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Outlaw Dragon

Page 5

by Chloe Peterson

  "Okay, well it all started when I found out my ex was sleeping with my dad."

  Eva's eyes went round. She'd fully been expecting for Rowan to launch into a tame story about how she'd always dreamed about more. But this was way beyond that.


  Rowan scoffed. "Yup. We'd been together two years, and I saw him sneaking out of her apartment one day. I confronted her, and she didn't even deny it. She'd been using me to get to him."

  Eva shook her head. What kind of person would cheat on Rowan? She was breathtaking, kind, strong, and while a little quieter than Eva remembered, just as much fun as she'd been as a child.

  "She's crazy."

  Rowan smiled. "Thank you for saying that."

  "But how does that tie in with the clan?"

  "Well, after that, I grew paranoid about everything. If my girlfriend and my father could keep this from me; I found out that they'd been together for a year, then I wondered what else it was I was missing.

  I started doing some digging of my own, but people were pretty tight-lipped, especially because I mostly took care of Dragonclaw security. That's when I enlisted Brooke's help. She managed to get in with some of my sister's close friends and found out that the Dragonclaw are smugglers."

  Eva cocked her head. "Like drugs?"

  "Sure. And anything and anyone that has value. We can fly pretty long distances, and no law enforcement patrols the skies. It's smart business, but I hate the fact that they move innocent people as well. I'm not sure, but they may have done some business for the Dragonclaw."

  Eva folded her arms and shuddered. "If a dragon had come for me, I'm not sure I would have escaped."

  Rowan placed a hand on her knee. "I'm glad they didn't, and that you're here, safe with us."

  Eva was sorely tempted to scoot closer and climb into Rowan's lap, allowing the taller woman to hold and rock her. Her feelings were deepening dangerously fast, and even though Rowan was gay, there was a good chance she wouldn't be interested in Eva.

  Firstly, she was a little too chubby. Secondly, she was a wolf. Rowan said she loved flying more than anything else. She'd probably want someone she could enjoy that with, not have to carry around. Then there was the fact that Eva had little magic to speak of and no fighting skills. Rowan led a dangerous life. What good would Eva be to her if she couldn't keep up?

  "Hey, are you okay?" Rowan's gray eyes had clouded with concern. Eva's heart warmed. It was crazy that ever since she left home, she'd been showered with more love and affection than she'd had in her whole life.

  "I am. I just got distracted. So, finding out the truth about your ex and your clan gave you the desire to leave."

  "Mmhmm." Rowan pulled her hand away, and Eva instantly missed her warmth. "But it also showed me a whole other side to shifter life. I'd always assumed that the shops and restaurants in our part of town provided the income for the Dragonclaw. Once I found out that wasn't true, I couldn't help but wonder how many other clans were involved in the dark side. Have you been to the Titanrun?"

  "A couple of times with an ex. Why?"

  "Then you know that for LGBT shifters, clan and species don't matter."

  "That's a fair assessment, although dragons seem to be in high demand. I bet you had your pick."

  Rowan shook her head vehemently. "I'm a relationship type of person. I only ever go to blow some steam or act as Brooke's wingman. Anyway, I started doing some investigating among different clans. That's where I met Mara, Giselle, and Jade. I learned more about the dirty stuff their clans did. After that, we decided to come up with a clan for shifters that wanted to live clean. That was where the dream was born."

  "I can't believe I'm in an LGBT clan. It's a dream. You're amazing."

  "No. I just got sick to my stomach after learning that everything I knew was a lie. I want the Whitehearts to be a safe place for all shifters. Gay or straight. Man or woman. We don't have to use our magical abilities for bad; we can use them for good."

  Eva smiled. "Hence the name. Whitehearts."

  Rowan shrugged. "It's a little cheesy, but it gets the point across."

  "Well, I like it."

  "And I'm glad you're a part of us." Rowan's face grew serious. "Look, I want you to know, that just because you're a part of our clan, doesn't mean you have to fight or take up a weapon. The five of us can handle things just fine, but the point of the clan is to have a safe space. We're still working on the how, but at least we have the what."

