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Body Rush

Page 23

by Anne Rainey

  Her pleading spurred him on. With her breasts swaying back and forth in her struggle for completion and her fingers digging into the muscles of his shoulder, Hunter leaned in and licked her sweet little clit as he finger-fucked her.

  “That feels so…oh, damn,” she groaned.

  Her wild cries were music to his ears. The clutch of her tight cunt as her juices soaked his finger drove his body into a frenzy of lust. He pulled his finger out, then seized her clit between his index finger and thumb and rolled the swollen nub. He pinched and caressed, then sank his finger even deeper than before.

  Wrapping his arm around her hips to steady her, Hunter placed his lips against her clit and kissed the swollen and sensitive bit of flesh. A primitive growl reverberated inside his chest at the way her body began to move against his face. Pulling his finger free, he used two of them to part her swollen pussy lips. Hunter sank his tongue deep into her hot opening. Jeanette thrust against him so hard he nearly fell backward.

  Christ, she was in a bad way. When had she last had an orgasm? The unexpected burning thought of another man touching her had him nearly snarling. Hunter knew it was irrational; he’d only just met the little beauty. He wasn’t sure what to make of his feelings toward this one woman.

  Aching to have her juices pouring into his mouth, Hunter began sliding his tongue in and out of her, slowly, building her pleasure by small degrees. He used his thumb to stroke over her soft clitoris. Licking and nibbling, he plied her flesh until suddenly she screamed his name. Her fingernails bit into his flesh as she anchored him to her and rode out a wild and glorious climax.

  After her little tremors subsided, Hunter dipped his finger into her pussy, then brought it to his mouth and sucked it clean. “Fucking perfect,” he murmured, then pressed a gentle kiss to her mound. When he lifted his head, he made sure to keep his hold on her hips.

  Perspiration caused her flesh to glisten. Her head was thrown back, eyes closed, as she attempted to gain her equilibrium. A burst of male satisfaction shot through Hunter as he watched his little butterfly come alive.

  “Still think you can’t come standing?”


  “You’ve convinced me,” Jeanette said between pants.

  Never once had she come so hard that she’d nearly blacked out, yet Hunter had managed to give her that very thing the first time out of the gate. By sheer will—Hunter’s—she’d managed to stay on her feet too. If his powerful arm hadn’t been wrapped around her so tightly she would have fallen flat on her butt. Not the way to impress a man.

  He carefully released her and stood. “I’m glad.” Then he pulled her into his arms and claimed her mouth.

  His lips were hard, his tongue pushing its way in. Jeanette wrapped her arms around his neck and sank into his embrace. Hunter dropped kisses over her chin to her neck, where he angled his head and teased the sensitive skin with his lips. He grabbed handfuls of her hair and skimmed his tongue up and down her flesh, directly over her vein. As he gently bit down, Jeanette’s pussy pulsed and swelled all over again. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the delicious man. His mouth moved farther south, sliding over the swells of her breasts. When he lapped at first one nipple then the other, her pussy flooded with liquid heat.

  “You’re so goddamn hot. Your sweet, round tits make my mouth water, baby.”

  “Y-you’re a little overdressed, Hunter,” Jeanette whispered, eager to see if he was all she’d imagined he’d be. Seeing his drool-worthy chest was pure heaven, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted all of him.

  He mumbled something against her flesh before he let his teeth graze her nipple. Arrows of pleasure zipped across her nerve endings. She arched against him, his stubbled cheek creating just the right amount of stimulation to pull another whimper from her. As he cupped her other breast, flicking his thumb over the hard bud, a hunger like never before blocked out all rational thought.

  Jeanette pushed out of his arms and said the first words that came to mind. “I need to feel you sinking deep, Hunter. Please, stop teasing me.”

  He cupped her face in his hands. “I’m teasing us both, sweetheart. When we make love it’ll be explosive.”

  She eyed his undone jeans. “You have to remove your pants first.”

  He chuckled. “I need to get you home first.”

  Jeanette pouted and crossed her arms over her breasts. “Uhuh. I want a taste. It’s only fair, you know.”

