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Body Rush

Page 24

by Anne Rainey

  “I’m glad too.” Hunter took off her helmet and placed it on the seat, then led her by the hand and escorted her to the door leading into the kitchen. He flipped the light on and looked over at her. “Home sweet home.”

  “Wow, your kitchen is huge!” she said as she unzipped his leather jacket and placed it on the coat tree next to the door. “I could really have a lot of fun in here.”

  Hunter looked around the room with pride. Green granite counter tops, cherrywood cabinets and a refrigerator big enough to hold several Thanksgiving dinners. No doubt about it, his kitchen was a thing of joy. “I’m not big on cooking, but on the rare occasions I like to do it up right.”

  “You can definitely do it right with a kitchen like this,” she said, as she walked around, touching surfaces and humming her approval. She popped open the door on the wine cooler and pulled out a drawer. “You like wine, don’t you?”

  “I like a lot of things.” He moved toward her. “For instance, there’s this sexy coffee shop owner I’ve had my eye on.”

  Jeanette pushed the drawer back in and closed the glass door before backing up a step. Her pretty grin lit up the room. “What if she’s not into you?”

  Hunter let his gaze travel over her upper body, noting the way her nipples hardened for him. Slowly, as if stalking prey, he cornered her between the stove and the dishwasher. “I have proof she’s very into me,” he growled.

  “Oh, really?”

  “Mmm,” he murmured as he planted one hand on the counter beside her and let the other slide over the top swell of one breast, then down over the hard bud tempting him beyond reason. “For instance, if she wasn’t ready to be fucked, then I doubt her nipples would be so hard.”

  “M-maybe she’s cold.”

  Her unsteady voice was a testament to how excited their little game made her. “I don’t know, she feels pretty warm to me. In fact, I’d say she’s downright hot.”

  “You would?”

  He nodded. “The hottest thing I’ve seen in a long time.”

  She placed her palm against his chest. “Before we go any further I have a confession to make.”

  Hunter froze. “A confession?” Fuck, that didn’t sound good.

  “Remember those two friends I mentioned earlier?”

  “Roni and Lydia.”

  “You remember their names?”

  He stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest. “I never forget names.”

  “I see. Anyway, I sort of…made a bet with them. And it has to do with you.”

  He’d expected her to tell him she was secretly engaged or something equally as horrifying, but a bet? “I don’t think I’m following you here, Jeanette. We just met today.”

  She played with the hem of her blouse, something he noticed she did whenever she was nervous. “But I’ve been attracted to you for a long time. I’ve just been too afraid to approach you.”

  She’d had the hots for him? Why hadn’t he noticed? He shook the thought away and said, “Okay, but what does any of this have to do with a bet you made with your girlfriends?”

  “We bet on who could make their fantasy come true first.”

  “And I’m your fantasy,” he surmised. Damn, now they were getting somewhere.

  “Yes. I’m so sorry!” She stepped forward, closing the small space between them. “Do you feel terribly objectified?”

  He chuckled. “Baby, men like being the object of women’s fantasies.” He thought for a second then asked, “So, in this bet, what do you have to do to win exactly?”

  “I have to sleep with Mr. Motorcycle Man,” she blurted out.

  His lips twitched. “Motorcycle Man?”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “Well, at the time I didn’t know your name.”

  Hunter cupped her face in his hands and kissed her forehead. “How about we go see if we can win that bet, shall we?”


  Jeanette allowed Hunter to lead her into his bedroom. Much like the kitchen, no expense was spared. When he turned a little dial next to the door, soft light filled the room. A vaulted ceiling with two skylights made the room seem much larger than it really was. A pair of French doors opened to a balcony. The beautiful canopied, king-sized bed covered in a burgundy satin comforter made Jeanette keenly aware that Hunter liked his comforts. The light pine wood had gorgeous diamond-shaped carvings on the headboard and footboard. An overstuffed burgundy chair sat next to a large bay window, and a huge entertainment center took up nearly the entire wall across from the bed. She turned to where Hunter leaned against the doorjamb, his arms crossed over his chest.

  “Just what do you do for a living?”