  "Could you teach me to fight?" Eva blurted out. She couldn't change her wolf heritage, or her weight, at least not yet, but she could learn to integrate into Rowan's life more. If Rowan, by any chance, decided to give Eva a chance, the young woman wanted there to be one less thing for Rowan to see as a negative.

  "I could," Rowan said carefully, "but I'd need to know your motivations first. If it's about protecting yourself, then self-defense is something we could get started on right away. Anything else, we'd have to wait for. Sound fair?"

  Eva was a little deflated, but then again Rowan had a point. She had no compelling reason to learn combat other than her unreciprocated crush. "How did the other women learn?"

  "I can't reveal their secrets, but they all learned as a matter of necessity. Fighting was a skill they had to learn how to use, and they bear those scars. That isn't the case for you; you have us, now. You I may not be as bulky as a male shifter, but I was the Dragonclaw third. I trained all my life, and I have tonnes of magic to boot. You're safe with me."

  Eva finally couldn't stand it any longer, she reached across and pulled Rowan into a hug. "I already feel safe."

  Rowan wrapped an arm around Eva's waist and pulled her in closer, while her other arm rubbed circles around Eva's back.

  Eva quietly hummed. If this was what life in the friend zone was like, then she'd take it. Rowan felt so damn good pressed against her, and the idea that they'd spend every day together for the foreseeable future had her limbs floating in a curious mix of ecstasy and contentment.

  "All right, breakfast's ready," Mara called, breaking the moment. Eva disengaged from Rowan and gave her a fake smile.

  Rowan rose first. "Alright, I'm going to shower. I don't want to miss out on Mara's cake."

  Eva remained rooted in her seat. Why did Rowan have to say that? Now, all she could see was water cascading down Rowan's lithe frame, over her firm, but generous chest, and down between her—

  "You too," Mara called, unexpectedly.

  Eva jumped up guiltily and ran up the stairs. If Rowan was to be her friend and clan leader, then she needed to find out if there was a connection there. If there wasn't, then Eva would have to learn to reign in her emotions. She would not mess up her new home and family.

  But if there was something there, then life would get a whole lot more interesting.


  Two days later, Rowan sat in the driving seat of her truck as she and Brooke headed into the Center of Falhurst to do some much-needed shopping. That part of town was human territory, and as such, neutral.

  Rowan had never needed to spend much time there before as their Dragonclaw territory had everything they needed, but things were new for the Whiteheart clan, and from now on, the Center would be their best friend.

  "Ugh, I hate having to drive around Falhurst," Brooke whined.

  Rowan shrugged. "It's the way it's going to be from now on."

  "Are you sure we can't just carve out a territory of our own?"


  Rowan saw Brooke throw her hands up in frustration. "I don't know. Maybe another clan would be willing to sell some of their territory to us."

  "We've talked about this before."

  Rowan tapped her fingers on the wheel. She knew that adjusting to life without the regular benefits of an established zone would be hard for her team. It especially hurt her to see the usually level-headed Brooke get frustrated. In her defense, they had been driving for over an hour.

  The house that Rowan and th
e women lived in was just outside of Falhurst. Most of the town territory was declared, and the bits that were left over would be no good to them. Besides, taking over a region meant getting involved with territory politics. At least in a way that was against the Whiteheart mission.

  "Let's just remember what we're trying to do here," Rowan said gently. "The whole point of the Whitehearts is to remove ourselves from shifter politics. Getting territory in Falhurst would throw us right in the midst of that. Things may be a little tougher, and we may have to drive further, but at least you'll be able to make a living doing whatever you choose to do, and you won't have to worry about someone forcing you into a conflict you want nothing to do with."

  Brooke exhaled loudly. "Fine. But we're getting enough booze to last us a month. I'm not making this long drive again for no reason."

  Rowan snorted. "Then how will you get to work, or socialize?"

  "I'll fly. At least part way. Besides, I'm thinking of starting an online business. That will take out the need to come to the Centre all the time."

