Book Read Free

Body Rush

Page 21

by Anne Rainey

  She shook her head. “I’m not seeing anyone right now.”

  Thank God. “Me either.” He wrapped his hands around the warm coffee mug and lifted it to his lips. While he drank, Jeanette sat quietly and watched. He liked the way her eyes went drowsy as he sipped the hot liquid. Licking his lips, Hunter lowered the mug and asked, “So, are you going to educate me on the magnificent aspects of double-chocolate brownies or am I doomed to forever be in the dark?”

  She tapped her fingers on the tabletop. “You know, you could just order one now.”

  “And miss the tutorial?” He shook his head and grinned. “No way, sweetheart.”

  “I really shouldn’t,” she whispered.

  Hunter reached across the table and touched the back of her knuckles with his index finger. He couldn’t help himself, he had to know if her skin was as satiny as he’d imagined. Unfortunately, he only managed a single stroke before she jerked her hand away.

  “You’re pretty bold, Mr. Trace.”

  He laughed and crossed his arms over his chest. “I’ve been coming here for six months, Jeanette. If I were bold I would’ve asked you out that first morning I came in and saw you trying to fill in for that waitress who quit with no notice.”

  “Renee,” she stated, clearly bemused. “How did you know about that?”

  “I’m observant. I tend to notice things others don’t.” Hunter didn’t want to talk about himself, he wanted to get to know her. If she had half her mind on work, she would never relax enough to let him in. “Now, about that brownie.” Hunter let the statement hang in the air between them, content to let her decide in her own time. It wouldn’t be any good if she only agreed because she’d felt coerced.

  “I suppose it wouldn’t hurt.”

  Her answer, so quietly spoken, had his blood running hot. As she stood, Hunter did the same. “When should I be here?”

  “Closing time is eight thirty. I’ll have some things to finish up, but if you don’t mind waiting you can come then.”

  Hunter pulled out his wallet and prepared to pay for the coffee. “No problem. I can admire the view while I wait.”


  He handed her a few bills, then leaned close to her ear and whispered, “You, sweetheart.”

  “Oh,” she breathed out.

  As Hunter walked away, leaving her standing in the middle of the café, three more customers came in. When he glanced back, he noticed Jeanette hadn’t moved to greet them. One of her waitresses ran over to her, drawing her attention. The primitive beast in Hunter wanted to sweep her into his arms and take her to the backroom. He could kiss those full, pouty lips and slide the buttons on her blouse free of their holes, then suck on her erect nipples. Give them both something to think about while they were at work the rest of the day.

  Instead Hunter never broke stride until he reached his motorcycle. As he slung one leg over the seat and slid onto the soft black leather, he groaned at the erection pumping hard behind the fly of his jeans. Strapping the helmet on, Hunter allowed his mind to pull up an image of Jeanette’s pretty brown eyes so full of wonder and desire. She had the look of a woman on the verge of discovering her own passion. As if she were ready to embrace that side of herself she’d kept hidden from the world. Maybe she simply needed the right person to aid her in her little erotic journey. Hunter vowed to be that man. Her sweet innocence had lured him, but what would she be like once he moved past that layer, when he reached the sensual woman beneath? He had a sneaking suspicion she’d surprise the hell out of them both.


  Jeanette dropped another mug and cursed. Thankfully this one didn’t break.

  “That’s the third time you’ve done that. What the hell’s up with you today?”

  Dean, her busboy-slash-dishwasher-slash-gopher, wasn’t one to mince words. Still, Jeanette wasn’t about to tell the nineteen-year-old college student that she had a crush on one Hunter Trace.

  “I’ve just had a lot on my mind.” She paused, then added, “And you shouldn’t cuss.”

  “I’m a big boy now, Mom.”

  His sarcasm had her grinning. “You still shouldn’t cuss.”

  He flicked water at her and winked. Jeanette swiped her hand down her blouse and pointed her finger at Dean’s chest. “You get water all over my blouse and there will be consequences.”

  “You always work too hard, Jeanette,” he said, his voice suddenly soft with concern. “Why not let me handle the rest of these. Isn’t that why you pay me?”

