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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 19

by Karen Deen

  “I’ll message Hannah to let her know in case she needs me. Then I’ll throw some things in a bag.”

  I kiss her on the top of the head when I let her go. “Give her my number too, in case she can’t get hold of you for some reason. Tell her she can call anytime.” She just mumbles something as she heads into her room. I take a seat on the couch, picking up my phone, and decide to message the guys to see if they know anything about Tate. Then I shoot a message off to Bella asking if I can meet up over the weekend for breakfast, hoping to introduce her to Tilly. Maybe Dad can meet us too.

  Hearing Tilly talking, I’m guessing it’s to Hannah. Her voice is getting closer as she comes from her room with her overnight bag. Memphis is just sulking next to Daisy’s toys, because we took his friend away from him.

  He’s the most human dog I know.

  “Yes, sweetie, you have a good sleep too. Yes, he is.” She looks at me and hands the phone to me, mouthing to me it’s Daisy on the other end.

  “Hello, sweetheart.” I keep my voice low.

  “Hi, Gray, thank you for letting me play with Memphis. Can he come again another day and I promise not to cry?” Daisy’s voice is so soft and sleepy on the other end.

  “Of course we can. He would love that, and so would I. And you can cry on my shoulder anytime you want, okay, sweetheart? Now you go and have a nice big sleep ready for school tomorrow. Sweet dreams.” I pass Tilly the phone back, but Daisy has already hung up.

  “Here I was laughing that Memphis may have claimed all you girls today as part of his humans. Now I have a feeling I’ve been claimed by Daisy as one of her humans too.”

  Tilly stands on her tippy-toes and kisses me on my nose. “As long as she knows you were mine first, she only gets to borrow you. Now take me home, good doctor. Show me this bachelor pad you two boys live in.”

  “As you command, princess. Memphis, home.” With that, he’s up and sitting waiting at the door. Looking very proud of himself, his lead in his mouth. Looking up at Tilly with those pleading puppy eyes that he’s so good at.

  “Hey, buddy, news flash. She was mine first. So, you can back off too. Got it?” He drops to the ground and sits his head on his crossed-over paws sulking.

  She bends down and gives him a pat and cuddle. His tail wags and he gives me the sucked-in loser look.

  “It’s okay, Memphis, I can share,” she says, loving him up.

  “Good for you, woman, because I can’t. Let’s get moving, so I can show this dog who’s the boss around here, and who gets all the loving from the pretty lady.”

  She takes his lead and opens the door.

  “Geez, jealous much?” She walks down the corridor with a cheeky little bum wiggle while walking my dog who is strutting his stuff right beside her.

  Great, now I’m competing with a dog.

  Seriously, what is even happening in my life.

  It’s turned crazy… and I couldn’t be happier.


  Spending the night at Grayson’s apartment was a little more impressive than mine. His is about twice the size of mine, and the building’s much nicer. One that has the security guy at the door and views good enough that you can admire both day and night.

  Last night was just as amazing as the night before. Although, the only little interruption this morning was the dog needing to go out to pee. Being the gentleman he is, Grayson got up. He took him down and then came straight back, stripped off, and jumped into bed with me and tickled me with his cold hands. Still such a little boy at heart.

  We’ve been lying here a little while, and it’s still early. Although I usually like to get to the office early, I’m content here. Plus, I need to clear this up. It’s been playing on my mind since yesterday.

  “Gray, can I talk to you about yesterday?” I feel his body tense up a little bit underneath me.

  “Sure, little one. What do you want talk about?” I think he has a fair idea.

  “Remember when we went to dinner two nights ago and agreed to date and take it slow, then by yesterday we’re very deep into a serious conversation about you impregnating me ten times? I just felt a little freaked out. Everything is moving so fast. I feel overwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy right now. You coming into my life is nothing I was expecting or wanting. Yet I can’t let you go.” He gets a big smile, proud of himself.

  “I’m just worried that we’ve skipped the whole dating bit in the middle. We’ve gone from meeting a few times to talking about children. What part of that is the slow bit we agreed?” I try to show I’m not upset, it’s just a little overwhelming.

  “I’m sorry. I was worried yesterday after I said it that you would panic and run. I was so relieved when you just let it go and moved on. I know I’m a little much, the weird thing is not usually with women, though. You are totally different. You consume my world, in a wonderful way. I’m trying to tell myself in my head to back off, but I can’t seem to put my words into actions.”

  I fall back onto the bed laughing at Grayson saying he’s trying to go slow. “I don’t think either of your heads have any intention of backing off.” I’m giggling now and he’s making it worse by tickling me.

  “Such a funny lady, aren’t you. Thought you wanted a serious conversation, yet, look at you.” Struggling to stop, he’s smiling down at me knowing he doesn’t care that I’m making fun of him.

  After we roll around on the bed a little, both laughing, tickling and kissing in all sorts of places. We finally settle enough to hold a conversation again.

  “I’ve got an idea,” Grayson announces like he has invented the wheel.

  “This sounds very serious. Should I be scared?”