  Rowan's eyes widened. "You've really thought about all this, haven't you?"

  "Of course. What have you been doing?"

  "I guess I never thought that far ahead. I'm not good at much except for security."

  "That's a terrific skill."

  "But I don't want to be a guard."

  Brooke patted Rowan's thigh and smiled. "We're Whiteheart, now. We make our own rules. You could start your own security company. Or continue the work you did with the police. Whose to stop you from making that a large-scale operation? They could pay you higher as a full-time contractor, you know. You'd have your own team. Maybe even carry out regular patrols so you could stop stuff before it develops."

  Rowan pursed her lips as she thought things over. After she found out about the Dragonclaw's shady dealings, she and her friends had decided to set up a new clan. Knowing that they needed money, they ended up connecting with a police officer, a hawk shifter, who needed help subduing rogue shifters, who wreaked havoc in their animal forms, threatening to reveal the shifter world.

  Rowan and her friends had come along at the perfect time. The cop paid them well and managed to keep them busy often enough that they had managed to save up quite a little gold nest. He'd spoken about starting a secret police division for shifters, but most shifters felt uneasy around humans if forced to spend extended time with them. Anyone who joined the division would have to go through regular police training.

  Maybe this could be my thing? Rowan thought.

  "I like the idea of contracting for the police. I am kinda good at that stuff."

  Brooke snorted. "You did all the tracking and talking. We just stepped in when muscle or numbers were needed."

  Rowan blushed. "It was a team effort."

  "Uh, huh. You keep telling yourself that. God, Jason is going to be over the moon when you tell him you're coming back to work for him. Last time I was at the Titanrun, I heard that more Darksong wolves were starting to cause trouble."

  Rowan smiled. "Then it sounds like I'll be in business for a while."

  "You will. At least the Titanrun is in the Centre. We can still socialize and hang out there. How do you think people will receive us when we go in as Whiteheart?"

  "To be honest, I don't think they'd care one way or another. At the Titanrun, it doesn't matter what you are."

  Brooke smiled. "Yeah, and with Giselle ready to charm any females in sight back to her bed, I doubt any of the naysayers will say a word."

  Rowan gripped the wheel tighter. She'd seen Eva and Giselle interact that morning, and while she hated to be the jealous type, she couldn't help but wonder what their closer growing friendship meant.

  "I knew it!" Brooke snapped her fingers. "You like Eva."

  Rowan blinked rapidly and swallowed thickly. Admitting it to herself was one thing, saying it out loud was another. Quite a few people had warned her about Amber, her ex, and in a way, dealing with their smug faces or words of pity made the break up worse.

  Rowan didn't want to be embarrassed like that again. The painful feelings were the worst part, but she found that people’s questions about her wellbeing drudged up the hurt feelings, and kept things painful for longer.

  Rowan turned to look at Brooke. She saw nothing but an open expression on her face. Brooke hadn't pushed Rowan to talk when she wasn't ready. And when Rowan was prepared to speak, Brooke hadn't judged her or said I told you so.

  She's my best friend; Rowan reminded herself.

  "Yeah. I like Eva."

  "Then why does your face grow sad when you say her name?"

  "I think she and Giselle might have something going on."

  Brooke burst out laughing; then she stopped once Rowan turned to glare at her. "It's not funny."

  Brooke smiled. "Oh honey, you really must like this girl to have lost your mind."

  "What do you mean?" Rowan's eyes darted between the road and her best friend. If there was a chance she had a shot with Eva, then she needed to take it now.

  "What did Giselle do when you first met her?"

  "Flirt with me."

  "Exactly. Don't you think she did the same with Eva?"

  Rowan's nostrils flared as she fought to keep her frustration inside. She'd always been calm and collected on the inside, despite whatever front she chose to portray. She hated the jealous, almost alpha side of her that was rearing its ugly head. Eva wasn't her property.

  "You're not helping here. Get to your point."

  "The point is that Giselle flirts when she first meets a new girl. If things go well, they sleep together and continue to do so for a while. If they don't, she moves on. She's not the kind to chase after a woman."