  Hunter’s smile disappeared, replaced by a look so hot she felt singed. “I always play fair, sweetness.”

  His hands went to his fly, snaring Jeanette’s attention. Deft fingers slid the zipper down. He tugged the material, revealing a pair of tight black boxer-briefs and strong, tan thighs. She gasped at the impressive length and width of his cock barely hidden by cotton, so much larger than she’d expected. As he leaned down to unlace his boots, then shoved them off his feet and stood, Jeanette had to remind herself to breathe. Without a moment’s hesitation he removed both the jeans and the boxers until he stood in her kitchen fully naked. The thickly veined erection jutted away from his body, a pearl of moisture beaded on the purplish head. The feral expression on his face sent butterflies flitting inside her stomach.

  He held out his hand and Jeanette took it without hesitation. “Use that pretty mouth to take me to paradise, baby.”

  A bout of shyness should have been suffocating her right about then, but all Jeanette felt was the white-hot stroke of desire. Succumbing to the need riding her, Jeanette slowly sank to her knees in front of Hunter, the fingers of her left hand still entwined with his. She looked up his body until their gazes clashed.

  “Suck, Jeanette,” he softly ordered.

  She tried to pull her hand away, aching to touch his smooth, hard flesh, but he only tightened his grip. “No. Just your mouth.”

  Jeanette didn’t care for that answer so she brought her other hand up instead, wrapping it around his cock. “I want to touch you,” she explained, her need to feel warm satin over hard steel overriding her usual fears.

  Hunter leaned down and placed his own hand over hers. “Later for that, I promise. Right now, I want those pretty lips wrapped tight around my dick.”

  The devilish bad-boy look Hunter seemed born with was aided by the disheveled midnight black hair and dark mysterious eyes. Mesmerized by him, Jeanette slowly released the hold she had on his cock. Hunter took advantage and grasped both her wrists in one large fist then held them above her head, stretching her upper body taut. Completely at his mercy. Her pussy creamed as she realized the submissive picture she presented.

  “You like this, don’t you?”

  Her cheeks heated, embarrassed all of a sudden. “What do you mean?”

  “Me,” he growled, “taking charge.”

  Jeanette licked her lips and stared at his cock, unable to meet his gaze.

  Hunter tugged her arms, gaining her attention. “You’re on your knees for me, Jeanette,” he whispered, as if unwilling to let her hide from her own forbidden cravings. “I’m in complete control and it turns you on. I bet if I touched your cunt right now, I’d find you wetter than hell, wouldn’t I?”

  “Yes,” she blurted out, unable to save face by acting blasé.

  Tenderness filled Hunter’s expression, softening the harsh planes of his face. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of her head. “It’s okay, baby. I won’t hurt you.”

  “I know. I trust you, Hunter.” It was nothing less than the truth. It was a strange feeling to trust so quickly, so easily. There was just something about the man. He might look sinfully delicious, but he was one of the good guys, she could feel it in her bones.

  Without wasting another second, Jeanette leaned forward and licked him from balls to tip.

  “Christ, yes,” he said in a desire-roughened voice. “Like that, baby.”

  Jeanette licked once more, then angled her head and took Hunter’s cock into her mouth, as deep as she could go without gagging. She hollowed her cheeks
and sucked hard on his engorged flesh.

  “Mmm, fuck. You like that cock, don’t you?”

  The last layer of her shyness fell away, and for the first time Jeanette let herself free to explore. Swirling her tongue over and around the bulbous head of his shaft, she tasted the sticky fluid of his arousal. Hunter groaned and pulled her arms a little higher, stretching her. The grip he had on her wrists was unyielding, but not so tight as to be painful. Pleasure spiked anew at the realization that Hunter had total control over her. Her pussy wept with need. She slipped his cock from between her lips and licked down the underside to his balls, before sucking one soft orb into her mouth.

  “Jesus, baby, enough,” Hunter demanded. “I can’t take much more.”

