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Stepbrother: Forbidden Cravings: Stepbrother Romance Boxed Set

Page 9

by Heated Desires Publishing

  She looked a few years younger than his own mother and was wearing a white beach dress that had gold trim and a very steep neckline that showed off a little cleavage, “you must be Justin,” she said as she walked over to him with open arms. “My name is Mandy, your father’s wife,” she said as she took him by the hand and pulled him inside the house closing the door behind them.

  Justin was stunned to see that his father had married a woman who looked so young but it wasn’t really any of his business who his father decided to be with anyway.

  He watched as his step-mother circled around him looking him over from head to toe, making the awkward feelings that he had changed to just being uncomfortable, “my daughter Ashley would just eat you up if it wasn’t for your father and I being married.

  We have the same taste in men; tall, handsome, and strong with an uncanny sense of humor,” she said making Justin lightly blush.

  “You have a daughter?” he asked as he picked up his bag and followed Mandy through the house to the living-room, “yeah she’s just entering her second year at grad school…something about counseling,” she said sounding like she was losing interest.

  Justin looked out at the beach and saw the ocean reaching out as far as the eye could see.

  He took a look down at the beach and saw a young woman lying down on her stomach, reading a book while sun bathing. She had her black hair up in a ponytail and lightly bronzed skin, it was definitely a view that he could enjoy.

  “Ashley, come and meet Justin,” Mandy called out making the woman on the beach towel turn around and then stand up gathering her belongings and dusting the sand off of her toned and well-curved body.

  Justin raised an eyebrow as he watched her walk up the steps with her book and drink in hand and her aviator sunglasses covering her face.

  She walked into the room, leaving her sandals near the door, “He’s cute,” she said giving him a perfect white smile as she walked over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water to drink. Justin couldn’t help but stare as she placed the bottle of water against her mouth, everything felt like it was playing out in slow motion as he looked her over from head to toe once more and close up.

  Ashley looked over at him and smiled as she realized that he was staring at her and gave him a wink breaking his concentration, “Your father should be home any minute now, he ran out for errands earlier and wanted to grab something for you,” Mandy said with a smile. Justin stood with a smirk on his face as he nodded his head, “So where is my room?” he asked wanting to lay back and relax before having to deal with his father and the possible drama coming with him.

  “I’ll show you where your room is,” Ashley said with a devious smile as Justin picked up his duffel bag and walked over to the stairs following her, “It’s right across the hall from mine,” she said looking back over her shoulder down at Justin from the first step.

  Ashley continued walking up the stairs in front of Justin who watched her hips sway with every step she took, “Here it is,” she said holding a pointed finger out to her right while biting her lip.

  Justin gave her a flirty smile and took off his glasses showing her his bright blue eyes, “Thanks,” he said walking through the door watching as Ashley walked into her room and slowly closed the door behind her.

  He threw his bag on his bed along with his sunglasses and looked out the floor to ceiling window over the bay and shook his head trying to get Ashley out of his mind, “That girl is going to get me into trouble,” he said to himself.

  Justin threw himself down onto the bed and stared at the ceiling eventually falling asleep on his stomach. Suddenly, he was awoken by a hand running through his hair.

  After a few minutes of slight moaning, Justin realized that someone was touching him and jumped up and turned himself around onto his back while lying on the bed. Justin rubbed his eyes and realized that it was Ashley standing over him and the sun was beginning to set.

  “I tried shaking and poking you, nothing was working until I started running my hand through your hair,” she said with a smile. Justin looked Ashley over head to toe and noticed that she was wearing some jean shorts and a black tank top with black lace for the trim, “Dinner is ready, your dad saw you sleeping and decided to let you rest,” she said before turning around and looking back over her shoulder at Justin as she left the room.

  Justin stood up and stretched his arms and legs before looking himself over in the bathroom. He decided he should probably change into something more comfortable.

  He rummaged through his duffel bag and found a white shirt and black cargo shorts. He took off his shirt and threw it to the floor when he heard a noise from behind him.

  Justin turned around quickly to see Ashley watching from the doorway. He turned around and smiled as he showed off his pecks and six packs for her to see.

  He could see the desire burning in her eyes, and wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and have a night of passion. But, the problem was that they were now related through their parents’ marriage. “Sorry, they sent me to check on you,” she said as Justin turned towards her, displaying his six pack and pectorals before sliding his shirt over his head.

  “I'll be down in a minute, I just wanted to change into something more comfortable,” Justin said with a smile on his face as Ashley began to blush, “I'll let them know,” she said as she stumbled back into the hallway and down to the kitchen.

  Chapter 2

  After changing, Justin walked down to the kitchen and saw everyone sitting around the table, hearing the clinking of silverware on plates and the sips of wine in the silence.

  Justin took his seat at the table and looked around as everyone ate quietly when his father finally broke the silence, “You're looking pretty good, it seems like school is working out for you,” he said with a smile on his face. Justin was somewhat shocked to see how his father was behaving.

