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Last of His Kind_Lazarus

Page 7

by Margery Ellen

  “Come on, swallow, damn it,” he tried again. He constantly talked to the bird as if it could understand him. Finally, it swallowed a small amount of the golden liquid and opened its beak to take a gasping breath. “That’s it, breathe, take another breath.” He poured another spoonful of brandy into the bird’s beak and this time it swallowed. “There you go, it will warm you up inside and help you to feel better.”

  He continued to talk softly while he carefully cleaned dirt and sand from the birds face and feathers. He probed for breaks, there didn’t appear to be any broken bones. He cleansed the wounds and hoped it would be enough. When he was done, he sat in a comfortable chair next to the fire. The eagle appeared to be resting peacefully on its bed of blankets in front of the fire. It had been a long afternoon and Lazarus nodded off, he slept.

  He woke with a start when lightning lit up the room and thunder rolled. He looked at the empty blankets on the floor; the giant bird was gone. He quickly glanced around to find a very large, frightening looking man, wrapped in a blanket, sitting across from him. The man was covered in scars and tattoos. One scar stood out, it went from one ear to the other; someone had slit his throat.

  Lazarus pointed to the blankets and looked at the stranger. “I assume that was you?” The man gave him a nod. “I am Laird Lazarus MacEachthighearna. I found you on the beach and did what I could for your injuries. You are welcome to stay here while you recover. I am the only one here, other than a cook and caretaker, but they live and sleep elsewhere.”

  “Thank you. I would not have survived without your help. You are the dragon,” the stranger stated as a matter of fact. He spoke perfect English.

  “Aye. Should I know you?”

  “No, you don’t know me, but I have heard of the dragon of Castle Thighearn on the cliffs near Cape Wrath. If you are the only one here, as you say, then it must be you, plus you were not surprised I changed.”

  That made Lazarus laugh. “Nay. You are very observant. I dinnae see many shifters out here on the moors. May I have your name, sir?”

  “I am Gunnar Gormsson, Viking by birth.” The news made Lazarus stiffen a bit. “Ah, you do not care for Vikings.”

  “They killed my mother and father and most of our friends.”

  “Then we have something in common, they slaughtered my family and friends as well.” He raised his chin and exposed more of his neck and the nasty scar. “I barely survived.”

  “Why, if you are a Viking?”

  “Greed is our worst enemy and many die, because of it. I know from the old stories, it is why you are the last of the dragons.”

  Lazarus couldn’t disagree. “You seem to know a lot aboot me and I know nothing of you.”

  “I am free to fly where I will. I see things from my place in the sky, so I have an advantage. You only fly when you are sure no one will see you and it isn’t very often.”

  Lazarus got up to pour them both a brandy and handed him a glass. “I have enemies who must not know my dragon still lives. There is a possibility, members of my family were abducted and are still alive. Until I find them, I have to be very cautious. Now, I think it is time to retire. If you will follow me, I’ll show you to your room and find you something to wear.”

  “I appreciate your hospitality. Most people take one look at me and slam the door in my face.”

  “If you do me no wrong, you are welcome in my home.”

  “Thank you,” was all he said and left it at that.

  “Will you dine with me in the morning, or will you be leaving?”

  “I’ll be happy to dine with you, thank you. If you don’t mind, until I regain my strength, I’ll wait out the storm. I have a feeling this one is going to sit on us for a few days.”

  “Aye, I think it is a wise decision and I think you’re right about the storm.” Lazarus opened a door to allow him to enter a bedroom. When Gunnar walked past him, Lazarus couldn’t help but notice the road map of brutal scars on his back were the blanket had slipped. “I’ll light the fire, it will be warm in here in no time.” Lazarus used his dragon breath to light the logs in the hearth. “The bedding is fresh, sleep well,” was all he said and retired to his own room. Lazarus had no idea this stranger would become one of his most loyal friends.

  The next morning, they had breakfast together. Curiosity got the better of him. “How did you manage to survive that?” He ran a finger from his left ear to the right.”

  “I almost didn’t, but the fairies of Almscliff Crag found me just in time.”

