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Body Rush

Page 20

by Anne Rainey

  Jake’s heart soared. “Good girl.” He kissed the top of her head and lifted away.

  Grabbing the tube of lubricant again, he squeezed a small amount of its contents onto his cock this time. He smoothed it around, completely coating the condom. “Next time, no condom,” he growled. Pressing the blunt head against her tight, pink pucker, he pushed forward, barely breaching her entrance. Jake clutched her hips in one hand and buried his dick another inch inside the tight passage. He bit back a curse as she clenched her inner muscles, hugging his dick like a soft fist. It took every ounce of strength he possessed to keep from shoving forward.

  “Ease up, princess,” he commanded.

  As he held her still, Roni let loose a needy little sound. The yearning turned his heart to mush and he gave her another thick inch of his cock. In the same instant, he took his right hand from her hip and flicked her clitoris. He watched her back arch, her hands clutching the black comforter as she became lost in the delicious sensations. With no warning she screamed his name and pushed against him as her climax took hold. He pressed the pad of his thumb against her clit and massaged. Roni shouted out her pleasure. It was music to Jake’s ears.

  He clutched her hip and snarled, “All of me.”


  Jake thrust forward, burying his hard length deep inside Roni’s tight ass, her muscles sucking him in.

  “Christ, princess,” he swore. The pleasure-pain of her body’s clutch was the sweetest torment.

  “Jake, fuck me,” she cried.

  Unable to deny either of them in that moment, Jake smoothed his palm over her ass cheek, then swatted the smooth flesh. Roni moaned and he did it again, then again, turning her flesh a pretty shade of pink. “You like it, don’t you? You like when I get rough.”

  “Yes,” she admitted in a voice so low Jake had to strain to hear.

  Jake began a gentle rhythm with his hips, fucking her, building the pace until his balls slapped against her pussy.

  “Mmm, this is my little ass,” he ground out.

  She neither denied nor confirmed his claim, only pushed against him, joining in the rhythm of their erotic dance. Soon his cock swelled and his balls drew up tight. One more thrust and he was there, erupting inside her, hot fluid filling the condom.

  She collapsed on the bed and Jake would’ve landed on top of her had he not been so aware of her small, fragile form. Bracing himself on one arm beside her body, he leaned over her and brushed the sweat-soaked hair off her cheek. “No woman has ever made me lose control the way you do.”

  She was silent for a moment and Jake took the time to place a tender kiss to her cheek.

  “What about Sarah? Didn’t she make you lose control?”

  Jake was so fascinated by the glistening skin beneath his lips he nearly missed her question. When the words, and the fear behind them sank in, Jake stilled. He slipped his cock free of her tight opening, then sat back on his haunches and stared down at the little blond beauty. Damn, she was sexy. As Jake let his gaze travel over the toned thighs, luscious ass and nipped-in waist, he could well understand a man’s need to create poems about the female form. As gently as possible, he grasped her waist and turned her to her back. Their gazes clashed.

  “Sarah and I loved each other. She still holds a piece of my heart.” When Roni tried to look away, Jake cupped her chin and admitted something he hadn’t even told his brother. “But it was different than what you and I have, Roni. It wasn’t wild and out of control. I didn’t ache to possess her the way I do you.” He leaned down and kissed her swollen lips. “And I sure as hell never called her mistress either.”

  Roni stiffened. Terror filled Jake when it seemed she was trying to put some emotional distance between them. As her slender arms came around his neck, he let out a harsh breath of relief. She pulled him down for a kiss and his chest swelled. Jake lowered until he covered her smaller body with his own much larger frame and kissed her back. His tongue dipped inside her mouth, Roni shuddered and held him tighter. He trailed kisses down her chin, teased and nibbled at the exquisite line of her throat. He licked a fiery path farther until he zeroed in on the soft skin between her breasts. He tasted her there, hungry all over again. When she grasped his hair and pulled, Jake chuckled and stopped.

  “We need to shower,” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” he murmured as he kissed first one breast, then the other. “Afterward you can show me what else you have in that big black bag of tricks you brought.”