  “You’re quite the funny little one this morning, aren’t you. No, this is a serious one. Why don’t we plan a few dates. I will organize a date, totally a surprise. You just turn up and have to go along with my plan. Then you get to do the same thing on a different night, or day for that matter. As much as it pains me—yes, severely pains me—to say it. I will even refrain from the naughty part of the date if that is what you want.” He looks like he’s having a heart attack the way he’s faking the pain in his chest.

  “What, no dessert on the date? Are you for real?” I appear shocked.

  “Wow, I’m dessert, am I? That sounds like some kind of fantasy I could really get on board with.” His playful nature’s gone, and the sexual tension is rapidly building as he now pins me with his body and drags my hands above my head.

  “Does this dessert involve whipped cream and chocolate?” His voice has now lowered, and I can tell he’s picturing what he would do with that.

  “If you’re a good boy then maybe one day if you’re lucky.” I lift my hips to put pressure against his groin to give him the hint of where I want this to go.

  “Now, baby, do we agree on the dates?” he asks as he starts to lightly kiss across my shoulder.

  “Mmm,” I moan a little. “I love the idea.” My body is really starting to react to him as he leaves my hands and I know not to move them. Then slowly he slides his hand down my arm and makes its way down the side of my body as he continues to taste every part of my shoulder and up my neck.

  “Then I need to get my fill now because, apparently, then I’m on a diet for a while with no dessert. So, I better make this extra special. I think I’ll attempt every dessert on the buffet before I leave, shall I?”

  Before I even get to answer, he’s touching my breast and moving his mouth to it. Taking my nipple in, his teeth make me moan loudly with both pleasure and pain. I think I’m going to be late for work again. I couldn’t care one bit.

  After I have been completely loved with no doubt of what we’re feeling is real, Grayson expects me to be able to get out of bed. He’s already in the shower and yelling for me to be joining him. I know if I do that there is no way I’m getting out of here to work anytime soon. I lie here a little longer just rethinking this morning’s discussion. It’s really quite sweet. We are grown adu
lts, yet he wants to take me on a few dates, so I feel like things are going at the right pace. Am I really that crazy that I can’t just accept that there is something special here?

  Emerging from his bedroom, I can smell the coffee which is the injection my veins need. I only get a step into the living room and Memphis is at my feet wanting some attention.

  “What’s wrong, my big boy, did you feel left out?” He gets as close as he can to my body to let me know he’s special too and needs my attention.

  “I told you, Memphis, she’s mine first and you get her when I’m finished wearing her out. I think I’m getting good at it.”

  “Your human is such a dreamer.” He lifts his head to look up at Grayson as I scratch under his chin.

  “And he is such a traitor.” To which Memphis gives a little bark to defend himself.

  I walk to Gray in the kitchen that I could probably fit my bedroom in, watching him buzz around preparing a meal for us along with coffee. There is a platter of fresh fruit, yogurt, and croissants.

  “This is impressive, do you cook much in this kitchen or is it just for show?” Waiting for him to respond I take a seat at the counter.

  “I’ll have you know, I’m a great cook. Remember the talk we’ve had several times? You keep forgetting.” He places a plate and my coffee in front of me

  “Yes, I get it. You’re awesome at everything. I know, I’ve heard it before.” He chuckles, very pleased with himself. Kissing the top of my head, he takes a seat next to me.

  We both start to devour the breakfast. I think we’ve worked up quite the appetite.

  I sit back, sipping my coffee after I’ve had my fill of the food.

  “So what have you got planned for our first big date, Mr. Garrett?” I hope that he just slips and lets it out as he’s distracted.

  “Nice try, little one. It’s a surprise, otherwise where’s the excitement?”

  “Maybe spending time with you is surprise enough?” I pause and look at him. “Actually, I think this is a ploy. You have no idea what you’re doing and you need to stall for time. I’m on to you, Dr. Gray. I better not find out that you have some super secretary that you’re going to get help from.”

  “Well, that is my secret, isn’t it? You’ll just have to wait and see. Now we just need to work out a night that will suit. I know you have functions that you need to work on, and I have night shift for the rest of the week at the hospital.”

  Grabbing my phone, I check my diary.

  “I have Friday night after six pm free, or Sunday all day and night. Do either of those work for you?”

  “Both. Friday is my date night, and you get to pick Sunday, day or night.” He looks at me waiting. I try to think on the spot quickly.

  “Sunday during the day. I just thought what I’m doing. Plus, I can’t wait until the nighttime to see you. What a waste of the day, when I could be getting this.” I reach over and wrap my arms around him.

  Just when I’m snuggling in, Grayson’s phone goes off. It’s a different tone to what I’ve heard from his phone before.

  “Shit, sorry, baby, I need to take this.” He stands and starts walking towards his bag on the table and pulls out his tablet.

  “Dr. Gray.” He stands, listening intently and looking at something on his tablet. “Okay, yes, I’m on my way in. Get Dr. Fontain to attend to her, and let her know I am ETA of fifteen minutes. I want that fetal monitor left on and surgery on standby. I’m not liking the sound of that.” A brief pause and he’s saying goodbye and hanging up. I have already worked out we need to move fast. I’m rushing into the bedroom to grab my bag that I had packed, and I’m back at the front door where he has his briefcase on his shoulder and talking into his phone, to Alison I’m guessing. There is a whole lot of words that make no sense to me, so I just follow and wait until he’s finished.