  Lazarus almost coughed up his coffee. “Almscliff, we call it Merlin’s Crag. You’ve seen them?” Gunnar gave a nod. “I’ve heard the tales, but never had the pleasure.”

  “You believe they exist, then?”

  “Aye, I’m a fire breathing dragon, you’re an eagle, why not fairies?”

  Gunnar let out a bellowing laugh. “You have a point.” Gunnar proceeded to tell Lazarus how the fairies stopped the bleeding and repaired what they could. “It’s not very pretty, but it had started to heal. I would have bled out before the wound closed completely if fairies hadn’t come along.”

  Over the following few weeks, Lazarus and Gunnar got to know more about each other. Lazarus moved him to a room on the third floor near one of the turrets. Finally, after several weeks, Gunnar announced it was time to move on.

  “I’ll miss your company. You’re welcome here anytime,” Lazarus told him. “Bring a change of clothes next time and leave them here. Consider the room you were using as your own. It’s the closest room to the southwest turret. You can come and go that way. If for some reason I’m not here, make yourself at home,” then he laughed, “but please don’t scare the house keeper.”

  “Thank you.” They hugged and then grasped each other’s forearm in a shake. When it was time for him to go, they stood at the top of the southwest turret. Lazarus watched as his friend transformed into a beautiful eagle and take flight.


  Lost in thought, Mr. MacGregor broke the spell. “Excuse me, my lord, the midday meal is about to be served.”

  “Thank you, Michael, I’ll be right there.” He took one last look over the ocean and repeated a prayer for his friends before leaving his den.

  The midday meal was uneventful. Roana had notified Nicholas and the rest of the family, about the meeting, as promised. She took a tray to their patient and had just returned.

  “How is Aria doing?” Lazarus asked.

  “She is feeling much better. She asked to speak with you.”

  “I’ll go up shortly.”

  “Laird MacEachen, may I ask you something?”

  “Aye, ask away.”

  “The man who came to the door this morning. Is he someone we need to be leery of? What I’m asking is, is he friend or foe?”

  “His name is Gunnar. He is a longtime friend. Never turn him away or his younger brother Erik. Erik will be the cute one.” Roana laughed. “You know the room that is always locked on the third floor, by the southwest turret?” She nodded. “That is his room. He comes and goes, and no one ever knows he is here. Please be sure it remains that way.”

  “Yes sir. I’ll not repeat it. He might need his bedding changed, would you ask him next time he is here.”

  Lazarus laughed, “You and Nicholas never cease to amaze me.”


  “Mr. MacGregor was scared to death of the man, Nicholas shook his hand like they had known each other for years, and you offer to change his bed.”

  “Well, I learned at an early age to never judge a book by its cover. How is it we’ve never seen him before?”

  “I have been away, and you are new here. Normally he comes in from the turret and no one ever knows he’s here.”

  “How does he get up there?”

  “He flies.”

  Roana’s jaw dropped. “Oh my god, I never even considered that. It was him this morning, the eagle that flew over the moor? He was beautiful,” Lazarus nodded. “We don’t see many of his k
ind anymore.”


  “My grandma loves to watch birds, especially the Steller’s when they dive into the sea to get fish. She told me stories of the giant eagles and how they would guide the Vikings through stormy weather, but she claimed they must be a dying breed, cause, we hardly ever see them anymore.”

  “Aye, that was him. Not so pretty as a man, ay.”

  “Sir, you of all people should know we don’t judge, though he is scarier than most. Da is different, he’s not used to our ways, it’s why he’s afraid of the man.”

  “It’s why you were afraid to tell Mr. MacGregor about yourself?”

  “Yes, and the fact he would not have believed us. How did he know about the dragon?”

  “You’ll have to ask him, now, if you will excuse me, I need to see to Aria.”

  “Thank you for your time, sir.” Roana returned to the kitchen.