  He was used to the sarcasm but thought that he should keep up with the conversation's momentum, “Thanks, school is going really well actually,” he said before taking a bite of his food. “I see that the women of the house have been treating you well,” he said with a soft chuckle. Justin gave a smile to the Ashley and her mother Mandy.

  “The ladies have been very nice to me since I arrived actually,” Justin said while looking over at Ashley in the corner of his eye, “That's good, do you have any plans while you're here?” Justin's father asked, continuing the pleasant conversation with his son.

  Justin looked around the table and placed his fork on his plate and cleared his throat, “I was just taking it easy, I don't really have any plans for while I'm here,” he said putting his hands on the table, “Why do you ask?” he said somewhat sarcastically to his father sitting across the table.

  “I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the family cabin.” Ashley said cutting into the conversation, “School has been crazy for me and I know that I could use a break from reading, papers, and even the city life.

  So what do you think?” She said sitting anxiously while waiting for Justin to answer. Justin took a bite of his food and nodded his head smiling, “Yeah, I think that sounds like a good idea,” he said looking over at Ashley wondering what she was thinking.

  “It sounds like you guys will have a good time, at least it will give us some time alone,” Justin's father said winking at his wife Mandy with a smile.

  After dinner, everyone headed to their rooms for the night. Justin headed up to his room and watched as Ashley cracked open her door and watched him walk into his room. He turned around and smiled at her with a wink before shutting his door behind him for the night.

  Justin laid in bed and began to let his mind wander, he thought about how much he would want to get Ashley alone to himself and now he was getting the chance.

  What sucked is that they were now related by marriage since their parents were married and that it was frowned upon for people that close to be together. He began to realize how hard it was going to
be to avoid her when they were alone for a week in a log cabin without much to do. Eventually Justin fell asleep, dreaming about the week to come.

  Chapter 3

  As the sun rose, Justin woke up and began packing his bags after changing into a pair of jeans and a white shirt. He decided to wear his black boots since they were going out into the wilderness.

  He grabbed his bag and headed down to the kitchen where he poured himself a cup of fresh coffee and walked over to the floor to ceiling window and took in the view of the ocean and then to the beach where he saw Ashley doing yoga in the morning.

  He couldn't help but stare as she moved into a familiar position called the downward dog. He enjoyed the view of her tight rounded butt and thighs being caressed by her tightly form fitting yoga pants.

  After a few seconds, she stood up and eventually gathered her things and began running up the stairs to the house, realizing that Justin was there watching her.

  Justin walked out to the patio area where he met her with a smile on his face, “Did you have a good yoga session?” he asked and then took a sip of his hot coffee. Ashley smiled as she lifted her leg high onto the ledge of the patio and stretched her thighs while trying to catch her breath, “It was a needed stretch,” she said teasing Justin in her yoga pants and revealing tank top.

  Justin couldn't help but stare at her when she wasn't looking, “So when are we heading out to this cabin in the woods?” he asked trying not to sound too anxious to leave.

  Ashley turned around after finishing her stretches and walked up to Justin almost pressing herself against him while looking him in the eye, “Are you rushing me to leave with you to the cabin, Justin?” she asked flirtatiously. Justin began to blush as Ashley placed her hand on his chest, “I need an hour to shower and pack, is that okay with you?” She asked pouting her lips at him.

  Justin could only nod his head as she pulled her hand away and turned to walk back into the house. Justin took a deep breath to calm his pounding heart that beat in his chest, that was the closest that he had come to Ashley and if anything it was becoming more obvious that the two wanted one another, which only made it more difficult for them to stay apart.

  Chapter 4

  Justin waited downstairs for Ashley to meet him at the front door when they both were finally ready to leave. She ran down the stairs with her bag in tow wearing jean shorts and a white tank top with a green flannel shirt over it with her brown knee high boots on.

  Justin couldn't help but smile as she stopped in front of the door with her bag in hand, “Ready to go?” he asked her, reaching his hand out for her bag. Ashley nodded and gave him her luggage to put in the back of his BMW.

  The two of them climbed into the car and smiled at one another and pulled away from the beach side mansion in Malibu and headed to the family cabin in the woods.

  By the time the two of them arrived at the cabin, the sun was beginning to set. The view of the cabin over the lake was breathtaking as the two pulled up and parked the BMW, “And I thought the view of the ocean was beautiful,” Justin said while looking over at Ashley in the passenger seat.

  The two climbed out and grabbed their bags out of the trunk of his car and headed into the cabin turning lights on as they made their way through the comfy house in the countryside.

  Justin and Ashley unpacked their bags and made themselves comfortable on the back patio of the cabin overlooking the lake and watched the sun go down allowing the stars to come out and play. “So which room is mine?” Justin asked Ashley as she stared up at the night sky, “Well there are only two rooms. So I guess, you could have your pick of which one you want,” she said smiling over at him.

