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Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set

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by Heated Desires Publishing

  When they divorced, I couldn’t believe my ears.

  Now, when my dad found a substitute, I was enraged. I had no right, true. It was my dad’s life. He has been separated for more than twelve years, and I didn’t know if he had any girlfriends along the way.

  He had to go on, to live further. And I would resign myself to finally see some woman holding my dad’s hand. But to marry? So soon? What if she’s one of these ‘treasure-hunters’, more attracted to riches than to my dad himself?

  It was high time to find everything out. To see Olivia with my own eyes.

  “Here you are!”

  My dad hugged me and drew back to look at me.

  “Italian suntan works better than California’s, huh?” he smiled.

  “Nothing can work better than California,” I said.

  A woman came down the stairs.

  Tall, slim, blonde like a Swede, bright like the sun. Slow, catlike movements. A gentle, tender smile and wide, black eyes. Her look pierced me like an arrow.

  Stunning. Gorgeous.

  For a moment, I forgot all the hatred I already developed for my step-mother. I didn’t pay attention to her age. She was too beautiful to detest; I felt as if I saw a goddess right here, in the hall of my home.

  “Ryan, meet my step-daughter, Tyler,” my dad said.

  My… who? Wait, a step-daughter?

  It took a moment for me to realize that it’s not Olivia.

  “And here is my wife,” my father smiled.

  Olivia followed her daughter, coming down the stairs in the same gentle manner. She was beautiful too, but her beauty was mature, ripe, somehow established.

  Olivia looked calm and quiet, wisely serene. Tyler, on the contrary, radiated light; there was life sparkling in her eyes, a glare of youth and happiness, fun and joy. It seemed she couldn’t wait to move, to dance, to laugh…

  I thought I would hate both: Olivia and her daughter. I didn’t know them, and they rushed into the life of my dad (as well my house and my life too) all of a sudden.

  I had to live under one roof with the people I hardly knew. I didn’t have a habit to spend too much time at home, but I couldn’t say I didn’t care with whom I had to share a house.

  I was still suspicious about Olivia and willing to know more about her intentions, but it was Tyler who drew my attention at the moment. I forgot about everything. My step-mother’s daughter was too beautiful to be real.

  “Nice to meet you,” Tyler approached. “Your father told us a lot about you. Now it seems I know you for ages.”

  I melted while she looked at me. I was supposed to stay as cool as a cucumber, but I mumbled: “Same here.” It wasn’t the same, of course; I knew nothing about the girl.

  I greeted Olivia as well, but couldn’t help glancing at Tyler. Is this cover girl going to be my sister?

  I’ve seen a lot of girls in my life. Moreover, I’ve kissed and made love to dozens of them. And all of them were amazing.

  I was a son of a billionaire; what type of women do you think I should choose? Now I realized that all my past choices were a load of crap. I was dazzled.


  Chapter 2

  When the dinner was over (I hardly spoke to anybody), my dad suggested that I go and take a stroll in the garden with Tyler. He probably wanted to stay alone with his new wife. I just nodded. As you wish, daddy!

  The garden was enormous, but I knew all the paths.

  “This way leads to a fountain,” I explained, “and this one goes to the pond. We can have a look at the birds if you want. There is an open-air cage right there, behind the trees.”

  I couldn’t recognize my voice. A self-confident, successful, attractive son of a billionaire (the one I used to be) turned into a shy schoolboy who was dreaming of a beauty’s kiss.

  I heard an ironical voice in my head. Really? That’s what you’re doing? Dreaming of a step-sister? Come on! She’s your enemy!

  “Birds work just fine for me,” she smiled.

  We picked our way towards the bird cage. My mom used to like the birds’ singing, and it was she who spent hours in this part of the garden. My dad wasn’t really interested in birds, and me neither, but now I was ready to do anything for Tyler. Girls adore animals. A good start. A start? What are you talking about?

  We stopped right in front of the cage. The sun was playing in the leaves of the old oaks, and spots of light trembled on the ground. The birds were warbling and flying from one bench to another.

  “It’s so beautiful here,” Tyler said. “What are these birds called?”

  She stepped up to the cage. She was so engrossed watching the colorful featherings...

  I realized I look at her as if I’m charmed. Her fair hair and these wonderful black eyes! How can it be? She looks so special; Mother Nature must have developed a new pattern to create someone like Tyler. I was sure blondes have either blue eyes or green. Or at least grey. Black though? Or are they dark-brown?..

  Don’t even think of her! Stop it!

  “What are you looking at?” Tyler asked.

  “Just your eyes,” I confessed. “They’re so special.”

  I tried to look as confident as I could. Lying is a game for weaklings.

  “They are,” she said smiling cunningly.

  She’s playing too, huh?

  I pulled together. I wanted to look cool and somehow irritated; at least that’s what I was planning on my way home.

  “So you’re my sister now, right?” I said. “Your mother was quick.”

  Tyler didn’t show she was hurt by my sarcastic tone. Or was it not sarcastic at all?

  “They both were,” she said carelessly. “They seem to love each other.”

