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Last of His Kind_Lazarus

Page 6

by Margery Ellen

  “I don’t know. I keep thinking there is something I should remember, something about the ocean. When I think I’m about to remember, it slips away.” She stared out at the ocean. “Where is your beautiful cat this morning, I’ve never seen a cat so big. She kept me company most of the day, yesterday.”

  “My cat?” Rather than sound clueless, he continued. “I’m sure she’s around, probably in the dairy barn begging for a bowl of fresh milk. If she enjoyed your company, she’ll return. She loves to find someone who hasn’t tired of her yet. If she becomes annoying, let Roana know, she’ll take care of it.” That answered one of his questions, Roana was a cat, interesting. He didn’t know of any domestic cat shifters, he assumed her to be a Scottish wild cat, a very large cat resembling a tabby, but twice the size. The locals call them Highland tigers.

  “It’s alright, I enjoyed having her here. She didn’t bother me at all, in fact, she slept on the end of the bed most of the day.”

  “Very well. Is there anything I can get you?”

  “No, I’m fine for now.”

  “I’m sure Roana will be here soon,” he turned to leave, “I’ll let her know you’re awake.”

  “Thank you.” Aria returned her gaze to the ocean.


  As expected, Mr. MacGregor had breakfast waiting in the dining room. Everything was fresh and hot. “Good morning, Michael. Did ye sleep well?”

  “No, not at all. I had too many things on me mind, thinking about Roana. Wondering what kind of creature, me son has gone and married.” Michael instantly realized what he said. “Begging your pardon, my lord, I meant no offense.”

  “None taken. I think I can ease your mind, I might be wrong, but I believe she’s a Highland tiger.”

  “A wild cat! They’re shifters, too. I had no idea, how have I missed all this.”

  “Don’t fret, Michael. You were not meant to know until it concerned you.” Lazarus told him.

  “Apparently so.” Just then, Roana came into the dining room.

  “Good morning, Laird MacEachen. Good morning, da.” She went to her father in-law and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Tis a beautiful morning. Is our patient awake?”

  “She is.” Lazarus told her. “She told me she was visited by a very large cat yesterday and enjoyed its company. I didn’t know we had a cat. Would you know anything about that?” Roana stopped in her tracks. “Don’t worry, Roana, yer da and I already know.”

  “Know what?”

  “You’re a shifter. Did you think I widnae find out?”

  Roana gawked at her father-in-law and back to Lazarus. “You know?”

  “Aye.” Lazarus gave her a smile.


  “You’re kidding, right! Have you not heard the stories about the castle?”

  “What? You mean the stories about a dragon.” Roana laughed. “Dragons aren’t real, everybody knows that. It took me forever to get the notion out of me husband’s heid.”

  Lazarus and Michael frowned at each other in disbelief.

  “What? You’re going to tell me they’re real? Not likely.” Roana turned to leave the room when she felt extreme heat at her back. She spun around to find Lazarus and Michael exactly the way they were, with two exceptions, a large smoke ring circling Lazarus’ head and Michael looking terrified. Roana stood frozen in place.

  “No, I don’t believe you. It was a trick.”

  Lazarus’ eyes became reptilian slits and blue scales appeared on his forehead. A long, funky, looking tongue, licked his lips.

  “Eeeww. Okay, Okay, I believe you.” Roana had to sit down as she watched his face return to normal. “You really are a dragon?”

  “I am. Excuse me for a moment.” Lazarus when to the den and expelled the remainder of his liquid fire into the fireplace. When he re-entered to the dining room, he poured himself a glass of milk and quickly drank it. He scrunched his face and let out a “yuck.”

  “Are you alright, my lord?” Michael asked.

  “Aye. I hate milk, but it’s the only thing that will neutralize the liquid fire when I’m in human form. If I ever tell you I need milk, that is why. The liquid fire can kill me if it stays in my body for too long. When I start to shift, liquid fire starts building up in my system, sort of a fail-safe, so I can have fire as soon as I have shifted.” The whole time he explained, Roana sat and stared as if one of them had grown a second head.