  He used his other hand to cup her chin, trying and failing to pull her off him. Jeanette wasn’t through; she needed just one more taste of his addictive male essence. Releasing his balls, she licked the throbbing, swollen head, moaning as the salty pre-come hit her tongue. His delicious width caused her to imagine him sliding into her pussy, filling her. She clenched her thighs together as the visual made her clit throb. Encouraged by the guttural sounds he made, Jeanette teased the slit in the head, then took him in farther, suckling gently. Suddenly he released her hands.

  “No more,” he groaned.

  Jeanette let him slide out from between her lips. He grasped her around the waist and lifted her to her feet. Their gazes clashed.

  “Come home with me.”

  Jeanette nodded. Denying him would be akin to shooting herself in the foot. And she wasn’t much into pain.

  “Will you ride with me?”

  Her eyes shot wide at the question. “On your motorcycle?”

  “Yes. I’ll bring you back to your car tomorrow morning.”

  She’d dreamed of riding on his bike with him, her arms wrapped around his hard body, hugging him tight as Hunter maneuvered the streets with absolute confidence. Unfortunately, reality intruded. “I need to open tomorrow morning. It’ll be early.”

  Hunter shrugged. “I don’t need much sleep. Never have.”

  Did she dare? “Yes, I’ll ride with you.” The sudden decision set her heart racing.

  The grin he gave her was enough to curl any woman’s toes. “Get dressed,” he groaned, “you’re in for a treat.”

  “I thought I just had my treat,” she replied, as she eyed his still extremely large erection.

  “Naughty, naughty girl.” Then, before she could respond, Hunter turned her until she was facing away from him and swatted her on the ass. Not so hard as to sting, but enough to surprise.

  “Hey! What was that for?”

  “I’ve been dying to do that since the first day I came in.” He massaged the spot he’d spanked and she heard him groan. “You’re ass is so damn pretty, but it’s going to look even prettier all pink from the spanking I plan to give you.”

  A frisson of fear stole through her. “I’ve never done anything like that, Hunter. I’m not sure that’s something I’ll enjoy.”

  Hunter hugged her to him, his cock pressing against the upper curve of her bottom. “Nothing but pleasure, Jeanette. We’ll experiment a little. If you don’t like it, we’ll try something else, okay?”

  She liked the sound of that. “I’ve never done much in the way of experimenting.”

  “Then let me be your teacher, sweetness,” he said into her ear. “I won’t disappoint you.”

  “By all means teach me, Hunter,” Jeanette whispered, putting herself in his very capable hands.

  “My pleasure, baby.”


  “Here, put my helmet on. I want you safe.” Hunter slid the hard protective covering over Jeanette’s head, her brown hair hanging down past her shoulders. He wrapped the strap beneath her chin and made sure it was tight.

  “What are you going to wear?”

  “I’ll be fine.” He grabbed his leather jacket from the lock box and slung it over her shoulders. “The coat isn’t just for warmth, it’s protection too.”

  She pushed her arms in, but the cuffs hung down past her fingertips. Hunter had to roll the sleeves up three times to get them to fit right. He zipped it up and noticed her grinning. “What?”

  “I feel ridiculous.”

  Hunter kissed her on the tip of her nose and murmured, “But you look adorable.”

  Her soft laugh flooded his senses. He liked when she let herself go, forgot the shyness. Like when she’d licked his cock and nearly drove him right over the edge. She hadn’t been the least bit shy then either.

  Hunter slung his leg over the leather seat, and took hold of the handlebars. “Climb on, sweetness.”

  She looked down at herself and frowned. “Um, I didn’t allow for the skirt. This might not work, Hunter.”

  “It’ll be fine, just make sure the material is wrapped around your legs, then lift your leg over.”

  Jeanette pulled the material up and bunched it between her thighs, then stepped onto the footpad and boosted herself up and over. When she slid onto the seat behind him and wiggled around to get more comfortable, he went rigid. Christ, even through all the layers of clothing, Hunter could swear he felt her hot pussy pressing against his ass. Maybe it was just his lust-filled brain. Either way, concentrating on the road was going to be a bitch.

  He looked back and checked her skirt, making sure none of the material hung down. Satisfied she had it all tucked around her, he asked, “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  He winked. “Don’t be nervous. I’m not a daredevil and my house is just a few streets from here.”

