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Outlaw Dragon

Page 4

by Chloe Peterson

  "God, Mara," Jade said, walking into the kitchen. "You may only be thirty-five, but you sure can shut these two down like a sixty-year-old grandma."

  Brooke rolled her eyes while Rowan snickered. "No one shuts me down. I just decided to concede until a later time."

  "You're on," Rowan said.

  "Well count me out," Giselle said, walking into the kitchen. She wrapped an arm around Jade who immediately shoved her away. Rowan shook her head.

  While the two were similar in height, and build, both being trim, that was where the similarities ended. Jade had long, brown hair and forest green eyes that seemed at odds with her regular coloring. Giselle, on the other hand, had short, black hair, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. She was also a wolf shifter, where Jade was a bear shifter.

  "I don't know why you keep insisting on hugging Jade when you know she doesn't like it," Mara said, before opening the fridge to pull out the bacon.

  "Aww, we're best buds. I just forget sometimes."

  "Well, you need to unlearn it," Rowan said, her voice serious, observing Jade from the corner of her eye. While Rowan and Brooke knew each other well, the rest of the team didn't until Rowan recruited them. There was a lot that they still didn't know about each other, even after a year of training and putting things in place for the Whiteheart clan's launch.

  Jade had served in the military, and while she hadn't gone into detail about what she did, Rowan could immediately tell that she still bore mental and emotional scars from her service.

  For example, Jade hated being touched without warning. She also chose seats where she could see her exit. And Rowan knew for a fact that the baggy pants Jade always wore concealed a weapon. Once during training, she'd tackled Jade, and the sheathed dagger had come loose from its position inside her waistband.

  "I'll try." Giselle pulled up a chair next to Brooke. "Living together is going to take a lot of adjustment. At least we have a cute wolf around to ease the pain."

  Rowan pursed her lips and tried to relax her tight muscles. She had noticed Giselle's interest in Eva. While she couldn't call it full on flirting, she couldn't call it platonic either. But that was how Giselle was with everyone.

  When Rowan first met the wolf shifter, she'd honestly thought Giselle was hitting on her. After an open conversation, Giselle had admitted that while she wasn't flirting with Rowan, she wasn't not flirting with her either.

  Giselle, by her admission, loved to live life open to all experiences, and it showed in the number of women she dated and bedded.

  The Whiteheart clan, like a lot of the shifter LGBT community in Falhurst, hung out at the Titanrun. There, it didn't matter what species you were, or what clan you came from. It was a safe place for everyone to let their hair down.

  The Titanrun was also Giselle's stomping ground. Wolves were the most common type of shifter, and so Giselle was never spoiled for choice when it came to finding a bedmate.

  "Don't try anything with Eva," Rowan said, hating the hard edge to her voice.

  "Why?" Giselle grinned. "Do you have your eye on her? Are you going to rekindle your childhood romance?"

  The burning sensation in Rowan's chest moved up her throat, and she found herself unable to answer. Thankfully, Jade took the lead. "No. It's just that some of us understand that there's more to forming connections with people than first figuring out if they'd be fun bedmates."

  "Ouch," Mara said, before laughing.

  Giselle glared at Jade who merely shrugged. Rowan looked down and willed her heartbeat to stop racing. She liked Eva. There was no denying that. But she was a dragon. And while different shifters did mate, it usually wasn't their preference. What if Eva wanted a wolf? Giselle was quite the specimen; Rowan had to admit that much.

  "Hey, are you okay?" Brooke asked, her brows furrowed.

  Thankfully, Giselle had decided to launch into one of her speeches about being open to love, and no one heard her. Rowan drew a deep breath. There was no point in lying to Brooke. Her best friend could sniff it a mile away.

  "I—" Rowan didn't get a chance to answer, a gunshot rung loudly, and she and the entire team jumped up. Her friends immediately started heading toward the door.

  "Everyone stop," Rowan yelled. "Giselle and Brooke, go get the guns, then meet us outside. Mara and Jade, I need you to shift once we get outside."

  Rowan was glad she'd kept a cool head. If they all ran outside without a plan, something could go wrong. While the large house they occupied was secluded, there was no telling when an unsuspecting human could decide to go for a walk. Then there was the fact that Rowan already had a strong feeling she knew who was out there, and why they had come.

