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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 20

by Karen Deen

  Tilly: My muffins are warm and smell so sweet.

  What a shame you aren’t here

  You could have eaten breakfast

  or maybe dessert too.


  I’m sure he will wake up and groan at my message. Nothing like a little flirt first thing in the morning. It’s payback for making me miss him like crazy, when I should be happy that we’re slowing down.

  Maybe that’s his motive. He’s showing me slow is not really what I want. I’m beginning to think slow is a little overrated myself. Not that I’m telling him that. His ego doesn’t need feeding at all.

  I take a quick shower and head off to work early. I’m awake and a little hyped up on butterflies so I may as well be at work using the energy. I have evaluation sheets to fill in from last night and prep to do for today’s small luncheon we have at the hospital for the board members. We just need to provide food and a staff member to serve. However, we decided that one of us should be there to supervise this early in the contract. Fleur was going to go, but she has an urgent meeting for one of our functions next week. There’s been a problem with the committee, and she’s basically going to sort out a cat fight between two women. Seriously, we’re event planners not classroom teachers sorting out playground spats.

  I wrap up my muffins to keep them warm and take them to the office with me. Mind you, one will be breakfast for me on the way. I don’t always eat much in the morning. The coffee is the important brain starter, but these are just too tempting.

  “Thank Gray for me,” Deven mumbles through a mouthful of blueberry muffin. I have no idea how this guy can be so fastidious with everything in his life yet talk with a mouthful of food, every damn time.

  “I’m sure he’ll love to know his present to me is being spat all over the office as you speak. For god’s sake, Dev, finish your mouthful.” I roll my eyes at him, and he pays absolutely no attention to me and keeps talking as he walks towards Fleur’s office.

  I’ve been in the office for a few hours now and got everything I need done, finished with ease. I have an hour to kill before I need to be at the hospital to take delivery of the catering platters. I’m busy looking up things to plan my Sunday date for Grayson. I know what I want to do, I just need to sort out the logistics and schedule. I mean, I can’t have a whole day date and not have a plan. It will do my head in otherwise.

  I just can’t decide if we have a three-way date with Memphis or leave him at home. I will plan it out, then make a decision.

  This is the most fun I’ve had in a long time. My whole life revolves around my business of planning things for other people. I love it and I’m good at it. I’ve never sat back and planned something fun for me. A special event that I want to be just as perfect as if I were doing it for a customer. In some ways this is more important than those events, because it’s for someone I care about and the day is trying to show him just how much.

  “Hey, shouldn’t you be leaving to get to the hospital?” Fleur calls out from her office. I look at my phone. Shit, I totally lost track of the time. I was totally engrossed in my date planning. Seriously, most people would just take this so casually. Yet I’m not most people, am I?

  “Thanks,” I yell as I rush past her on the way out to jump in a taxi. I’m meeting TJ there who will serve the food. We’re going all out with our top person. We need to keep the board happy and instill confidence in our work.

  TJ is standing outside the hospital right where he said he would be. Looking very dapper as usual. I jump out of the taxi, apologizing for being a little late.

  Getting inside out of the heat is a blessing. I’m sure TJ is appreciating it too in his black pants and long-sleeve white shirt.

  “How’s the family? Is Lewis still keeping you up wetting the bed?” I ask him as we ride the elevator together.

  “They’re great. Yeah, he’s trying, bless him, it’s just not happening yet. We just keep trying every night. Even though the washing of sheets kills us, but it’s what you do. Poor Talesha is exhausted. I try to help where I can, but she just hasn’t been feeling very well either, which doesn’t help.” He goes a little quiet.

  “Has she seen a doctor,TJ?” Again, he looks down.

  I answer for him.

  “I’m guessing they’re too expensive?” I ask.

  “Yeah, we save our health insurance in case we need it for Lewis. She’ll be okay. I think she’s just tired from overdoing it. We’ll be fine.” I get the feeling he’s trying to end the conversation so not to feel embarrassed.

