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Fateful Italian Passion

Page 10

by Olga GOA

  “I am not in the mood for humor, Lu! I’m going to Milano to give him a piece of my mind and talk to his secretary too! I’ll kick out all the demons from your brother!” Francesca was waving her fists, not holding back her Italian temperament.

  “Fra.” Lucenzo straightened her. “Breathe in deeply. Chill out. I’ll decide this.”

  “Oh no! That bitch, Susan, will want to catch you too! I know these bitches. Trust me, Lu.” She didn’t want to let Lucenzo go. For her, Susan was the one who broke up their family circle and danced on its dead coals. Susan was the one who won’t stop at anything until she gets what she wants.

  “Lovely, please stay with Veronica. She needs you more than me. Moreover, in this condition in which you are in now, it’s better if you don’t get behind the wheel. I will be distressed thinking about it.” Lucenzo shook his head, advising Francesca to listen to him. “I’ll go to Milano, and I will say everything that needs to be said. Moreover, I know Susan. I had seen her a couple of times when I helped Milano in the office.”

  Francesca menacingly frowned. “She’s a vixen! Stay away from her, Lu!”

  “Don’t worry, my little goldfish. I’m only yours.”

  After those tender words from Lucenzo, Francesca’s heart eased up. Her heart began to sing especially when Lucenzo kissed her before leaving the house.

  However, Francesca returned to Veronica, sitting next to her bed, and waiting to feed her as soon as she woke up.


  Riding up to ‘Romano Industries’, Lucenzo felt tired. He took his time to scroll all the thoughts in his head which he planned to pour out at Milano. Anyway, his anger blocked all his good intentions.

  Lucenzo quickly got out of the car and went up to his brother’s office. He didn’t want to postpone their conversation any further. He decided to dot the i’s and cross the t’s.

  Entering Milano’s room, Lucenzo saw his elder brother. Milano was sitting at his huge desk, hunched over a pile of his drawings and simultaneously taking some notes. Lucenzo was glad that he didn’t find his brother on the table with his secretary; otherwise, he would’ve thrown the chair at him.

  Feeling someone’s heavy gaze, Milano looked up from his work.

  “Lucenzo?” He was surprised, noticing his brother. “I didn’t expect you to be here today. Come in, bro.” Milano gestured to Lucenzo to sit while he was still busy with his work.

  “I don’t know if I should accept your invitation or not, because I feel like I’ll blow your office to hell!” Lucenzo yelled. He understood that he couldn’t stop, despite Milano being quiet. It looked like as if Milano was afraid of the unintended consequences of their conversation. Maybe he was hiding something from Lucenzo?

  “What are you talking about, Lu?” Milano wondered, continuing to trace some lines of a future building’s facade and checking the accuracy of the lines of the drawing.

  “Don’t act ignorant, Milano! I thought you had matured, but you are still the same! How could you?”

  Milano suddenly raised his head, pausing from his work and looking suspiciously at Lucenzo. He imagined what could have happened in their noble family.

  “Why is my brother yelling at me as if I’m guilty of all mortal sins?”

  “You let your secretary pull your strings like one would with a marionet! She does what she wants! She didn’t tell you that Francesca’s call was urgent!” Lucenzo shouted.

  “What?” Milano expressed shock on his face. He was taken aback as to why the whole sky was falling on him and why his brother shouted with such fury and discontent. What did he do wrong? Or rather, what didn’t he do?

  “You know what I mean,” Lucenzo said, coming ever closer to his brother.

  Milano growled. “Tell me what is going on and stop acting neurotic!”

  “I’ll explain and then clobber you!” Lucenzo threatened Milano, showing him his fist. “Veronica is sick; she’s pale as a sheet. Francesca is now sitting at home with her. I suppose you’re glad that soon you will get rid of Veronica. We had a doctor come over. She said that Veronica will lose the baby if she is going to be hard on herself and work all day without resting. Why didn’t you give a shit about that? And why did you lie to me? Why did you behave like this with your Angel Veronica? Why?”