  Rowan stepped out of the house door and walked down the porch steps. Mara and Jade did the same before shifting into their bear forms, then standing on either side of her. Rowan stared down the four men before her.

  The one of most interest to her was Aiden, the Darksong third. He held a gun in his hand and wore a smirk on his face, clearly happy he'd surprised them so early in the morning. Rowan watched his smile drop as she heard footsteps behind her. She didn't need to turn to know that Giselle and Brooke had come out with a couple of AK 47s of their own.

  "Aiden Thromwyn. What are you doing on Whiteheart property?"

  Aiden scoffed. "Is that what you're calling yourselves? You and this ragtag crew?"

  "I think you'll find that every member of my clan is a highly skilled fighter, not to mention a former high ranking member of Kentucky's top clans."

  Aidan snorted. "It doesn't matter. I'm not here for a fight. I'm here to collect Darksong property."

  Rowan snarled. "Eva is not your property. In fact, she doesn't belong to anyone."

  "I think you're wrong about that." Aiden turned to a tall but skinny man to his left.

  "I'm the Stonelight clan leader." The man puffed his chest. "Eva must fulfill her duty to her clan. She was part of a deal that was struck, and she must honor it."

  "Eva is no longer a Stonelight. Your little attempt at kidnapping her kind of rubbed her the wrong way," Giselle said.

  Brooke snorted. "Yeah," she agreed. "I don't see you coming back from that one."

  "A deal was made," Aiden said, taking a step forward. "Everything would have gone smoothly, but you intervened, Dragonclaw."

  "I told you, I'm a Whiteheart now. You'll do well to respect that title while on our property."

  Aiden's eyebrows shot up. It was a clear threat, but Rowan was past playing nice. She was the Whiteheart clan leader, and she had promised Eva her protection. It was time to make good on her word.

  "Was that a threat?"

  "Yes." Rowan smiled sweetly, before stepping to the side, to run her hand through the fur on Mara's head. She knew her friend wouldn't mind it.

  "You have eyes. You can see that you'll never make it out of here if you choose to fight. So, do us all a favor, and get the hell off our property. We haven't had breakfast yet, for god sakes."

  Aiden's nostrils flared, and he bobbed his head, muttering under his breath. He lifted his gun and fired two shots into the sky.

  "There," he said smiling. "You've got your wish. Congratulations, Whiteheart. You've just made enemies with the Darksong. Let's see how long you can stand on your own. Female wolves are vital to my clan right now. I'd be more than willing to bet that Reirder will be happy to make an example of you."

  Aiden turned on his heels and left, leaving Rowan to chew on his words. She'd just made enemies with the most powerful clan in Kentucky, and while her clan was skilled, there were only five of them. Reirder, the Darksong clan leader, was known to be a loose cannon.

  Had she just doomed her friends to their deaths, before the Whiteheart clan even got a chance to make a difference?

  "Do you think, they'll come back?"

  Rowan turned sharply to face the source of the tiny, frightened voice. She saw Eva, dressed in Mara's pajamas due to their similar curvy builds, practically shaking from head to toe, her eyes wide
with fear.

  While Rowan and her friends had lived lives surrounded by violence, Eva had not. Up until a few days ago, she'd spent her days going from a clothing store to her home, where she lived with her parents.

  Rowan had seen a little of Eva's fight with the wolves. Her childhood friend didn't have the skills to stand up to a Darksong wolf. And now, Rowan had just declared war on the Darksong on Eva's behalf.

  What have I done? Rowan wondered.


  "Maybe I should just go with them," Eva said, pulling her knees to her, seated on the couch.

  "What?" Giselle yelled next to her. "Hell no! We've got this, Eva. You have to trust us."

  Brooke nodded vehemently from her spot on the rug. "I know you hardly know us, but at least let us try. Think about it. If you go with them, then you'll set a precedent for the Stonelight, letting them know they can bargain with people's lives. Also, you're gay. Do you want some wolf to hold you down and rape you every night?"