  “Da, how long have you known Laird MacEachen was a dragon?” she whispered.

  “At least twenty years, but I only told him recently. Does Nicholas know about you?”

  “Of course, he does. He was a little shocked at first, but he got used to it. He realized early on he couldn’t fight the attraction of a true mate. Believe me, I was just a shocked.”

  “You? Why?” Michael asked.

  “Having a human for a mate.” That made Lazarus laugh. He would have to explain the facts of shifter life to Michael, later.

  “Welcome to the family, young lady. You and Nicholas no longer need to worry about yer da.”

  “Aye, I can’t wait to tell him.”

  “Michael, maybe you should call him and have him join us. There are some things I must explain to all of you. Do not mention anything over the phone, and be sure no one is eavesdropping, have him join us as soon as possible. In the meantime, I think our guest needs some breakfast.” He looked at Roana.

  “Yes, sir. I’ll take care of it immediately.” She got up and went to the kitchen to prepare a tray. Lazarus sat down to enjoy his breakfast, while Michael called his son, he joined Lazarus when he was done. Michael sat down with a huff.

  “Is something wrong?”

  “Aye, me son is annoyed because I’ve called him from his work. He says he can’t prove his worth if he’s running back and forth. He’ll be here in time to join us for the mid-day meal”

  “Did you tell him I requested he be here?”

  “No, he should come when his father tells him.” Michael replied.

  “If you had told him it was per my request, he widnae fussed. He thinks you’re being a nag, that you don’t trust him to do his work properly. Remember, he reports to me now. If I had followed the procedure I have followed in the past, ye widnae be here.”

  Michael was about to protest and thought for a moment. “Aye, you’re right. It’s not my place now; he oversees the running of the castle. When he arrives, I will correct my ways and apologize. Sorry, my lord.”

  “You’re a good man, Michael. You will be far too busy to worry what the new caretaker is doing.”

  “Busy, my lord?”

  “Aye. I’ll explain when we are all gathered here for lunch.” The two men finished their meal. “After our meeting, if you feel you don’t want to be involved, I’ll understand.”

  Roana returned from taking their guest her breakfast.

  “How is our patient this morning?” Lazarus inquired.

  “She is feeling better, but she still can’t remember anything. She mentioned you stopped by.”

  “Aye, I did. Do you think she is strong enough to wander about the castle?”

  “It’s doubtful, but she could be a very good actor. I’ll keep an eye on her, or should I say, kitty will.”

  “Thank you, Roana. I will expect you to join us for a meeting during the midday meal.” Roana gave him a nod and went to the kitchen. “If you’ll excuse me, I have some things to attend to. I’ll be unavailable for a couple of hours.” Mr. MacGregor knew Lazarus would be heading to the tunnels beneath the castle. “Make sure our guest stays in her room. I don’t need her snooping about.”

  “Aye, my lord.”

  Lazarus made his way to the rooms below. If he was going to send men out to gather information, they would need persuasion money and cover expenses. They would need gold coins and the odd bauble where they were going, a small island off the northern coast of Scotland. It was known to be the home, and hideout, of unsavory characters, mostly Viking descendants. They didn’t deal with
today’s modern money, they didn’t trust paper money.

  He would send two of the three men he had working for him, to Rona, an island in the middle of nowhere in the Atlantic Ocean. Gunnar and another man, Erik, both Vikings themselves. Gunnar and Erik didn’t abide by the old ways. They never could figure out the reasoning behind killing dragons, especially when one could become rich just by association. Lazarus had always been good to the men who worked for him. They had no cause to betray him.

  In the past, dragons were killed because of greed. Men wanted the dragon’s riches, but dragons were men, too. They could be just as greedy as the next man. Dragons would kill other dragons just to steal their hoard. It had taken thousands of years to finally realize they were destroying their own species, but by then, there was only a handful of dragon shifters left. Those who were left were wiped out the day the son of a family friend betrayed them.