  “I’m not nervous.”

  He quirked a brow at the bold-faced lie and she caved. “Okay, I’m a little nervous. I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.”

  “I’ve been riding since I was a teenager. My uncle used to take me out on his. When I was old enough to earn my own money, I saved up and bought my first bike. An old piece of crap, but still, I loved that thing.”

  “I’ve never dated a guy who rode.”

  “I bet you’ve never given head in the kitchen of your café either. I guess it’s a night of firsts.”

  She laughed and smacked him on the back. “You’re bad.”

  He only grinned back at her before turning the key. The engine roared to life immediately. “Hold on tight, sweetness,” he called over his shoulder.

  When he felt her arms slide tentatively around his middle, Hunter took hold of both her hands and tugged until she was snug against him. Ah yeah, that was more like it. “Ready?”

  “Yep,” she yelled back.

  Hunter revved the engine and maneuvered out of the lit parking lot and onto the dark city street. By the time they’d driven half a mile, Jeanette’s grip on him had loosened and he could feel her cheek against his back. Something about the sweet, vulnerable way she held on to him, so trusting, as if she had nothing to fear, melted the ice around his heart.

  Hunter wasn’t sure where this thing between them would lead. Relationships hadn’t been a big priority. In fact, he usually went for a few days with a woman, then he happily moved on. He’d never messed with a woman who didn’t know the score. He offered a good time between the sheets, not tender emotions. Pretty words and sweet promises wasn’t his style.

  Jeanette was different though. He wanted more than sex from her. He wanted to see her smile again. To see her blush for him. He ached to watch her go all soft when he paid her compliments. Her innocence, he assured himself. It had pulled at him like a dog to a bone. Surely there wasn’t more to it than that.

  Still, the idea of bringing her back to her café in the morning and never seeing her again had his gut in knots. A few hours in his bed weren’t going to suffice. Hunter was smart enough to admit the truth. Little Jeanette had gone to his head. No way in hell was he anywhere close to being ready to walk away. In fact, for the first time in his life, the notion of spending time out of bed with a woman didn’t have him immediately growing wings on his feet. F
uck. Sex he was good at, but romancing a woman? Now that was foreign territory.

  He turned onto the cul-de-sac where he lived, anticipation a low hum inside him. She’d be in his bed soon, naked and his to pleasure. He’d obsessed over Jeanette. Not like a sick perverted type of obsession, but still, she’d been in his thoughts for months. The only reason he’d held back so long was because it’d become clear to him that she had good girl stamped all over her. He had no business screwing around with her. In the end, he’d caved, knowing she’d be a fire in his blood until he finally had a taste of her. He hadn’t figured on becoming addicted.

  As he slowed and drove the cycle up his driveway, Jeanette stiffened behind him. He turned his head and called over his shoulder, “Open the compartment behind you, sweetheart. There’s a garage door remote in there.”

  Jeanette wiggled around, inadvertently driving him crazy with the feel of her crotch pressed against his ass. She pulled the black remote out and asked, “Is this it?”

  “Yeah, thanks,” he said, his voice rough. If he didn’t get his dick inside her soon, his balls were going to explode. Not a happy thought.

  Hunter pushed the button and the garage door slid upward. He drove slowly forward before shutting off the engine. After he pushed the remote again, closing them in, he turned and whispered, “We’re here.”

  Jeanette nodded, then used his shoulders for leverage, hoisting herself off the seat and onto the cement floor. Hunter flipped the kickstand out and stepped off the bike.

  Jeanette’s eyes darted around, looking everywhere but at him. He took her chin and coaxed her to face him. “Second thoughts?” Christ, he sure as hell hoped not. His hand would be a poor substitute tonight. His dick was way past ready to feel the tight fist of her pussy.

  “No, just nervous.”

  He let himself breathe. Leaning down, Hunter kissed her, then whispered against her lips, “I’m going to make you forget all about your worries. Only sweet pleasure tonight, baby.”

  Jeanette’s eyes turned drowsy and her lips tipped up at one corner. “I probably shouldn’t even be here, but I’m glad I am.”


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