  Rowan grimaced at the imagery and put her hand up. "Alright, everyone. Those are all good points, but you're not letting Eva talk. She woke up to the sound of gunshots and watched us face off with the Darksong and her former clan leader. I'm sure it's a lot to deal with."

  Eva drew a shaky breath. "It is."

  Rowan wanted nothing more than to leave her armchair and pull Eva into her arms, promising her that she'd fight to the death for her. But, Rowan didn't. Because while Eva was gay, she was in a vulnerable position, dealing with life and death decisions. There was also the fact that she hadn't pulled her hand away from Giselle's once the wolf took it seconds ago.

  Rowan clenched her jaw. This was not the time to get jealous. This was about Eva.

  "Rowan is right." Mara scooted forward in her armchair. "Honey, you don't have to make a decision right now. Brooke and Giselle are the most outspoken, so you have to forgive them for running you over."

  "Hey," Brooke said, turning to glare at Mara.

  "It's true," Jade said, from Eva's other side. "But, it's not all bad. Unlike Giselle, you're pretty level-headed and logical."

  Eva giggled and shook her head. "You two are like siblings."

  Now it was Jade's turn to frown and look offended. "We're nothing alike."

  "But that's what makes us so good together," Giselle singsonged.

  Rowan snorted. "We're quite the team, huh?"

  "That we are." Mara locked eyes with Rowan, asking for permission to do something. Rowan immediately dipped her head in permission, trusting Mara implicitly.

  Whatever her second wanted to do would be whatever was best for everyone. After seeing Eva's reaction to the face off with the Darksong third, Rowan wasn't sure she knew what was best for Eva anymore.

  Rowan had acted instinctively, wanting to protect the woman she cared about. But she hadn't consulted Eva, and now her childhood friend looked unsure about the decision Rowan had made.

  Is she scared or does she not trust me?

  Rowan shoved the thought down. She couldn't let her quickly developing feelings take over.

  "Okay, here's what we're going to do," Mara said. Giselle and Jade had been arguing while Brooke pitched in points in support of either friend, but all that stopped when Mara spoke.

  "Eva, you don't have to stay here with us. If you want to go with the Darksong, then we will happily escort you to them."

  "Are you serious?" Giselle yelled.

  Mara raised a hand. "This isn't about you. It's about Eva. As I was saying, you don't have to stay here. Going with the Darksong is option A. Option B, is for you to leave and head somewhere where you'll be safe. Do you have family out of town?"

  Eva folded her arms and bit her lip. Her brows were furrowed in concentration. Rowan mentally cursed. Oh no, she was taking Mara's second option seriously.

  "I do have an aunt," Eva eventually said. "She lives in upstate New York, but she isn't close to the family. I've only seen her twice in my life. She seemed nice. Maybe she'll take me in."

  Rowan squeezed her eyes shut. Eva had only just come back into her life, and now she was seriously thinking of leaving. If ever she'd had any doubt of Eva's feelings, they were gone. Eva may have liked her as a friend, but her feelings went no further than that.

  "Okay, Mara said. So option B is going to see your aunt. Option C is you stay with us, and let us protect you. We have our fair share of dysfunction," Mara leveled her gaze on Giselle, then Jade, and finally Brooke.

  "What, me?" Brooke said placing a hand on her chest.

  "Yes. You, me, Rowan, all of us have our quirks, but we're good as a team. No. Extraordinary. It may not look like it, but we've been training together for a year. I'm not saying we can take down the entire Darksong by ourselves, but I'm confident that we can keep you safe, and secure your freedom."

  The strength of Mara's voice woke up something in Rowan. "Mara is right," Rowan said, locking eyes with Eva. Her heart skipped a beat, and she clenched her fists to get the butterflies in her stomach under control. She'd been thinking as Rowan, the woman, not Rowan, the clan leader.

  "The Whiteheart clan was born a few days ago, but it's been in plans for over a year. Something we've always wanted to do is create a clan that shifters that wanted a peaceful existence could join. While the Darksong are a formidable enemy, it doesn't change our mandate. We would love nothing more than to help you secure your future away from an unwanted mating. And I think I speak for everyone here when I say that that is a cause worth dying for."