  Hunter stood and came toward her. “I’m an author.”

  “Judging by your house, you must be a best-seller. What do you write?”

  “Thrillers,” he said, as he moved to sit on the edge of the bed.

  Jeanette walked around the room, curious about the man who’d held her interest for so long. She spied a framed photo on his nightstand and picked it up. An older man stood next to Hunter, their arms over each other as Hunter held up a hard-back book with the name Grayson Rivers on the cover. Oh my God, she knew that name! She had a few of his books on her shelf at home. He really was a best-seller. The older man resembled Hunter, his smile shining with pride and love.

  She turned toward him and held up the photo. “Is this your father?”

  A flicker of something passed over his face, before he shuttered it and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. “No, my Uncle Raymond. Remember I mentioned the uncle who taught me to ride?” She nodded. “He taught me a lot of things. He practically raised me.”

  “I see.” She carefully placed the frame back on the top of the dresser and moved away. “He must be very special.”

  “He was. He had a heart attack shortly after that photo was taken. I still miss him.”

  Drawn by the emotion in his gaze, Jeanette stepped closer. His musky male scent filled her senses. “He sounds pretty wonderful. What about your parents?”

  He stiffened. “I never knew my dad. My mom passed away six years ago. She’d been in a car accident but walked away without any injuries. A few days after the crash she started having headaches. I talked her into going to the hospital to get checked out. She went downhill really fast. She slipped into a coma. It wasn’t long before Uncle Raymond and I were burying her.”

  “Oh, Hunter,” Jeanette said, emotion clogging her throat. “I’m so sorry.”

  Without warning Hunter grabbed her arm and pulled until she fell into his lap. “I don’t want to talk about my mom and uncle,” he whispered against her ear. “I’d much rather help you win that bet.”

  Even with all they’d done together already, she still found herself blushing at the reminder of the bet. “I can’t believe I told you about that.”

  “I’m glad you did.” He flicked her nose. “I wouldn’t have been pleased if you’d kept it from me. I enjoy being the object of your fantasies, baby, but I don’t want to be kept in the dark.”

  “That makes sense.”

  “Since we’re on the subject,” he said as his hand skated up her thigh only to disappear beneath her skirt. “What did you fantasize about exactly?”

  He nudged her thighs apart and his fingers moved in small circles over her clitoris. Her panties had been ruined and she’d been forced to go commando. Jeanette could barely concentrate on the conversation as he began to pinch her clit and stroke her sensitive pussy lips. “You want details?”

  Hunter slid his middle finger inside her wet heat, humming his approval when she moaned and spread her thighs wider. “A lot of details.”

  Her clit was teased as he plunged his finger in and out. “I-I thought men didn’t like to talk in bed,” she managed around a whimper.

  While Hunter continued to ply her swollen bud, his other hand went to work on the buttons of her blouse. “That doesn’t pertain to fantasy talk. Tell me what you want from me, sweetness.”

te’s breathing turned rapid, her temperature spiking as Hunter undid the last button of her blouse. “I’m not very imaginative, but there was one fantasy…” Her words trailed off as he pushed his hand inside her bra and cupped her breast.

  “Go on,” he murmured. “Tell me your naughty little secrets, sweetheart.”

  Attempting to form sentences wasn’t easy with Hunter’s fingers teasing her beyond reason. “I have this one fantasy where we masturbate together.” She took a deep breath before continuing. “We’re sitting across from each other, not touching, you’re watching me as I play with my pussy. You’re stroking your cock.”

  Hunter nibbled her earlobe and slipped two fingers into her tight passage. “I like your fantasy very much, baby, but how about we modify it just a touch.”

  “Hunter, you’re driving me crazy,” she moaned.

  He pulled his fingers free, then sank them deep once more, finger-fucking her. “My cock wants to feel this hot little cunt, Jeanette. I’m so close to coming in my jeans right now it’s not even funny.”

  “Then stop playing and take off your clothes,” she begged, shameless in her passion.

  Hunter cursed and removed his fingers, then placed them against her lips. “Suck them,” he ordered.