  “To be frank, I’m not sure one can develop a sincere feeling so fast,” I wanted to sound serious, but I heard a doubt in my voice instead.

  “Love is magical,” Tyler smiled. “It comes when you don’t expect.”

  “You seem to be an expert.”

  Is it an irony? Oh please. You sound lame.

  “I’m not,” she said. “But I want to believe that’s how it works.”

  “I mean my father was single for such a long time.”

  “My mom too.”

  Tyler got a bit upset.

  “My parents divorced when I was ten,” she said.

  “Really? What a coincidence. I was the same age,” I was surprised.

  “Hi, fellow-victim,” she extended her hand for a handshake.

  I laughed and did the same. Tyler’s skin was silky and smooth, and I wished I could kiss her hand instead in an old-fashioned manner.

  What a good pretext, right?


  Chapter 3

  That’s how my new life started. Our bachelor, men-only house transformed. Oh, women. Olivia got down to decorating, painting, buying cute (silly!) vases, changing curtains, carpets, upholstery… It was like a tornado. But I wasn’t the only one who chuckled.

  Tyler supported me.

  “She’s so fidgety,” she said one night when we met in the hall. “Trust me, I feel for you,” she smiled. “My mom has always been like that. She just loves changes.”

  “Do you want to escape?” I smiled too.

  “I’d love to!”

  She looked as happy as a child.

  “I’m so new to this town. Can you show some good places? Or…” she hesitated. “Can you introduce me to your friends? I know nobody here!”

  It’s just an excuse, you know? She’s trying to get you. I shook my head.

  “Of course! I was going to Charlie’s party. He’s my friend. Come with me,” I suggested.

  “Great!” Tyler nodded and took my hand. “Then let’s go.”

  An ironic voice in my head kept on whispering something mean, but I didn’t care. I wanted to get to know my new sister, and she didn’t object.

  The party was in full swing. Charlie’s parents left to Bahamas, so he was getting loose. There were all my friends here, but I didn�
��t feel like hanging with them; at some point I realized I wished I could stay with Tyler alone.

  Not today!

  Tyler was having fun. She was so outgoing and gorgeous in her tiny black dress that I couldn’t even think of turning away. She laughed and laughed; she drew everybody’s stares.

  “Dude, don’t you mind if I hook up with your sister?” my friend Alex asked, when we were drinking beer by the pool.

  I gave a start. Of course, you don’t mind. She doesn’t belong to you. I did mind though.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” I said.

  “Why? She’s such a toots!”

  “I said no.”

  “Wait. Are you jealous? Dude, she’s your sister. Don’t forget!”

  “She is. And I know you. That’s why: no.”

  I was inexorable. I felt I would punch Alex if he asks me once again.

  “Oh, come on. Just a drink! And may be some more.”

  He gave me a speaking glance. It was too much.

  The crowd around us gasped. I punched my old friend in the face, and he fell on the floor.

  “What’s wrong with you, pal?” he asked, rubbing his nose. “Are you crazy?”

  Yes, you are!

  I caught Tyler’s inquiring look.

  “He was too pushy,” I explained to her and left.

  I hated now everything; the idea to come to the party, to take Tyler with me, to show her to my friends… I hated myself too. For being so silly.

  She’s your step-sister!

  I didn’t want to think of Tyler as my family. She wasn’t related to me at all; my father was married to her mother, but that was it.

  Nothing! There was nothing between us. Apart from this burning feeling I developed lately… How can it be? Did I fall for her? I had always been sure I can’t possibly fall in love with anybody; now it was my step-sister. So lame!

  I recalled her slim, curvy body in her tight, black dress, her ebony, glowing skin, her black eyes and her deep, piercing look. Tyler was perfect. She was a goddess; a goddess who is not allowed to be loved by a simple human.

  “It was awesome.”

  Tyler caught up with me in the dark street. I turned to see a gentle, tender smile.

  “Did you do it for me?”

  I nodded.

  “Alex is such an asshole,” I said.

  “I’m glad you’re not. That’s what the real brothers should be like. You know, I was afraid you’ll hate me,” she said. “This marriage of your dad… And my mom… I know, it’s hard. And I’m so happy you are not angry with me.”

  I was surprised to hear that. She was afraid… How can a goddess like her fear anything?

  “Thank you,” Tyler smiled and took my hand.

  It was too much for me; I just realized I will do it. I’ll kiss her. Now or never. And I did.

  I took her in my arms and pressed my lips against her. She was sweet and as tender as her voice was; she didn’t push me away and gave me a kiss in return.

  “What are we doing?” I asked, stepping back.

  Tyler smiled cunningly.

  “I think my brother just kissed me,” she said.

  “Your step-brother.”

  Tyler drew closer to me. “I don’t care. Can you do it once again?”

  I breathed out. She felt the same. She wanted it.

  And I kissed her.


  Chapter 4

  I drove her home, and we entered the hall together, hand in hand. I couldn’t shift my gaze from Tyler. I still didn’t believe it.

  “Well, goodnight, my step-brother,” she said.