  “What makes you think I have more toys?”

  He winked and moved off the bed. “Because you’re a very naughty girl, princess.”

  Roni’s hot gaze traveled over his chest to his abdomen. She stopped and stared at him there, before moving farther south. When she looked at his cock and grinned, Jake started to get a little concerned. Just what did she have in that bag? She shoved herself to a sitting position and reached out a hand. He took it and helped her to her feet.

  “Are you sure you can handle it, pet?”

  He arched a brow and crossed his arms over his chest. “Should I be worried?”

  “Now that all depends on how obedient you can be, doesn’t it?”

  Jake bent at the knees and picked her up, holding her against his chest as he started toward the bathroom. “You have a mean streak in you, princess, but you aren’t a dominatrix.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “According to my research, and I had a lot of time this week to research, you’re a switch. Someone who likes to both submit and dominate.”

  “You’re right, but you’re the first man I’ve ever submitted to.”

  Jake stopped in midstride and stared down at the woman in his arms. “And I’ll be the last,” he murmured before kissing her once more. As she melted against him, peace stole through him. Yeah, this is what he’d ached for all week.


  “Hmm?” he mumbled as he walked into the bathroom and placed her on the counter, then turned and flipped on the light.

  “That bird you showed me. The hawk. Did you call the park ranger?”

  He nodded, hating to have to tell her something that was sure to upset her. “They can’t let the bird go. She’s healed, but she can’t fly.”

  She slumped and crossed her arms over her middle. “I see. Thanks for asking.”

  Jake went to her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, holding her close. “I’m sorry, baby.”

  “It’s okay. Maybe we could visit her again though.”

  “Of course. We can go over there tomorrow, after the barbeque.”

  She pushed at his chest and he relaxed his hold enough to see her looking up at him. “I forgot to tell you. They caught the guy using my computer. Or the kid rather. He’s the son of one of the janitors. He’s only sixteen, but he’s been breaking into some of the other offices, stealing money and office supplies. When some pretty expensive stuff went missing, one of the business owners decided to set up a hidden camera. They caught him stealing a few thousand dollars worth of office equipment. He’s in quite a bit of trouble.”

  Jake kissed the top of her head. “I’m damn relieved it’s over.”

  Roni smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Me too.”

  “Now,” he growled, “back to us.”

  She snuggled closer and sighed. “Yeah, back to us.”

  “First I’m going to wash every inch of this hot little body,” he promised, “then I’m going to let you use me.”

  “Mmm, I can’t wait.”

  He winked. “Me either, princess.”

  Jake stepped out of her arms, then turned to adjust the shower. When he stepped inside and held out his hand, Roni slid off the counter and came toward him, a wicked gleam in her eyes. Jake knew if he lived to be a hundred years old that look would still drive him wild.

  Tasty Treats


  When the chimes over the door jangled, Jeanette’s gaze darted to the front, anticipating the arrival of
Mr. Motorcycle Man. Disappointment rocketed through her when a couple of teenage girls pushed through the door instead, giggling while they texted. I’m pathetic. Every morning the hunk came into her café, sat at the same table, and drank the same thing, and yet she couldn’t bring herself to even ask his name.

  Cory, the new waitress she’d hired a few weeks ago, went over to take the girls’ orders and Jeanette went back to writing checks. She loved her coffee shop. When her Aunt Rhonda had died and left her a sizable inheritance, Jeanette had been dumb-founded. She hadn’t gotten to know her reclusive aunt well and she’d felt terrible. She couldn’t imagine why, of all people, her aunt had chosen her as the beneficiary.