  Chapter 13

  Lazarus went to his chambers before visiting Aria. He needed to check for any new reports. He knew it was too soon to check, but he hated surprises. There was something he didn’t expect, an email from agent Luke Adams. It had been over a month since returning to Scotland and leaving his friends behind in America. The email read:

  “Laz, we miss your ugly mug. You snuck away before we could give you a proper send off. Paula wants to know if you’re getting enough to eat and Lucian refuses to go anywhere without Drago; did it have to be so big? We all miss you and hope everything is okay. Call me if you need anything. Lukar.”

  Lazarus took a deep breath, he missed his friend. In fact, he missed all his friends. He chuckled to himself as he remembered his godson, Lucian, trying to climb on top of the giant stuffed dragon, the gift he had given him when he was born, or shifting into his little tiger and growling at the dragon to protect his pride of stuffed animals. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard angry voices in the hallway. He quickly closed his computer and went to see what was going on.

  “I’m sorry Miss, you can’t be wandering about, this part of the castle is private and off limits. You are still weak and might fall. You need to return to your bed.” It was Roana with Aria.

  “I don’t care. I told you I wanted to talk to Laird MacEachen. If he won’t come to me, I will go to him.” Aria was annoyed and upset.

  “I’m here. It’s alright, Roana, I’ll help her back to her room.” Lazarus took Aria’s hand and placed in the crook of his arm. “Shall we walk back to your room? Roana is right, you are not well enough to be walking in the halls. They are cold and drafty. You wouldn’t want to catch your death.”

  “I told that young woman I needed to talk to you and she ignored me.”

  “How’s that?” he asked.

  “She didn’t tell you.”

  “Oh, but she did. I was on my way to your room. I was in the middle of something. I can’t just stop what I’m doing and run to your bedside.”

  She was about to protest and changed her mind. “I’m sorry, please forgive me. I will apologize to the young woman the next time I see her.”

  “Good. Now what did you want to speak to me about?” Lazarus asked as he slowly walked her back to her room.

  “I was wondering if I could join you downstairs for the evening meal. It’s lonely in my room.”

  “This evening isn’t a good time, I’m afraid I must attend a meeting. Why don’t I join you in your room for breakfast in the morning and we’ll see how you’re feeling? Maybe you can dine with me tomorrow evening.”

  “Thank you.” Aria stumbled and grabbed his arm. “Sorry, I suddenly feel rather weak.” Lazarus scooped her up in his arms and carried her to her bed. “I am so sorry, I feel so faint. I can’t seem to stop apologizing.” She put her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Lazarus had the sudden feeling he had just been played. He set her on her bed and disengaged her arms from around his neck. She had spent a great deal of her life working the back streets of London plying her wares and she was trying to use her wiling ways on him. It wouldn’t happen again.

  “I’ll have Mr. MacGregor bring you a draft of brandy, it will help you to relax. Roana will bring you your evening meal when it’s ready. I suggest you get some rest or you will be stuck in bed for some time.”

  “Couldn’t you stay a while?”

  “No, I’m afraid I have things I must attend to. I give you my word, we will spend some time together tomorrow.” He heard Michael coming down the hall. “Here is Mr. MacGregor now with your brandy.” Lazarus spun on his heel and left the room. “Mr. MacGregor, I’ll be unavailable for a couple of hours,” he called back as he descended the stairs.

  “Aye, my lord.”

  Lazarus made his way down to the caverns beneath the castle. He didn’t like being caught off guard and needed to shift to clear his head. Not being able to fly was beginning to grate on his nerves. As a dragon, he could relax, if only for a short time to rejuvenate and sharpen his senses. He was annoyed he didn’t see her ploy coming. If he wanted a woman, there were places he could go, he had for years. The last thing he needed right now was his enemy trying to get into his bed or disrupting his home and attacking his staff. If it gets out of hand, he would take her to Inverness himself and turn her over to the law.

  He thought about Gunnar and Erik and the dangers they were about to face on Rona island. He needed to stay focused and ready to help them in a moment’s notice. If he didn’t hear from them in a week, he was going after them. It would mean the end of hiding from his enemy, but he refused to abandon his friend. Gunnar would do the same for him.