  Jeanette rolled her eyes at the familiar argument. Dean was a steady worker, but she knew the job she’d foisted on him was too much for one person. Not for the first time she wished she could hire more help. It just wasn’t in the budget. Yet, she reminded herself.

  “I’m not leaving you in the lurch, Dean, so forget it.”

  “Fine, but if you drop another mug, I’m telling the owner.”

  She pretended to shiver in fear. “Ooh, I heard she’s a real witch.”

  “She can be a pretty tough cookie. Trust me, you don’t want to mess with her.”

  “I’ll try and be more careful then.” She winked. “Thanks for the warning.”

  “No problem.”

  They went back to rinsing off the dishes and adding them to the others in the dishwasher. After the last dish was placed on the rack, Dean poured the soap in the well and shoved the door shut. Jeanette dried her hands on a dishtowel and glanced at her watch—for the thousandth time. Ten minutes. Hunter would be there in ten minutes. Oh God, what if he didn’t show? Even more frightening, what if he did?

  “Are you distracted because of that motorcycle dude you had coffee with this morning?”

  Jeanette jerked her head up to see Dean watching her intently. “What did you say?”

  “Cory said you had coffee with some hottie this morning. She was going all gaga over the guy.”

  Jeanette glared at him. “I didn’t have coffee with him.”

  Dean arched a brow at her. “So there wasn’t a motorcycle dude in here this morning?”

  Jeanette blushed. Damn, did everyone have to know her business? “Well, yes, but I didn’t exactly have coffee with him.”

  “Then what exactly did you do?”

  Dean’s attitude pricked her temper. He tended to do the big-brother thing with her way too much, even though she was the older of the two and he wasn’t even her brother. “That’s none of your business. And Cory shouldn’t be gossiping.”

  Dean shrugged and leaned against the counter. “Cory always gossips, but I’ve never known you to flirt with a customer.”

  Damn, had she been that obvious? “Who said anything about flirting?”

  Dean picked up a dishtowel and started twirling it around. “All I know is what Cory told me. She said you were flirting with this motorcycle dude and he was hitting on you big time.”

  Jeanette’s body heated at the memory. Who knew mousy Jeanette could gain the attention of a man like Hunter? She still wondered if he’d been playing her. If he didn’t show tonight, she’d have her answer. She sent up a quick prayer that he’d show.

  Dean flicked the towel at her. It grazed her hip and the slight sting caused her to jump back. “Stop that or I’m taking back that raise I gave you last month.”

  “You went all glassy-eyed for a second there. I was just trying to get you back on the conversation.”

  “This conversation is over.” Jeanette turned and started toward the office.

  Dean jogged up beside her. “So, did you two set up a date or something?”

  Jeanette swiped at her brown hair and sighed. “You’re way too preoccupied by my social calendar. Go home and call that co-ed you were going on and on about last night.”

  Dean moved in front of her and pushed her office door open, then waited for her to enter before he shuffled in behind her. “Turns out she has a boyfriend. Besides I’ve got my eyes on someone else.”

  Jeanette moved around her desk and sat in the old, worn-out
brown leather chair. She resisted the urge to pull her purse out of the bottom drawer and use the little mirror she kept tucked inside to check her makeup. It’d been a long day, her ponytail was probably a wreck and she’d probably sweated most of her makeup off hours ago.

  Dean plopped into the chair across from her and stretched out his long, lean legs. “So, give it up. Are you going out with the dude or what?”

  “If it will get you to go home, yes. He’s coming here tonight.”

  Dean sat up and leaned forward, his interest obviously piqued. “Damn, really? When?”

  Jeanette checked her watch again. “He should be here”—the chimes on the front door jangled, signaling a new arrival—“now.” She’d left the front door unlatched for him, otherwise she’d have locked up after the last customer.

  Dean shot out of his seat and went to the office door. Before she could blink, he’d already made his way halfway across the kitchen. Jeanette sprinted after him. “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “I want to meet him.”

  His arrogant tone grated on her nerves. “You have no business meeting my dates, Dean. This is going too far.”

