s Charger, but I look around and can’t see anything.

  I spend the next twenty minutes trying to convince Richard that we’re not getting back together. He’s very persistent and isn’t taking no for an answer. I tell him that me and Ash are committed to each other but he makes it clear that he thinks I’m being stupid to think Ash will stick around.

  We argue back and forth, Richard constantly pushing the idea that he thinks Ash can’t provide a proper life for me, I argue back that we’ll have a great life together.

  Richard says that Ash with his well-known reputation, will cheat on me, I argue that he won’t.

  Richard argues that it is not a good environment for ‘a lady’, I tell him to stop being so stuck-up.

  After an exhausting and frustrating exchange, I have to excuse myself because my shift is about to start. I say goodbye and leave Richard sulking in the coffee shop. Just as I’m exiting the shop, I hear Richard call out, “This isn’t over Eve.” I just shake my head and stride back to the hotel.

  On the way in I ask David if he would like to keep the flowers to give to his wife. He says that he would love to and thanks me profusely.

  I walk over to the reception counter to say hi to the girls. “Hey Eve, how was San Francisco?” Sonya asks.

  “Hey Sonya, San Francisco was … eventful!” I reply biting my lip in contemplation of the whirlwind that has been the last few days. “I’ll tell you about it in my break Sonya, but I’m running late now, catch you a bit later okay?”

  I stroll towards the back office when I hear Sonya calling out to get my attention. She runs up to me with a brown paper bag in her hand, “Oh sorry Eve, I almost forgot, a very sexy looking rock star type dropped off a sandwich for you, he asked me to make sure you got it because you hadn’t had any time to grab lunch.”

  “When did he come in Sonya?” I ask a bit confused.

  “Oh about twenty minutes ago. I saw you in the lobby speaking to Richard and I pointed over to you and told him you were just over with your boyfriend, so he could take it over to you himself if he wanted. But as soon as he saw you, he suddenly looked really angry and practically threw the bag at me and stormed off.”

  “Shit!” I curse.

  “Is everything okay Eve, did I do something wrong?” Sonya asks looking very concerned.

  I start making my way to my office as quickly as I can so I can get hold of Ash to explain. I turn my head and say, “No, it’s not your fault Sonya, but just so you know Richard’s not my boyfriend any more, that sexy rock star is!”

  “Oh hell Eve, I’m so sorry if I screwed things up for you, I didn’t know!”

  “That’s okay Sonya, no biggie, I’ll just give him a call and explain.”

  I rush into my office and take out my mobile phone. I quickly dial Ash. It rings a few times, then goes straight to voicemail. I don’t leave a message, he normally picks up straight away when he sees it’s me calling, so he must have missed it, so I call again. But once more it rings a few times then goes straight to voicemail. I try one more time, but the same thing happens, so this time I leave a message. Ash, it’s me Eve, I know you saw Richard here, but it’s not what you think, please call me so I can explain.

  After about an hour I still haven’t heard back from Ash, so I try again but I only get voicemail so I leave another message. Ash, please call me, Richard just turned up, please Ash just call me, I need to talk to you.

  I leave it for a couple of hours and I still haven’t heard from him so I send him a text. Ash, please call me.

  Over the next hour I send a few more texts desperately asking him to call me. It’s so unusual for Ash not to respond to me and I’m starting to get extremely worried. I can’t concentrate on my work and I constantly keep checking my phone in case Ash calls or texts me back.

  I decide to call Trixie, she answers on the first ring in her normal cheery voice, “Hey Eve, what’s up?” I explain to her what happened with Richard being here when I arrived at work and what Ash probably thought he saw. “Let me just check with Nikki to see if he’s heard from him.”

  “You’re with Nikki?” I ask curiously.

  “Yeah, I sort of ended up at his place. With him leaving on tour tomorrow we’re trying to make the most of our time together before he goes.” She giggles. “Just give me a sec and I’ll ask him if he’s heard from Ash.” I hear her ask Nikki if he’s heard from Ash, he confirms that he hasn’t. Then I hear Trixie tell Nikki what happened with Ash seeing Richard at the hotel, but I can’t quite make out what else’s being said.

  Then Nikki comes on the line. “Hey Eve, it’s Nikki, look Trixie’s told me the story. I’ll give him a call to see if he’ll answer my calls, but if I don’t get hold of him, I know a few places where he normally hangs out if he’s pissed off. Me and Trix will jump in the car and see if we can find him.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate it, I’m really worried about him. Our receptionist said he was furious. Nikki, he’s got it all wrong, there’s nothing between me and Richard. Ash is the only one for me.” I say tearily.

  “I know Eve, I’ve only known you for a few days, but I can already see that you two are meant to be together.”