  “Please promise if you need help you’ll come to us. Okay?” He nods as the doors open on our floor and arrive in plenty of time to be setting up the conference room before the food arrives and the board members with their special guests.

  I get engrossed in setting out the room, giving everything the extra little touches, while TJ handles the food delivery and storing. We both finish and high-five while taking a breath. Knowing we have a few minutes, I decide to quickly go to the bathroom before we start. Otherwise the next thing you know you’ve been crossing your legs for two hours and if you don’t get to pee in the next thirty seconds it’ll be too late.

  I’m walking quickly as I come around the corner, not paying attention to where I’m going, too busy checking emails on my phone. I run into a firm chest and startle as I feel myself being grabbed so I won’t fall. Oh god. How embarrassing.

  Then I hear the voice. The one that makes me tingle.

  “Hands off or I’ll cut them off.” Half-joking, half-serious.

  Looking up, I see Tate’s face and the cheekiest grin as he starts to wrap his arms around me. Normally I would be freaking out, but I know he’s trying to send Gray crazy. I get the giggles as I’m pulled out of his arms and wrapped in the ones that feel like home.

  I snuggle into his chest a little when he tilts my chin up to kiss me.

  “Hi, little one,” he whispers as he gently kisses me and my stomach flutters as usual.

  I happily take it then my brain kicks in, reminding me where I am. I pull back, trying to distance myself a little.

  “Sorry. I’m working, I shouldn’t be doing that here.” I start smoothing out my shirt and skirt, making sure I look presentable.

  “Baby, it’s okay. Just relax.” I can feel myself getting a little anxious. Then I remember I have just nearly knocked Tate over.

  “Oh god, where are my manners? I’m sorry, Tate. I wasn’t looking.” He just laughs and puts his hand on my arm.

  “It’s a bad habit of hers running into men’s chests,” Gray mumbles.

  “No problem, Matilda. Just relax. Otherwise big boy next to you is going to blow a boiler in a minute worrying about you. I mean, look at his face.” With that we both look at Gray who is not happy at Tate’s hand on my arm, plus that I pulled away from his embrace.

  “Fuck off, Tate.” He pulls me to him again and away from Tate, so he has to let go. I start laughing at him.

  “Hey, I’m not a possession. Chill out, Gray.” With that, Tate roars laughing at him.

  “I knew you two would be trouble together,” Gray mumbles.

  My phone then beeps, and I look to see TJ saying it’s showtime. Shit, and I didn’t make it to the bathroom. Looks like I’m crossing my legs again for a few hours.

  All I want to do is stand here and cuddle Gray and let him know how much I missed him last night. But I can’t.

  “I have to run. My meeting is about to start, and they’re arriving. Call me later.” I turn to leave and they both laugh behind me.

  “We know. We’re heading to the same meeting. Come on, I can see you’re getting stressed.” Gray takes my hand and starts walking. As we get to the corner, I pull my hand back. He frowns.

  “Not here,” I whisper. He understands. He’s not happy about it but reluctantly accepts it.

  I move into the room and to the corner to stand with my hands in front of me and not saying a word as TJ does the same. Our job is to be seen and not heard. Norma
lly it’s easy. But with Gray and Tate in the room, this is going to be incredibly hard. Gray is trying not to be obvious that he can’t take his eyes off me. Tate, on the other hand, I can tell is making his life hell and trying to wind him up.

  As more people file into the room, the seats fill up.

  Then I hear it.

  The sound of Kitty’s heels storming down the corridor. Making sure everyone knows she is about to make her entrance.

  The sound of talking gets lower as she enters through the door, everyone looking up at the whirlwind as she arrives. As I knew she would, she just walks straight past us without any acknowledgment, not even a smile or lift of the chin.

  I whisper to TJ who she is, and he rolls his eyes to let me know he has her worked out in the first thirty seconds of seeing her. I watch her walk down the room, and my body is already tensing. There are several seats near the front, but she makes a beeline for the one next to Gray. As she sits, she pulls her chair very close to his and leans all over him, her hand on his arm. I feel the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

  I grab the water jug and storm down the room. If she doesn’t get off him, she’ll be wearing this water in her lap shortly.