  Chapter 11

  It felt good to be in the chamber of gold. It rejuvenated him. He wished he could shift and rest awhile, but there wasn’t time, not today. He kept impeccable records of every coin, gem and bauble in the tunnels. He collected what he perceived was sufficient for his men and returned to the upper levels of the castle.

  When he arrived in the main hall, Michael was waiting for him. “My lord, you have a visitor, he came to the kitchen entrance. He said his name is Gunnar and he would wait for you in the dairy barn. He is a very unsavory looking individual; would you like me to accompany you?”

  “It won’t be necessary, he’s the man I went to meet, he works for me.” Michael was surprised. “I’d prefer he stayed out of sight. I don’t need our guest seeing him. I’d better find out what has brought him here, I wasn’t expecting him for a few more days.” Lazarus walked through the kitchen and out the rear entrance to go to the barns. He heard yelling coming from the dairy and ran towards the commotion. When he entered the barn, he found Nicholas threatening Gunnar with a pitchfork.

  “Hold up there, Nicholas, this man works for me.” Nicholas looked at Lazarus and back to Gunnar and slowly lowered his weapon.

  “Sorry, my lord, I didn’t know.”

  “It’s alright, Nicholas. Did your father tell you I requested your presence at the mid-day meal?’

  “Aye, he did, but I thought it was me da wanting to see me. I’ll be there.” He gave Gunnar a nod. “Sorry for the misunderstanding.” He extended his arm and shook the man’s hand before returning to his work. Nicholas had no idea how much respect he just earned from both men with that simple gesture. It could possibly save his life one day.

  Gunnar and Lazarus walked out the far end of the barn and headed for the moor. Neither spoke until they were far enough away so not to be overheard.

  “What have you found out?” He knew it had to be important for Gunnar to come all the way to castle.

  “The men in town were definitely there for your benefit. The one I took out in the tavern won’t be bothering anyone for a while. He somehow managed to get both his hands broke, he won’t even be wiping his ass for some time, he’ll have to get someone to do it for him.” That got a chuckle out of Lazarus.

  “Were you able to get anything out of him?”

  “Just that he was hired to take you out and never met the man paying him.”

  “How was he paid?”

  “Gold coins.”

  “And the other one, the one messing with my car?”

  “Sorry, he managed to slip away, I should have had Dofri with me. I’m sure the man is half way back to whoever hired him by now.”

  “You’re probably right. Are you prepared to travel?”


  “And what about Erik?”

  “He’s waiting for me below the cliffs.”

  “Good. I was unable to tell you before, but I found a woman out on the moors, half dead. I think she may be connected to those men. She says she doesn’t remember how she got here or where she’s from. I haven’t decided yet if she’s telling the truth or a very good actor.”

  “Tis a shame I didn’t know before, I could have asked that fine fellow in the bar if he knew her.” Gunnar told him with a chuckle. “Get a message to Dofri, see if he can find out anything.”

  “I will.” Lazarus reached inside his coat and pulled out a satchel. “Here are the items you requested. I hope it’s enough. If you run into trouble, get the hell out of there as fast as possible.”

  “Aye. That’s a nasty place, where we’re going. If you don’t hear from us in a week, you probably never will. Lazarus, promise you won’t come looking for us. We know the risks we’re taking.” They shook hands and Lazarus headed back to the castle. He turned to wave to his friend, only to see a giant Steller’s eagle take flight and head for the cliffs; it had the satchel clutched in its powerful talons. He would have to remember to call his friend in America and order Gunnar a backpack.

  When Lazarus return to the castle, Michael was waiting for him at the entrance to the kitchen. “Where is your man, will he be dining with us?”

  “No. He had to take off,” Lazarus quipped with a chuckle, if Michael only knew. “Hopefully he’ll be back in a week with some good news.”

  Michael was relieved to hear the unsavory looking character would not be dining with them. He was a bit of a fright to look at; a giant Viking with a nasty scar across his throat and multiple tattoos, at least ones visible on his neck and hands. He couldn’t imagine sitting across from the man in the dining room.

