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Courting Crazy: the Green Lord, Book 2

Page 16

by JG Jerome

  Tiphanae calls, “Jack, I’m not bound to you by flesh yet. Do you think it would hurt if I stayed on guard?”

  I nod as I pull the mattress to the floor. “Stay in this room touching the flesh of as many as you can. You don’t have a flesh bond, but you are family. Kristina, too. You can both stay in contact and watch the doorway with weapons ready. Krissie, your bond with Trina is tangible. You definitely need to be here.”

  “Of course, Jack,” she agrees.

  I add, “Ladies, complete nudity. If there is any chance of clothing inhibiting the bond, we need to eliminate it.” The Ravens smile as they start removing their stockings. Christie helps Kristina remove her corset, and then she slides her stockings down, too.

  I think to myself while I strip off, ‘It probably doesn’t matter, but it looks like they’re happy about it. Too bad I'm not 100% certain because they looked hot with them on. Then again, they all look hot no matter what!’ I hang my jeans and empty my pockets onto the bedside table

  I sit in the middle of the mattress with my back straight in a relaxed, cross-legged meditation pose with eyes closed. I immediately start deep breathing to clear my mind and focus on my two missing concubines. After about two breaths, silky skin touches mine. Breasts, cheeks, legs, arms, and a slightly rounded tummy press into my left side as warm lips kiss my neck. Rougher hands that know hard work drape over my right shoulder as soft skin stretched over lean muscle presses against my arm. Plump full breasts press into my back as silky legs wrap around my torso to hook my legs and hot, full lips press into the back of my neck. I feel a finger or two added on each shoulder. I’m guessing it’s Christie to the left, Kristina to the right, and Solange behind me. A foot wedges between the bodies on my left and right as buttocks caress down my face with a giggle - Charli. She squats in front of me as Solange pulls my legs open into a ‘V,’ pulling me back as she leans into me to support my back. Charli’s sits down between my legs, with Little Jack rapidly growing to full size pressed between her back and my stomach.

  I pull her back to me, and kiss her neck. “I love you, Charli!”

  “I love you too, Jack!” she tells me earnestly. “You are the husband of my heart! I know that Trina and Daphne feel the same way, my Lord. Bring them to us! Bring my sister wives to me! We need to be together!”

  Marisol walks up and sits on the floor between Charli’s legs facing her. She splays her legs and slides forward, letting them slide over the top of Charli’s. Charli reaches under her cheeks and pulls Marisol’s torso tight to her own. Charli then changes her grip to wrap her left arm around Marisol as she reaches back to hold onto my neck. Marisol reaches around my neck and leans past Charli’s face to kiss me. “Bring my sisters home, husband.” I reach around to caress Marisol’s back with my right hand and her shoulder with my left.

  Kristina turns my head and kisses me. “Bring my sisters home, husband!”

  Solange leans forward and turns my chin a little farther to capture my lips, “Bring my sisters home, husband!”

  Christie kisses my neck and gently bites my ear. She whispers into my ear, “Bring my sisters home, husband!” I lean into her as a pair of red-tinged hands reach past my head on either side to touch Charli’s and Marisol’s faces while keeping contact with mine.

  Tiphanae’s wings wrap around all of us to hold her new family in their embrace. “Lord, please bring my sisters home! I will watch over you all!”

  “So will we!” I hear from two tiny voices as I close my eyes. As Kristina said earlier, the love of my family is palpable, not only for me, but also for their missing sisters. I resume deep breathing as I focus on my memory of the feel of Trina in my arms, of Daphne in my arms. I remember the feel of Trina as we made love the first time on the balcony in Cottonwood. I recall her joy at the love she shared with Kristina in KC’s office. I remember her sharing love with all of her sisters over Thanksgiving weekend. I remember Daphne crying as she told me she was ‘defective,’ and how it broke my heart. I remember the hug and the kiss as I told her that she is mine. I remember the feel of her taut buttocks as I spanked her, and her passion as I took her virginity Thanksgiving weekend and bit her flesh to make her my beloved concubine.

  I imagine each of them in my arms. I imagine the love they feel for me washing over me as they look at me from across the room, as they hold my hand, and as we make love. I remember how they selflessly share their love with their sisters as they learned that I am not the only person in our family that can love them, or needs their love.