  Helpless to deny either of them in that moment, Jeanette opened her mouth. Hunter slid his fingers over her tongue and she closed her lips, sucking the digits clean.

  Hunter’s arm tightened around her. “Damn, that’s sexy. Such a sweet little baby.”

  Jeanette moved on his lap, sliding back and forth over his hard cock as her tongue flicked back and forth over his fingers. But the feel of his heavy cock and powerful thighs beneath her bottom was simply too much temptation. She whimpered.

  Hunter slid his arm beneath her legs and lifted her off his lap and onto the bed beside him. “Clothes,” he explained as he started to push her shirt off. She clutched his T-shirt and tugged upward, revealing the smooth, hard abs and powerful chest she’d admired earlier. Within seconds they were naked, Hunter towering over her. “Have you ever let a lover videotape you?”

  Her eyes shot wide. “No. No way.” The mere thought of the wide expanse of her backside being on camera was like a dash of ice water.

  Hunter’s gaze narrowed. “Is this about the pear thing you mentioned earlier?”

  “Yes.” She bit out, her stomach churning just thinking about it. “I definitely don’t want to see my butt on tape.”

  Hunter planted his hands on the bed beside her hips, fire in his eyes. “I thought I made it clear your ass is perfect the way it is.”

  “You did, but—”

  “Why do you think I’ve been itching to play with it for the last six months?”

  She glared at him. “You must need glasses, Hunter, that’s all I can think.”

  “I don’t need glasses to know I want to fuck that hot little butt of yours. To spank it until your flesh tingles. I want to fill your tight little asshole with my come, Jeanette. It’s all I can think about.”

  Her clit throbbed as the taboo images filled her mind. “Anal sex?”

  “Christ, yeah.” His deep voice fueled the fire building in her soul. “First, I want to watch you masturbate like you talked about, but I want to do it behind a video camera. Is that so scary, baby?”

  Not the way he put it. Suddenly she wondered how far she could push Hunter. Could she, the shy wallflower, drive a man like Hunter wild with lust simply by playing to his camera? “As long as I can stay on my back,” she finally relented. “And we have to destroy the tape afterward.”

  One eyebrow kicked up. “Destroy it?”

  She nodded, firm on this one point. “It would be appalling if it ended up in the wrong hands.”

  His head snapped back as if she’d slapped him. “You think I’m going to put it up on the Internet?”

  She lifted her hand to his chest, flattening her palm over his left pectoral, directly over his heart. “No, of course not,” she said softly, “but it still pays to be careful.”

  He nodded. “So, we destroy the tape after we watch it. I can live with that.”

  She dropped her hand and closed her eyes tight against the horror of what she’d just agreed to. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

  “Jeanette, look at me.” His quiet, gentle tone had her doing his bidding. When their gazes locked, he said, “It’s just me here, baby. Let yourself go. Leave all those fears for another day. Tonight it’s just you and me. If at any time you feel uncomfortable and want to stop, we’ll stop.”


  He leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. “You have my word,” he murmured.


  “That’s my girl,” he praised.

  Strong hands caressed her thighs, the carnal expression spreading across Hunter’s face fueling her bravado. She reached out and wrapped her fingers around his cock, then squeezed the hot, hard flesh. The lopsided grin he shot her way went clear to her toes. His mouth skimmed below her ear, touching off another little jolt of electricity inside her.

  As he stroked the curls covering her mound, Jeanette began to plead in earnest. “Hunter, please.”

  He pulled his hand away and straightened. “Show time, sweetness.”

  “Oh, God,” she groaned.


  He could be inside her within seconds. Feeding the hunger and finally satisfying the cravings he’d had for so long. Hunter couldn’t explain why he’d decided to combine Jeanette’s hot little fantasy with one of his own. When a little voice in his head called him a liar, he faced the truth. Yeah, he knew damn well why he’d chosen to play rather than pounce. He didn’t just want to satisfy an ache with Jeanette. He could do that with any woman. This was the voluptuous creature who’d captured his attention without even having been aware of it. No, a quick fuck wouldn’t do. He wanted to watch the sweet, curvy woman blossom. To succumb to her own feverish needs.