  Milano stiffened in the chair. He stopped typing on his tablet, still not believing this situation. He didn’t know what to say to his brother because Lucenzo was right. Milano acted like a selfish and apathetic man. He often noticed that Veronica didn’t answer him when he asked what she ate. But he was afraid to push her because he wanted tranquility for his Amazon and their child.

  But how could he be so blind as not to notice her internal mental state? Why did he not notice that she was meek and humble, although usually, she had never been like that? Did something gnaw at her from the inside and Veronica couldn’t handle it?

  “What do you say now, Milano?” Lucenzo stood beside his brother’s chair, disapproval readable in his eyes.

  “I’ll cancel all my appointments and to hell with my job! I’m going home!” Milano abruptly stood up, grabbing his tablet and jacket.

  But Lucenzo detained him.

  “You should have done this much earlier, Milano. You could’ve prevented what happened to Veronica! I so want to smash your face!” Lucenzo’s jaw seemed a little grimmer. He could hardly restrain himself from starting a brawl.

  “Can you smash my face in next time, Lu? Let’s get home fast.” Milano suddenly drooped, and his blue-green eyes were so cold.

  Lucenzo was always scared of that look. He didn’t wish to see the sadness in Milano’s eyes; to see him falling into an inferno. Lucenzo didn’t wish to watch Milano get lost in his darkness again.

  “The doctor already did everything necessary. Don’t worry, Milano.” Lucenzo consoled him. But why did he not scold his brother, but calm him? Lucenzo understood one simple truth―the more you kindle the flame, the more you will be burned. So Lucenzo did what he did. “The Lamborghini is outside. Leave your car here, Milano. Pietro can bring it home.” He continued.

  Milano agreed. He rushed out of the office with Lucenzo and instructed Susan seriously, “Cancel all my meetings for today. You are free to leave and visit your ill mother. I will deal with your insubordination when you get back!”

  Susan became numb, hearing such words from her boss. But she could contrive nothing in her defense because she was aware of what he meant. She only nodded, as Milano and his brother swiftly left the building.

  Milano didn’t have time to sort things out with his secretary, because Veronica needed him. She wasn’t feeling well, and he should be at home to protect her and indulge her in his arms.


  Half an hour later, Lucenzo and Milano were home. Milano left his things on the couch and quickly raced up to his room. He opened the door, quietly stepping on the parquet floor and making sure not to wake Veronica if she was asleep.

  His heart almost jumped out of his chest when he saw a picture he never wanted to see in his life. Veronica lay on her bed, looking wan and exhausted as if all these weeks the blood was being drained from her face.

  You suck my blood like a vampire... Veronica’s past words sounded in Milano’s head, and he realized that he ruined everything.

  “Are you happy?” Rising from her armchair, Francesca hissed. “If Veronica loses the child, you can continue to hang out with all your whores, like that Susan! What a lousy man you are!”

  “Don’t say bullshit, Fra! I haven’t been hanging out with anyone, and I don’t care about that bitch, Susan! I didn’t disturb Veronica, and I was easy on her. But Veronica was so secretive about her feelings. How can I understand what she’s going through if she doesn’t talk about it?” Milano defended himself.

  “And you were so blind that you didn’t see what was breaking her from the inside?” A flame of indignation was in Francesca’s eyes.

  “Maybe...” Milano’s head bowed, and he sighed so heavily as if he
was carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders. “I can’t read people’s hearts...”

  “Of course not, because you’re an ugly bastard!” Francesca retorted gritting her teeth.

  Her patience was destroyed, and she was already at her limit. With all her strength, Francesca started to beat Milano in the chest so that he would finally realize what he had done to poor Veronica. And Milano didn’t resist; he stood and endured all the blows that Francesca struck at him. It was like he was punishing himself for being so blind toward his goddess.

  Lucenzo panicked seeing Francesca’s despair and the inaction of his brother. He had to end the suffering of his loved ones. He grabbed Francesca’s waist and lifting her in his arms, carried her out of the room, while she wept bitterly. Lucenzo understood that perhaps Francesca never had female support, and Veronica’s arrival had changed her life. She became like a sister to Francesca and was ready to help her.