  Finally, I acknowledge how empty I feel that they are not here with me. Then I reach for them with my mind and my heart. I reach. I yearn for them. Finally, I feel their bond to me. I reach out along the bonds until it feels like I’m touching them. I wrap each of them in my love and pull them to me with my mind.

  I send my thoughts to them, *Hello my darlings!*

  I feel gasps from my missing ladies. Trina sends back, *Jack? Is that you?*

  I send a smile, *Yes, beloved. Come to me!* I tug at her with my will.

  She answers with, *(gasp!) I’m here! I can feel everyone!*

  I call, *Daphne, can you hear me?*

  I hear, *(sobs) Yes, Jack! I want to be there with you, my Lord!*

  I respond, *Then come to me, Daphne! Make me happy! Be with me! Come to me!* I tug at her with my will.

  Daphne answers with, *(gasp!) I’m here, Lord! Trina! I’m here!*

  Trina responds, *(giggles) I know! I can feel you here, and I can feel you here!*

  Daphne adds, *I feel Charli, Kristina, Solange, Marisol, and is that Christie? Yes! Hello Christie! There’s another, but I don’t know her. Wait - is that Tiphanae?*

  *Yes, Precious. It is.* I ask them, *Are you somewhere safe?*

  Trina answers, *Yes, Master! We came in next to the dry creekbed among the trees. I was able to pull the truck between the brush and trees, so it will be hard to find us from the air. Cholley is sitting between us, and we are holding hands around him. He is sitting with two pistols watching for threats.*

  I’m curious. *I remember brush by the creek, but I don’t remember trees.*

  Trina says, *Yeah, I didn’t remember them either, but there are a bunch of trees along the creek. There’s a little trickle of water running down the creek. They must have had rain.*

  *I don’t remember hearing about that on the news, but I generally only pay attention to where I am. Um...are you injured. Something about you feels off. You mentioned needing healing.*

  Daphne pitches in, *Lorn happened. Apparently Springfield called to tell them to watch for us. He set an ambush at Trina’s truck with three other Sidhe knights. They tasered us both, then he took a Dremel to Trina’s face. He used it as a tattoo needle with Living Shadows as the ink.*

  Trina pitches in, *He destroyed the muscles in my left cheek. It’s hard to talk, and it feels like the ink is continuously moving. It burns a little bit, but not nearly as bad as if I were aligned with the Summer Court. Supposedly, it can’t be removed, but Living Shadows are supposed to actually be creatures of faerie. I think you can talk them out of my skin. Then you can heal the damage, right?*

  *I’m certain I can heal your flesh, and if they are alive, I will be able to pull them out. I’ll need to find a way to give them a place to live. It doesn’t make sense to kill them when they had no choice in the matter. We’ll talk when you get here. Once you’re here, let ‘em scry. We’ll stop them here. How long do you think we need to keep you here, Pet?*

  Trina sends, *(hmmmm) As long as you can, Love. If you can make it until after daybreak, it will be more difficult for Ariana to scry us. Darkness is her element.*

  I’m worried suddenly, *Did you just summon her, Pet?*

  Trina responds, *(chuckle) Nope. This is the only way I feel safe saying her name. It’s inside our minds; therefore, it’s not in the air. Our minds also don’t qualify as darkness. Especially yours. Your mind feels like a sunny day in the forest.*

  *(phew) Oh good. I do
n’t want to call her while I’m surrounded by all our ladies. I wouldn’t be able to move. Get some rest, my darlings. I’ll hold you here in my heart. Rest.*

  I imagine holding one against me in each arm, skin against skin. My hands gently caress them from neck to tushy, over and over again as I kiss first one on the temple and then the other. It seems like I only do it for a few minutes before I feel someone shaking my shoulder.

  I hear Trina and Daphne whisper, *We’ll see you soon my Lord. I love you!*

  *I love you too, my Darlings. Be safe, and hurry home!*

  Chapter 15 - Morning after

  I open my eyes to find Charli leaning back on my shoulder with drool seeping from her lips into Marisol’s hair. Marisol is leaning her head on Charli’s shoulder with Charli’s arms wrapped around her. Marisol’s arms are hanging with a hand on Kristina’s leg and the other on mine. Christie is draped over Charli and myself, and Solange’s strong chocolate arms are hanging over my shoulders.

  Kristina is leaning forward to look in my eyes.