  Justin stood up and reached his hand out for Ashley to grab and helped her to her feet and walked inside together. Justin looked at the two doors that stood in front of them and then back at Ashley, “Ladies first,” he said while watching Ashley grab her bag and walk into the room on the right.

  Ashley slowly closed the door behind her batting her eyes at Justin. Justin waved and turned to grab his bag and headed to his room hearing Ashley's door close behind him.

  He took his bag into his room and tossed it at the foot of the bed happy that he had made it through the day so far without touching Ashley.

  Four days had gone by and Justin and Ashley were beginning to wear thin as far as keeping their hands to themselves when really all they wanted to do was ravage one another.

  “We head back to Malibu tomorrow,” Ashley said as the two of them sat on the back patio of the cabin eating their lunch. Justin tried to keep his eyes on his plate and not stare at Ashley who was wearing a black bikini that showed most of her curves.

  “Yeah, it'll be nice to get back to society after all of this,” said Justin sounding disappointed that they had to return and not spend another moment together.

  Ashley sighed after hearing what Justin had said and stood up and walked over to the balcony over the lake and leaned over looking down at the water seeing her reflection.

  Justin suddenly appeared by her side and placed his hand on the small of her back, “Are you okay?” he asked staring down at their reflection together.

  Ashley stood up and turned to face Justin. She looked up at him with his hand still on the small of her back. Justin loved the feeling of her soft skin and began sliding his hand up and down her back as a way of consoling her about whatever it was that was upsetting her. He stared deep into her eyes feeling his body begin to grow warm as she stared up at him.

  Ashley placed her hand on his cheek and then slowly began to lean forward, closing her eyes as her lips met Justin's. Justin tried to hold himself back, his lips touched Ashley's and he could feel throughout his entire body from head to toe the passion he had for her.

  Ashley wrapped her arms around his neck as he took her into his arms and held her tightly against his body. He couldn't fight back his feelings any longer for Ashley as she dug her fingers into his back as the two of them kissed deeply on the back patio of the cabin. Justin pulled away and looked down at Ashley as she smiled up at him with cool calm eyes.

  “So you do like me?” she said with a light chuckle. Justin leaned in once more and kissed her softly slowly parting her lips with his tongue tasting her sweet lips as he lost himself in their longing for one another.

  Ashley pulled herself away and took Justin by the hand and lead him into the cabin and then into her dark room that was lit with candles and had soft music playing in the background.

  Chapter 5

  Justin laughed as Ashley turned to look at him shrugging her shoulders, “It looks like this was all a plan,” he said pulling her in closely sounding very sarcastic, Was it that obvious that I liked you?” she asked batting her eyes at him.

  The two leaned in and once again kissed each other passionately. Justin let his hands begin to wander over Ashley's body feeling every dip and curve of her body. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest as the two stood there in the dark loving on one another, Ashley slid her hands under Justin's shirt and ran her hands over his stomach feeling his six pack and then his pectorals making her breath heavily as the excitement between the two of them grew.

  Justin lifted his arms and Ashley slowly slid the shirt off and over his head, tossing it to the floor next to them as she kissed his chest leaving a trail of kisses down to his navel and then back up to his lips, feeling his skin graze hers making her body quiver.

  Justin slid off his sandals under the bed and led Ashley to the bed where he laid her down gently in her bikini that she wore just for him, “Do you think we will regret this?” she asked Justin who slowly climbed over her and looked her in the eye. He shook his head and kissed her on the forehead and smiled, “I know I will never regret this, I thought you were beautiful from the moment I met you. I think you are amazing Ashley,” he said being open and honest with her.

  Ashley looked up at him directing another bright smile in his direction before pulling him down to her for a kiss. She pla
ced her hands on his back as he climbed in between her legs wearing nothing but his surfer shorts while he kissed her neck softly as she gasped for air and moaned lightly in his ear from his touch.

  Justin lifted Ashley up and kissed her on the shoulders as he unlaced her bikini top from behind and lifted it over her head before tossing it to the floor, “You are so beautiful,” Justin said as he looked over her while she laid on the bed with only her bikini bottoms on somewhat shy about Justin seeing her body.

  He leaned over and kissed her collar bone and then trailed his kisses to the curve of her breasts and teased them with her with his tongue while squeezing them firmly with his hands making Ashley moan out loud.

  Ashley wrapped her legs around him forcing his hips to thrust forward pushing his rock hard member to press against her moistened sex. Justin began breathing heavy as he threw himself down on her thrusting himself against her feeling her sex on his through their clothing, it made him want her even more.

  He sat up on his knees and looked down at Ashley who leaned forward and began kissing his stomach, nibbling where she could, making Justin grit his teeth as he gasped for air.

  He slowly untied his surfer shorts and slid them to the floor, springing forth his rock hard member for Ashley to see. The look on her face was shock not just at the mere size but that it was throbbing in front of her waiting for her touch.


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