  “Thanks Nikki, let me know if you get hold of him okay?”

  “Sure, will do Eve, bye.” I hear Trixie yell bye in the background and then the phone clicks off.

  I wait nervously. Over the next couple of hours Trixie sends me a few texts letting me know that they still haven’t found Ash. Eventually my phone rings, it’s nearly seven and my shift only has an hour to go. I look down to see that it’s Trixie calling, I answer quickly. “Trix, please tell me you’ve found him?” I ask nervously.

  “Hey Eve, umm yeah, we’ve found him. He was in some dive bar downtown. But he’s totally drunk, he keeps mumbling about losing his Angel. He’s a fucking mess Eve.”

  “Oh God, why would he even think that Trix? There’s nothing between me and Richard.”

  “I know, I know, he’s just messed up. We’re taking him back to our apartment, but he needs a bit of sobering up. Once I’ve dropped him and Nikki off I’ll come and pick you up. See you soon okay Eve?”

  “Okay.” I say anxiously.

  Just before eight there’s a knock on my office door, Trixie pokes her head inside, “Hey Eve.” I already have my bag ready and on my desk, so I jump up eagerly and am ready to go straight away.

  “How is he Trix? I ask uncertainly.

  “Pretty drunk.” she laughs, “I think he’s been drinking most of the afternoon, so he’s really fucking wasted, but he’s an adorable drunk, he just keeps mumbling about you.” she chuckles.

  We don’t say much on the way home, I’m too anxious to get to Ash and set him straight about me and Richard being completely over. The moment the car pulls up to a stop outside our building, I quickly jump out and dart up to our apartment. As soon as I open the door and walk inside I can see Ash sprawled across the couch, he’s mumbling and is a complete and utter mess. His hair looks like his hands have been running through it, his eyes are red and droopy and he has an adorable grin on his face. He slowly recognises me and tries to lift his head up, “I must be either dreaming or dead because an Angel just dropped down from heaven!” He flops his head back down onto the couch and chuckles to himself.

  I walk over to him, Trixie was right, he really is quite adorable when he’s drunk. I sit down next to him on the couch and put my hands on either side of his face, looking deeply into his eyes I say to him, “Ash, you really are very cute when you’re drunk.”

  His smile widens, “You think I’m cute!” he slurs.

  I laugh at him and continue on, “Yes, you
are very cute Ash. You’re also the only one I want. What you saw this afternoon was nothing, Richard wanted to talk, but I made it very clear to him that him and I are over. Ash, I’m yours. Always have been. Always will be.”

  He looks at me, his eyes still droopy and a smug grin covers his face, “You think I’m cute.” he chirps again. Holy hell, he really is drunk!

  I laugh at him, turning to Nikki and Trixie I say to them, “Thanks for finding him and bringing him back here guys, but I think he needs to sober up a bit before I have any sort of serious conversation with him!”

  Nikki chuckles, “Yeah, the stupid mother-fucker’s been drinking for hours. I don’t think you’ll get much sense out of him for a while. How about we order some food and put on some coffee, we’ll see if we can get this stupid shit-head to sober up enough to listen to you.”

  “Sounds like a plan Nikki.” I say.

  Trixie picks up the phone and orders some pizza, I get up to put the coffee on. Nikki turns on the TV and plonks himself down next to Ash, pushing Ash’s legs off the couch to make enough room for him to sit. I hear Nikki say to Ash, “You really are a stupid fuck-head Ash, anyone can see that girl only has eyes for you.”

  I hear Ash reply, “Yeah, but guess what…”

  “What?” Nikki replies mockingly.

  In a very loud voice Ash fake whispers, “She thinks I’m cute!”

  “Dickhead.” Nikki mumbles, grinning and shaking his head as he turns up the volume on the TV.

  After a little while the pizza arrives and we all dig in. We try to get Ash to get some food in his stomach to soak up all the alcohol. It’s easier said than done but we manage to get him to eat a couple of slices. After we’ve finished we pour the coffee and sip it while watching TV, waiting for Ash to sober up.

  After another hour Ash is looking a lot more sober. Nikki and Trixie retire to her bedroom. I notice that Nikki’s bag is already by the door, ready to go to the airport early tomorrow morning. I grab Ash’s hand and pull him up, “Come on Ash, let’s go to bed, we need to be up early.” Ash follows me to the bedroom, he’s still not completely sober but is considerably better than what he was earlier. We take off our clothes and climb under the covers. I set the alarm for six o’clock because we still have to go to Ash’s place to pick up his stuff before heading to the airport. I reach over and turn off the lights. Ash eases his arm under my neck and I snuggle into him.


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