  "Go on," Rowan said, her grip on the steering wheel loosening, as her heart filled with hope.

  "Well, I for one was present when Giselle first met Eva. Eva shut her down faster than Mara did the first time they met at the Titanrun, but with a lot more sweetness."

  Rowan felt a warmth spread through her chest. While she had been a little over the top, she had good reason to be. Eva was drop-dead gorgeous, but so was Giselle. The fact that they were both wolves upped the chances of them being attracted to each other. Rowan had found herself mostly attracted to dragons over the years.

  "What did she say?"

  "She said she was already interested in someone else. If I had to stake my life on it, I'd say that someone is you."

  Rowan's lips parted as her breaths came faster. "You think so?"

  "You're a catch, you idiot. It seems your time with Amber has made you forget that, but I'm your best friend, and I won't let it go on any longer. Eva likes you, Rowan. I've seen the way she looks at you."

  A fluttering sensation settled into Rowan's stomach. Brooke was pretty good at reading people. If she said Eva liked her, then that was gospel. But how long would that last?

  Rowan drew her eyebrows together. "I'm not sure we could go the distance."

  "What?" Brooke shifted in her seat to face Rowan head on. "Why? You're both amazing!"

  "But we're different. Eva's spent her life in a peaceful part of Stonelight territory. From what I hear, she's never left. What if life in the Whitehearts is too violent for her? What if she decides she wants to go back to a clan of wolves? What if she wants the security of a more powerful, wealthier clan?"

  "Whoa," Brooke said raising her hands. "First off, eyes back on the road, please. Second, Eva is a strong woman. She's taken her parents' betrayal better than anyone ever could. Okay? And, you forget one important thing, she had a clan of wolves and all the protection she could want, and all of that was pulled out from under her by the people she trusted most. I'd say she'd prefer to be around a group of people whose intentions are pure. Besides, I have a feeling that love is the only ingredient to make a person feel like they're home. The girls and I already love having Eva around. If you two got together, that would solidify everything."

  Rowan shook her head. Everything Brook
e said up until her last point made sense, but she'd been in love before, and she'd been burnt.

  "Amber loved me too, but then she cheated."

  Brooke shuffled back in her seat and stared ahead in silence. After a minute she spoke, her voice low. "I won't tell you what I think about Amber because I know how much it would hurt you, but please don't judge every woman you meet against Amber's low standard. Eva wants friends, love, and a place to call home. She's like all the rest of us. Don't allow Amber and your father to rob you of an excellent opportunity."

  Rowan swallowed thickly as she fought to keep the tears balancing in her eyes at bay. While she had moved on from Amber, she now realized that Amber had never truly loved her. That's what Brooke had wanted to say. The thought was hard to stomach, but it rang true. Now she saw their relationship through different lenses.

  Every time Amber insisted on coming to visit Rowan's family, she'd probably been sneaking off to make a connection with Duncan. Then there was the stink eye Rowan's mother reserved for Amber. She'd never seen her mother look at anyone that way. Rowan's mother always told her that her happiness was the most important thing. It seemed like everyone around saw Amber for what she was.

  Rowan squeezed her eyes shut for a second and took a deep breath. "She never loved me. That's what you've wanted to say all this time."

  Brooke's voice was raspy when she spoke. "Yeah." She cleared her throat. "In your defense, Amber has a great rack, so..."

  Rowan laughed as she shoved Brooke. "Come on, cheeky little dragon. Let's go do some shopping."

  As they pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store, Rowan's phone rang.

  "Mom?" she answered, willing her heart to slow down. If her mother was calling her, then something was wrong. Brooke patted Rowan's thigh and stepped out of the car to give her some privacy.

  "Hi, honey," her mother said. "Why do you sound so scared? Did something go wrong?"

  Rowan exhaled. Her mother was fine. In the days she'd been away from home, the thought of her father taking his anger out on her mother by being emotionally abusive, loud, and violent toward inanimate objects, hadn't left her.


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