  “I just want to see if he’s as fabulous as Cory says he is.”

  Before she could protest further, he’d pushed through the doors leading to the dining area. Jeanette took a deep breath and followed. She spotted Hunter sitting on a stool at the counter. When he looked up and noticed her striding toward him, his lips kicked up at one corner. It was the sexiest grin she’d ever seen. As Dean moved up next to her, Hunter’s smile disappeared.

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  His deep baritone gave her goose bumps. “Hunter, I’m sorry to keep you waiting.” She glared at Dean. “Dean is an employee. He was just leaving.”

  To her surprise, Dean held out his hand. Hunter took it and the two men seemed to have a silent exchange. “Pleased to meet you, Hunter,” Dean said as he released the much larger man and stepped back.

  “Same here.” Hunter glanced at her and winked. “Your boss promised to give me a few lessons tonight.”

  Dean shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. “Lessons?”

  Jeanette spoke up, knowing Dean’s mind had gone straight to the gutter. “He made the mistake of telling me he doesn’t care for brownies. I aim to change his mind.”

  Dean licked his lips. “You’re in for a treat then. Jeanette’s brownies are out of this world. They aren’t even brownies. They’re like a slice of heaven or something.”

  Hunter laughed. The sound seemed to travel straight to her clit. Good lord, she was getting turned on and they hadn’t even done anything. What if he went home after the brownie? She’d never be able to sleep for thinking of the delicious man.

  “Well, I’m not convinced,” Hunter said as his intense gaze traveled over her body. “I’m going to need proof.”

  “And on that note, I’m out of here.” Dean turned to her. “I’m only a phone call away if you need anything, okay?”

  Jeanette rolled her eyes at his proprietary tone. “Okay, Dad,” she said, remembering the way he’d called her “mom” earlier.

  Dean flicked her nose. “Don’t make me ground you, young lady.”

  She laughed and shooed him away. “Get. You have homework to do, I’m sure.” When he only stood there staring at her, she gentled her tone. “I’ll be fine, Dean.”

  Dean glanced once more at Hunter, his gaze lingering for a moment, then he nodded and headed toward the swinging kitchen doors. When he disappeared through them she shook her head. Such a good kid. He’d make some lucky woman a fine husband one day.

  “He’s protective of you.”

  Hunter’s words drew her back around. He watched her in that quiet, predatory way. Like a man looked at a woman he wanted to sleep with. It both heated her blood and terrified her. She didn’t know how to deal with a man like Hunter. Her previous lovers had been the mild-mannered, let’s make love in the dark types. She had a feeling Hunter would insist on having the light on. A series of images zipped through her mind. Hunter naked. Hunter spread out on her bed, ready to be pleasured by her.

  Forcing a stop to the mini X-rated movie, Jeanette said, “Dean’s a good kid. I think he sees me as this passive older lady who needs to be handled with kid gloves.”

  Hunter stood and came toward her. “And are you?”

  Jeanette smoothed her hand down her blouse in an attempt to give her hands something to do. She wished she were bold enough to place them on Hunter’s chest instead. Yeah, right.

  “Passive? Yes, I suppose I am. I’m not quick to temper and I’d much rather logically work through a situation and find a solution than let my anger get the best of me. But I’m tougher than I look. I don’t need to be coddled.”

  He cupped her cheek and leaned forward. “I can see how a man would feel the need to pamper you though. Would it surprise you to know that I’m extremely attracted to you, Jeanette?”

  Could it be true or was she about to wake up from a really good dream? His warm, rough palm felt very real to her though. If she were dreaming she hoped she’d forgotten to set the alarm. “You are?”

  “Yes. Very much.”

  “I-I’m attracted to you too.” Damn, she hated when she stuttered. She took a second to calm her jumpy nerves before admitting, “I have been for quite a while.”

  “That’s good, baby,” he growled. “But I need to warn you, I’m not very good at moving slow. You’ll have to tell me if I’m going too fast. Can you do that?”

  His fingers had begun to stroke and Jeanette knew without a doubt she wanted that stroke farther south. “I can do that,” she whispered, her voice hoarse with desire.