  The idea to open her own little café had sprouted when she’d talked to Roni and Lydia. They’d encouraged her to put her baking skills to good use. As she looked around The Coffee House, a spurt of pride shot through her. She’d taken her time deciding how to decorate. From the very beginning she’d known that it would need to have a trendy art deco feel, but she also wanted to use the small space. She had a few corners set up as conversation areas. Situated in one corner was an old, rust-colored love seat and matching chair she’d found at a garage sale. In another corner stood a bookshelf, filled with everything from poetry to romance to English mysteries. A pair of wingback chairs and a little round walnut table between them made for the perfect spot to relax and enjoy a good book with your coffee. A mishmash of tables and chairs were scattered throughout the main area. She’d hung paintings by local artists on the walls and added Wi-Fi, because really, what would a coffee shop be without it? The look she’d envisioned had come together brilliantly.

  As the place started to fill up, Jeanette let out a contented sigh. She loved Mondays. It was her busiest day of the week. Everyone needed the extra boost to get through the day. The door chimes sounded again, signaling another customer. She tried not to look, but her eyes seemed to have a will all their own.

  Jeanette stopped writing and peeked at the front door. Her heart sped up. Motorcycle Man’s large body filled the doorway. He was staring straight at her. As his lips tilted up in a half grin, Jeanette’s temperature spiked. God, the man was hot.

  His dark, wavy hair curled up at the ends and made her want to reach out and play. The hard line of his jaw seemed to sport a permanent five o’clock shadow. Today’s T-shirt was heather grey. It stretched over a hard chest and impressive six-pack abs. Jeanette had a distinct notion she could bounce a quarter off those abs. The faded jeans cupped his sex in the most scrumptious way. Jeanette imagined peeling them down his thighs. She’d want to take her time, reveal all that smooth, hard flesh by small degrees. As her gaze took in the scarred black biker boots, she noticed them move. She looked back up and realized he was striding toward her.

  Jeanette straightened in the stool and forced herself to look at his face. His eyes narrowed as he closed the distance between them. In all the time he’d been coming to her café for coffee, she’d never spoken to him. She’d always ached to be the one to serve him, but she wasn’t a waitress nor was she that daring. In her heart, she knew any attempt at conversation would be disastrous anyway. She’d end up tripping over her words, or worse, getting clumsy like she usually got around handsome men.

  He came to stand in front of her until only a few feet separated them. As he planted his hand on the counter and leaned in, Jeanette’s mouth went dry.

  “You,” he growled.


  He looked down her body until his gaze snagged on her chest, and he licked his lips. “I want you to serve me.”

  God, did she ever want to serve him. Jeanette squashed the wayward thought and stiffened her spine. “I’m not a waitress. Cory can—”

  “No. I want you, not Cory, or I’ll take my business elsewhere.”

  Her heart beat so hard she thought surely the man could hear it. “Elsewhere?”

  He stood to his full height and crossed his arms over the muscular chest she’d been admiring for the last six months. “There are other coffee shops.”

  And never see him again? Not a chance. She moved off the stool and smiled up at him. “I’ll be glad to serve you.”

  “Hunter,” he inserted as he stepped aside to let her move around him.

  Jeanette stopped and looked up at him. Jeez. Just how tall is he? Definitely over six feet. She felt positively tiny in comparison. Wait, he’d said hunter. He wanted to tell her he hunted? Maybe she’d heard wrong. “I’m sorry, what did you say?”

  He pointed to his chest. “My name’s Hunter Trace.”

  “Oh.” She laughed. “I’m sorry. I thought…never mind.” She brought him to his usual table and waited for him to sit. “Your usual this morning, Mr. Trace?”

  “Yes, and please call me Hunter. And you are?”

  “Jeanette Williams.”

  “I’m pleased to finally make your acquaintance, Jeanette.”

  He smiled finally and Jeanette stood there, just basking in the glow. His smooth, deep voice caressed all her erogenous zones. Too late she realized she hadn’t moved to place his order.

  “I-I’ll just go get your coffee.”

  “Hurry back,” he murmured.

  It took every ounce of her meager self-control not to fall into his lap and beg him to take her right there in the middle of The Coffee House.

  Watching the coffee shop owner walk had become one of Hunter’s favorite pastimes. Her jean skirt and loose-fitting yellow blouse couldn’t even begin to be sexy, but Jeanette had curves, enough that she bounced a little when she moved. It mattered little what she wore, Hunter still loved watching that teasing jiggle.