  Lazarus could see the apprehension on Michaels face. “Don’t judge the man till ye know him, Michael. He looks scary and because of it, people tell him what he wants to know. They’re scared to death at the sight of him. You couldn’t find a truer friend, if he takes a liking to you.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that.” Michael retorted and went inside. He doubted they would be taking a liking to each other any time soon.

  Roana was in the kitchen, part of her job at the castle was to help prepare meals for Lazarus, as well as the help. Her mother, a widow, two sisters and two brothers and their families, had also joined the estate workforce since Nicholas had taken over the position of caretaker. Lazarus was impressed with the new staff and made it a point to say good morning to every one of them and ask their names. For the first time in five hundred years, many of the castle staff were shifters. Ironically, none of them believed in dragons. Lazarus laughed to himself and shook his head.

  “Roana, might I have a word with you in my den?” he asked before leaving the kitchen.

  “Aye, sir. I’ll be there directly.” She washed her hands, removed her apron, and followed him. When she got to the den, she found Lazarus standing in front of a portrait of the male members of his family; his grandfather, father, two brothers and himself.

  “Close the door, please.” She did as she was told and then waited. Most rooms were sound proof and he had his ability to detect someone through thick stone. Roana waited. “Your mother, is she also a wildcat?”

  “Aye, my lord. Everyone in our family.”

  “And how does your mother deal with the loss of her mate, I’m sorry, your father?”

  “It was tough at first, but she is alright now. If it wasn’t for my brothers and sisters, she might have followed him, but she stayed for us, we were young and unable to be on our own. It’s been a long time. I wish she would take a new mate, if only for companionship.”

  Lazarus nodded his head. “I know firsthand what it’s like to be alone.”

  “Sorry sir, I didn’t mean to refresh sad memories.”

  “It’s alright. Your siblings, what of their mates?”

  “Both brothers are married to Highland tigers, my oldest sister to a domestic cross.”

  “A domestic cross, you mean a house cat?”

  “Aye sir, half wildcat, half house cat. The youngest is still single and lives with our mother. She’s at school presently.”

  “Are they all of the same mind, dragons don’t exist?”

  “Aye sir,”
she laughed, “I haven’t had a chance to tell them yet.” He was quiet, contemplating what to say next.

  “I was going to have a mid-day meeting with you, Nicholas, and Mr. MacGregor, but considering this new information, I would like to have a meeting with your entire clan after the evening meal. Hold off telling them about the dragon for now. Do you think you could notify everyone to be here by seven this evening?”

  “Aye sir.”

  “Good, be sure to let Nichols know first, I spoke with him earlier. Before you go, how is our patient this morning?”

  “Feeling a bit better. She ate almost all her morning meal without feeling ill. Apparently, she has survived on very little for a very long time. Her stomach must adjust to food slowly. I took her some fresh squeezed orange juice this morning and it made her cry.” He gave her a puzzled look. “She said she hadn’t tasted orange juice since she lived with her mother.”

  “Did she remember when that was?”

  “She started living on the streets of London when she was six, after her mother died, she had no other family.”

  “Thank you, Roana, you can go now. Be sure to talk to Nicholas right away so he doesn’t interrupt his schedule. I know he’ll appreciate it. You can leave the door open.” Roana hurried off to carry out her chores.

  Chapter 12

  Lazarus stood at the window and stared out over the ocean and thought about Gunnar. “Good luck my friend, bring Erik and yourself home safely. If I don’t hear from you, I will come looking for you.”

  Lazarus thought about when he first met his longtime friend. He found a Stellar’s eagle on the beach during a severe winter storm, many years ago. At first, he thought it was dead, but his dragon detected a faint heartbeat. The bird was badly injured and bleeding in several places. He removed his coat and carefully wrapped it around the giant bird, gathering it up in his arms and carried it home. Once home, he laid the injured bird on blankets in front of the fire in the sitting room. He dribbled brandy into the bird’s beak, but it didn’t swallow.


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