  As I come up behind them, I can see Tate’s shoulders shaking trying to hold in his laughing. I push between her and Gray to fill their glasses.

  “Water to keep you cool,” which I probably say too sternly

  “Can I have some too, miss?” Tate puts his glass up between him and Gray for me to pour the water into. With my back to her, I focus on Tate who is mouthing the words ‘keep calm’ to me. He’s right. I’m working, and I need to stay professional.

  I take a big breath and then turn back to the devil woman who’s not happy with me.

  “Oh I’m so sorry, Kitty, I didn’t realize it was you. How are you?” She just glares at me and doesn’t respond for a minute and eventually a one-word answer, of ‘Fine’.

  “Dr. Garrett, nice to see you again. Thank you for the lovely dinner the other night. How is your father?” My sweet voice may be a little too much, but it’s the best I can do.

  “Miss Henderson, it truly is nice to see you again. I too enjoyed dinner and the lovely dessert. I hope you liked the appreciation gift I sent for the hard work you’ve been putting in on my behalf.” The cheeky bastard. He always manages to turn it into something sexual.

  “Yes. Thank you, Dr. Garrett, I do aim to please. Now, can I get anything for you all before you start? Coffee, tea, or cold drink perhaps.”

  “I’d like some popcorn, if you have any?” Tate says while trying to keep a straight face.

  “Popcorn, why would you want that? You are such a weird person.” Kitty sits back in her chair shaking her head.

  “I love popcorn when I’m watching a show, sorry, I mean presentation,” Tate says, and Gray chokes a little on his water.

  Kitty leans over to pat him on the back, but I’m having none of that.

  “Perhaps you need to stand up, Dr. Garrett. Give yourself some breathing space.” I step back as he pushes his chair out and steps away from Kitty and Tate.

  “I think I’ll just walk outside for a moment to the restroom before we get underway. Excuse me.” As he goes to leave, he winks at me and nods toward the door.

  Tate starts to talk to Kitty I think to distract her. Gray walks out of the room, and I return the water pitcher to TJ to refill and start the rounds of serving the room. I let him know I will be back in a minute. Looking at the clock on the wall, we still have fifteen minutes before anything starts.

  I get halfway to the bathrooms when a door opens, and I see Gray and his hand signaling for me to come through the door. As soon as I get in past the door, he closes it and is on me.

  He kisses me hard and presses my back to the wall next to the door. His hand is on my breast and the other running up the back of my thigh under my skirt.

  “Oh, you certainly do please, Miss Henderson.” I giggle quietly. “Do you know how hot you are when you’re jealous? Fuck, I’m so turned on. I want to take you right here, but I don’t have time.” My mind goes to all the things we could be doing, but I need this job. I need to stop taking risks.

  “Save that thought for later, big boy.”

  He groans in my ear as he leans his forehead on the wall next to my head. “You are killing me,” he whispers.

  “Nope, but I will kill her if she puts her hands on you again. Mine. Remember that.” With that, I slip out from under him. Straighten myself and open the door and walk out with a smirk on my face. I know he won’t be able to leave that room for a few minutes, until he calms his cock down.

  I, on the other hand, am racing to the restroom to pee before I wet my pants. I can’t be concentrating on the evil Kitty Cat in there and trying to stop myself from peeing while the presentation is on.

  Having sorted myself to look my best, I return from the bathroom just in time for the CEO of the hospital to be coming down the corridor. I slip into the room in front of him and take my position with TJ to the side, seeing he has the room all under control and I’m really not needed. Now knowing what Kitty is like, I’m not leaving. I’ll be making sure that I’ll be working all the boardroom events where Gray is concerned. That woman has claws and she’s trying to latch them into him. When I tell Fleur, she’ll erupt like a volcano. She already hates her for the way she treats us. This will just take the cake as far as she is concerned.