  Lazarus cleared his mind, shifted and took a deep breath. He wanted to stretch his wings, but there wasn’t enough room. He tried not to think about Gunnar, Luke, or the woman upstairs, he wanted to concentrate on his brothers and baby sister. He chuckled to himself. His baby sister, Rebekah, was at least five hundred years old now, her brothers not much older. If they were still alive, how have they lived, what have they endured? His sister, an infant when she was taken. His brother Rolf, just turned fifteen, and Brand, ten, neither old enough to change when they disappeared. He hated to think what it would be like for them if they had never shifted. He hoped who ever held them prisoner, they at least let them go through the change when they came of age.

  Lazarus finally released his dragon and shifted back to normal. He was looking forward to the meeting after the evening meal. He wished Lukar was there to keep an eye on Aria. Luckily, he could sense body heat through three feet of stone, she’d never be able to get close enough to overhear anything before he knew she was there. He should have instructed Roana to administer a sleeping pill. There was something about Aria that rubbed him the wrong way. People didn’t usually bother him, but with her, it was different.

  By the time Lazarus returned to the main floor of the castle, it was almost time for the evening meal. He went to his room to wash and check his emails. He had sent a message to Dofri, his other contact. When he checked, there was still no reply. He changed for dinner and wanted to make sure Aria was in her room. Roana was just coming out of Aria’s room as he came down the hall.

  “Is everything alright?” he asked.

  “Yes, everything is fine, she’ll sleep until morning,” she said quietly.

  Lazarus didn’t say a word, he gave her a smile and kept walking. Dinner was served, he and Mr. MacGregor enjoyed a quiet meal.

  “Michael, how are you handling the news your son is married to a shifter? Are you okay with it?”

  “Aye, I’ll get used to it, at least she’s not married to a bloody dragon.” He retorted with a smirk on his face and then started to laugh at the Laird’s shocked expression. “I’m pulling yer leg.”

  “Yer a smart ass, Michael MacGregor, I dinnae know you had it in you.”

  “I work for a dragon, I have to have a sense of humor or I’ll go daft.”

  Roana came into the dining room. “Everyone is here, my lord.”

  “Thank you, Roana. Would you show
everyone into the library, we’ll be there directly.” He turned to Michael. “Remember what I said. If you feel you don’t want to be part of what I am about to tell everyone, I’ll understand.” Lazarus and Michael followed Roana to the library. Before he went in, he took Roana aside. “Do ye think kitty could check on our guest before we start the meeting?’

  “Yes sir, I’ll be right back.” Roana went into an alcove and a large tabby cat came out. It went up the stairs and down the hall. By the time everyone was seated, Roana walked into the library on four paws and jumped on to her husband’s lap, she gave Lazarus a nod.

  Lazarus closed the door, and everyone got quiet.

  Chapter 14

  Lazarus cleared his throat. “For those of you who huvnae met me, I am Laird Lazarus MacEachthighearna, Laird MacEachen will do. Welcome to my home.” He walked to the table at the front of the room.

  “First, what you are about to hear is not to leave this room. Not a word. If you cannae swear an oath, you can leave now and there will be no hard feelings. Second, trouble is about to come knocking and it’s going to be deadly. I cannae guarantee you won’t get hurt or possibly killed.”

  “If ye have that kind of trouble, why not call the law?” one of the brothers asked.

  “Because I am a shifter and human laws dinnae apply. It is a very old fight and doesn’t concern any of you. I am asking for your help, not to fight my battle, only to defend my home, our home.” Everyone looked around, no one moved. “I told Mr. MacGregor, after he heard what I had to say, he could back out if he wanted. You all have the same option. You would have to leave here and not speak a word of what I am about to tell you. I cannae guarantee there will be anything to come back to. If I die, you can say what you will, it will no longer matter, and no one will believe you anyway.”

  “You say you’re a shifter.” Roana’s oldest brother, Edwin, asked.

  “Aye, Castle Thighearn has been home to the Eichthighearn dragons for more than a thousand years. I am the last of the dragons.” Lazarus stood in front of Roana’s family and let what he divulged sink in.


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