  Milano understood that he was worse than any villain. He so mutilated Veronica’s existence that she didn’t have any thought of being with him or carrying their child. But what did he do wrong? He worked and brought money into their house so that Veronica and their child would have everything they needed. He was with her the way she wanted him to be, patient and understanding. But it turned out that he didn’t do it right and their problem wasn’t solved. He was just lying to himself that he had changed. He was hiding in his shell, not wanting to open up to anyone. Did his fear of new experiencing greatest love stop him? Did he not comprehend that everyone deserved a chance to be loved, even him? Couldn’t he start over?

  Milano sat down next to Veronica, taking her hand in his. It was so small compared to his broad one, and he gently kissed it.

  For the first time, after so many years, a tear rolled down his cheek... Did glacier Milano finally begin to thaw?

  “I’m sorry, my sunshine... I’m sorry that I didn’t see what tormented you...”

  Milano caressed Veronica on her fragile shoulder, from which the chintz nightgown slid, and hated himself for being so heartless to her anguish. He was willing to subject himself to any inquisition so that Veronica’s pain would come to him. He felt bad.

  “Veronica is asleep. The doctor gave her sedatives. Don’t touch her.” Francesca said quietly, coming up to Milano from behind.

  “I’ll sit with her. Maybe she will say something to me...” Milano whispered.

  “No...” She shook her head. “You’ll only upset Veronica.”

  Without uttering any word to Francesca, Milano left the room. He went down to the kitchen, approaching the bar, and took a bottle of brandy along with a glass. He sat down at the table, pouring a glass for himself to extinguish the terrible pain in his heart. Why did it come back to him? Why? Oh, how he scorned that pain! He detested her chains which has been keeping his darkened soul in captivity. The chains that kept his soul for such a long time.

  “And you think you can help Veronica like this?” Lucenzo’s voice thundered. He was standing in the doorway of the kitchen, watching his elder brother drown his sorrows in cognac.

  “Get off, Lu! Enough...” Milano grunted. “Why did I let you all come into my life?”

  “To not feel even more pain! You are soaked in it, Milano. Do you think I don’t see it because I’m so narrow-minded?!”

  “Oh shut up, Lucenzo! You know nothing about my pain. Nothing!”

  “Listen to me, Milano!” Lucenzo put his hand on his brother’s shoulder and paused. Milano impatiently fidgeted on the chair, attempting to pour another glass of brandy. Lucenzo grabbed the bottle which Milano held in his hand and threw it in the trash. He heard Milano mutter something under his breath but he continued talking, “Stop being a baby and make up your mind. Stop drinking and try to become a proper fiancé to Veronica!”

  “I proposed to her months ago, but she said nothing! What else should I do? Dance the salsa for her?” Milano snapped.

  “You don’t have to offer a proposal, Milano. You should just marry her!”

  “Do you want me to drag her to the nearest church forcibly?” Milano barked, overturning a chair as he got up. He walked into the living room, lying on the couch without delay.

  Lucenzo smiled, watching Milano’s reaction. Did something pivotal begin to happen in Milano’s heart? He, for the first time, is seriously thinking about taking a wife.

  It was clear that marriage was something important and precious to Milano and it was beyond believable for Lucenzo. Perhaps Lucenzo made the wrong conclusions about Milano’s principles.

  “What are you snickering at? I’m serious.” Milano pouted, turning his face to the back of the sofa.

  “Come on... Don’t feel aggrieved.” Lucenzo chuckled, noticing his brother intended to get some sleep. A minute later, Lucenzo clicked his tongue disapprovingly. He knew that Milano rarely slept. More precisely, he hadn’t slept at all.

  “Are you having nightmares again?” Lucenzo continued.

  Milano nodded. “When Nike is not with me, nightmares don’t release me from their clutches.”

  “You speak about them as if they are existing characters.” Lucenzo assumed, sitting in a chair and not taking his eyes off Milano.

  “It is so, Lucenzo, when I fall asleep alone.”

  “Why aren’t you sleeping with Veronica? And where do you sleep by the way?” Lucenzo was surprised, his eyes bulged.