  “Mmm, good girl.” He dropped his hand and stepped back.

  Jeanette ached to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him. Just once she wished she were more like Roni. Self-confident, smart, comfortable around the opposite sex. For whatever reason God hadn’t seen fit to give her those particular qualities.

  Hunter took her hand in his and entwined their fingers, then turned in the direction of the kitchen. “Now, how about you give me that brownie you promised. I’ve been dying for a taste all day.”

  Jeanette smiled. Ah, food, an area she knew well. “I guarantee you’re going to love it.”

  Hunter brought her hand to his lips and kissed the back of her knuckles. “I’m a very lucky man.”

  “You are? Why?”

  “A lovely woman who enjoys baking. Men have gone to war to possess such a creature.”

  Jeanette wanted to laugh off the outrageous compliment, but how long had it been since a man had taken the time to flirt with her? She had Hunter’s full attention tonight and she intended to do everything in her power to keep it.


  Hunter whistled low as he entered the kitchen and took in the gleaming stainless steel surfaces.


  “The health inspector must love you, huh?” Every counter shone, the white tile floor was spotless and everything seemed to be tucked away as neat as a pin. It was clear she took pride in her work. Hunter understood that quality well. His respect for her grew.

  She turned to pull a plate out from a cupboard. “I admit, they never have much to say when they’re here.”

  When she pointed to a little rickety table situated along one wall, Hunter said, “I thought you had some work to finish up. Don’t let me interrupt. I can wait.”

  Jeanette went to a large refrigerator and brought out a can of whipped cream. Hunter had ideas for that whipped cream, and not one of them included a brownie.

  Jeanette flipped her long ponytail behind her shoulder. “It’s okay, I finished early.”

  “Good, I have your full attention then.” She nodded and quickly looked back at the brownie, as if his words embarrassed her. Damn, he’d never seen a woman so timid around men. Still, he liked knowing he’d have her all to himself for the rest of the evening. Maybe he could get her over some
of the skittish behavior.

  Hunter sat in one of the metal chairs. It wobbled a little and he stiffened. “Uh, is this thing going to hold me?”

  Jeanette turned, a frown marring her brow. “I hope so.”

  He chuckled. “Not very reassuring.”

  She pointed the knife she’d grabbed out of a drawer in his direction. “If it breaks, are you going to sue me?”

  He eyed the knife carefully, then took in the teasing gleam in her eyes. She was playing with him, getting comfortable in his presence. A surge of male pride shot through him at the notion that maybe he was seeing a side to the pretty brunette other men weren’t privy to. Maybe he was deluding himself, but Jeanette didn’t strike him as the type to play with just any man.

  Remembering her question, Hunter murmured, “I wouldn’t dream of suing you, sweetheart. Money isn’t what I want from you anyway.”

  Jeanette bit her lip as her gaze traveled over his torso. “Uh, okay.”

  As she went back to cutting a slice of the double-chocolate brownie, Hunter noticed there weren’t two plates on the counter, only one. “Aren’t you eating?”

  “No, I’m really not hungry.”

  Not an option, he thought to himself. He wanted to watch her lick the whipped cream and nibble on the chocolate treat. No way would he be denied that erotic show. “I’m not eating alone,” he stated.

  Jeanette took out a spoon and brought the chocolaty treat to the table. “You’ll change your mind once you taste it.”

  Hunter laughed. “Pretty confident, aren’t you?”

  Jeanette pulled out the other chair and sat down. The distance bugged him. He wanted her closer. In his lap would be better. He wanted to touch her, watch her eyes take on that warm espresso shade he’d witnessed earlier that morning. Patience, he reminded himself. He didn’t want to spook her by moving too fast.

  “About baking I’m very confident,” She rested her chin in her palm. “I’ve been doing it ever since I could remember.”

  Hunter could so easily picture her as a little girl, brown hair in pigtails while she helped her mother in the kitchen. He cocked his head to the side. “Were you the little urchin getting flour everywhere while you helped Mom bake cookies?”


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