  Rowan watched Eva's eyes dart across the room. Seemingly satisfied by what she saw on the team's faces, her eyes canted to Rowan’s. The hazel pools drew Rowan deeper and deeper, and she found herself beginning to melt.

  I could quickly fall in love with this girl, she thought.

  "I'll stay, for now." Eva clasped her hands together and stared at them. "I don't want to mate someone I could never love, and I don't want to bring heat onto my aunt and her clan. So, if you're willing to have me, I'd like to join your clan."

  Giselle cheered and pulled Eva into a hug. Brooke got up off the living room rug and launched herself at Eva. Jade leaned away from the action but grinned. Rowan turned to Mara and mouthed the words thank you.

  Her second had taken the lead where she couldn't and helped Eva see her options laid out plainly. Mara had helped Rowan remember what she needed to do as clan leader. She was perfect as Rowan's second, and they made an exceptional team.

  Rowan had always believed in the Whitehearts, but as with any new team or project, there were teething problems. Now she saw that their skills and strengths balanced out well, despite how irritating things could get on a personal level.

  "Alright, guys, don't suffocate the new team member. We don't want to chase her away."

  Mara rose. "Rowan's right. There is quite a bit of crazy to deal with. I'm going to finish up with breakfast. I suggest that anyone who wants to enjoy the cheesecake I'm about to make in honor of our latest addition, shower and get dressed. I don't put in the good work for a quick breakfast on the couch in tank tops and sweats."

  "Aww, are you serious?" Giselle whined.

  "I am. Now hurry up."

  Eva stayed seated in her spot, unable to wipe the grin off her face. This was her clan now. When she'd said the words, she'd been unsure. But the enthusiasm from the ladies had been unfiltered. They were happy to have her with them, and it seemed, happy to help protect her.

  "I'm glad you're staying," Rowan said, seating beside Eva.

  "Rowan?" Mara asked. "Aren't you going to shower?"

  "In a bit. I need to check in with Eva."

  Mara huffed, then breezed back into the kitchen.

  Eva placed a hand over her mouth to smother her laugh. The Whiteheart clan was full of a charming group of women, and Mara's motherly antics were seriously starting to crack her up. The woman was no more than a few years older than the rest of the team, but the way they deferred to her showed their respect and fear.

  "Is she always like
that?" Eva asked.

  Rowan cocked her head from side to side. "Pretty much, but she's the best. She gives everyone here good mama vibes if that makes sense. I have an incredible mother, but most of the ladies here don't."

  "I can relate." A weight settled in Eva's stomach as she replayed her final conversation with her mother. While she'd decided to put on a brave face and move forward, the truth of what happened still hit her at random moments.

  "Sorry, I shouldn't have phrased it like that."

  "No, it's okay." Eva patted Rowan's arm. "I think you're right. Good mama vibes are needed, especially in the shifter community, where so many women have to be submissive to their men. Children often get left behind."

  "That's true. I guess I was lucky because my mom and dad hate each other, so mom made my sister and me her main focus."

  "It sounds like you had a pleasant family life, at least with your mom and sister. Why did you leave?"

  Rowan crossed her legs and exhaled. "Because that was just surface stuff. My dad has a serious anger problem, and my sister, who I was once close too, is slowly turning into him. Then there are all the factors that led to the formation of the Whiteheart clan." Rowan turned to Eva and forced a smile. "I don't want to bore you."

  Eva's eyebrows shot up. "You're not boring me! This is my clan now. I want to know how it came to be."

  "You may not like the story," Rowan warned.

  Eva snorted. "My mother arranged for Darksong wolves to kidnap me. I'd say I can handle pretty much anything."

  "You're brave; you know that." Rowan shook her head. "I don't know how I could smile or laugh about anything if that happened to me. Especially as a lesbian who'd already come out to her family. That would be betrayal on two levels."

  Eva's heart stepped on the gas. Rowan was a lesbian! Her crush and knight in shining armor was a lesbian, and, therefore, fair game.

  Eva wanted to grin, but she knew how out of context that would be, so she forced her face to a neutral expression and shrugged. "I'm doing my best. Now, tell me more about how the Whitehearts came to be."


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