  Not for the first time, he imagined her naked, her ass raised up for him to pet and fuck. He couldn’t understand his fascination with the pretty brunette. She avoided him like the plague and he still came back for more.

  When she moved behind the counter to get his coffee, he sat back and smiled. She’d been trying to foist him off on one of her employees, but he wouldn’t have it. It was time they finally met. Time he made his move. As she poured his usual decaf into a mug, he nearly groaned though. Damn, he liked coffee, but he sure as hell didn’t love it. He’d had more coffee in the last six months than his entire life.

  Jeanette picked up the steaming cup and came toward him. She blushed a little when she noticed him staring. Yeah, he liked coffee, but he didn’t have a craving for it the way he did one elusive brunette.

  She placed a napkin on the table and the mug on top of it. “Was there anything else I can get for you?”

  What a loaded question. Fuck, if she only had a clue what he wanted from her she’d run screaming. Hunter made a point to look around the near-empty café before saying, “How about some company? You don’t appear too busy at the moment.”

  The pink in her cheeks turned a deeper shade. Hunter had a sudden urge to stroke her. With his tongue. He ached to find out for himself if her skin was as deliciously soft as it appeared. He squelched the need and forced himself to relax back against the seat.

  “I am sorry, but I do have to get back to work.” She smiled and played with the hem of her blouse. “Running this place keeps me hopping.”

  “I can understand, but surely you can spare a few minutes for a paying customer.” He winked, hoping he didn’t sound pushy. He had a feeling if he used too much force, the shy coffee shop owner would run in the opposite direction. That wasn’t at all what he wanted.

  Jeanette bit her lower lip and stared at him a few seconds. When she frowned, Hunter wondered how long it’d been since a man had taken the time to flirt with the woman. Finally the frown disappeared, leaving a brilliant smile in its wake. Hunter knew if he could bask in that smile for a few hours he’d feel like he could conquer the world.

  “I can take a few minutes, I suppose.” As she slid a chair out and sat, Hunter wanted to shout in triumph.

  “So, how long have you had this place?” Not that he cared much. He just wanted to hear her talk some mor
e. She had a soft, husky voice. A bedroom voice. He wanted to hear that voice shouting his name as he licked her to climax.

  Jeanette crossed her legs and adjusted her skirt, the ponytail in her hair bobbing a little with each move she made. “For a year and a half. Most people hate their jobs, but I’m lucky enough to do something I love.”

  “You run a good business. In the few months I’ve been coming in I’ve noticed an increase in customers.”

  “Thanks. I know coffee shops are a dime a dozen, but it’s my hope that when you mix quality with friendly service word gets around.”

  He pointed at the large menu hanging behind the counter. “I’m ashamed to admit I’ve never eaten here. Guess I’m not big on Danishes.”

  “Ah, but I do more than Danishes. In fact you really should try my double-chocolate brownies. You’ll change your mind.”

  He chuckled. “Not that you’re bragging or anything, right?”

  Her chin lifted. “It’s not bragging if it’s the truth.”

  Hunter folded his hands on the table and leaned forward. “I don’t know. Brownies don’t do much for me.”

  “Double-chocolate,” she stated, as if he hadn’t heard her correctly the first time. “Everyone loves double-chocolate.”

  “How about I come back at closing time?” He let his voice drop to a whisper. “You can show me what I’ve been missing.”

  Her gaze drifted to his lips and stayed there. “You’re hitting on me,” she murmured. Her tongue swiped at her lower lip and Hunter’s cock flexed in his jeans.

  Mmm, lick it, baby. “Yeah, I am,” he growled.

  “I-I don’t even know you.”

  Hunter noticed her stutter. She’d done the same thing when she’d introduced herself. The telltale sign of nerves. He thought it adorable as hell. He also thought her hard nipples pushing against the flimsy blouse were adorable. Damn, he wanted to eat her up.

  “We can fix that little dilemma tonight.” A really shitty thought struck. “Unless you have a date?”


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