  She smiles at me. She whispers, “Good morning, my Lord!” Then she kisses me. “Good morning, Master!” Another kiss. “Good morning, Fiancé!” A third kiss. “Good morning, husband of my heart!” She kisses me slowly, deeply, and the passion intensifies. She murmurs into my mouth. “Jack, I’m so horny, I think I’m going to explode. I’m naked, rubbing on your naked body, surrounded by all these beautiful ladies who love us both. I need somebody to fuck me!”

  Four drowsy voices give a chorus of ‘okay’ responses. Krissie and I break out in laughter and there are some light chuckles from the others.

  “Lay down and get some sleep, my loves. My bladder is reminding me that I’ve been here all night.” I kiss Kristina’s cheek, Marisol’s head, Charli’s cheek, both of Solange’s arms, Tiphanae’s arm, and Christie’s temple, before I slowly detach myself and gently make my way to drain the main vein.

  Five minutes later, really - it feels like I peed for five minutes straight - I pull on a pair of sweats and a sweatshirt, then check the time. It’s about 7am.

  Feeling much better, I return to the bedroom to find Kristina sleeping deeply despite her professed need. I sidle around the mattress and grab my regular and TSN phones. Then I try to quietly move out to the living room. I grab a glass of water before I gravitate to the armchair in the corner, AKA ‘Trina’s chair,’ and take a seat.

  Unlocking the TSN phone, I text Peg to ask if they are still scrying. She texts back, ‘They stopped about an hour before dawn.’ She texts again ‘I am lurking about, but trying to remain out of sight. The last word I heard was that Myra’s mom has Corrina hanging in the throne room with Trevor giving her strokes of the lash for about 10 minutes at the top of the hour. The cuts in her back are getting bigger at a rate slightly faster than her healing can deal with them.’

  ‘Damn!’ I think. ‘I wonder how am I going to get her out of there.’

  I text again, ‘Any word of Myra, Geri, and Liesel?’

  She responds, ‘People were talking about Myra’s screams coming out of Morgan’s suite. No word about Sowie, Geri, and Liesl. Assuming they’re still locked up.’

  I close, ‘Thanks, Peg. Let me know when you learn more?’

  I check on the status of the motion sensors. I’m concerned about the battery life on them because they are active all the time, running on battery. I pull up the iPad and check the status. Acorn drops down beside me. “I swapped them out before I sent Marigold downstairs with Persimmon. We’re rotating through up here. One person downstairs gets to sleep. We feed when we come up, before the upstairs person rotates down. We’re switching out every four hours, but we’ll have to switch to every two if we run out of food and water downstairs.”

  “Good report, Acorn. When do you think you will run out based on how you are sitting now?”

  He shrugs, “a little after mid-day.”

  “Okay. We’ll do a resupply later this morning. I’ve got plenty of luncheon meat, cheese and veggies on hand. I’m going to get a quick workout before the ladies stir.”

  Solange walks by wearing a pair of my flannel boxers and one of my old cotton t-shirts. “Good,” she says. “I could use to burn off some stress. If it’s okay, I’ll join you.”

  I reach for her with my left hand, and she slides under it to clamp me in a fierce hug. “Of course, Darling. I’m thinking some HIIT and hand weights. That okay?”

  She looks deep in my eyes quietly for a moment. “I was hoping for some hand-to-hand or weapons. I figure you can take whatever I can dish out, Lord.”

  I cock an eyebrow at her, “I don’t know Solange. Corrina wouldn’t have picked you as her lieutenant if you couldn’t hand out an ass whoopin’. If you break me, you have to fix me.”

  She gives me a big smile, “I’ll keep you in one piece, my Lord...if just barely.” She stares at me quietly as she squeezes me tighter. “Do you have any idea how much I love you, Mr. Jerome?”

  I lean in and kiss her. “I suspect the amount I love you is a pretty close approximation,” I tell her with a smirk. “Let’s go break a sweat, and then we can make love in the shower.”

  She cocks an eyebrow at me, “You better mind your defenses closely if you expect to have enough energy to love me afterwards, Mr. Jerome. I understand you are of advanced years!”

  “Ha! You’ve been listening to Trina too much. My body thinks it’s a 25 year-old human rather than a 50 year old. I’ll try to hang, my love.”