  “I sleep in an armchair. I’m scared to see the terror in her eyes when I wake up from the nightmares. She witnessed this ‘show’ in Pisa, and I don’t want to repeat it. She knows that I’m a demon and I don’t want to scare her anymore...” Milano closed his eyes as he tried to convince himself that everything in Pisa was just a figment of his imagination. But the most recent memories didn’t let him doubt reality, especially his actions that involved his goddess. If not for his temporary insanity, Veronica would never have gotten into the rapist’s hands.

  Lucenzo rubbed his forehead, completely puzzled. What tragedy did he experience in his life that made him so unbalanced? What secret is Milano keeping from me?

  “Brother, if you continue to live like you do, people could put you into a mental asylum. Sleep is rest for the soul and body, and you haven’t had it at all. No wonder you’re acting crazy. I think you need a good psychologist.” Lucenzo decided, glowering.

  “What happens to me is so important to you?” Milano hesitantly asked him.

  Lucenzo tightly clenched his lips into a hard line, not endorsing the point of view of his eldest brother. How could he think so?

  “Of course, damn it! You’re my brother, Milano. My brother! I clearly see how you break yourself from the inside, how you want to change and cease to feel your pain. But this is the wrong way, brother. Wrong… You have to destroy the wall between your heart and emotions and go forward. You need Veronica to be your healer just as she needs you. Only you will be able to improve her health, no one else, Milano. Both of you are two halves of a whole. You have to be together!”

  Lucenzo’s advice seemed logical for Milano, but Milano was in denial. He was really afraid of his so captivated emotions.

  “Give me a break, Lucenzo! I don’t want to hear this crap about love!”

  “Well, then I’ll take care of Veronica myself if you don’t want to.”

  Lucenzo rose from his chair, daring to go to his room. But Milano was overcome with a jealous feeling, and he jumped up from the couch, grabbing his brother by the collar of his shirt.

  “What do you mean ‘I’ll take care of her myself,’ Lucenzo?” Milano’s face became wry.

  “Aha! So you are jealous and don’t want to give Veronica to anyone else!” Lucenzo laughed, seeing his brother was all wound up. “Let me go, Othello!”[8]

  “One more word and I’ll beat you, Lu. Don’t tempt me! You’ve tasted my fist.” Milano seriously looked into his younger brother’s eyes, warning him.

  “I won’t; I won’t...” Raising his hands in defeat, Lucenzo gave up.

�Good.” Heading to the third floor, Milano somehow felt satisfied. He was glad that Lucenzo didn’t push his limits.

  From his side Lucenzo only shook his head disapprovingly. He knew that Milano would not admit what he felt for Veronica anytime soon. Unless some miracles happened in Milano’s life, he would never confess what he felt for Veronica.

  After a few minutes, Lucenzo went to Milano’s room to inquire about Veronica’s state. He saw his brother at the doorway, and Milano tilted his head, pointing in the direction of Francesca. She and Veronica were sleeping, lost in their beautiful dreams. Lucenzo didn’t want to wake them up and gently lifted Francesca, carrying her to his room. Milano smiled at Lucenzo’s habit of not being away from his fiancée. For him, such love was weird.

  “You are slumbering so sweetly, my little bird...” Milano said softly and barely touched her head. He began to comb the dark blonde curls of his goddess, feeling their natural softness. Obeying his inner desire of wanting to be closer to his unique woman, he gently kissed her lips. He didn’t think to cry or laugh. He was afraid to be like everyone else. Veronica was urging him to experience such strong emotions which he was trying to forget. She was like the sun; the sun which could burn him with her brightest light.

  “Milano...” Veronica pronounced, feeling her Demon’s crown on her chest and his kisses, easy like feathers. “You came... I thought you didn’t care.”

  He was outraged by her words. “What are you babbling about? How could you think like that?”

  “I don’t know.” Veronica shrugged. “You’re immersed in your business, and no longer pay attention to me... You’re thinking of leaving me, right?” She asked him sadly.

  Milano still tried to be calm even though he looked like a bug-eyed monster.

  “Nike, I don’t understand. You don’t like it when I am calm, and you don’t like it when I’m violent. How should I behave with you?” He scratched his head, puzzled.

  Veronica looked at her Demon, perplexed. Milano was right. She didn’t know what she wanted from him. Perhaps pregnancy had made her a hysterical woman who nagged her man for his disregard.


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