  By the time the presentation was finished, I had a totally different view of Tate, when he was standing in front of the board as Dr. Tate McIntyre and presenting his proposal on the research grant he’s supporting about brain cell transplants. It was all way above my head. He stood there and had the attention of the room the whole time. I also saw when Gray turned into work mode and was not paying as much attention to me. This was one of those times where he needed to put being a doctor before me, and I’m perfectly fine with that.

  Packing away the trays and plates into the cupboards after we had cleaned them, I can hear Tate, Gray, and Kitty behind me. I want to turn around but know I can’t make it obvious.

  “Why don’t we meet for drinks tonight, Gray? You know that bar we used to go to. The one you take me to on the dates we enjoy. I just need to speak to this new caterer and tell her to pull her socks up and then we can make arrangements.” Her voice and words have turned me to stone.

  He dates her.

  How could he not tell me he isn’t available, that he has a girlfriend? She thinks they’re an item still. It all comes flooding back at the interview. Her saying we had to take extra care with her boyfriend Dr. Garrett. I totally forgot everything after the shock of meeting Gray again with his dad. All these names are the problem.

  I don’t do this. I promised I would never get caught out like this again.

  TJ is right next to me. I whisper to him I need to get out of here and he can finish up. I grab my bag that’s on the counter in front of me. Quickly starting for the door, both Kitty and Gray call me at the same time. I pretend I don’t hear them. Which is impossible, but I’m not ready to look at either of them in the eye.

  I might hate her guts, but I don’t date cheating men.

  “Miss Henderson, I need to speak with you about your services, and where you could improve,” Kitty’s shrill voice is calling after me.

  “Later, Kitty,” Gray growls and I can hear his footsteps behind me and closing the gap at a rapid pace. “I need to see her in my office about the foundation function. Now!” he says as he catches up to me entering the elevator. Taking my arm, we both step in and the doors close behind me. I try to pull away from him, but he isn’t having it. I push the ground floor, and he pushes the level-three button.

  There is silence because I know if I open my mouth I will either yell and scream or cry, and I don’t think this is the place for either.

  The elevator slows for level three, and I prepare for the Mexican standoff when I refuse to get out. My disadvantage is that there is no one els
e in here with us. I take my arm from him, cross them, and just stare at him.

  “I can do this all day, babe.” He pushes the button to keep the doors open.

  Just as I’m about to say my piece, a couple and their newborn baby come into the elevator. He gets a little smirk because he knows I won’t make a scene now. Fine, asshole, you win this round, but I will win the war.

  I stomp my way out and he follows me. Then I realize, I have no idea where I’m going. I stop and wait for him to walk in front of me. Probably looking like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum in the process.

  I’m already coming up with the speech I’m about to let loose on him. We stop outside a room with his name on the door. He unlocks it and then signals for me to follow him in. I stand just inside the door still with my arms folded. I hear the door close and lock. I feel him behind me. I can’t breathe, I’m so upset.

  He slowly comes around in front of me like he’s circling a wild beast with caution.

  “If I talk, are you going to listen?” He looks me in the eye.

  “Mhmm” is all I reply, holding the anger in.

  “What you heard, you have totally misunderstood. Yes, I did date her a few times over the last couple of years. Single dates for a bit of company. Have I slept with her? Yes, once, which I totally regret because now, I have this problem. The one where in her head she believes we’re still dating. I haven’t taken her out in over nine months. Yet she tells anyone who will listen that we’re dating but that we’re just two busy people so find it hard to spend time together.” He pauses, waiting to see if I’m still with him. Or if I’m even taking it in. I’m hearing it, I’m just not sure what to make of it.

  “If I’m being honest, I actually feel she may have a mental illness. I’m not about to say anything because she has the power to turn the board against me and cause me to lose my job. My work here is my life and too important for the foundation that will be based from here. I’ve just been humoring her up until now. It didn’t matter before because there was no one in my life that mattered.” He pauses, his eyes full of emotion.


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