  He ends the call as we enter the elevator.

  “I’m so sorry, baby. Welcome to the life of dating a doctor. There are going to be times this will happen. Sometimes it’ll be at the worst time, but I can’t help it.” He looks torn. Medicine is his life, but he doesn’t want it to be a problem in our life.

  “It’s okay, I understand, and I knew that when I agreed to be your girlfriend. That’s what you do. You bring babies into the world and you try to look after people. At times it’s going to take priority.”

  He turns to me and takes my face in his hands.

  “How the hell did I get so lucky to find you? My perfect little one.” He then kisses me with all the gratitude he feels.

  Five minutes later, he’s on the way to the hospital and I’m on the way to work, late again, and preparing myself for the same carry on as yesterday.

  Nothing they can say will bring me down from the cloud I’m floating on.

  My GG.

  Can life get much better than this?

  It’s almost too good.

  Should I be worried or just try to go with the flow?

  Only time will tell.

  Chapter Fourteen


  The start of my week was a whirlwind but one that has my heart fluttering.

  I haven’t seen Gray since leaving him on Wednesday morning when he was rushing to deliver a little baby girl into the world. I had to work Wednesday night, and he was on night shift. I came home to a single red rose on my doorstep. As I bent down to pick it up, there was a little noise behind me, and an envelope came shooting out from under Hannah’s door.

  I smile thinking he already has the girls on Team GG.

  Putting my bag down and boiling the kettle for a nice green tea before bed, I smell the rose as I place it into a glass. I’ve never had anyone give me a single rose before, so I don’t have a vase for it. Must rectify that, in the hope I get more.

  I take my tea and sit on the couch with my envelope, wondering what’s inside.

  To my beautiful Matilda

  Thank you for understanding this morning

  Now you know what my life is like

  You will always be the most important person in my life

  Just sometimes being a doctor, patients will temporarily come first

  It is not easy to take on, but I hope you see enough in me

  to take the risk of the good and bad.

  Roses are Red

  Sky is blue

  Lonely was my Bed

  Until I found you

  I hope this shows you I am listening.

  Slow and sappy at your service.

  Can’t wait for our date

  GG x

  I didn’t think there was any way he could get more perfect than he already is. Yet this has just taken that to a new level. Where has he been hiding all this romance? Somewhere under the cocky, overconfident joker exterior, it seems.

  I know he’s working so I get ready for bed and sit with my cup of tea and think what message to send. I need to compete with his note that has me swooning hard. It’s not like I can just write back the word, Thanks. Talk about pressure. Finally, it pops into my head.

  Tilly: What a beautiful surprise to come home to.

  You have started your collection of firsts.

  First red rose received.

  First love letter.

  First happy tears from words.

  Let’s see what you can add to your list of my firsts, as we get to know each other.

  See you in my dreams

  LO (Little One) x

  I hover my finger over the button then press send. Snuggling down into my bed feeling weary, I wait to see the dots dancing on my screen. Nothing appears for ten minutes, and I resign myself to the fact he could be in surgery or just busy with a patient.

  My body is tired, and sleep is trying to overcome me. I haven’t had much sleep the last two nights with Grayson keeping me awake—or occupied is a little more accurate. Not that I’m complaining one little bit.

  I really want to say goodnight to him and hear his voice, but my eyes have shut and the sound around me is lowering as s
leep claims me. The sandman is sprinkling his dream dust and I slip off to slumber land. The last thing I remember is getting the faint smell of Grayson as I snuggle tighter to the pillow he slept on.

  That damn alarm. I swear one morning I’m going to smash it. Getting up is not what the problem is. It’s just the annoying noises they use. Who wants to wake up to dings, bells, constant ringing, or a peaceful set of wind chimes. I mean, seriously, who wakes up to wind chimes and is happy about it? Not me, that’s for sure. I stretch out and hear my phone drop to the floor off my bed. Oh shit, that’s right, I fell asleep waiting for Grayson to reply.

  I lean down grabbing it and sitting up quickly. I try to focus the bleary eyes.

  GG: I’m happy I made you smile.

  Challenge accepted, beautiful.

  Open your front door.

  Can’t wait to wine you, dine you and …


  I throw the blankets off and run to the door, pulling it open so fast I almost rip it off its hinges.

  Sitting on the ground is a basket with four muffins, all different flavors. I can smell them. They’re freshly baked and still warm. Tucked in the side of the basket is a card.

  For my Little One (LO)

  For your list

  First basket of fresh baked breakfast muffins.



  I stand there frozen at the door. What have I started? This man is pulling out all the stops to show me that he’s the expert at dating too. Does he have to be the best at everything he attempts? I mean, seriously. My Sunday date needs to be spectacular to beat all of this. Plus, we haven’t even made it to Friday yet. I desperately want to call him and hear his voice. I know he will be asleep after just coming off night shift, so I’ve got to refrain, which is so hard. I snap a photo of my cute little basket of muffins and send my own version of a morning message.


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