  “I think I’ll take you to your room. Just want to make sure you get there safely.”

  “Are there any dangers on my way?”

  Her eyes smiled.

  “I’m sure of it. Stairs, thresholds, dark corridors…” I said thoughtfully.

  “You’re right.”

  At the door of her room, Tyler took my hand. Without a word, she drew me inside and closed the door. I found myself face to face with her.

  “I think it’s too late to sleep. Don’t you think?” she asked.

  “Same here. I’m wide awake.”

  “So what are you up to?”

  Tyler was so unbelievably attractive when smiling so cunningly… I leaned over to her and kissed her lips.

  She circled her arms round my neck and pressed herself to my chest. She was trembling for she wanted me.

  I moved away for a moment.

  “Tyler, are you sure? It’s not right…” I didn’t want to say so, but I knew I had to.

  “Am I sure?”

  She looked at me with her wide, abyss-black eyes.

  “I’ve wanted it since the very moment I saw you. I don’t care our parents are married.”

  And she pressed herself to me once again.

  It was a wild, crazy night. I forgot all my doubts and fears. Did they really matter when I had a goddess in my arms?

  Tyler was so different. She kissed me gently and softly, stroking my cheekbones and chest; the next moment she turned into a lissome cat, a greedy lioness, and I felt on fire. I caressed her silky ivory skin, brushed against her curves again and again, looked in her black eyes and couldn’t get enough.


  Chapter 5

  We settled to meet in the greenhouse at midday. At breakfast, we were silent. My dad talked to Olivia and tried to engage us in their conversation as well, but we were trying too hard to hide there was something between us this night. I left the table first; then it was Tyler’s turn.

  There was no one in the greenhouse except for us. I was excited and worried at the same time. What are we going to do next? What if Tyler doesn’t want to go on?

  “I felt so good this night,” she whispered, coming closer.

  I felt relieved. Tyler hugged me.

  “I already missed you at breakfast. It was so weird!”

  She drew even closer. I felt a gentle scent of her lavender perfume. It turned my head. I couldn’t think of anything else; I just wanted to have Tyler in my arms forever.

  “What are we gonna do?” Now she looked serious.

  I wasn’t sure what to say. I realized I’d rather make love to her right here, in the greenhouse; it wasn’t the best place for such activities, and somebody could easily come in, but I didn’t care.

  “They shouldn’t find out,” Tyler said. She looked upset, and I feared she’d say we need to stop it. “We need to be more careful.”

  “So… Do you want to keep on?” I asked.

  “Oh my goodness, Ryan,” she pierced me with her look. “I want it so much!”

  She put her hand on my chest.

  “It’s so wrong, but I can do nothing!” she said. “When you kissed me last night… I felt so alive… so happy.”

  I breathed in her fragrance.

  “I have to tell you something, Tyler.”

  She gave me a look of inquiry.

  “It was a total mess when I found out my dad got married. I was angry, true. But when I saw you… It’s crazy,” I said. “I just couldn’t help. You are so… beautiful, charming, delicious…”

  She chuckled. “Delicious?”

  “Oh yes,” I smiled. “I just didn’t know what to think.”

  “I’m glad you changed your mind and you don’t hate me,” she smiled.

  “I don’t. Tyler, I think…” I made a pause. “I think I’m in love.”

  She was silent for a moment.

  “Oh, Ryan. This is so wrong,” she finally said.

  I felt like I was falling down the bottomless pit.

  “…but I believe I fell in love with you too,” she finished.

  I looked in her eyes. They were sparkling.

  “This is so wrong,” I repeated.

  “Oh, yes,” Tyler gave me a smile.

  “We don’t care though,” I resolved.

  Tyler reached out to kiss me.

  “Ryan? Tyler? Are you here?”

  We startled when the door of the greenhouse slammed. Chuckling, we moved away from each other and tried to look as calm as possible.

  “So here is Azalea, Rhododendron genus, Ericaceae family…” I said when my dad appeared in the passageway between the flowerbeds.

  Tyler was nodding to my words with the most serious look ever.



  Forbidden Desires

  Stephanie Books

   Copyright 2015 by Stephanie Books

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced

  in any way whatsoever, without written permission

  from the author, except in case of brief

  quotations embodied in critical reviews

  and articles.

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any

  person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  First edition, 2015

  Chapter 1

  Justin pulled his BMW up to the front door of his father Baxter’s house in Malibu not sure about how his visit was going to go, the last time he had visited from Grad school his mother and father were fighting again screaming how bad they wanted to have a divorce.

  From what he was told by his mother, after getting the divorce he had wanted so badly, he eventually ended up marrying a woman named Mandy only a matter of months after moving out of the house.

  Justin popped the trunk and grabbed his duffel bag out of the trunk and took off his sunglasses to admire the new house that his father and new mother-in-law lived in, it was right along the beach and even had its own personal access as well.

  Justin walked up to the door and rang the doorbell putting his sunglasses back on, hoping to hide the feeling of awkwardness behind them. Suddenly the door swung open to a women he didn’t recognize standing there barefoot with a smile on her face.


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