  She’d trusted him enough to come home with him, a veritable stranger, but touching her own soft pussy, teasing herself into a frenzy while he watched? It would be the ultimate form of surrender. With her mind and body wrapped up in hot, liquid pleasure, a woman was at her most vulnerable. Defenses were shattered. Nothing but raw feeling.

  The real problem would be keeping his hands off her. Letting her pet the little cunt he so badly ached to bury his dick in was going to be sheer torture.

  Hunter pushed the record button on the side of the camcorder he’d retrieved from a drawer in his entertainment cabinet. “Touch yourself, Jeanette.”

  Leaning against the dresser, he held the camera in front of his face, watching through the viewfinder. His pretty coffee shop owner lay on his bed, legs pressed tightly together, hair spread out all over the dark red comforter. Her skin like cream, lush and soft, seemed frighteningly delicate. He reminded himself for the thousandth time to be gentle with her when he finally managed to bury his cock inside her. He couldn’t let his savage instinct take over. He’d need to maintain control or risk hurting her. The thought that he could cause Jeanette even an ounce of pain took his ardor down a few notches.

  Her hands clutched the comforter at her sides, her breathing choppy. Nervous tension filled the room. Hunter wrapped a fist around his cock and growled, “Look at me, sweetness.”

  Jeanette’s pretty brown gaze shot to his, then quickly traveled a course down his body to land on the hand he had on his dick. “Do you see how hard I am? How badly I want you?” She licked her lips and nodded. Hunter moved his hand up and down, a slow massage, giving her the fantasy she craved. “We’re going to make that fantasy come true, baby. Drive me wild. Show me that pretty body all hot and flush with arousal.”

  Jeanette bit her lip. When her right hand released the comforter, Hunter sucked in a breath, anticipating what would come next. She slid her hand over her flat belly first, then moved upward to her breast. As she cupped the soft orb, Hunter cursed, his hand on his cock tightening. A delicate finger flicke
d and toyed with the nipple he’d sucked earlier, making his mouth water for another taste. Suddenly her other hand came up to cover her pussy, her legs spreading open a few inches.

  “More,” he demanded, unable to stand the slow pace she’d set for them. “Show me.”


  Hunter’s hand tightened on the camera as he zoomed in on the swollen, pink lips of Jeanette’s sex. “Open for me. Tempt your Motorcycle Man, baby.”

  Jeanette’s eyes were at half-mast as she watched him stroke his cock. Slowly, as if deliberately teasing him, she moved her legs wide and massaged her fingers over her clit a few times before dipping two fingers into the slick entrance. Hunter squeezed his cock tighter before giving into the need to pump. Once, twice, then he forced himself to stop. Too close. Fuck, just watching her tentatively touch herself took him to the very edge. A few more pumps from his fist and he’d be shooting his load all over the damn carpet.

  It was an exercise in control to stand across the room, watching. So easily he could drop the camera and go to her, he could stroke that smooth female flesh himself, play to his heart’s content. In an effort to maintain control, he fisted his hand at his side and kept hold of the camera.

  A sexy smile curved Jeanette’s pretty mouth. “Do you like what you see, Hunter?”

  His hand on the camera clenched, his leg muscles flexing with the urge to take her rough, the need to prove how good it would be between them nearly too strong to ignore. His dick was like granite, he was so fucking hard. Just a few steps and he could slide it between Jeanette’s succulent pussy lips. Again he had to remind himself to go slow. Rough would come later. Right now he needed to see more of that confident smile.

  As she touched the pad of her thumb to her clit, Hunter licked his lips and knew a momentary pang of jealousy. That sweet little bud should be in his mouth right now.

  Without conscious thought, he stepped away from the dresser. Hunter didn’t stop moving until he was standing at the end of the bed, looking up the length of Jeanette’s beautiful body. She rewarded him with a shy smile, as if knowing her little show was pushing him beyond reason. She slid her fingers in and out of her tight heat, and toyed with the little bundle of nerves, her moans filling the room. He drank in the sight of her as her breathing increased, her shyness slipping slowly away until all that remained was a gorgeous seductress.


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