  She looks at me with doe eyes. “Say it again, Jack.”

  “Solange is my Love.” I kiss her again. “Let’s go earn our reward, my Love.”

  We go to the guest room. There is just enough room for us to work in the space between the bed, desk, and piano. We do a bunch of high knee raises, kicks, and a sunrise salute to warm up. Then we do two 90 second sets of air squats and two sets of squat presses with 90 second rest between them. Then we use a 25 pound slam ball for alternating medicine ball-burpees for two minutes with one minute of rest. One person does high knee kicks while the other does a burpee onto the ball and then pitches it up in the air instead of jumping. The ‘kicker’ catches the ball then roles switch.

  Of course, Solange tries to make a competition out of it by trying to pitch the ball directly at my chest while my knee is up rather than in an upward arc as we agreed. After a few of those, I no longer found it too challenging. So, I decide to give it back to her. The intensity of the tosses increases until we’re both ‘tossing’ the 25 pound ball like a hard basketball pass, forcing the other to take a step backward on the catch. Solange is glaring at me during the break while we work to steady our breathing. Right before the bell she starts giggling as she grabs the ball and throws it to me. I bobble it, but I manage not to drop it in the middle of the computer desk.

  “Oops,” she says.

  “Be ready,” I respond as I drop down to do the burpee. The game is on! I fire a bullet pass to her. She catches it, sticks her tongue out, and does hers. We finish out the set much like the first one ended.

  I put the ball away into the closet when I hear Solange’s voice, “Be ready, Jack.”

  I look over my shoulder in time to see her snap a kick at my left kidney! I’m out of position to defend against anything! My conscious brain freezes, but I drop my weight and step my left foot behind my right and pivot to face her. Now that I have a better angle, the taiji training kicks in as I bend over the top of her kick to avoid her weapon while dropping my hands onto the ankle to control it. Solange knows what she’s doing, but I still have a little game left, too. I hold the ankle in place as I slide the left foot towards Solange as I drop my weight into Serpent Sneaks through Grass.

  That particular taiji posture is interesting in that it is beautiful and dance-like, but it looks completely useless for combat. What isn’t obvious when it’s done in the air, is that it’s a sophisticated balance attack. Solange has to fight for balance when I resist the withdrawal of her foot, then again as I drop my
weight holding her extended leg. As I shift my weight low along the floor towards her, her foot is anchored to my hip, which moves her center of balance again. Finally as I launch upward, my momentum and her sacrificed balance allow me to launch her up in the air while keeping control of her right foot.

  However, whereas I have ‘a little game left,’ Solange has mad skills. She grabs my right shoulder with her left hand and twists in the air to heel kick me in the stomach right before she slams into the floor. I end up falling on top of her, gasping for air while she groans from her impact on the floor and me landing on top of her. We groan and moan as we both withdraw and take a defensive posture. We give each other stink-eye before bursting out into laughter. We stand, hug, kiss, and then drop back to our defensive postures.

  For the next 30 minutes we work through attack and counter drills ranging from half-speed to nearly-full-speed. She’s a great training partner, and she pushes me harder than most of the Kenpo and Krav Maga guys I’ve trained with. We finish with some partner stretches and yoga, then we go to the kitchen for water. After downing a couple of those, we strip off and head for the shower.

  One of my favorite sci-fi series features a hero flying through space with his harem and having wild shower sex with all of them. Since I have a small condo shower, I don’t see that happening, but for Solange and myself it works quite well. I pull her into the tiny enclosure and wrap her in my arms as the water sluices over us. She insists on shampooing her own hair. So, I grab the body wash and give her a thorough scrub from neck to toes, making sure that each part gets a kiss as I clean it. By the time I finish, she is breathing rapidly again while watching me with hooded eyes.

  As I stand, she pours out some more shampoo and says, “Lean forward, Jack.” She gives my hair and scalp a good scrub and rinse, then trades the shampoo for the body wash. She does a thorough job over my entire body, but I am surprised at the amount of scrubbing required to get Little Jack clean. She keeps coming back to soap him up and rinse him clean. When she sets the body wash aside, she takes my little friend into her mouth and sucks him until he’s completely rigid, and penetrating the back of her throat. I pull her to standing and push her against the wall. I lift her right leg, line Little Jack up as I lean in to kiss her, and slowly push into her welcoming, hot, wetness.


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